arcane emperor

Chapter 479 My identity?

Chapter 479 My identity?

"How did he know? I also have the power of time?"

Subconsciously his eyes widened, Matthew was sure that even a great arcanist would not be able to directly see through his attributes and talents.

"Except for Yaya, no one in the entire Gulf Territory knows that I have the power of time."

"That means that before Kenoman arrived, he already knew..."

Eliminate all possibilities, no matter how absurd the remaining one is, it can only be the only correct answer.

The relationship between this great arcanist and the Seer family is very good!
Even knows the secret of Matthew’s body!
Matthew has long thought about it. He has the blood of Zhulong, but he is in the northern continent.

The hidden memory, the powerful and mysterious mother, must hide some deeper secrets.

Unless there is something hidden about the Yisel family's heritage and abilities, it cannot be separated from the cooperation with other arcanists.

This also means that Kenomanor is one of the people who knows Matthew's life experience and bloodline.

And with his strength and identity, he is likely to be one of the core insiders.

Thinking of this, Matthew suddenly realized that even he himself had many mysteries that were yet to be solved.

Facing Kenomanor's half-smiling expression, Matthew blinked in surprise, and then nodded sharply:

"If you're willing to teach, I'm sure I'm willing to learn."

Seeing Matthew's eyes quickly regaining their composure, Kenoman's eyes showed undisguised admiration. He smiled calmly and ended the topic for the time being.

Along the way, Matthew saw many injured people.

Many of them were seriously injured, and many soldiers were left with disabilities.

Compared to the majestic and high-spirited people when they first met, they now look more like a group of defeated generals, full of confusion and despair about the future.

They suffered an unprecedented attack, indescribable feelings of powerlessness and grief, the death of their companions, and their own serious injuries, all of which caused severe physical and mental damage to them.

With the current pension system in the Netherese Empire, their future is bleak.

The Third Army and the Eighth Army were really badly damaged this time.

But in Matthew's memory, it was possible that they had escaped.

Gruumsh, who took action in advance, did not completely destroy the Scarlet Fortress, at least the castle in the middle that could be defended was retained.

Although the Third Army and the Eighth Army were severely damaged, they were not completely wiped out.

Regardless of whether the Netherese Empire increases reinforcements or prepares to abandon the Scarlet Fortress, these two legions can at least be saved.

In the future, the Netheril Empire seems to have two more strengths.

However, Matthew is not optimistic about their prospects.

Under the evil hands of multiple forces, the Netheril Empire, which was about to suffer heavy losses one after another, not only failed to invest more materials and energy in developing the empire.

Instead, they decided to continue building floating cities, constantly draining the empire of resources and indirectly giving up surface territory.

Such stupid behavior is one of the reasons why Matthew has no good impression of him.

After taking a casual look at the Scarlet Fortress, Matthew had basically concluded.

There is more than enough to defend the city, but not enough to attack.

Considering that there are hundreds of thousands of "crazy" orc warriors outside, the Third Army and the Eighth Army have no hope for the time being.

When Matthew found Harley Knight, the old knight, who had always been calm and composed, was helplessly complaining with other nobles who were seriously injured.

He was in good spirits and greeted Matthew happily when he saw him coming.

Still, Matthew was aware of his pain.Think about it, the tens of thousands of troops who were finally trained were all inexplicably lost before they even had time to be effective.

With Harley Knight's character, it is difficult to give an explanation to the soldiers who believe in him, and it is also difficult to feel at ease.

Matthew suppressed some of his thoughts for the time being, and whispered in the Harley Knight's ear rather vaguely:

"This is a premeditated action by the orcs. Their purpose was to completely destroy the Scarlet Fortress..."

Harley Knight was keenly aware of the hidden meaning of Matthew's words. Thinking of the message he sent, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Is it really just luck?

Harley Knight, aware of his weakness, shook his head silently and sighed:
"The orcs' plan has been accomplished..."

"Even if the Scarlet Fortress is not completely destroyed, they can still attack the Karl Plain and the Eastern Province without restraint."

Part of the manpower of the entire eastern province has been lost, and Blood Moon City has even lost part of its elite. The future will not be easy.

"Don't worry, the orcs suffered a lot of casualties, and they lost a lot of military supplies..."

"For several months, they were unable to launch an attack south...

Matthew comforted him without telling him directly.

The Elf Kingdom of Cole encountered this "accident" and would never dare to risk the world's disapproval to support the orcs again.

Without the support of the Cole Elf Kingdom, even if Gruumsh has "returned", the major orc tribes will not be able to make any waves in a short period of time.

However, Matthew could not tell the Harley Rider this information clearly.

He explained his support for the Scarlet Fortress and left under the complicated gazes of other lords and nobles.

With the current situation, the lords and nobles who understood that the crisis in the north had begun to emerge naturally only thought about themselves.

There are very few icings on the cake, let alone someone like Matthew who provides help in times of need.

Matthew did not leave directly, but checked the castle's defense line.

After observing what they lacked and making his own judgment, he found Carlos again who was directing the battle.

When the latter saw the list of resources given by Matthew, his eyes showed a little bit of disbelief. After hesitating for a while, he said bitterly:

"Thank you for your help. It may take a while before the gold coins can be paid..."

Shaking his head slightly, Matthew replied in a confident and determined tone:
"I'm not worried, we will definitely win the final victory!"

"These orc warriors have gone crazy. They can't hold on for long. It won't be long before we can regain control of this place."

Seeing Carlos' bitter expression, Matthew nodded, and then made his position clear:
"Use medical supplies to save lives first, and other supplies will arrive in an hour."

"I will keep an eye on the Bloody Pass. I can inform you of any news about the orc army in advance."

He patted his shoulder with great excitement. Carlos took a deep look at Matthew and said something meaningless:
"Take care of her..."

Step into the teleportation array.

Return to Bloody Pass.

Facing the teasing eyes of the Grand Arcanist Kenoman, Matthew pondered for two seconds and was about to explain.

The Grand Arcanist showed an expression like "Young man, I understand."

But soon, he was attracted by the abyss crack in the distance, and said with a faint look:

"Time waits for no one!"

(End of this chapter)

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