Football: A late bloomer, starting with Leicester City

Chapter 219 Does the pear flower smell fragrant? Master of Variations at Stamford Bridge

Chapter 219 Does the pear flower smell fragrant? Master of Variations at Stamford Bridge (please vote for me)

Hazard's dribbling breakthrough began. His rhythm was very fast. This distance was enough for him to start the initial speed.

The two central defenders of the French team, Koscielny and Umtiti, instantly became nervous and panicked, which paved the way for Hazard's breakthrough.

This is a normal emotion. In the finals, after being behind, just after a goal was recovered, the opponent came to the penalty area again. All kinds of elements were intertwined, making the two people's legs feel like they were filled with lead!
  And this is also something that can easily be exploited by offensive players!
  After a simple fake shot with his left foot, Hazard cut inside the penalty area, directly shook off Koscielny, and volleyed with his right foot again.

Umtiti was already guarding against a fake shot. He was afraid that Hazard's continued cutting inside would directly break the French team's defense.


But what I didn't expect was that Hazard, the Stamford Bridge master of variation, directly threw the ball forward this time and did not continue to cut inside.

It's a change, an amazing change!

Hazard still thought carefully during the high-speed breakthrough and predicted Umtiti's prediction!

At this time, Umtiti was extremely embarrassed. Her legs were out of control due to excessive tension. After turning her weight towards the outside, she saw Hazard passing from the inside.

After the center of gravity of his body struggled with each other, he fell solidly behind him.

This goal is extremely close to the breakthrough when Messi knocked down Boateng in the Champions League!
  This is a criminal pass!

Hazard directly upset the French team's defense and volleyed the ball towards the far corner of the goal.

The football quickly hit the side netting, leaving Lori on the spot with a very desperate look in his eyes.

The ball went in again!

Belgium's third goal in the first half!

It happened just after the French had just regained some hope!


At this moment, Hazard clenched his fists tightly and roared loudly, blending in with the shouts of the Belgian fans at the scene.

Most people could only see his excited expression with his mouth wide open, but could not hear his shouts.

This is because there were nearly [-] Belgian fans at the scene, bursting into cheers with him at this moment!

Hazard even forgot to fly to celebrate. After scoring the goal, he stood there and roared.

Does this mean a release of pressure for him?
  Others don't know, they only know that this is an extremely exciting and extremely important goal!
  "Pear Blossom!!"

Chen Yufeng rushed to Azar's side, turned his back to Azar and motioned for him to jump up.

Azar quickly jumped on Chen Yufeng's back, and was carried by Chen Yufeng to start the parade and celebration, while excitedly answering the question, "Does it smell good?!"


Every Belgian player who came up later burst out laughing. They hugged each other and felt like they were dreaming.

Is this really the final?
  Did they really play so brilliantly that they led the French team by two goals in just one half? !

After a painful defeat in the first game, he entered the knockout round with difficulty, then he withstood the opposition from the Welsh team, and withstood the crazy opposition from the referee in the Portugal game, and now...

Everyone couldn't imagine that the last scene of the story would come so easily!

"Wow! The Belgian team actually expanded the score advantage immediately after the kick-off! Hazard's condition is very brave!"

In the CCTV commentary seat, even He Wei, who was used to seeing big scenes, found the scene in front of him a bit incredible. He raised his eyebrows and said: "He always seems to like to stand up and decide the outcome of the game in such crucial battles!"

"The Belgians rejected a one-goal lead and wanted to maintain a two-goal advantage until midfield!"

"The players of the French team have to accept this reality. Pogba's goal was offset by Hazard's goal. The counterattack they just organized came to an abrupt end at this moment!"

"Chen Yufeng, an easy assist!"


Pogba, the French team's goal scorer just now, was standing at the front of the French team's penalty area, with his hands on his hips and a very silly expression.

His eyes widened, revealing a lot of the whites of his eyes, which were extremely obvious against his black skin. Everyone could see his shock and confusion.

If I have to find a more appropriate adjective, his expression at this moment is a bit like Ba Shen thinking about life.

What the hell?
  The ball went in?

Didn’t we just score a goal and narrow the gap? !
  This is probably Pogba's psychological characteristics at this time.

He is probably like this, clear and chaotic, looking a little stupid and confused.

It's different for other French players. They are frustrated and miserable in a normal way.

Griezmann wiped his nose, frowned and walked towards the center circle again, looking in a bad mood.

Even Kante, who has always been relatively stable, now spread his hands towards Koscielny and Umtiti, as if he was helpless in their defense.

"Koscielny, prevent him from cutting inside. He will not pose much threat when he goes inside, and the angle is very small." Umtiti complained towards Koscielny, who seemed very speechless at the moment.

He knew that, like Boateng, he would be edited into a meme, circulated around the world, and be chatted about for the rest of his life.

"I can't help it. That place must be blocked. You are the last one, just stop." Koscielny was obviously unconvinced and replied directly.

Both players made mistakes in this ball, so how could he let Umtiti put the responsibility on his head?

"Stop arguing and play football! Don't you know what kind of game is going on here?" Evra came over and shouted, and his roar was more effective.

Even though he was beaten often and his performance was mediocre, he was still the big brother of this team.

The two central defenders of the French team calmed down a little and came together to high-five and reconcile. They really couldn't lose their mentality.

The halftime whistle sounded soon afterwards, and the players from both sides returned to the locker room to rest.


The scene immediately fell into a wave of red clothes, and the Belgian fans cheered for a long time, directly occupying the Stade de France.

"We will be the champions!" "Let's win the first European Cup in team history! We are the kings of Europe!"

"Paris? Saint Denis? Stade de France? This is indeed a good place to celebrate, romantic and full of our passion!"

"Hahaha, we are going to win this game!"

They were like infantrymen who had successfully attacked a city. They were celebrating crazily on top of another country's city.

As France, the host country, and also a famous local French person, it is undoubtedly very heartbreaking to see this scene.

But what can they do? The fans' confrontation is also based on the confrontation between the two sides on the court. When the French team is in such a situation, they can't say anything.

Now if you argue with the Belgians, you are just asking for trouble, and nothing you say is tenable!

Pain and sadness spread here. Even if no one left the game early, and even if they still believed that the French team had a chance to come back, they really could no longer maintain a good mood.


Not long after, the Belgian team locker room.

The players walked back for final replenishment and rest.

"I really thought it was going to be a tough game. We were going to be behind a few times and even go into overtime to decide the winner."

Vertonghen, who did not appear today, had been waiting for everyone. When he saw everyone coming in, he quickly said: "Who can imagine, brothers, three to one at halftime!"

"You guys did a great job, I seem to see the European Cup trophy has been moved into the locker room by us, hahaha!"

He seemed very cheerful, and even the sadness of not appearing was somewhat diluted.

"Okay kids, perfect halftime performance."

Wilmots also walked in, put down his appearance from the outside, shook hands with each player and high-fived, looking very excited, "We won the final victory, and then we celebrated together in the stadium, in the locker room, and returned. Let’s celebrate again in Belgium, okay?”

Having said this, he waved behind him, and an assistant coach quickly came over with four cases of beer and placed them on the table.

"Whether you want to have a good drink later or get drunk early and forget the pain and sleep early, the decision is all in your hands."

"Come on kids!"

Seeing the four cases of beer, many players immediately pursed their lips, as if they were a little greedy.

It's not that they like drinking, it's that they like the feeling of celebrating when they're drunk.

"I must taste the damn taste of this wine in my excitement." Hazard took off his sneakers and touched the outer packaging of the beer.

"Me too." De Bruyne also expressed his interest without hiding it.

"So the locker room is our first battle outside the court?" Chen Yufeng asked with a smile, looking forward to it.

"of course."

Mr. Wilmots replied, touched his belly and said: "Everyone can try today to see if the wheel battle can knock me over."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of laughter sounded here, and a relaxed atmosphere filled the place. Everything had not yet reached the final moment of release.

The Belgian players are all waiting for the moment when the final whistle blows.


On the other side, the French team's locker room.

All the players sat in their seats and said nothing.

Head coach Deschamps was holding the table with both hands at the moment, thinking about something with a serious expression, and also said nothing.

The then French Prime Minister Valls suddenly walked in from the outside.

Wearing a suit, with only one bodyguard by his side, he walked into the French team's locker room in a very friendly manner.

Obviously, this famous politician was also sitting in the stands on one side of the stadium today.

"Mr. Prime Minister."

Many French players saw him and immediately greeted him.

Valls waved his hand for everyone to sit down, and then said: "I definitely don't understand football tactics as well as Mr. Deschamps."

"But I hope that today at the Stade de France, you can retain the honor that belongs to France and keep this trophy in France."

"As you know, there are countless people outside looking at you, and all the French people are also paying attention to you today. They don't want us to return empty-handed."

At this point, his expression became more serious, "Boys, do something for France and bring people in this country together. This country needs your help."

His voice was not loud, but his words were loud.

This is a prime minister who loves football very much. He was criticized for taking a public plane to watch the 10 Champions League final.

He understands football and what football means to a country.

A victory in a major football match is worth countless impassioned speeches.

Seeing Valls' determined eyes, the French team players took a deep breath, as if they had found something again.

Yes, they are not playing for themselves, but also for France as a whole.

"Mr. Deschamps, the rest is up to you."

After Valls finished speaking, he was about to leave. He put his right hand on Deschamps' shoulder and said heavily: "If possible, let our people see a victory."

"I will try my best." Deschamps hugged Vals, then took out the tactical board and prepared to make some adjustments.

(End of this chapter)

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