Great Entrepreneur of the Universe

Chapter 281 Looks more kind, harmonious and friendly

Chapter 281 Looks more kind, harmonious and friendly

In addition to the Kunlun dreadnought that the current Sihai Escort Bureau has equipped, Wang Shouliang has also used the manufacturing technology and craftsmanship of the Zhujiang T-car and Xijiang truck to exchange two dreadnoughts with Hanscat, which are just waiting for delivery. They are the Queen Mother of the West and the Prince of the East.

After all, building a dreadnought takes time!
Wang Shouliang took a sip of tea and said again, "This 10,000-ton cargo ship is of great significance. After all, it is a steel ship built by us Chinese ourselves."

"Everything belongs to us."

Not only did he have to go back and preside over the ceremony, he also had to hand out the rewards in person to make it easier to encourage morale.

This Pearl River T-car, including the Pigeon fighter jet, is the first vehicle and the first aircraft to come out of the earliest slow semi-industrial, semi-manual DIY.

And then to the gradual assembly line operation.

In a few years, 5,000 to 6,000 Zhujiang Model T cars have been launched in China, and production capacity is still being further improved.

In the future, big steel ships will be launched into the sea like dumplings, and that will be much better.

The next moment, Bai Xiuzhu said in a weird tone, "My brother also asked me to relay a piece of news. Datou wants to sell you a house, a black Xi brother Dayang. You can choose any courtyard in the capital."

One day later, it’s tea time.

Wang Shouliang met with several young men at the Prince's Mansion in Shanghai. The leader was a handsome, tall and striking boy in his 20s.

This is the regular land force of the Sihai Escort Bureau, close to 70,000.

Even if this plane is because of his huge butterfly effect, the old witch has not returned to the capital for several years and has been in Rehe. The sick will also get sick. Even if the power struggle is weakened, by this time, the big head will be empty, right? ?
Beiyang's power has become weaker and weaker, and even Commander Cao has taken away batches of deserters.

Whether or not you want to go to the capital to buy a batch of courtyard houses is one thing. This year, we should vigorously develop Kalimantan Island. After all, it has a total area of ​​more than 34 square kilometers and contains a large amount of territorial waters.

When the guards made tea for a few good guys, and they were busy holding cups with both hands to thank them, Wang Shouliang smiled and said, "Your name is Lu Yuesheng, right? You are doing well in Shiliupu, and your reputation is not bad."

More than 60,000 people again.

There is also a huge naval team of the Sihai Escort Bureau...

"If you are interested, go and choose a room in person. He will do all the reception tasks and make you feel like you are home."

What about Sihai Escort Agency? An operations office in Lushun has 1.3 people, Siwu in Sarawak has 1.3, Yau Ma Tei has 1.3, Baoan has 1.3, and Foshan, Yangcheng, and Xiangshan have 4200 people each, which is equivalent to the deputy director-level establishment of an action processing office.

If the old witch is gone, he will be driven back to his hometown to become a fisherman.

In addition, there are 1.3 security bureau operations offices in Shandong, Henan, and Shanghai each, 4200 security bureaus in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Anhui each, 4200 security bureaus in the Pearl River Delta farms, and 4200 security bureaus near Fengtian in the Liaohe Plain.


Wang Shouliang almost shouted, "What the hell?"

After drinking a few more sips of tea to calm down his shock, Wang Shouliang said, "Whether I go or not is another matter, but it is important that there is no emperor."


Big Tou's original trajectory has been set up and he has lost his power.

There are also 4200 people in Shanghai.

After instinctively complaining, he suddenly realized, wasn't it? It was mid-June 1908, and the old witch was almost dead...

Lu Yuesheng hurriedly bent down and bowed, "It's all thanks to the big shopkeeper. I am the intelligence department's secret editor. I can occasionally give some information to the intelligence department on a daily basis."

Datou is in this dimension, and if he wants to wear more clothes when the weather is cold, he will definitely have no chance and no hope. Not to mention that all the mountains under him do not support him. Just look at the situation of Sihai Group. What clothes can he wear? ?
Is this a turn? !
The South's determination to overthrow the Qing court has always been unwavering.

Lu Yuesheng is survived by his brothers Ah Rong and Ah Hua. This man has been wandering to Shanghai since he was 14 years old. So far, he has been eating, drinking and having fun. He is moonlighting, loves gambling, and has officially become a godfather to a gangster leader of the Qinggang. .

On the surface, he is indeed one of the rising stars in the Shiliupu area.

In private, they are the spies who get the monthly salary of the Intelligence Department of the Sihai Escort Bureau to find out the information.

Wang Shouliang nodded, "Recently, the world has been uneasy. Many gangsters from the Youth Gang have also gone to Tokyo to set up branches and flags. You should go too."

"Take your brother and collect the money from the Intelligence Department, and I will introduce you to some of the gangsters from the Yan Lun Concession in Tokyo, and we will have dinner and drinks together."

"When you get there, you can open the way."

"Your biggest task is to collect batches of soldiers and ruffians from the army training in various provinces from Shanghai, and take them to Tokyo for activities. No matter how many people die, try to let these scum go to harm the Japanese instead of staying here. The land of China harms our compatriots.”

"The road has been pointed out to you. How far you can go in the future depends entirely on you!"

Lu Yuesheng was ecstatic and knelt down and kowtowed on the spot, "Thank you so much for your help, boss. I will do my best to do my best."

Lu Yuesheng, if you say he eats, drinks, plays, gambles, and collaborates with gangsters on the road to extort money, cheat and kidnap, he can be called a person with all five evils, and it is not a loss for him at all.

But he is indeed a talent. His original trajectory was to fall into Huang Quanrong's lap and be appreciated by Huang Quanrong's wife, so he rose to the top.

When Wang Shouliang planned to transport China's late Qing gangsters, gangsters, and soldiers in batches to Tokyo to deliver blessings, and gave Lu Yuesheng a few Yinglun and French ghosts, he would probably still be able to rise to the top.

At least he can mingle in Tokyo and Tokyo Bay!
At this stage, Tokyo, like Shanghai, was knocked open by foreign powers to the concession door, and it began to become abnormally prosperous.

What is lacking is talents like Lu Yuesheng to lead the trend.

Cargo ships and passenger ships can also continuously transport Chinese scum and wolves to Tokyo all year round.

Wang Shouliang took another sip of tea and said with a smile, "You went to Tokyo to seize the land to start a movie. You must have a lot of guys. Talk to your superiors about all the things you need."

It doesn't matter whether the current Tokyo and the early Black Dragon Society scumbags are grabbing samurai swords to grab territory, or with the support of the Sihai Escort Bureau, Lu Yuesheng's gang is grabbing Lewis light machine guns to grab territory.

Do you think that once weapons such as the Lewis light machine gun fall into the hands of the Japanese, will they cause a major upgrade of the Japanese equipment? This thing itself will be loved by Yan Lun in the first battle.

It was still very popular after World War I.

And the machine gun, the machine gun, when you pull the trigger, it will empty the bullet. The bullet is the biggest logistical headache. The devils who have exhausted all kinds of resources simply cannot afford such high-intensity consumption!
Lu Yuesheng's original track meeting, Huang Quanrong, and Yuan Xiaojun came together to open Sanxin Company to sell opium, creating an annual income of 20 million yuan in the 5770s.

Now he is taking his arms team to Tokyo. If he can't make a big fuss, Wang Shouliang's support for him will be in vain.

After a while, after watching Lu Yuesheng and others leave, Wang Shouliang asked the guards around him, "How is the progress of our grenade research and development?"

Regarding how hot Tokyo will be in the future, societies are vying for land and equipped with Mauser C96s. The big guys are Jiachen 1904 long rifles, pointed bullets and Lewis light machine guns.

But you also need to use grenades to attack difficult makes sense!

Regarding grenades, in fact, in the original Plan A world, when Hong Tianci led the team to train Ma Rulong, Dazui and the others, they were taught how to use Yalun's most advanced grenades.

In the Ghost Bear War, the Furry Bear Army also used a certain amount of grenade offensive.

Just buying grenades doesn't bother Wang Shouliang at all.

Developing your own grenades and providing self-supply is something he can take seriously.

The project targeted by him and the Pearl River Ordnance Factory was the M24 handle grenade, which was developed by Hanscat in 1915 and was still used on a large scale until 1945.

The biggest advantage of this thing is that it has a large throwing range, a longer distance, and a high lethality. Many of them have already used TNT explosives.

From the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War to the War of the Ghost and Bear, the bitter and sour fried chicken was already a terrifying yellow devil, but by the time of World War I, TNT was also common. For example, in 1918, the Hanscat bomber carried a 680 kilogram bomb. A big explosion of TNT.

Sending enthusiasm and flame to the capital city of Yanlun.

That’s so true, observers 100 kilometers away can see the gorgeous fireworks!
And in 1917, Hanscat had also begun to load TNT on the military's 305MM heavy howitzer.

In a world that is making Tokyo popular and popular all over the world, the Chinese community must be full of martial ethics!
By the time the guards reported the progress, the M24 handle grenade had been produced in small batches, but at this stage it was still filled with cotton gunpowder and a small amount of picric acid explosive.

Wang Shouliang nodded and said, "Lu Yuesheng's group of young guys are still too cowardly. They don't have the fierce and domineering aura of serious club members. Let them train for a month to develop a bit of aura."

If time didn't allow, his skills weren't up to standard, and there was a lack of good movie actors, he would have wanted to make a community movie like "New World", integrating the bang bang bang and the click-dap fire of Hong Kong's technical skills, and let The Chinese people in this plane are messing around, so follow the trend and imitate it.


On July 1908, 7, Cao Yun was just over 22 months pregnant, and the pregnancy smell was already evident. Wang Shouliang had no choice but to bring A Yun to Shanghutan.

Although the big base in Yau Ma Tei is very comfortable and comfortable, the pregnant girl sometimes has big mood changes and has a strong attachment to him...

Shanghai is actually quite safe. There is a semblance of intelligence department with a full staff of 4200 people, and there are 1.3 young people in the security bureau. This force is very stable.

After all, the compound of the Ministry of Intelligence in Sanjin is right behind the wall of the prince's palace!
Driving the Dongting Lake back, the new cargo ship was already under construction at the Second Shipyard. Wang Shouliang comforted Cao Yun at home for two days and two nights, fully explaining why women are made of water.

He just drove out and arrived at Dasheng No. 2 Factory where Zhang Jizhi drove in Chongming.

When he arrived, Zhang Jizhi had already brought people waiting for him, including Lu Yuesheng, Ah Rong, Ah Hua and other gangsters who were in their 20s and 30s and were relatively eye-catching and capable of fighting.

After a month of training, the social idleness of this group of people has somewhat dissipated, and they have become a little more cold.

After Wang Shouliang and Zhang Jizhi shook hands and exchanged greetings, he smiled and said, "Mr. Ji Zhi, are the finished batch of suits I ordered finished?"

Zhang Jizhi nodded with emotion, "Okay, this is another epoch-making breakthrough in the field of clothing, just like watching the stockings storm launched by you, the big shopkeeper..."

"Polyester, when combined with cotton, creates new clothing that is truly leading and superior in all aspects."

After joking and exchanging a few words, Wang Shouliang waved his hand and asked Lu Yuesheng and his group, who were wearing long gowns, ordinary jeans, or short-sleeves, to change.

After a period of time, these numbers 21 and reappeared, already dressed in slim suits that are most suitable for Asians in the st century, paired with shiny black leather shoes, and short hair...

Just judging from the appearance, the aura of an elite or a mafia tycoon is coming to your face.

Due to the technical problems of the times, pure cotton clothing has various defects such as poor elasticity, easy shrinkage, easy pilling, easy fading, easy wrinkles, etc. Therefore, when nylon stockings are sweeping the world, traditional cotton socks will be completely defeated. The power of struggle.

Of course, this is definitely not a way of wearing black and white silk stockings on the thighs, which can easily make SP impulsive. This refers to serious business battles and product quality reasons.

However, when pure cotton materials are combined with chemically synthesized fibers such as polyester, it is another situation. Mixed fabrics such as polyester have strong wrinkle resistance, do not shrink when washed, have good elasticity, are easy to color, and are wear-resistant. Wait, wait for the advantages...

This is the all-round qualitative change between synthetic fabrics and pure cotton!

In order to create a high-end image and temperament for the Chinese community, Wang Shouliang cheated the Chinese national enterprises and directly produced polyester, which was several times ahead of its time.

This gave Zhang Jizhi's yarn and cotton factories an epoch-making advantage.

What Lu Yuesheng and others are wearing at the moment are of the same standard as the best and most beautiful suits in the 21s and s of the st century.

Not to mention that Wang Shouliang was very satisfied with their new image, many people brought by Zhang Jizhi, including the Sihai Guards, instinctively felt that after changing their clothes, these young men looked really handsome and handsome!

People rely on clothing and horses rely on saddles. Human beings are visual animals most of the time.

When the guards came forward one by one, they distributed Mauser C96, Jiachen 1904 long rifle, Lewis light machine gun, including Wushen 1908 handle grenades to Lu Yuesheng and other twenty or thirty people. They were fully armed and made the group even more impressive. Kindness, harmony and love.

These things gave the crowd a comical sense of having bulging bags and carrying them with straps.

Wang Shouliang was the first to applaud. As the applause started, more and more clapping sounds filled the air. After a while, Wang Shouliang smiled and said, "Not bad, I finally feel like a big brother."

"When you go to Tokyo, let the Japanese see how our Chinese brothers are doing good and loving things every day."

The Black Dragon Society or something like that is definitely a scumbag against such an armed force. And in the plan, any big brother doesn't have dozens or hundreds of soldiers to lead the training army. He's not even worthy of it. Being called boss!

Lu Yuesheng and others became more and more energetic.

Wang Shouliang spread a cigar to Zhang Jizhi and said again, "Mr. Ji Zhi, with polyester mixed with cotton, the newly launched cotton socks, cotton underwear and other products can also sweep the Japanese cotton fabric market."

In the original trajectory, the national yarn mills, cotton mills, etc. headed by Zhang Jizhi were defeated by the Japanese.

(End of this chapter)

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