arcane emperor

Chapter 141 The Victory of Arcane

Chapter 141 The Victory of Arcane (5 updates)
Bloodhand Karn rushed over crazily, cutting down and tearing apart more than 10 monster knights along the way.

Then he found nothing.

This terrifying monster suddenly fell into complete madness, began to be attracted by flesh and blood, turned around, and prepared to attack the camp.

All the monsters blocking the way were swept away by him with his axe, and they were cut in half.

In just a few dozen meters, Blood-Hand Kahn killed nearly a hundred monsters.

He screamed and roared wantonly, turning into a real monster, and once again killed himself in front of the wall.

It was after seeing his wreaking havoc that the soldiers working hard to defend the wall felt heartfelt despair and fear.

The Arcanist died!

The wall has also been broken!
Who will save them?

This time, the one standing in front of him was Beelzebub!


The two big axes collided together, and Beelzebub felt a stinging pain in the tiger's mouth, and the blood in his chest surged.

He did not choose to retreat, but stood firmly in front of the gap, the whites of his eyes bloodshot.

He took a deep breath with all his strength, aimed at the bloody-hand Karn who was charging towards him, and swung his ax again.

The terrifying impact passed through his body, and Beelzebub felt a sweet sensation in his chest, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The whole body flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

His head was dizzy, his vision was blurry, but waves of reluctance welled up in his heart:

"Is that still the case?"

"Am I always going to fail?"

Unspeakable anger rushed into Beelzebub's mind.

An indescribable force emerged from within his body.

He roared crazily, roared, struggled to stand up, dragged the blood-stained axe, and stood in front of Bloody Kahn again.

Before he could launch an attack, his entire body was shot out, and he fell heavily to the ground in front of the tent.

Anger will not bring miracles!

The violent blood-handed Karn rushed forward with twisted horse hooves, just about to swing his ax to kill Beelzebub who was blocking the way.

The surrounding soldiers saw this scene, and their whole bodies trembled involuntarily.

The barbarian soldiers wearing heavy armor were about to rush forward.

But the monster knight rushed out from the gap and restrained them again.

Watching Blood-Hand Kahn gradually approaching Beelzebub, Adam Smith, who gripped the hilt of the sword, was rushing forward with all his strength.

Beelzebub kept spitting out blood, feeling that all his strength was leaving him, and his pupils began to dilate unconsciously.

Just when Beelzebub was feeling desperate, a slightly teasing voice came into his ears.

"Well done, let's have a good rest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft and cool breath fell on Beelzebub's body, stabilizing his injury.

The last scene Beelzebub saw before he fell into coma.

It was a dark green magical light that happened to fall on the body of Bloody Kahn. Its terrifying and frightening power was immediately weakened by two points.

A red light flew out.

"Boom" submerged the monster knight in the gap.

A familiar figure in a cloak walked up to him.

A flash of shock flashed in Beelzebub's eyes, and he completely lost consciousness.

After rubbing his neck where there was a faint tingling sensation, Matthew looked at Kahn with the bloody hand rushing towards him like crazy, and said to Yaya who was getting ready to attack:

"It's yours now!"

The second-level spell - Weakness has already taken effect. Bloody Hand Karn's strength attribute has been temporarily weakened by 3 points, which just won't suppress Yaya.

At this stage, Bloody Kahn has no strength and combat effectiveness, but no wisdom at all.

It is a good punching bag and opponent, suitable for Yaya to accumulate experience!

The graceful Yaya raised its head and faced the huge Blood-Hand Karn. It showed no timidity at all and ran out as fast as lightning.Bloodhand Kahn faced the rushing Yaya and subconsciously swung his axe.

In the heart that was originally only filled with killing, an inexplicable greed emerged - that was the desire called gluttony!


The big ax was swung in the air and struck the ground hard, creating a deep gap.

Yaya flapped his wings and turned in mid-air, nimbly avoiding the slash of Bloodhand Karn.

He accelerated again and hit the back of Bloody Karn with great sensitivity. He opened his mouth and bit down hard.


Fang tore open a large mass of flesh and blood. Under the counterattack of Bloodhand Kahn, who roared in pain, he flapped his wings and soared, making another agile dive.

The huge impact made Bloody Kahn stagger back two steps.

He swung the ax in vain, but could not hit the sensitive teeth.

The huge size that had given him an advantage just now had become his Achilles' heel.

The agility attribute has been increased to 17 Yaya points, after the bloodline ability is further improved.

Her already excellent melee combat ability has also been further improved.

If Kahn the Bloody Hand was still conscious, he would feel very depressed.

The "fear aura" that can be one of the trump cards has no effect on Yaya.

The dragon's power gradually appeared on Yaya's body, making all his movements slower than usual.

Almost all attacks cannot touch Yaya.

No matter how high your attack power is and how powerful your destructive power is, if you can't hit the enemy, it will be useless!
The safety brought by the phantom clone allows Yaya to boldly attempt various attacks and accumulate combat experience as quickly as possible.

Her teeth are getting sharper and her body is getting stronger.

The memory in the bloodline was merged with the combat experience gained. Under Matthew's astonished gaze, Yaya even realized new specialties on his own:
"Intermediate expertise - Combat proficiency, close combat reaction +2, attack +2, defense +2."

Sure enough, fighting is the best medicine for growth.

With the phantom clone, Yaya will also have more fighting opportunities.

Soon, Yaya found another weakness of Bloodhand Karn, which was the lower body that was missing a leg.

The moment Bloodhand Karn turned around and swung his axe.

The fangs that were originally in front of him flashed a black ring on his chest.

She disappeared from her original position without any warning and appeared silently behind Bloodhand Kahn.


A hole was bitten into the strong and thick horse's leg knee.

Bloodhand Karn's body sank suddenly as he exerted force, and his already bulky body became even more awkward.

The clever Yaya unknowingly led Blood-Handed Karn back to the gap in the wall.

Only then did everyone react and stared blankly at Matthew who had disappeared among the monsters.

"Is Master Arcanist okay?"

"how can that be!"

"I clearly saw him..."

"I know, it was just the illusion spell of Master Arcanist!"

"Think about it, did the Arcanist enter the tent before and then come out..."

"Oh... the last time the Arcanist came out, he didn't take action again..."

"That seems to be the case. Is this the wisdom of the Arcanist?"

"The Arcanist tricked this monster, and it seems he also tricked us..."

"Stupid, if you can't fool us, how can you fool him?"


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(End of this chapter)

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