LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 120 Holding the cup! Return home with honor! SKT T1, landed in Magic City

Chapter 120 Holding the cup! Return home with honor! SKT T1, landed in Magic City

"Congratulations to SKT T1! 3:0 ROX, winning the BO5 Spring Finals. At the same time, they also won the 2016 LCK Spring Split Championship!"

"Congratulations T1!"

"A most exciting BO5, a hearty decisive battle, let us give applause to this SKT T1."

The crystal base exploded, the game was frozen, and the director's camera switched to the audience of tens of thousands of people, and then accurately captured several beautiful T1 fans with tears in their eyes in the front row.

Then it switched to the SKT T1 competition room, and the scene of ROX holding his head in frustration.

"They will represent the LCK division in the next half month and compete in MSI, the largest world event in the first half of this year. Let us applaud and cheer for T1 together."

The mountains roared and the tsunami roared, screams were everywhere, and applause thundered.

In the camera, everyone in SKT took off their soundproof headphones, and Chen Yiqiu and Lee Sang Hyuk looked at each other.

Picking up the red and white team uniform jacket hanging on the back of the chair, they walked out of the competition room together and went to the ROX competition room opposite to shake hands.


In the ROX competition room, the atmosphere was depressing and sad.

Smeb held his head in self-reproach, while the Rat King and Gloria stared at the word "failure" at the end, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

Little Peanut rubbed his hair in pain, his eye circles red.

This is the first time in his career that he has reached the LCK finals, and it is also the first time in his career that he has won the runner-up honor.

He was very unwilling.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that in this entire BO5, his performance and state this spring, and even his personal ability, he completely defeated the opposing SKT jungler Blank.

In the three games, except for the second game when Su Tui Liu was caught off guard, he almost defeated Xiao Hei in every matchup.

Why...why can't I win?

This doubt is not only for him, but also for Smeb, Rat King, Kuro and others at this moment.

Perhaps it was also at this time that the Tigers planted a seed in their hearts, a seed that would one day defeat SKT.

Everyone from SKT walked into the game room. Chen Yiqiu and the Tigers were old friends, shaking hands and touching shoulders.

Seeing Little Peanut like this, Chen Yiqiu rubbed his hair.

"Brother Yiqiu...come on MSI."

"Well, you guys also work hard."

After a simple exchange, Chen Yiqiu met Smeb's resentful eyes.

"You brat, it would be too embarrassing if you don't win the MSI championship. This is your first World Championship, come on."

"...Brother Jinghao, see you in the S competition."

Song Jinghao was startled.

Then he laughed: "Well...see you in the game."

"But first, you have to beat us in the summer split, haha."


Chen Yiqiu and Galen whispered: "I still want to win the cup. The trophy is waiting impatiently."

All members of the Tigers: "???"

"Haha, Yiqiu is always so good at talking."

None of Bang behind him was caught, and everyone in SKT walked out of the game room laughing.

Only the eyes of the ROX crowd were left with gritted teeth, and the depression of losing the finals disappeared unconsciously.

SKT and the Chunan gang are waiting for me, and sooner or later they will crush you guys who are forced to raise them!
  On the other side, everyone in SKT walked to the center of the stage, under the spotlight, amidst the roaring cheers of "T1" in the audience.

Five people worked together to win the championship trophy, which symbolizes the strongest honor of LCK this spring.

——The first trophy honor of Chen Yiqiu’s career.

Bang, bang.

Silver rain fell from the top of the stage, and the BGM dedicated to the champion sounded in the venue.

"Okay, congratulations again to SKT~~~T1~~~!!"

The Roaring Emperor, who was wearing a dark blue suit, had already left the commentary box. He would personally interview the finals' victory speech.

"This is the second time they have won the LCK spring championship trophy since the team was founded, and the third time they have won the LCK championship. But no matter how many times... this moment is always so exciting."

Roaring Emperor walked in front of everyone, and the five SKT players were already standing in sequence. The translator and coach of the SKT team were standing in the distance, next to the silver LCK championship trophy.

"So in the first moment of winning the championship, at such an exciting moment, of course we have to interview the champions about their mood."

Before the Roaring Emperor finished speaking, a terrifying sound swept across the field.

——"Faker! Faker!"

——"Reaper! Reaper!!"

Roaring Emperor said with a smile: "So - first, let's ask the double champion mid laner, Faker."

Lee Sang Hyuk's face was expressionless, and he looked unfazed.

Next to him, Chen Yiqiu glanced sideways at the other party.

Xin said that Lao Li still knows how to pretend now, unlike in the following years, when an LCK champion was so excited that he cried at the scene, and said with trembling hands, "If I was stronger last year, my teammates and I should have been standing here." .

"Faker, you won the LCK championship again. How do you feel?"

Roaring Emperor asked.

Lee Sang Hyuk picked up the microphone: "Compared to the previous times, the meaning of winning this time is more different because we have new blood in the team this year."

"Before Reaper debuted in the LCK, his professional resume and championship honors were blank. I have said it before, and I clearly feel his efforts and hard work. Therefore, compared to the previous championships, I am more willing to win this time. Giving the championship to my teammates.”

"I believe that Reaper, Blank, Bang, and Wolf, with their state and performance today, are worthy of this championship trophy."


The Roaring Emperor turned around and looked down the field.

  The switch is normal and the scene is earthquake.

[Li Sheng’s pattern! ! 】

[I am super, so great. No need to say more. 】

[Guigui, Brother Li really loves Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng is the first person who can make him say such things. 】

[Is this Chen Sheng? It’s not out of the question, right? 】

【ah? I have always been Chen Za (Huangdou smiley face)]

[Don’t be embarrassed, Chen Sheng went to the LCK just because of Brother Li. The two people definitely have a special relationship in private. 】

[The two saints cherish each other and it belongs to them. 】

[Looking back at the beginning of this year, in the past six months, Chen Sheng’s career has been truly legendary. 】

【The God King ascends the throne! 】

[No way...SKT is really going to MSI? Then the RNG head must not be smashed? The LPL division is going to be destroyed! 】

[I am an RNG fan, and I am already anxious. 】

In the LPL broadcast room, barrages surged, and during the championship interview session, the popularity was comparable to yesterday's LPL Spring Finals, when RNG won the championship.

"Hey, it's really a touching feeling of teammates."

Roaring Emperor smiled and continued to ask: "Do you have any goals or what do you want to say about the upcoming MSI?"

Faker: "SKT T1's goal is always to win all the championships."

He looked at his teammates and added: "We have only one goal - the championship."

The applause continued to thunder, and the fans cheered hoarsely.

Roaring Emperor also turned his attention to Chen Yiqiu: "Reaper... we all know that this is your first championship in your career."

"Similarly, at the moment when you get the honor, or since you started playing professionally, you came to the new division, until now you win the championship, your mental journey, your feelings along the way, I think many fans who like you are very interested in this. .”

Chen Yiqiu took over Lee Sang Hyuk's microphone.

Because the championship interview was very formal and open to the whole world, the translator sent by SKT to him had already arrived, and she was a very beautiful young lady.

After thinking about it, Chen Yiqiu said in Chinese: "When I first started playing in the LCK this year, the cheers from the audience always made me feel stressed and difficult to adapt."

"But now... I seem to have started to enjoy it all. Player Faker once told me that if you want to be a professional player, you have to learn to adapt to the noise of the scene."

"I think I'm growing, starting from now on."

“The spotlight—that’s my home.”

The LPL barrage immediately fell into silence.

When the international students in the audience heard the sound, their scalps instantly went numb.

More viewers are waiting for translation.

Chen Yiqiu has taken the initiative to clearly describe it in Korean.

"Reaper... translated it in Korean myself."

  There was an instant uproar off the court. The fans that Chen Yiqiu had attracted throughout the season were all shouting the ID of "Reaper" deafeningly.

The spotlight is my home.

These eight words are very classic and instantly hit the G-spot of countless viewers.

Chen Yiqiu, who was standing under the spotlight at this moment, seemed to be glowing all over.

"Is this the Reaper player..."

In the front row of the stage, a certain young lady who had been frequently photographed by the camera looked up at Chen Yiqiu on the stage and asked Zhao Enjing next to her.

"Yes, this is Reaper, a player with great charisma on the field."

Zhao Enjing smiled and nodded: "I have made an appointment later. When I go to China, we will go shopping together and we will get to know each other if we have a chance."

"I feel like a star."

The young lady nodded, tilted her head and looked at the stage again.

On the stage, Roaring Emperor also asked the same question as Faker, but a little different.

"I just heard you take the initiative to translate. China is your hometown. This MSI will be held in Shanghai... How do you feel about returning to your hometown after half a year? As the LCK champion?"

The scene was a little quiet, and the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room was also lively.

How would Chen Shengrong feel when he returns to his hometown?

Chen Yiqiu on the stage thought for a while and said: "Before I officially appeared on the stage, I imagined myself becoming famous. Now I don't know if I am famous... But every time fans want to take photos or sign autographs, I always remind myself to be kind and tolerant to others. This is not only a lesson for my e-sports journey, but also a doctrine for my future life.”

"I think I will always keep this discipline and hope to present the most exciting game to all the viewers in my hometown."


The Roaring Emperor shook his head, and the audience was so excited that they shouted the God King.

Heizi, the players, and officials who had been embarrassing Chen Yiqiu online before were all somewhat silent.

Be kind to hometown...

Well, why am I feeling a little embarrassed for no reason... The following time, Roaring Emperor interviewed other SKT players one after another.

After the championship interview, the LCK organizing committee selected the FMVP of this spring finals.

The LCK Finals FMVP honor has existed since the name was changed in 15.

And unlike the LPL, they do not make subjective selections, but select the player who carries the most in the spring through the regular season, playoffs, and final finals victory points.

Chen Yiqiu was selected with the highest points in the SKT team and was awarded the FMVP medal.

The audience burst into applause, and it seemed that the God King had really ascended the throne.

In such a warm and harmonious atmosphere, the championship ceremony ended. The final photo of everyone from SKT surrounding the trophy was photographed by the media and circulated on major domestic and overseas media platforms.

Top trending searches that night.


The next day.

SKT club.

"Little sister, little sister, host sister..."

Chen Yiqiu walked out of the conference room. SKT T1 had just finished its internal meeting.

Due to SKT's excellent performance in the first half of this year, everyone on the team has doubled their bonuses and doubled their benefits.

Chen Yiqiu is very happy.

——If you can ignore Bae Junzhi, who has been inexplicably distracted since he returned to the base after winning the championship yesterday, appearing next to him and talking about the little sister.

"Brother Junzhi, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet."

Chen Yiqiu was upset by the nagging and turned around to comfort him: "We haven't gone to China yet. When we land tomorrow, what are you talking about?"

"Yiqiu, you won't lie to your brothers, right?"

Pei Junzhi grimaced: "I only have so much hope, and you still want me to wait?"

"We just made an appointment to go out to have a meal and go shopping during the break. It's not a blind date or a relationship. Can it be done if you go there?"

Chen Yiqiu looked at Pei Junzhi worriedly.

Although S6's Bae Joon Sik has started to lose weight and the results are good, his figure is still a bit strong.

"I don't want to fall in love, but I don't dare to talk nonsense! I don't even talk about love!"

Pei Junzhi was startled, looked back quickly, and was relieved when he found that Kkoma was not there.

Seeing his timid appearance, Chen Yiqiu said happily: "Look, you have a thief's heart but not a thief's courage."

"Study more with Xiang He, you see, he is unmoved."

Chen Yiqiu looked at Li Sang Hyuk who was walking in front and wondered: "Hey... weren't you the first one to come out? Why are you still here?"

"I'm waiting for you."

Lee Sang Hyuk bared his teeth and smiled.

Bae Junzhi had a look on his face.


Chen Yiqiu nodded silently: "Then I will make another appointment, and they will all be champions, so don't worry!"

"I really want to have contact with the opposite sex."

Pei Junzhi admitted his mistake with shame.

"OK OK."

Chen Yiqiu nodded, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to chat with Enjing.

Behind him, Li Sang Hyuk came over at some point, stared at the back of Chen Yiqiu's head, thought for a while, then took out a baseball bat from the side, and looked at his chat history.


at the same time.

After a night of fermentation, the news that SKT T1 won the championship and aimed at MSI spread all over the world.

The response from each competition area was mixed.

But the LPL division, which is the host venue for this year's MSI, is already panicking.

Because the LPL Spring Finals ended the day before yesterday, RNG defeated EDG with absolute crushing strength and advanced to MSI.

The popularity has skyrocketed, and the first peak period of the royal family has arrived, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

【It’s over, it’s over! The wolf is coming! 】

[Now the plot of the novel about the three-year appointment is really going to appear! 】

[After watching the LCK Spring Finals, how do you beat this SKT and this Reaper? 】

[If it really doesn’t work, RNG should kowtow to Chen Sheng, beg him to be gentler and serve the country with loyalty in critical situations. 】

【Where is the official one? The government can do something. There are so many fancy operations that are usually not used now. When will they be used? 】

[Just an LCK champion, Krd has taken over the base camp. 】

[The dog barks. 】

[Is Heizi still alive? Haven't you finished eating green garlic last night? 】

[Destroy Sima against the wind, and Chen Sheng won't be able to get black at all this spring. 】

[Do all RNG fans have cerebellar atrophy? They don’t even know what the trend is now, so they are still shouting here. 】

Due to Chen Yiqiu's amazing performance in the Spring Finals, as well as the championship honors, various famous quotes after interviews, and even various operations such as speaking in Chinese first and then translating it himself.

The public opinion that had been building up all spring began to reverse.

Since last night, the black players of LPL have been beaten hard by white players, causing heavy casualties.

There are countless anchors like Tuesday Ke who completely follow the trend and use traffic.

Only the major giant teams in the LPL division, officials, have remained silent.

But it couldn't stop Chen Yiqiu's popularity from skyrocketing in the LPL division after winning the LCK Spring Championship.

"How's it going? Have you come up with a plan?"

LPL official.

After Jin Yibo went to work, he immediately held a meeting to inquire.

Last night, the God King ascended the throne, and the former LPL Chinese player won the LCK championship. The results were announced, and the officials had already started discussing how to face Reaper in this MSI overnight.

"There are preliminary results."

The glasses executive responsible for this aspect stated: "We plan to change our previous attitude towards Reaper no matter what, at least at this stage, when Reaper does not show an obvious decline in status."

“Spread as much kindness as you can.”

"This time SKT comes to China, we are going to invite him to come and talk in an official capacity. I believe he can understand what we mean."

"Well, there is no need to be too impatient. After all, we are now the LCK champion. This makes us look cheap."

Jin Yibo nodded in agreement, and at the same time he paid attention to the fact that he was the dominant party, the big daddy of LPL.

"...Well, we will pay attention to this. The only problem at the moment seems that no club has a clear intention to buy him."

The glasses executive was confused: "It stands to reason that it shouldn't be. After all, Reaper is so popular now. Isn't traffic the most important thing for domestic clubs?"

"They are waiting for MSI and the results of the subsequent games."

Jin Yibo saw the small thoughts of the domestic big guys at a glance, and was not surprised: "The time is too short, it is understandable."

"And I heard that Reaper's contract with SKT is for one year, and no one wants to transfer the liquidated damages in the summer, which is also a reason."

"Go ahead and talk."


The meeting only lasted half an hour. Jin Yibo got up in a hurry after answering the phone: "Someone is coming from Riot. The headquarters asked me to connect with you. Get ready."

“This is the first time that Riot Games’ official world event is held in China, and we must make it a beautiful event!”

"We must keep the championship in the LPL!"

"it is good!"


Everyone nodded quickly.

"Oh, right."

Before leaving the house, Jin Yibo remembered something and turned around and asked, "When will SKT arrive in Shanghai?"

The glasses executive looked at the time and said, "Maybe...tomorrow morning. I heard from my friends in the LCK that SKT will land in Shanghai tomorrow."

"So fast?!"

Jin Yibo was surprised.

"It must be because of Reaper. I heard that they moved their rest time to China."

"Good good..."

"Pay attention to the scale, be reserved, and don't lick too much."

Jin Yibo warned and walked out of the conference room.


RNG club.

"SKT will arrive tomorrow, what should we do?"

Su Xiaofei looked at Bai Xing.

"What can we do? Our strength shows its true strength. Are we worse than them this season?"

Bai Xing's eyes were dark, and he looked at Looper in the training room: "Our home court, can we scare a player who used to look at the water dispenser and no one wants it?"

The past was before, the present is now...

Su Xiaofei complained in his heart, but still nodded: "No problem, our players are also holding back their energy, just waiting to play SKT in MSI."

"Go, I want to rest for a while... By the way, the vase in the office is gone. Please give me a few more."

"Ah...oh, okay."

Su Laonu nodded quickly.


after one day.

Everyone in SKT went through a two-hour long flight, including the entire coaching staff, training team, translators, and post-production publicity team.

A group of dozens of people arrived in the Magic City in a mighty manner.

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

  (End of this chapter)

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