Chapter 411 Soldiers are also human beings

After a brief inspection, the people behind Chen Fan were all on the list of family knights and knights' attendants.

They entered the city smoothly, taking less than a few minutes in total.

These are the benefits that power and status bring.

Following the direction pointed by the soldier, Chen Fan quickly led everyone to the logistics camp.

This is much bigger than I imagined.

It occupies an area as large as two western districts, and it is all used as a logistics military camp.

In a victorious battle, 70% of the effort is made by the desperate soldiers on the front line, while 30% is accounted for by the logistics.

Many times, what both parties are fighting for is sustainability.

If you have a full meal before a fight and have enough equipment, you will definitely be able to beat your opponent by a lot before the fight begins.

The logistics barracks is ridiculously large, including a food area, equipment area, labor area, supplies area, etc.

Different regions naturally do different things.

Chen Fan took the appointment letter in his hand and came outside a row of three-story office buildings.

And here is the command post of the logistics camp!

This command post can be called the heart of the kingdom, and all logistics movements must be based on the orders issued here.

There are at least a hundred military orders sent out from here every day, and the various materials transported are a terrifying number.

As soon as Chen Fan and others approached, they were stopped by heavily armed sentries at the door of the command post.

After showing his identity, Chen Fan was put into the command post alone. Even the bodyguard, Madman, was not allowed to enter.

There were several small buildings with different signs hanging on them, which were easy to identify. Chen Fan quickly walked towards a small building on the right.

Over there was the Logistics Operations Department of the area where Chen Fan was serving this time. He looked up at the sign.

"The Second Eastern Theater Logistics Command Post."


The seven human kingdoms living in the corner of the western continent have been at war with the powerful orc empire all year round, and have long formed a defense line that can separate the continent.

In this ridiculously long defense line, each kingdom is responsible for part of the defense line separately or jointly with each other.

As for the Iron Gale Kingdom, the area it needs to be responsible for is not small. The very long defense line naturally needs to be divided into five areas.

This time, Chen Fan arrived and reported to the Second Eastern War Zone, which was also the kingdom's defense line and the most border area.

The Eastern Second War Zone is an area shared by the kingdom and the neighboring Yale Kingdom.

This is a line of defense built with Neverwinter Fortress as the central base and seven military fortresses respectively.

The Iron Gale Kingdom is responsible for four of them, and the Yale Kingdom is responsible for three of them. Both parties jointly guard the Neverwinter Fortress.

The Crimson Legion, which had made a mistake before, took advantage of one of the military fortresses and stepped directly into the orcs' trap.

Not only was the entire Crimson Legion captured, but also a large number of outposts placed outside the military fortress in the Eastern Second Theater were directly captured by the Orc Legion.

Of course, Chen Fan had no idea about the situation on the front line at this time. He only knew that he needed to go to this area next.

As soon as I entered the small building of the command post, I saw waves of curses coming from the office with the door wide open.

A fat officer wearing a deputy army commander-level military uniform was loudly reprimanding the subordinates in front of him.

This officer is so fat that one can't help but worry about whether he can fit into his military uniform, as if he has been pregnant for several months.

This is consistent with Chen Fan's guess. Sitting in this position, I don't know how much oil and water can be harvested.

Don't think that if you join the army of the Iron Gale Kingdom, you won't have such dark things. On the contrary, many nobles have made their fortunes by relying on these.

The other party was cursing, and Chen Fan had no intention of going in to be scolded, but just stood outside and listened.

The angry curses resounded throughout the corridor, causing everyone who came and went to avoid this place.

"You bunch of trash!!"

"The general's military order has come down, ordering us not to delay any longer and to re-establish the logistics routes between Neverwinter Fortress and Deep Valley City as quickly as possible!"

"The general accused our East Second District of being incompetent at the meeting, and I even got spit on my face."

"I'm asking you for the last time. Answer me right away. Who among you is going to solve the logistics of this deep valley city?!"

Those radish-like fingers almost pierced the table board.

The seven or eight officers, who were scolded by the fat officer, did not dare to raise their heads. They all lowered their heads and pretended to be ostriches.

Keep scolding, keep pretending.

In the end, these guys succeeded in making the fat officer slam the door and entered the office.

It wasn't until their chief entered the office that anyone dared to complain in a low voice.

"It's not like everyone doesn't know that the orc cubs in that area haven't been completely eliminated yet."

"Brother Jeff, who went to take over from the front, had just laid out the new route, but he was attacked by orcs in three or two days, and even his own life was lost on the battlefield."

"The soldiers of the advancing legion don't know what to eat. They are purging and purging every day. The result is that there are always orc cubs who can sneak into the defense line."

"Going to Deep Valley City now, what's the difference between that and dying?"

Everyone in the office lowered their voices and kept complaining.

Although the officer was angry, he could only continue to be angry.

Those sitting in the office are all veterans who have been in the army for who knows how long.

If any one of them is forcibly assigned, then when they get to the front line, they will work hard every day, causing delays in fighter planes. In the end, it is the commander himself who will be criticized.

The most he can do is demote their positions. What's the use of just demoting their positions?

Since I haven't completed my military orders, I have to pack up and leave.

Moreover, this group of veterans did have an excuse. The advancing legions responsible for seizing the position had suffered successive defeats, and now they could only huddle in Deep Valley City, not daring to go out.

The legion is responsible for killing the enemy, and the logistics is responsible for transporting food.

If the advancing army didn't do a good job, then they could naturally find excuses to delay.

However, this kind of thing happens every day on the battlefield.

Even soldiers are human beings and can be afraid and lose courage.

Especially, after just facing a disastrous defeat, it is estimated that in this war zone, during this period, everyone will kick the ball to each other like this.

In the midst of this embarrassing scene, Chen Fan slowly opened the door and walked into the command post.

Without any more nonsense with these veterans, he strode straight into the office of the obese chief just now.

Danger often represents opportunity. Hiding in the rear to transport some food is not what Chen Fan wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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