LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 34 Lee Sang Hyuk: Today, the broadcast starts

Chapter 34 Lee Sang Hyuk: Today, the broadcast starts

"The winning rate is 88%...[-]th in the Korean server. There are still five places to go. The score difference is not big. We should be able to reach the top today."

"But how do I feel that this is not my limit..."

Inside the small room.

Chen Yiqiu picked up the sexy pink water cup and took a sip. During the short break, he also felt doubtful about his current limit.

Originally, he thought that after fighting all the way to the world's highest level Korean server, he should be able to test the upper limit of his strength.

But so far, he only feels relaxed, and he even has a feeling that if League of Legends now updates a higher rank, he can continue to advance.

"No matter what, at least it's better than just looking at the flowers in the mist before."

After a long time, Chen Yiqiu shook his head and began the final impact of this operation.

Five hours later.

early morning.

As the enemy's crystal base exploded, the scene froze, and Chen Yiqiu's Rank score reached the top of the Korean server.

The winning rate is 89.9%, and the winning streak is [-] games.

It is a pity that we were not able to complete the league's unprecedented 90% winning rate and reach the top of the Korean server at the moment of reaching the top.

But 89.9% is actually equal to 90%. Perhaps from this moment on, this record will also become a miracle that no one will come after.

"89.9%! 90 consecutive wins! Faker! Long live!!"

"The impact was successful!"

"How do I feel that if the score on the list is higher this time, his data can continue to rise?"

"...What kind of monster is that? The winning rate is 89.9%. It ranks first in the Korean server. Even Faker. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

"I can't accept it...this winning rate is a monster, right?"

Players and contestants from all over the world, in major competition areas, and from different countries who were paying attention to Chen Yiqiu's ascension to the 'Miracle' today were all in an uproar.

Far away, Chen Yiqiu heard the cheers and exaggerated screams of the RNG people upstairs.

This is not surprising. In the past few days, RNG management has been organizing everyone to watch Faker's video learning. It started with operational understanding, but now they have witnessed a miracle by accident. Birth.

He stood up and slouched over. The handsome young man who had just created a miracle that might be the league's swansong had no expression on his face and closed his client.

"The inspection ends here.'s time to leave RNG."

Opened an email software.

After carefully checking the two reporting materials he had prepared several times, Chen Yiqiu sent them to the official complaint and reporting email in turn.

"Now, just wait for things to ferment..."


Inside the hotel.

"OMG, what did you say? I think you are playing a huge joke on me, one that even God cannot forgive."

The expression on the face of the team leader sent by Riot Games has become extremely exciting after hearing Lee Sang Hyuk's detailed account and the truth about 'Lee Sung'.

Surprise, doubt, confusion, shock, and... horror.

"You mean, there is another person who enjoys almost all the fame and status on the Internet and is the idol and teacher of hundreds of millions of players around the world?"

"He did all the things that even the great devil Faker couldn't do without being discovered?"

"...He has been discovered by us."

Lee Sang Hyuk emphasized.

"Faker, I still think you are joking with me. This kind of thing... is incredible. I don't believe this. Did you do this deliberately to avoid the interview?"

The person in charge waved his hands repeatedly, his facial expression full of Western exaggeration.

"Everything is here, including some video materials, corresponding to the time points. I also told you everything that happened. Do you dare not believe it or don't want to believe it?"

Lee Sang Hyuk stared at the person in charge and said firmly: "That's the truth. I think you will do what a Riot executive should do after you calm down."

The person in charge was silent.

Faker was right. It was not so much that he couldn't believe it, but more that he was faced with the sudden appearance of the 'unknown', breaking his original cognitive concepts, and subconsciously feeling a sense of disobedience and resistance.

With how magical and terrifying this thing is, anyone else would be confused.

But as a Riot executive, the person in charge has a strong ability to regulate his or her own mental state and accept various emotional impacts.After a long silence, he soon realized that this was a huge opportunity.

——An opportunity for the league to have a 'second Faker' and a brand new super star.

"Sorry, player Faker, it's a bit late for you to tell me this now."


Everyone in SKT was stunned, not understanding what the person in charge meant.

"Is such that…"

The person in charge thought for a long time before saying awkwardly: "Before we came, we had unanimously decided to give 'you' the achievements and honors you deserve. I think now...the official statement has been released, and it is for players all over the world. "

"The statement you are talking about is..."

Brother Li's eyelids twitched.


That night it was early morning domestically and 12:30 noon abroad.

League of Legends Riot Headquarters, using its official account, published an article translated as—— on Twitter and major media forums around the world.

"Li Sheng Wu Chapter, the swan song of the alliance, the character recorded in the chronicles of the alliance, Faker." 》

The content is detailed, almost starting from Faker's birth, and lists the various honors he has achieved since he entered the professional stage.

Among them, the achievements that can be called historical status and final conclusion, apart from the championship, are actually a series of events that have happened recently.

Officially, these achievements were titled: Demon King's Preaching, Li Sheng's Five Chapters, Global Record, and Humble Effort.

Needless to say, the Demon King preached the gospel, and the five chapters of Li Sheng were well-known in Asia.

The five articles correspond to Chen Yiqiu's five operations articles: vision deployment and control operations, map resource operations, roaming gank operations, resource exchange operations, and troop line operations.

Global record, 'Faker' has just completed a record that shocked the world. With an invincible winning rate of nearly 90% and the myth of undefeated 90 consecutive games, he has created a miracle that has never been done before and will never be followed again.

As a final and humble effort, Riot described 'professionalism and character' in detail, highly praising and affirming this professional attitude and character.

Chen Yiqiu was once exposed to spend almost 20 hours a day training at Rank, and 'his' selflessness was a feat of publishing all his knowledge to teach the world.

The combination of several major achievements, the media article released by Riot's official account, coupled with the "Global Record" incident that has just fermented and has not yet exploded, made this official article that was like a final conclusion instantly popular all over the world.

The fame of 'Li Sheng' and Faker reached an unprecedented historical high.

It was at this time that Lee Sang Hyuk himself finished reading this article that was so enthusiastic that he almost had 'licking' written on his face.

There was silence for a long time.

"Xianghe..." Kkoma opened his mouth to say something.

"Start the live broadcast."

"Huh?" Everyone was startled.

Brother Li's eyes flashed and he said: "The opportunity I have been looking for has come... Now that the whole world is paying attention to this matter, it's time for me to start a live broadcast."

"What do you want to do? Just tell me?"

The person in charge of Riot Games was stunned.

"I said, I will not take things that are not mine. Of course, this includes achievements and reputation..."

"Now, everything has been cleared up, and I should continue the live broadcast that was not started."

Lee Sang Hyuk recalled that when he first met Chen Yiqiu, the broadcast was interrupted by Kkoma.

From that moment on, he knew that he would definitely start live streaming again.

Because as Chen Yiqiu used his ID to cause trouble outside, the other party's so-called "achievement and historical status" became higher and higher.

It's so big that he can't afford it now, let alone doesn't want to.

He also considered that given the gap and comparison between his real reputation and that of Chen Yiqiu, even if he told the truth, there would be conspiracy theories among black fans.

But it doesn't matter now. There is official endorsement and proof. The facts and evidence are the same and cannot be changed.

The opportunity and opportunities have arrived.

Without saying any more, Lee Sang Hyuk sat in front of the computer and opened his live broadcast software.

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(End of this chapter)

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