Football: A late bloomer, starting with Leicester City

Chapter 320 Nuno wants to reverse the press conference? Shocking reaction from British fans

Chapter 320 Nuno wants to reverse the press conference? Shocking reaction from British fans (please vote for me)

The fun part came soon. In the post-match press conference, the media’s favorite diagonal press conference began soon.

Ranieri and today's biggest winner, Chen Yufeng, sat here together. They had really waited for a long time before they saw Nuno arriving late.

Nuno's face looked a little angry and absent-minded, as if he had not yet completely recovered from this game.

And it can be seen from his lonely figure that there seems to be no Porto player accompanying him to spend this last moment together. He is the only one who has been criticized by the media.

He is alone, but in a sense, this is his retribution, the retribution he gets after doing many wrong things.

"Eight to one, when this score appears in the Champions League group stage, it is very shocking."

A reporter quickly stood up and started asking questions, "But anyone who has watched the game knows who is the most important person who caused today's situation."

"So...Mr. Chen Yufeng."

"Can you tell us how you feel now?"

The reporter turned his attention to Chen Yufeng with deep shock in his eyes, "Every step you take seems to be accompanied by the breaking of countless records."

"Whether it's the fastest hat-trick in the Champions League before, the fastest four goals today, or the fastest five-goal score, these are new records."

"Even in the post-match comparison, your five-goal goal was faster than Lewandowski's. You only took 8 minutes and 58 seconds."

"This is another new record. Do you expect that when you retire, you will retire with the entire record sheet?"

Faced with this question, Chen Yufeng smiled and nodded, "Yes, every player expects to retire like this."

"I still have a lot of things I want to fight for, including records."

"Breaking records is a word I'm almost tired of hearing, but I won't really get tired of it."

"Say something else."

Chen Yufeng had a somewhat speechless expression, "Is it true that the records I have now are almost one page long?"

"You can say that, because you have really accomplished a lot of great things." The reporter suppressed a smile.

"So, you still think I will retire early."

Chen Yufeng was in a good mood and took the initiative to make a joke with the reporters. He waved his hand helplessly, "Another reason why I persist is to prove to you that I still have a long career."

"I'm the type that never grows old."

"Hahahaha..." The reporters in the audience laughed, but some reporters still looked livid.

Don’t forget, this is Portugal, and many of the journalists who come here are Portuguese journalists, even pro-Porto journalists.

Someone quickly stood up and asked: "We all know that it is a small probability to score multiple goals in a short period of time."

"Especially in six shots, five goals were scored, which makes people feel that it is full of chance and coincidence."

"Does Mr. Chen Yufeng think there is luck in this? Or, it is a coincidence in itself."

"Portuguese reporter?" Chen Yufeng cast his eyes on this reporter. He would not give face to such a person who frantically looks for opportunities to deny you and add insult to injury, no matter how good he is.

"I don't think, unless you admit it, Porto is a team with nothing, because if I faced Real Madrid and Bayern, they wouldn't give me so many opportunities in a short period of time."

He didn't care that Nuno was sitting next to him. Judging from Nuno's expression and reaction at this time, he seemed to be in no mood to listen to what they were saying.

"You shouldn't use insulting words at the press conference. Please stay calm, Mr. Chen Yufeng..." The reporter felt like he was gritting his teeth when he said the word 'sir'.

"The same words are given to you. Respect is something you have earned, not something I should have given you."

Chen Yufeng kept his sharpness and smiled.

The Portuguese reporter had to sit down, looking angry but unable to find a reason to say anything else.

"Mr. Nuno, do you think the team is about to collapse? Or is there some ulterior secret within the team, and some players are plotting something bad?"

The English reporter quickly stood up, glared at the Portuguese reporter and asked.

I really don’t think there are any English reporters here, trying to bully their team.

Don't forget, they are the victors today, they are the confident side.

He needs to direct the topic to the conflicts within the team. It is best to bring up some topics, such as the players joining together to replace the head coach, or other topics.

This is very serious and will seriously affect a club's reputation and popularity.

"I do not know."

Nuno still felt lost. He just shook his head slightly and said: "I only saw that we played very well at the beginning, our offense was very surging, and the players all performed at their highest level."

"If we had scored first, the result might have been very different, but unfortunately it was Leicester City who scored first."

"Huh?" The English reporter was immediately confused. This was the first time he heard someone say such a thing after a big defeat. "Do you think the players performed well?"

"Yes, everyone can see that we have been organizing an effective offense."

Nuno was almost stunned, and said without blushing: "We just need a goal. Being scored eight goals cannot cover up our performance."

"Losing goals is a common thing in football. We just scored a few more goals, but I think the performance of the players is still worthy of praise. We were not bad on the scene."

What's this?

Countless question marks appeared in the hearts of the English media. Even some local media reporters in Portugal were shocked by Nuno's answer.

Isn't this the time to find the problem and appease people's minds?

It's easy to say anything if you admit your mistakes well and take responsibility bravely.

Although eight to one is outrageous, it is not irredeemable.

Which drama is Nuno acting in?

Is it possible that he believes that a poor performance on the court can be turned around through a press conference?

So what is it now, Nuno hat-trick, Porto temporarily 4-8 Leicester City?

"With such a good qualifying situation, Porto ended up third in the group and missed the final Champions League knockout rounds."

The English reporter was stunned and continued the interview: "Is this a blow to the team? Will the board members be angry? Will you feel ashamed?"

"I don't think so."

Nuno continued to go crazy, "Porto has always been the dominant player in the Portuguese league. We still have the Portuguese Super League and the cup to play. The Champions League is not the most important to us."

“We can definitely compete for championships in these two events.”

Porto 5-8...

Nuno is still pushing his limits after his fourth birthday.

"This is not a blow, we are not losing everything, we still have the motivation to move forward."

"I have already said that a gain or loss in one game is nothing. Can many teams that enter the knockout rounds win the final championship?"

"I don't think the board of directors will think anything of it, at least we didn't lose the Portuguese Super League."

Six to eight!

Nuno’s five sons passed the exam and achieved the same achievement as Chen Yufeng...

Ranieri next to him did not answer a single question, but from the perspective of suppressing laughter, his contribution to this press conference was no less than Nuno.


"In a sense, Nuno has become the fastest coach in the world. After the game against Leicester City, he scored five goals but was unable to save the game." - British defender newspaper

When the Guardian, which has always been known for its serious and long articles, was the first to publish a ridiculing article after the game, everything became different.

The entire English fans were excited and joined the team that praised Chen Yufeng and Leicester City. Don't forget, Nuno had offended the entire English fans before.

Fans of every English team have made a pledge to stand firmly on their side and support Leicester City when they face foreign wars.

Especially when the opponent is Nuno.

"So can I understand that Nuno is the one who really broke the record? His fifth son was admitted much faster than Chen Yufeng, and it only took one press conference (smile)."

"Hahahaha, to deal with this kind of person, you have to defeat him! Although he will never accept it, let's see what happens soon!"

"Damn it, Chen Yufeng did a great job! I highly approve of this record! I also know that you were the best shooter in the entire English team that season (like, like, like)!"

"Don't use the prefix. Now I think Chen Yufeng is the best shooter in the world. He is a sharp knife, the sharpest sharp knife (excited)!"

"Even if he wins the Ballon d'Or in a few days, I won't be surprised."

"From an appreciation point of view, he did really well, and the entire last period of his career was indeed one miracle after another, and one turnaround after another!"

"Yes, on the bright side, the English league team has not produced a Ballon d'Or for a long time, and Chen Yufeng has filled our gap."

"Hope he gets it!"

"Nuno! Clown! I really can't think of anyone who can be more clown than him! Isn't get out of class over yet?"

"Don't let the get out of class end, let him lead Porto into the abyss! Hahaha!"

"Leicester City played well. I am optimistic about this team's ability to reach the last eight of the Champions League!"

"Going forward, it's just one step at a time. Each step represents a new glory. When Leicester City does not play against our home team, I am still very willing to expect them to win. Come on, you represent in the Champions League It’s the Premier League, England.”

"If Chen Yufeng was born in England, he would definitely be the new British Emperor! The only true king!"


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and people began to slowly turn the topic to the next point, the Golden Globe Awards.

The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony will be held on the night of the 13th local time.

Since FIFA has no longer cooperated with French Football, this year's Ballon d'Or Awards Ceremony will be hosted by French Football alone.

Having lost the right to be awarded simultaneously with many awards, this year's Golden Globe Awards will not be held as an exciting event.

On the day of the awards, only the final rankings will be announced on TV. The winning stars will also receive some of their awards individually and be interviewed by the media alone.

Don't get confused. The common awards such as World Football Team of the Year, World Footballer, Puskas Award, Best Coach, etc. will be held around January and February next year.

That one is from FIFA.

What is awarded now is only the Ballon d'Or awarded by 'French Football', and this is the only trophy.

The momentum for separate awards is still there, and fans around the world are not used to it.

However, even so, no one doubts the gold content of the Golden Globe Award. In a sense, people believe that the Golden Globe Award has always represented the World Footballer.

This is the most solemn and valuable award of the year.

Not only for himself, but also for his predecessors.

In the eyes of the world, people don't care too much about the final footballer winner. They are already used to this glittering golden football!


The next afternoon.

The Leicester City players who flew back to Leicestershire were in no hurry to go home.

The Champions League group stage schedule has come to an end, and they still have the final carnival ceremony yet to be held.

Mr. Vichai helped everyone book a hotel, and the players who had been hungry for a long time crowded in and started feasting and bragging.

Ranieri kept holding the phone, sitting next to the players with a smiling expression, and kept saying something.

"Hahaha, we enjoy this game, even if we don't help you, we will do our best."

"Of course, the conflict between Leicester City and Porto has long been established, and it is very serious."

"There is no doubt that we have made a comeback, and I wish you good luck in the knockout rounds of the Champions League."

Having said this, he turned his attention to Chen Yufeng, "Solbakken said that he wanted to thank you very much and asked you to answer the phone."

Chen Yufeng walked over with a smile, took the phone, and soon heard a voice coming from the other side.

"Incredible, you know? Yufeng, you are definitely the most popular one in the world now, I'm serious!"

"There is no coach who doesn't want to get you. They are absolutely willing to pay a high transfer fee and signing fee for you! There are also a lot of benefits!"

"To be honest, if you come to a club like Copenhagen, the team will even give you some management honors, and you can participate in transfers, etc.! You will become Director Chen!"

"Hahaha, I know that's not what you're after, but I'm just expressing my feelings. In the end, thank you!"

Chen Yufeng smiled slightly. Even if he couldn't see Solbakken's face, he could still imagine the strong Nordic man with saliva flying around and red cheeks on the other end of the phone.

"Like Mr. Ranieri, I wish you good luck in the knockout rounds."

After saying this, Chen Yufeng put down the phone and joined the team members' carnival feast.

They sang and danced, and someone opened a few bottles of champagne and sprayed it in the store.

"Based on our experience last season, as long as it is not clear what we are celebrating, we will not replicate Milan's champagne reversal!" Vardy said piously before opening the champagne.

Others also prayed, seemingly telling God in their hearts that they were not celebrating in the middle, but just for this beautiful moment.

It seems that the psychological shadow left by that game was very huge.

"I don't know if that's good news or bad news."

Drinkwater, who was eating, looked at his phone and suppressed a smile: "Porto officially announced that head coach Nuno is dismissed!"

"Good news and bad news?"

Morgan immediately ran over, grabbed the phone and held it up, "For us, this news is only good and super good, not bad!"

"This arrogant Portuguese finally got his comeuppance!"

"Hahahaha!" Mahrez laughed, standing on the stool and said: "Listen, there is only one sentence."

"As long as someone messes with us, we will kick him out of class! Let him leave office! Make him suffer!"

The players cheered, but Morgan felt something was wrong: "Mahrez, is that what we dismissed?"

"Isn't it Chen Yufeng?"

Chen Yufeng also looked back at Mahrez and joked: "Yeah, boy, you forgot, who completed the 95th Supreme?"

The scene was once again filled with joy. Everyone was joking and quarreling with each other, so happy.

New challenges may be waiting for them not far ahead.

But now, in this moment, they choose to celebrate what they have achieved during this time.

They can officially announce that Leicester City's first Champions League trip in the club's history has been a success!

They did everything they wanted to do!

First in the group, qualify!

(End of this chapter)

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