arcane emperor

Chapter 147 The Restless Murloc

Chapter 147 The Restless Murloc (11 more)

The continuous shouts gathered into a noisy noise, making the soldiers on the city wall frown.

Looking around, countless fishmen were gathering at the river beach.

They are crowded together, layer upon layer, and the sound of quarreling and fighting is disturbing.

People who were clearing up wasteland from afar gathered together and were preparing to retreat from the wasteland.

At this moment, the fish people crowded on the river beach seemed to have received an order and rushed towards the gathering crowd.

Jifan's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, he raised his head and shouted to Old John on the other side:
"Boss, those fishmen are starting to move and are ready to attack us!"

Throwing the used communication data scroll aside, Old John pulled out his long sword, glanced at everyone with a serious look, and encouraged without hesitation:

"Defend the territory, defend the home!"

"Defend the territory, defend the home!"

The soldiers' shouts echoed off the city walls and entered the city.

I also remembered the responses one after another, which made every soldier smile.

The indescribable emotion rushed directly to the top of Elio's forehead, giving her goosebumps all over her body.

The cry from his mouth was filled with incomparable sincerity.

Unknowingly, she had already made an excuse for herself, and her people deserved to live a better life.

The city gate gradually closed, leaving an opening only for soldiers to pass through.

The soldiers, led by Old John, lined up and rushed out.

Captain Sean, who was assembling the pioneers, summoned patrol soldiers and arranged a defensive formation, preparing to resist the rushing murlocs.

On the one hand, the pioneers were asked to take a detour and enter from the other side of the city.

The crowded murlocs came like a tide. Under the sunlight, Elio was able to see clearly the appearance of these enemies.

The first thing that caught his eye was a big mouth full of fangs. There were still algae and other food residues on the sparse and sharp teeth.

Emerald green scales are spread all over the fishman's body, interlaced with dark or light mottled colors.

Compared with the slender limbs of the kobolds, the limbs of the fishmen are shorter and thicker, and the web-like structure between the fingers can be clearly seen.

The weapons in their hands are very shabby and varied.

Broken and rusty swords are not uncommon, and long stones and bones are also very common. Elio even saw a fishman holding a fossilized fish as a weapon.

The vast majority of fishmen are not wearing armor, and their flimsy scales are the only means of protection.

Individual murlocs are extremely weak in combat, and kobolds and goblins of the same level can easily defeat them.

However, when the number of fish-men swells to an uncountable level, most people will be afraid of them.

With somewhat clumsy steps, the murlocs rushed towards the defense line formed by patrolling soldiers. With the support of their numbers, their courage increased greatly, and they kept shouting "woo woo wow".

Captain Sean pulled out his long sword, suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked at the overwhelming murlocs rushing towards him, and shouted in a deep voice:
"Raise the gun! Level! Come in!"

The 100 patrol soldiers had no fear, obeyed the order, raised their spears and marched forward!
Half of the patrolling soldiers were regular soldiers and had become professional warriors. They could easily crush the murlocs whose challenge level was almost zero.

The steel spears that charged side by side killed more than 50 fishmen as soon as they made contact!
Many sharp spear heads even penetrated the body of the fish-man and penetrated into the body of the second fish-man.

Captain Sean, who had a lot of combat experience and experience in dealing with fishmen, did not order the soldiers to continue the assault. Instead, he shouted loudly:
"Soldiers on both sides retreat, forming a circular defense formation!"

The soldiers, who had undergone rigorous training every day, had no intention of trying to be heroes and quickly formed a group in accordance with the order.

They were lined up inside and outside, two steps apart, which was exactly the distance they needed to attack.

Facing the murlocs surrounding them, the soldiers didn't panic at all, even if they couldn't see their heads.

Under the command of Captain Sean, two rows of soldiers took turns to stab, withdraw, charge up, and stab again!Poof!


The formation was like a steel hedgehog, instantly killing large areas of the surrounding murlocs.

The densely packed murlocs were impaled and killed, but more murlocs were still coming, howling.

Frowning, Captain Sean saw something was wrong with these fish-men.

Normally, after killing dozens of murlocs, these timid guys would run away in panic.

But now?

They actually continued to attack despite the threat of death.

So weird!

Captain Sean was worried and without any further hesitation, he issued an order to the soldiers to kill and contain the fishmen while moving their formation and gradually approaching the city.

There are endless murlocs to kill, the safety of the soldiers is more important!
However, some of the fishmen also saw his thoughts.

Along with a sharp roar, a dark red halo spread from the fish-man.

All the murlocs that were swept away had their eyes reddened and their bodies grew larger.

The sharp roar became deeper and hoarse, and the offensive movements became even more violent.

They no longer cared about death and spears, and rushed towards them howling. Some even trampled on their companions and jumped, trying to cross the defense line formed by spears.

For a time, the pressure on the soldiers suddenly increased.

The thrust of the spear cannot be completed to block the dense murlocs. Once a murloc rushes in front of him, he must be dealt with separately.

After swinging his sword to chop down two fish-men, Captain Sean gave a decisive order:

"Shrink the formation, and a small team will draw their swords to deal with the fishmen who break through."

With Captain Sean's timely response, the soldiers finally stabilized their position.

But because the formation was too dense, the movement speed dropped a lot.

At this time, Captain Sean couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw the murlocs crowding over.

"Be sure to bring a shield with you on future patrols. It's okay if you get tired!"

More and more murlocs crowded in, and the formation of patrol soldiers moved slower and slower.

Once the soldiers' physical strength is exhausted, they will most likely be dragged to death by the surrounding fishmen.

Most players die out of frustration!
At this moment, a loud "whistle" attracted everyone's attention.

A vigorous figure rushed out from the supporting soldiers at an extremely fast speed.

She was seen holding two scimitars, and the moment she hit the crowd of fish, her whole body began to rotate.

Two bright scimitars cut open the fish-man's fragile body easily with a "puff", creating a thick mist of blood.

The sprayed blood mist was mixed together by the rapidly rotating figures, forming a terrifying bloody whirlwind.

All the murlocs it came into contact with were torn into pieces by the terrifying bloody whirlwind, and the originally dense crowd of murlocs was torn apart by a deep bloody passage.


Old John subconsciously widened his eyes, and immediately knew that the opportunity was rare, so he led the team and rushed in.

 Ask for a follow-up order, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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