LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 114 The peak T1 dual-shooter is quickly released and stuns the whole world.

Chapter 114 The peak T1 dual-shooter is quickly released and stuns the whole world.

"Brother Hao, as for that, isn't it just a single kill?"

The assistant teacher next to him asked strangely.

"Isn't it just a solo kill?"

The man called Brother Hao raised his head: "Didn't you look at the front?"

"Reaper's laning style is too comprehensive. He understands almost all operations, troop lines, and operations."

"Take this wave of solo kills as an example. Who is Smeb? To be played like this by him... To be honest, if he hadn't come from the LPL, it would be hard for me to believe that he was a Chinese."

The teaching assistant was speechless.

"Just do it, LPL idiots. Many people are still thinking about how to stir up public opinion... Just wait and see, if SKT advances to MSI this year, the scene will be lively."

Brother Hao waved his hand and looked at the big TV again.

At this moment, with Chen Yiqiu's sudden wave of single kills, the commentators and audiences in major competition areas around the world were already in a frenzy.

" took five minutes to complete the matchup, and it was a very detailed single kill."

Bttdol sighed: "He played two psychological games with Smeb. In the end, he perfectly blocked Nuoshou's E and Q, killing Smeb."

"In this situation, taking the initiative to engage in close combat with Nuoshou... Reaper's understanding and proficiency of the hero Jace is truly unique."

The Roaring Emperor nodded, and the ID of "Reaper" was heard in the audience.


"Reaper is really showing off this time. This Jace is about to gain momentum."

In the LPL broadcast room, Miller suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing deep in his heart.

Chen Yiqiu's performance in today's two games, so far, has completely surpassed that of the semi-finals, and even exceeded their pre-match expectations.

This kind of player... He couldn't help but wonder, what would happen if Reaper was in the LPL?
  There is no answer to what has not happened, but the situation on the field has already sounded an extremely gorgeous offensive horn with the wave of single kills on the road.

It wasn't just top laner Jayce who benefited a lot from this solo kill.

Smeb used TP in the last wave. This time he was killed alone, and Jace pushed the lane. After Noshou died, he had to lose at least one more wave of experience and economy.

In other lanes, SKT also showed extremely strong momentum in the early stages of the game.

Lulu and Syndra in the middle lane tend to be balanced, but the bottom lane and jungle are completely different.

In several games against ROX this spring, SKT's jungler and bot lane duo did not take advantage.

But in this game they seemed to have gotten their revenge.

The two-shooter system of Policewoman + Han Bing in the bottom lane is far more powerful than anyone imagined.

Taking advantage of his long hands and dual shooters, in just over five minutes of game time, Bang disabled the Rat King and cooperated with the jungler to get a head.

At the same time, ROX's first tower in the bottom lane was wiped out by SKT's bottom duo in just five minutes.

This is extremely exaggerated in the current version where the average game duration is thirty minutes or more.

And this speed of grinding towers continued. By the time the ROX bottom lane duo came online again, only half of the bottom tower's health line was left.

In the jungle, Xiao Hei's personal ability is not as good as that of Xiao Peanut, but with the help of Han Bing's E skill, he has seen the blind monk several times in the jungle, giving him the upper hand in Gnak and countering jungle invasions. machine.

A wonderful start like never before.

The black technology of the dual shooters in the bottom lane that SKT came up with, not to mention the weakness in team battles in the middle and late stages and the embarrassment of starting a team without tanks, has already achieved a huge advantage in the early laning period alone.

"Next, we have to speed up the pace. We can't let the opponent develop comfortably."

In SKT’s team voice.

After Chen Yiqiu finished pushing the line and returned to the city, he cut the screen to supervise the battle, took over Faker's work, and whispered to his teammates.

"Can you handle it?"

Bang on the bottom lane was a little worried.

"no problem."

Chen Yiqiu looked at the road conditions.

In this wave of return to the city, he has pushed his troops into the opponent's defense tower, artificially creating a wave of natural pushback.


In this version, choosing a lineup with dual shooters + speed push flow is to let him withstand all the pressure of ROX in the early and mid-term.

Otherwise, the bottom lane would not be so comfortable at all.

"...Then be careful not to get caught to death. Level [-] is about to begin, and we are about to start moving."

Lee Sang Hyuk, who had been facing the lane in the middle, glanced at the top lane, his eyes twinkling.

"Xianghe, I've already bought the Coca Cola."

Chen Yiqiu teased with a smile.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"When I get back to the city, I'll do it again."

It was rare that Lee Sang Hyuk did not quarrel with Chen Yiqiu. He took a look at the situation in the bottom lane and decided to add more fire.

——The dual-shooter system in this game is actually more like an improved version of the S7 that was popular during the S6 era.

In the 7 version of S7.18, the policewoman is actually a weakened AD hero, but in that case, she shines in the world arena. With the incense burner at that time, with the wind girl Lulu and other versions of the answer, quick recommendation Flow and fast attack flow are popular all over the world.

It often takes about ten minutes to pull out the three outer towers on the opposite side, snowballing the economy along the way, compressing the field of vision, and vividly demonstrating the true meaning of League of Legends as a tower pushing game.

In the current S6 version, there is no incense burner, and there is no new version of Canyon Pioneer, so Chen Yiqiu proposed dual shooter assistance in the training match to make up for the shortcomings of slow tower push and insufficient online pressure.

In this case, the effect is actually not as good as the incense burner version, and you must prevent the opponent jungler from going crazy.

However, due to the current environment, ROX, including other teams, seemed to be extremely persistent in the top lane when facing SKT.

And Chen Yiqiu's Jace is indeed another highlight of the speed push flow. When it is really developed, the opponent will not be able to accept it.

Therefore, the top lane attracts all the hatred in the early stage, and when the opponent has never been exposed to the speed push flow, let the bottom lane seize the opportunity to develop and push the tower.

When the opponent noticed this and quickly pushed the flow into shape, it was already too late.

"The only drawback to this system...or the people that will have problems is...getting on the road."

Kkoma squinted his eyes in the audience: "All the teams currently facing us are targeting Reaper. If Reaper cannot withstand this pressure, the useless Jace will directly affect our system and this game. The game is won or lost.”

"But now it seems... Yiqiu is as strong as ever."

Game time is seven minutes.

Faker seized the opportunity to return to the city, cooperated with Xiao Hei, and made a classic four-pack-two in the bottom lane.

Although ROX was vigilant, the number of people was too small, Grilla was killed again, and the Rat King was hit with a double attack.

The four members of SKT took advantage of the situation and began to demolish ROX's next tower.

When ROX saw this, Kuro in the middle immediately wanted to push the line of troops and click on SKT's first tower.

Compared with the next tower, the strategic position of the middle tower is obviously higher.


Before he could advance his troops further, a tall, rich and handsome man carrying a bright cannon and wearing a white windbreaker emerged from the grass in the river, belatedly arriving.


"On the road... Noshou was beaten back home, and Bojes came directly to the middle road ahead of time on foot!"

"This is a premeditated gank and lane switch. SKT is going to demolish this tower in the bottom lane!"

Miller looked at this scene and felt goosebumps all over his body: "SKT...the linkage and cooperation are so beautiful!"

The words fall.

On the field, the four SKT players worked together to knock down ROX's bottom tower.

[SKT Bang destroyed a defense tower! 】

[The first tower! 】

  The audience burst into thunderous applause, and the Roaring Emperor suddenly reacted at this moment.

"...Something's wrong. SKT's dual-shooter system pushes towers too fast. In less than 8 minutes, ROX's next tower is gone..."

"Yes, I feel like this is a speed push system. In this version, taking down a tower in 8 minutes... is simply a miracle."

Bttdol looked at the big screen: "Moreover, T1's lane transition is perfect. This wave of top lane basically has no losses. Little Peanut is not that fast in pushing the lane. Jess can still go back after guarding the middle lane this wave."

"SKT's wave of linkage is equivalent to taking down ROX's tower with almost no damage."

"...Is this the charm of operations?"

Everyone on the court finally realized the beauty of double shooters and speed push flow.

However, the situation on the field did not develop as everyone imagined.

——After reaching the middle lane, Jace pushed his troops and retreated to the shadow of his vision, but he had no intention of returning to the top lane.

On the other side, after the four members of SKT demolished the defense tower in the bottom lane, they once again worked together to get the dragon (the elemental dragon was launched in version 6.9 and after MSI. It still has the BUFF dragon attributes of the old version), and Xiaohei took advantage of the situation to invade ROX's bottom lane. Semi-wild area.

Faker and Chen Yiqiu have the same operation, but their vision is blocked and they don't return to the city.

Only the SKT bottom lane duo chose to return to the city, and then went straight to the top lane.

Change the line, but not completely.

In this wave, after the bottom lane defense tower fell, the crispy SKT bottom lane duo came to the top lane. Chen Yiqiu had already laid the groundwork for the previous troop line situation, and the pushback line was still there, so he could continue to eat troops comfortably while still being able to perform. Take advantage of your own double shooters to continue pushing quickly.

Lulu in the middle is a more functional hero. In this version, she is not a gangster, but she can still be a gangster. She is also suitable for facing ROX and ROX.

Jess relied on his own personal lead and faced off against the crispy Syndra. Not only could he continue to roll a big personal snowball, but he could also touch the tower from time to time. The linkage and lane switching are still going on, SKT has everyone confused!
  "Oh my god... SKT, Jayce didn't come back to the top lane, Bang and Wolf went to the top lane, and Faker stayed in the bottom lane... ROX may have known that SKT would change lanes when a tower fell in the bottom lane, but they didn't expect that SKT would change lanes so quickly. Don’t give them any time to react!”

"This wave of ROX can only choose to force the swap, but after the forced swap, Pray and GorillA will not only lose line and experience, but the situation will even become the same as the previous bottom lane."

"——Double-shooter system, they can't beat them online!"



Miller let out a sigh of relief, and the LCK audience burst into applause.

The tactical strategy is too clear, and the entire SKT team behaves like a sophisticated machine and army.

Everyone who has never been exposed to speed push flow and this style of play feels a deep sense of powerlessness.

This kind of SKT needs operations and brains. If we really encounter this, how will we fight?

In the top, middle and jungle, except for Li Guapi in the middle who wants 1V2, but Lulu can completely accept this result, after this wave of operations, SKT is superior in almost all aspects.

No...not right.

Lulu, who switched to the bottom lane, also suffered no loss.

Because after ROX saw the SKT bottom lane duo showing up in the top lane, they hesitated for a moment and immediately chose to force the substitution.

They had to do this because they knew how strong the dual shooters were on the line, and the two ROX players faced them like this. Once they let a Nuoshou who was hammered to a disadvantage face the policewoman + Hanbing.


It can only be said that the first tower on the road may fall soon.

Although they will lose lanes by forcing the swap now, the effect is not very big, because it is equivalent to replicating everything that was done in the bottom lane into the top lane.

But at least it can delay the tower push time and let them figure out a strategy to deal with SKT's fast push flow system.

Therefore, the ROX bottom duo forced a substitution, and Lulu received a large wave of soldiers and experience in vain.

Smeb suffered huge losses.

"Axi, SKT, do this... they have really studied the system."

All the way to the lower route, Smeb was already feeling a little bad.

Not only did the bottom lane suffer a loss in the forced swap, he also suffered a loss.

The only consolation is that Nuoshou, who had been so uncomfortable on the road before, might have an easier time facing Lulu now than facing Jace.


"Blank came in, Jayce moved directly, this wave of SKT is going to capture Kuro!"

The game lasted just over nine minutes.

ROX had just switched lanes not long ago, and it seemed as if they were not given a chance to breathe.

Jace, who had already reached the middle and was pressing Syndra hard, made another move.

Cooperating with Xiao Hei's Kindred, Jace's Hammer form started with Q to face Syndra, and an E skill sideways hammered the opponent away.

Before being hammered, Kuro used a QE to stun Jace, and then flashed out instantly.

But the position was already pushed closer to the river by Jace, and he landed in a flash. Blank's Kindred decelerated from the side, and at the same time, Q rolled and began to output.

Syndra's control ended, and Jace followed up with W, cooperating with Kindred to output Syndra.

After Kuro fled into the defense tower, Chen Yiqiu's R turned around, changed his gun form, walked directly into the defense tower, WAAA three times from a distance, blasted out the QE vertical portal cannon, and turned back confidently.

next moment.

——[SKT Reaper killed ROX Kuro! 】

Silk-blooded Syndra was hit by the blue light cannon and fell to the ground.

"Jess killed Kuro with one cannon! Not long after the lane change, SKT's mid lane opened again!"

"The fight was too compact. After this set of fast-break rhythm, ROX obviously hasn't adapted to SKT's combination of punches!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience. SKT, who had captured Syndra in the jungle, pushed their troops into the tower and started to light up ROX's middle tower.

Kindred + Jace, these two are also experts at pushing towers.

Although it was still very early, the two of them worked together and without anyone blocking them, they still managed to knock down a tower in the middle to less than half of its health.

Peanut's blind monk arrived belatedly.

SKT retreated easily in the upper jungle.

On the way, Chen Yiqiu couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic.

It would be great if this version of Rift Herald was revised. If there was Rift Herald, ROX would have lost its first tower by now.

But this is the limitation of the version. It is already good to be able to achieve this kind of effect in the current version in the early stage.

"Yiqiu, the line you left is so useful~"

At this moment, Pei Junzhi, who was on the road, said cheerfully: "This guy Pray, I can finally torture him severely."

Chen Yiqiu took a look at the situation on the road.

It is no different from the previous bottom lane, and because of the previous loss line + Pei Junzhi's development, ROX's bottom lane can no longer beat SKT.

As for the previous top tower, most of its health had already been worn away by Jess.

It is estimated that the previous tower will be demolished before long.

Two minutes later.

The game was just eleven minutes old.

Good news came on the road.

[SKT Bang destroyed a defense tower! 】

ROX goes up a tower and then falls.

"The tower on the road is about to fall~"

"SKT, in eleven minutes, knocked down ROX's two outer towers in a row, and the middle tower also only had half of its health left...ROX's economy is already nearly [-]+ behind SKT!"

"It's really an exaggerated lead. The most important thing is that the defensive towers are being pulled out one after another, which will cause ROX's two wings to have sharply compressed vision. ROX, who chose a very strong lineup in the early and mid-term, seems to have failed to perform. The effect it should have.”

"On the contrary, SKT's dual-shooter + Jess speed push system has begun to work."

The Roaring Emperor couldn't help but said: "This black technology really exceeded everyone's expectations."

"That's right, then the last tower was pulled out, and SKT's 'tower pushing' duo... is about to come to the middle!"

The game time is 12 minutes.

SKT has used speed push streams several times, and everyone has gradually understood the core of the tactics.

SKT's bot lane is to keep demolishing towers, and it is better to demolish towers to ensure their own safety.

At this moment, they pulled ROX up to another tower, but lost one tower. Bang and Wolf, who had already been immersed in tearing down towers and fighting long hands and short hands, took advantage of the situation and came to the middle.

Chen Yiqiu switched to the bottom lane.

The only one injured was Lee Sang Hyuk. Not only did Lulu lose troops when she changed lanes this time, SKT's first tower on the road was also hit by ROX, which had recovered its strength and lost most of its health.

But it doesn't matter, Lulu's sacrifice brought comfort to the whole team.

"This is like us going on a date together later. I don't know whether you and Eun Jing will make it work, but through the girls Eun Jing called, we will definitely make it happen!"

Pei Junzhi said without knowing whether to live or die.

Li Sang Hyuk turned to look at him, smiled inexplicably, and said nothing.

"...Okay, okay, prepare the little dragon to make eyes for me. I'll take care of him."

Chen Yiqiu, who was switched to the bottom lane, made a haha, fearing that the team leader would exert his strength on the spot, he started with the word "ah" and asked Pei Junzhi's age.

"You can take it, please pay more attention, the other side has already reacted."

Lee Sang Hyuk warned.


Chen Yiqiu nodded.

In this wave, he changed to the bottom lane. Firstly, he gave up his position, and secondly, the second dragon was about two minutes away from being refreshed.

With the strong Jess in the bottom lane, and Bang and Wolf in the middle, SKT has already figured out its plan.


Before the game, SKT knew that by selecting Jayce and this lineup for this game, Jayce would be under tremendous pressure in the early stage.

Previously, ROX was a little confused by a combination of punches from SKT, but this was not a little cat, but a man-eating tiger.

After gradually reacting, ROX immediately set its sights on Chen Yiqiu.

The middle line is short, and Blank has an unprecedented advantage over Little Peanut in this game. Ice E has been bothering Wanghu.

So ROX was very decisive and prepared to take action against Jayce.

All the towers in the bottom lane have fallen. Jayce wants to lead the line and go deep into ROX. If we don't catch him, we will be sorry for the 'gift' he gave to ROX.

"Are you ready to TP? If you're ready, just T!"

Grella, who was in the middle but was directing his teammates, took a look at the situation in the bottom lane.

"Okay, I'm done."

As soon as he pushed the line to the first tower on the top lane, Kuro immediately turned around when he heard the sound, found the ward that ROX had inserted in advance, and decisively pressed TP.

 First update today, please vote please vote
  (End of this chapter)

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