Football: A late bloomer, starting with Leicester City

Chapter 336 Want to take Chen Yufeng away before this season? 2 million is impossible!

Chapter 336 Want to take Chen Yufeng away before this season? 2 million is impossible! (asking for monthly ticket)

The award ceremony ended like this, but everyone knows that the story about this FIFA awards ceremony will be talked about by fans for many days.

It's like a game. When you watch it, you may just pass it by.

Any dissatisfaction and grievances, excitement and pride will be expressed after the game.

On the Internet, public opinion was overwhelming. Ronaldo's supporters and Chen Yufeng's supporters were arguing, all expressing their opinions.

"Yufengmi? Call me again?!"

"Champion of the Champions League, top scorer in the Champions League, I really don't understand, if this award is not given to Cristiano Ronaldo, who will be given it?"

"Just in one sentence, based on Ronaldo's performance last year, it would be outrageous if there was really nothing to gain."

"I can only say one thing. People recognized by UEFA and the Ballon d'Or are not recognized by FIFA. Aren't the people who voted the same group of people?"

"It's acceptable for Cristiano Ronaldo to win, but don't use this point to ridicule anything. That really makes you look out of place."

"Yeah, take it and take it, what do you call it?!"

"Bury your head in the bed and laugh secretly. Don't jump out and be a clown. If you scold Chen Yufeng, then I will scold you too."

"There is actually no conflict between the two players. I don't understand what you are arguing about. Does Chen Yufeng have to win a Grand Slam?"

"Maybe it's because he's older. They think if Chen Yufeng doesn't get it this year, he won't have a chance next year."

"Yes, after all, the team he plays for is Leicester City. This team is considered strong, but it does not have the strength to win the Champions League."

"Without the Champions League, even if Chen Yufeng miraculously wins the Premier League championship this year, there will be no competitiveness! Unless he also wins the FA Cup and breaks some records! He was lucky last year and encountered the European Cup. Met Belgium’s golden generation!”


The fans kept chattering, and it seemed that this was not an easy battle to end.

There are reasonable people mixed in, and there are also angry people mixed in. Coupled with the different positions of the two sides and the huge fan base, it is only the most basic to argue for several days or even more than ten days.

Not long after, Newcastle co-star Alan Shearer updated a message on his social media.

"Hello everyone, I just watched the FIFA awards ceremony. First of all, I would like to congratulate Chen Yufeng for being selected into the FIFA best team for the first time and winning the Puskas Award."

"But one thing I do have to say is that I think the World Footballer of the Year should go to Chen Yufeng."

"Is it really difficult to achieve a more legendary journey? Chen Yufeng is not unqualified. Does anyone think it is unreasonable for him to win the World Footballer of the Year?"

"Will not."

Alan Shearer shook his head helplessly and waved his hands: "I have to say, FIFA really stinks."

"Explain that I have never met Chen Yufeng. The praise I gave him before and the fight against him this time were not because we have a good personal relationship."

"I'm just telling the truth."

"I hope Leicester City will achieve good results in the Champions League this year. If they can enter the semi-finals, then I believe Chen Yufeng will be competitive next year. After all, they have a chance to win the Premier League championship."

Alan Shearer's speech on social media is as domineering and uninhibited as the way he scores goals.

He doesn't care that these remarks may bring a lot of abuse, create a big disturbance, and cause many people to lose followers.

He just fights for the players he admires.

This kind of character is also the reason why he is so popular.

Men should be more direct and direct, and don't engage in fancy tricks.

Not long after this speech was issued, this audio clip indeed made headlines in many countries and was well known to everyone.

In an instant, there was a lot of curses, and many Portuguese celebrities also joined in.

The first is Monk Pepe. His reputation at this time is not very good, but one thing is that he is very protective of his teammates such as Ronaldo.

Pepe appeared in the camera with a fierce look on his face, "If there are any retired players who come forward to say that Cristiano Ronaldo's World Footballer of the Year is controversial, I strongly encourage you to pay and then try my big flying tackle."

"It's not a threat, it's not a joke, that's what I really mean."

"Do you think Chen Yufeng is really strong? That's because he is in the Premier League, and that's because he has never met us!"

"He has suffered too few setbacks and experienced too few hardships."

Pepe pointed at the screen and sneered: "Here I also shout to Chen Yufeng, come to La Liga, because in the Champions League, you may not be qualified to meet us!"

His speech was extremely offensive, which is relatively rare.

They are all hanging out in the world, so they have to keep their integrity... After all, there are still many opportunities for everyone to meet. It is definitely not good for the relationship to become so tense all of a sudden.

But Pepe is not the kind of person who keeps things in check. He is the type of person who always thinks that he and the other party are in opposition. He even likes this kind of confrontation.

After he spoke, many celebrities in British football came forward to speak out, most of them criticizing Pepe.

Among them, award-winning guest Henry appeared online, condemned Pepe's statement and expressed his own thoughts.

"Yes, for me, this is a relatively sensitive topic because I am a guest at this award."

"But if I had to choose one, I think I would prefer Chen Yufeng to win the final Footballer and form an annual honor grand slam."

The barrage of 'No one has to choose one' passed by, which made Henry, who was live broadcasting in real time, smile, and then said: "I probably understand Pepe's intention to protect Ronaldo, but his approach is undoubtedly a bit extreme. of."

"This will not attract him fans, but will bring him bad reputation. As an active player, he should not behave like this. Everyone must control their temper."

"To be honest, I am looking forward to Chen Yufeng facing him in the Champions League. I am also looking forward to whether Pepe can form an effective defense against him."

"I hope everyone has the wisdom not to use the momentum to smash themselves in the foot."

In the last two sentences, Henry also showed his edge. His meaning was very clear, that is, Pepe, be careful of being slapped in the face.

A farce ends like this, or spreads with weaker intensity.

This won't be the end, this is just the beginning.


Chen Yufeng, one of the parties involved in the incident, received many interview invitations after returning to Leicestershire, but he declined all of them.

Now go to an interview, what to say?

Whining? Trotting people?

What role can that play? It's better to take a good look at the upcoming schedule and see where the opportunity to add points is.

The media is waiting to see his anger and dissatisfaction. When you have the power to refuse, don't show it to them.

Throughout January, Leicester City has three games left, namely the home game against Chelsea on January 1. This is a direct competition in the championship group, and the winner will secure the top spot for a period of time.

For both teams, this is undoubtedly a very crucial and important battle!

We must attack with all our strength to win the league championship!

After that, on January 1, Leicester City will have a match in the 22nd round of the Premier League. This time it is an away game. They will have a contest with Southampton.

The last game was the fourth round of the FA Cup. The opponent was Derby County from the second-tier league. "The time to add points should be after the FA Cup game."

Chen Yufeng murmured. By then, his physical fitness should have reached the watershed of around 80 points.

Directly choose 5 extra points, and then enter the February schedule.

By the time the Champions League round of 2 against Sevilla comes at the end of February, his physical fitness may be around 70 again.

This is definitely a more reasonable choice, neither sooner nor later.

"Get ready and get into the race."

Chen Yufeng muttered to himself, and then went out for his usual running exercise.

When he returned home in the afternoon, he also met Kante and Shinz Okazaki who came to comfort him, and then Mahrezvardi and others came.

By the end, even the whole team came over.

They were all very concerned about Chen Yufeng's mental condition, fearing that their captain would collapse after this award ceremony.

But after seeing Chen Yufeng's normal expression, everyone still smiled and joked with Chen Yufeng.

Chen Yufeng is indeed nothing.

It’s good to have a motivation point.

Since his performance last year did not win the annual personal honor Grand Slam, he will make up for it this year!

How to make up for it?

Everyone knows.


As the winter transfer window has been open for some time, after the major clubs' basic reinforcement and signings have ended, some clubs that like to catch big fish have also joined the competition for some players.

In the Leicester City head coach's office, Mr. Ranieri and Mr. Vichai sat here, frowning as they processed fax documents from other clubs.

The phone kept ringing, and the two people's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. You can imagine the irritability in their hearts.

"Quotations aside, who in the team wants to leave?" Vichai asked with some anxiety. He couldn't see these things. Mr. Ranieri may have a deeper understanding.

"Schlupp, Albrighton, and Danny Simpson all have a lot of desire to leave the team."

Ranieri named three names, but then shook his head and said: "Actually, overall it's okay. No one said he must leave. These three may just be thinking about it."

"Their agents have contacted me and asked for a more stable position and more playing time."

"But everyone knows that except for Danny Simpson who is still holding Chilwell down, the other two players have little chance to play."

"As the league enters the second half, games on all fronts have become critical, and I cannot increase my playing time as appropriate."

"But if someone in the team is injured, they are relatively core substitute rotation players. If they really leave, it will create a lot of hidden dangers for the club."

"Is there any news from Walsh? Has anyone discussed a suitable transfer candidate?" Vichai asked again.

Ranieri thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Yes, yes, but we won't always be on the same channel. I don't really want the players he gave him this time."

"If we can keep these people through salary increases, this lineup will be enough to finish this season. Our salary expenditure is already too large. If we spend a lot of money to buy some people, I'm afraid..."

Ranieri didn't say any more. He knew very well that Vichai was now supporting the club.

The high salary expenditure, the provision of supporting training facilities, and the provision of guaranteed medical equipment within the team all make the Chinese boss from Thailand a little frustrated.

If he didn't really love this club, Vichai would definitely not have invested so much money.

It is his open-mindedness and gritted investment that have given Leicester City such strong competitiveness this season.

"I will negotiate for a salary increase. Since you said so, I will definitely keep them." Vichai smiled and tried to appear calm.

"Actually, if we sell two or three people, the club can get a lot of blood back..." At this time, the operator on the side suggested.

Of course there is no position of operator now. This is just a staff member within the club who comes to help the two with some telephone negotiations.

Seeing that Vichai and Ranieri were silent, the operator added: "The maximum offer for Mahrez has been raised to 6500 million euros, and Vardy's 4500 million."

He swallowed and added: "Real Madrid is willing to buy Chen Yufeng for 9000 million euros, or rent Chen Yufeng for 2000 million euros + assuming 100% of his salary."

"I feel the intensity of their willingness, and if we are willing to talk, I feel that 1 million euros is also possible."

This is definitely a terrifying price. Chen Yufeng, who was nearly 32 years old at the time, was already at the end of his career.

Being able to receive offers worth hundreds of millions of dollars means that his performance really shocked the world.

As for the subtle relationship between Chen Yufeng and Ronaldo?

Don't worry, as long as Chen Yufeng is willing to transfer, Florentino Lafayette will definitely be the first to intervene and try to make the two of them good friends.

Since the beginning of the superstar plan, Florentino has been eyeing the super stars in world football and constantly looking for transfer opportunities.

There were rumors that he had communicated with Messi in the early days.

"Ding ring ring..." The phone rang again. The operator looked at the two people without speaking and turned around to answer the phone.

"Hello, Leicester City Club."

"Barcelona? Hello. Mr. Ranieri is not here, and Mr. Vichai is in a meeting right now. If you have anything, just tell me and I will convey it to them."

"You mean the fax that was sent? Was it just sent?"

"I do not have access to the club's computers, please inform me of your wishes."

"How many?!"

The operator suddenly shouted, then slowly put down the phone and looked at Vichai and Ranieri with shock.

After a while, he quickly picked up the phone and said goodbye: "Thank you, I will convey it."

After hanging up the phone, the operator looked at the two people again, and then said a price with a trembling mouth, "Barcelona is willing to sign Chen Yufeng for 1 million euros."

"They want to have a conversation with you and ideally have contact with the players."

Despite the calmness of Vichai and Ranieri, they also fell into a brief hesitation after hearing the offer.

But then they quickly shook their heads and said: "We refuse to contact them. Chen Yufeng is not for sale to us. Everyone knows how important he is to us."

"At least, no club can take away Chen Yufeng before the end of this season."

"Even if we offer a price of 2 million euros, we don't want to let him go."

(End of this chapter)

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