arcane emperor

Chapter 454: Extraordinary Expertise: Extraordinary Agility

Chapter 454 Extraordinary Expertise-Extraordinary Agility (2 updates)
5 month 3 day.

The junction of the Eastern Province and the northern part of the Carr Plain.

Bloody Fortress.

Fierce shouts of killing soared into the sky.

On the city wall covered with blood and corpses, the overwhelming number of orcs roared and charged at the phalanx of human soldiers.

Densely packed crossbow arrows flew from the rear of the legionnaire formation, pinning dozens or even hundreds of orc warriors to the ground.

More than 1/3 of the orc warriors were killed by crossbows before they even came into contact with the enemy.

The death of their companions did not frighten these orc warriors.

The two sides collided violently, fighting each other to the death.

Legionnaires are well-equipped and well-trained.

The orc soldiers are countless and their numbers are superior.

The two sides were furious, going back and forth with each other, and it was hard to describe how stupid they were.

In addition to these head-to-head melee battles, the battle between spellcasters is also fierce.

The mages and arcanists of the empire had a clear upper hand.

Not only can they counter the spell casters of the orc coalition, but they can also throw fireballs one after another from time to time to relieve the pressure on the legionnaires' defense.

The orcs suffered many casualties, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

The legionnaires also suffered heavy casualties, and soldiers fell from time to time.

The two sides have been fighting fiercely for several months.

The orc army did not capture the Scarlet Fortress.

Both legions failed to drive the orcs out.

The two sides competed everywhere and fought very hard.

Huge numbers of orcs, as many as hundreds of thousands, died.

But they didn't feel bad at all. Instead, they kept changing tribes and seemed to be turning this place into a training ground.

On the contrary, the Third Army and the Eighth Army, as the original owners, were unable to bear it.

The orc army to the west has not yet been wiped out, but has become increasingly fierce.

The expected support did not arrive, and our own effective strength continued to decrease.

Even though they received some supplies from the Gulf Territory, they felt the pressure due to increasingly stretched manpower.

If this continues, they will most likely lose the Bloody Fortress!

This is not allowed!
Once the Scarlet Fortress is lost, the entire Kal Plain will become a hunting ground for the orcs again.

It's that time.

The orc army advancing eastward joined the orc army to the west, and together they besieged Seventon.

That's a big problem!
Bay collar.

In the underground laboratory.

Sera, who looked horrified, stared at the cultivation tank beside her in a daze.

Inside lay a drow warrior with a face full of pain.

Sera recognized this personal guard who had been following her for more than 10 years from his slightly deformed facial features.

However, this personal guard has undergone "terrible" changes.

The muscles all over the body trembled slightly, and the whole body was stretched, as if it were skin and bones, which was frightening.

Sera didn't know what happened to the other party, but she definitely didn't want to become like this.

However, the Gulf leader who captured her did not pay attention to her intention.

For the past few days, she had been in a state of half-asleep and half-awake, unaware of what was happening around her.

Sera had a vague premonition in her heart that the most terrifying thing had happened, and she became the experiment of the spell caster.Various horrifying scenes constantly appeared in Sera's mind.

Unspeakable fear was squeezing towards her in layers, forcing her to keep thinking wildly.

Just when she was feeling uneasy, the culture tank, which had been silent for several days, began to move slowly.

Sera, who was pretending to be calm, looked around in a daze, and what came into view was a row of drow elves whose shapes had changed.

Each one of them was taller and elongated, and they were lying in the culture tank with painful expressions on their faces.

His eyes were closed tightly, his body kept twitching, and he didn't know what kind of pain and torture he had experienced.

It was obvious that the other drow had been transformed, and now it was Sera's turn.

Before Sera could react, Matthew, who was wearing white surgical service, had already walked in front of her.

Feeling powerless and out of control, Sera turned her head with difficulty and met Matthew's plain, indifferent eyes.

"I am valuable and I can provide a lot of information!"

Before she could finish speaking, the shapeless force dragged her body and began to place her on the operating table.

The panic-stricken Sera felt the cold operating table and shouted in panic:
"I know information about other families in Moblesso City!"

Matthew's movements stopped slightly, and he looked at the panicked Sera calmly, without saying a word.

Sera, who was aware of this movement, did not dare to play any tricks anymore, and told all the information she knew at once.

Silently recording what she said, Matthew didn't express much about the information Sera gave. Instead, he carefully looked at Sera's attributes.

Matthew had carefully recorded Sera's identity, occupation, skills, and expertise a few days ago.

Only the most important and valuable one remains - extraordinary expertise - extraordinary agility.

Extraordinary agility LV1, agility +2, reaction +2, toughness +1, control +1.

Simple and unpretentious attributes, but represents the ultimate efficiency!
What Matthew valued most was the strengthening of his original "reaction".

The changes represented by this ability actually correspond to the nerves and physical reflexes within the body.

The improvement of this ability is really important for melee combat!

When masters compete, victory or defeat can be decided by a hair's breadth.

The same goes for the transformation warriors.

As the front-line vanguard of the entire team, they will withstand the strongest firepower and attacks.

A one-step reaction can greatly improve their combat effectiveness and survivability.

This is also Matthew’s next step in transformation.

He decided to refine and transform stronger extraordinary expertise based on "extraordinary agility".

After all, Matthew is pursuing the ultimate in publicity.

Enough, in his opinion, is completely insufficient.

Of course, this does not prevent Matthew from taking this opportunity to learn more about the underground world from Sera's mouth.

There is a lot of news about the underground world, some mineral veins discovered by drow elves, various underground races, and a more detailed distribution of forces.

In fact, Matthew knows many secrets of the underground world, but more of them are news in the general direction.

After learning the information provided by Sera, we can confirm each other through some clues and patterns.

By doing this, Matthew could prepare for what was about to happen.

While Matthew was studying the fourth operation, the Scarlet Fortress' request for help had also been sent to the Eastern Province.

"Requesting for support to repel the Orc Exorcist coalition and recapture the Scarlet Fortress."

In response to this request for help, the Parliament of the Eastern Province did not suppress it. Instead, it began to notify the earls and lords in each region.

"This is such a problem, do you want to help?"

It has the "refreshing" style of the Eastern Province!
(End of this chapter)

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