Football: A late bloomer, starting with Leicester City

Chapter 189 New epic skills, afternoon tea date with Taylor

Chapter 189 New epic skills, afternoon tea date with Taylor (mainly writing emotional scenes)
  Now that the European Cup has reached this point, it can be said that it has entered a new stage.

From the initial preliminaries, to the initial group stage, and now, the eight best teams in Europe this year have all been decided to form the quarterfinals.

In the top half, the first round matchup is Poland vs. Portugal, and the second round is Wales vs. Belgium.

Overall, Portugal and Belgium are in better qualifying situations.

But if it is really put into the game, nothing is certain, and the exact opposite is also possible.

As for the second half, the first round of the showdown is between Germany and Italy, and the second round is between France and dark horse Iceland.

In this European Cup, the host country's path to promotion was not bad. Their opponent was Ireland in the top [-], and they met Iceland in the quarterfinals.

However, this is definitely not a shady operation or anything. France itself has the strength to win the championship, so it can only be said that it is luckier.

While the outside world was discussing the news about the internal strife in the Belgian team, Chen Yufeng had already returned to the hotel on the night of the game, preparing for a new wave of card draws.

He still remembered one of the high-level tasks, the task of scoring six goals to obtain an epic treasure chest.

If he is lucky and draws something good, it will definitely be a very good improvement for him now.

[It is detected that the host has completed the advanced task in Combination [-]: Score six goals in this European Cup! 】

[Reward the host with an epic skill treasure chest. Do you want to open it? 】

Hearing the voice in his head, Chen Yufeng couldn't help but rub his hands and said excitedly: "Open it."

[Epic-level skills are being extracted for the host, please wait! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting ‘Arnold’s ground-breaking pass’! 】

"A ground-breaking pass?"

Chen Yufeng's eyes lit up, and his body quickly changed. The arch of his right foot had a little more strength and control over ground passes.

He is definitely familiar with Arnold, the Prince of Liverpool.

Whether it was the subsequent Champions League corner kick assist that beat Barcelona or his threatening cross, Chen Yufeng was deeply impressed.

This is a very important point in Liverpool's lineup later, that is, the defensive ability is too weak.

Someone once joked that Arnold is worth [-] million euros, his offense is worth [-] million, and his defense is worth [-] million.

This shows that he has strong offensive and defensive attributes.

Chen Yufeng actually likes this skill.

Beckham's crosses are mainly high balls, curve balls, creating opportunities for headers or volleys.

Arnold is different. His low-level shots and crosses can often explode with huge force in an instant, traversing the entire opponent's small penalty area, creating absolute opportunities for push shots.

This is a very threatening ground cross skill!
  "We're all working together now, don't use passing skills again later." Chen Yufeng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

In his mind, with Beckham's high ball pass and Arnold's ground-breaking cross, his passing ability is almost top-notch.

This will greatly improve his ability to create threatening opportunities and increase his assist rate!

On the football field, it's not just scoring goals that's great. Sometimes, it's also a good feeling to get amazing assists and help your teammates score goals.

Of course, if Chen Yu were to be chosen, he would still prefer a fun goal hat trick.


The next day, Chen Yufeng, who had a rare holiday, received an invitation from Mahrez again and asked him to go out for afternoon tea together.

Mahrez was very anxious on the phone, saying something, Mr. Ranieri had something urgent to tell him, wait a minute, and asked him to come over.

But how could Chen Yufeng not guess that there was a high probability that this might be Ms. Taylor who had invited him before...

He still went today. On this sunny French afternoon, it would be a beautiful thing to have a cup of afternoon tea with such a Grammy queen.

When he arrived at a designated cafe in Bordeaux and told the waiter where he had booked, Chen Yufeng walked over.


"Is it the one who scored a hat-trick in the last game of the Belgian team?"

"It seems to be him, it must be him!"

"I didn't expect him to come here. Give me your phone!"

There was a commotion in the cafe, and Chen Yufeng soon saw four or five people dressed like football fans standing up and coming next to him.

"Can I take a photo with you?" asked a fan wearing a Hungarian jersey.

"of course."

Chen Yufeng hid for a moment at first, thinking that the fan was coming to attack him, but he laughed awkwardly when he found out that it was a group photo.

Then, he completed many fans' requests for photos and autographs, and finally walked into a box.

As he expected, there was no sign of Mahrez or Mr. Ranieri in the box, but Taylor Swift appeared here.

"It's so hard to get a date, so much so that I resorted to cheating." Taylor Swift made a gesture of invitation, smiled and motioned for Chen Yufeng to sit down first.

Today she is wearing an old-money-style white shirt, hip-hugging black hot pants, and a classic jazz hat. The overall look is very elegant and clean. Coupled with her light golden hair and gorgeous red lips, it is even more elegant. A bit brighter and textured.

"It's just that the competition task is too tight. I have a holiday today so I came here." Chen Yufeng smiled and sat down opposite Taylor.

"You mean you guessed it was me?" Taylor Swift raised an eyebrow.


After receiving this reply, Taylor Swift did not do anything too surprising. She just leaned closer and smiled: "It seems that you are quite experienced in this area. You are worthy of your age."

"Of course I can't compare with you." Chen Yufeng shrugged.

"Haha." Taylor smiled, pointed to the dessert platter in front of him, and asked, "Want some? Or some coffee drinks? I'm treating you today."

"I want it myself. I don't need dessert. I don't like sweet things very much." Chen Yufeng called the waiter and ordered a cup of lemon tea without asking for anything else.

During this critical period, it is better to pay attention to your health and avoid being exposed to too many drinks and high-calorie foods.

This may lead to a decline in his condition.

Taylor Swift kept looking at him from the opposite side, which made Chen Yufeng feel a little uncomfortable. She turned around and asked, "What's the matter with Ms. Taylor calling me over?"

"No, it's just a date."

Taylor Swift shrugged and smiled broadly: "I haven't had the experience of dating a football player, so I really want to experience it."

"Does it gain experience?" Chen Yufeng joked, turned around and took the lemon tea from the waiter, thanked him and drank it.

"It's just a special feeling, it's amazing."

Taylor Swift ate a piece of cake, with a lot of cream remaining on her red lips, and then said: "Guess where I got the idea of ​​going to watch the Belgian game." After seeing Chen Yufeng shaking his head, she pointed across the street That coffee shop.

That was exactly where Chen Yufeng and Lukaku and others went last time.

"Where is it?" Chen Yufeng smiled, "That's a coincidence."

"Of course, after more than ten days of watching the game, I found that I have fallen deeply in love with this sport."

Taylor Swift raised her hands with excitement, "The feeling of celebrating with the fans is really good, and it allows me to be involved."

"Love this sport?"

Chen Yufeng didn't quite believe it and asked, "Then what is offside?"

Taylor Swift:"……"

The atmosphere was awkward for a moment, but then it was covered up by Taylor's laughter, "You can't test me like this, but I can go home and check this question."

"Hahaha." Chen Yufeng laughed. Bullying beautiful women like this in his spare time is actually a good way to adjust his life.

From any angle, he is a normal man, not a eunuch.

If someone insists that they resist the time to rest and relax here, go out for a walk with a world-famous diva singer, or sit down and have a cup of afternoon tea together, or even in the name of a date.

There are only two possibilities.

The first type is that this person is a bit pretentious, the second type is that this person is very pretentious.

Taylor is indeed a bit of a showman, and even Chen Yufeng, who usually doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, knows this.

But this is not about marriage. Why dig out a person's past? He has no plans to get married now.

Just stop at the dating step.

“Do you want my album?”

Taylor Swift dug out her bag, took out two signed albums, and handed them to Chen Yufeng.

After a few words, the two of them no longer felt as reserved and awkward as when they first met, and they became a little more familiar.

"I don't usually listen to music, but I can keep it."

Chen Yufeng took the album and opened it. The packaging was very exquisite, and it would be a good ornament to keep at home.

"Since you guessed it was me, didn't you prepare a gift for me?" Taylor Swift continued, moving her head closer to Chen Yufeng.

"I'm just guessing, not sure. Am I going to bring a flower to meet Mr. Mahrez and Mr. Ranieri?" Chen Yufeng retreated tactically, picked up his drink and drank.

After a pause, he asked again: "Aren't you usually busy? Why can you stay here for so long?"

"My life is really full, everything is regular and I'm used to it."

Taylor Swift has opened up the conversation. It feels good for the two of them to sit here and chat. At least it's not too embarrassing, which is actually quite good.

"But sometimes I think, why not step away and focus on my interests at a certain period of time to find some freshness in the repetitive life."

"Of course, I can't live like this for too long, otherwise I will feel chaotic and feel that everything is out of my control. Do you understand what I mean?"

After she finished speaking, she stared at Chen Yufeng, her eyes full of longing, as if she hoped to be understood.


Chen Yufeng nodded and explained: "Your career has been very successful, and you have basically won all the awards you can win."

"As we continue, our influence will continue to increase and fans will become more sticky, but it may inevitably feel repetitive."

"Sometimes, you want to find some new fun, but you don't dare to put down your career for too long, because this has been your life and a part of your life since you were a child."

"Yes!" Taylor's eyes lit up, and after shaking off his hand, he happily extended his right hand towards Chen Yufeng, as if he had met a confidant.

Chen Yufeng smiled and shook hands with her. After feeling the coldness in his hands, he added: "For me, football has actually become a part of my life from a long time ago. I can't leave football."

"But obviously, the two of us have taken completely different paths. You became famous at a young age, and I was a late bloomer."

"Hahaha." Taylor laughed, his bright eyes and white teeth were very beautiful, "But now it seems that you are very close to success, whether it is football or other aspects."

She has always been a very confident person, which is related to the success she has gained since childhood and the characteristics of American girls. "After all, few people will let me date twice."

"If you say so, it seems to be true."

Chen Yufeng shrugged and caught this sentence, and then smiled; "But not for me, I still have more pursuits."

"I really want to win all the awards and honors in the football world."

"This is what I love most. If I am not the most successful in it, I will feel that there is no point in doing anything."

There was a hint of appreciation in Taylor Swift's eyes, "But for athletes, it seems really difficult to win all the awards?"

"And age is also a big issue. I probably know that after a person reaches the age of thirty, many things in the body will decline."

Chen Yufeng nodded first, then shook his head and said: "If something is simple, then it will not become anyone's pursuit."

"Then I wish you success."

Taylor Swift stretched out her hand towards Chen Yufeng again, and the two shook hands again, then took two sips of the drink and stopped talking.

As we all know, once a man and a woman are dating alone, once they stop talking, their eyes will almost involuntarily glance at each other's lips.

Especially when sitting upright like this.

Taylor pursed his lips, looked elsewhere, then turned his head and took a breath, as if he wanted to say something, and then pretended to be doing nothing.

Chen Yufeng just kept drinking milk tea, feeling the embarrassment of the atmosphere and having some urge to leave.

There seemed to be something blocking the space between the two of them, but it seemed like it could be broken open in an instant.

If not, then Taylor would not invite Chen Yufeng here in the name of a date, and the two of them would not talk aimlessly here for so long.

"I might have to leave, thanks for the album."

Chen Yufeng stood up, picked up the album in his hand and said, "If you can come to the next game and I can score, I can promise you a celebration."

"Okay, of course I'll come and see."

Taylor nodded, stood up with a slight blush, and was about to put on the mask and walk out of the cafe, but put it down the moment before putting it on.

She came to Chen Yufeng, raised her head, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you want to kiss me? I hope this will be a celebration for me."


(End of this chapter)

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