Great Entrepreneur of the Universe

Chapter 70 Thank you Nuanyang 1314 for the Silver Alliance bomb.

Chapter 70 Thank you Nuanyang 1314 for the Silver Alliance bomb.

Xiang Xiang woke up after a long nap and was shocked to find that [Warm Sun 1314] brother once again presented us with a new book, a Silver League. I was a little dizzy, shocked, moved, excited, excited, etc.This is the second time in life.

The first time was given by Brother Nuanyang in this [Hong Kong Entertainment Life Simulator]. Thank you very much.

No matter how many words I express my gratitude, it’s still a bit light. The new book is still in the public period, and I’m waiting for rounds of recommendations to be put on the shelves. I can’t update too much. I’ll write it down now. I’ll definitely get more hits after it’s put on the shelves. Thank you Nuanyang 1314 Brother.

We dare not say less. After the new book is put on the shelves, we will add at least 10 more chapters. I sincerely thank Brother Nuanyang. This cannot be updated in one day. I hope all brothers and friends can help us bear witness. I currently owe 10 chapters of manuscripts. Not a single chapter should be missing.

Try to update it as soon as possible after it is put on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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