Chapter 116 Coping
July 1725, 9, London.

“…God ​​has shown us great mercy and kept us safe, especially by supporting me, enabling me to resist the many diseases that afflicted me. I cannot imagine or understand the groundless accusations made against us by the gentlemen of the Cabinet and Parliament. , they would be so indifferent to the bad situation we are currently in. I can't even imagine whether it would be appropriate for the interests of the entire war situation to have the fleet sail on the vast Atlantic Ocean for such a long time."

"But God's favor to us is something I will never forget. Although the storm we encountered dampened the morale of our subordinates, God's favor was greater than these setbacks. All the officers and soldiers of the task force carried endless courage and anger. , working hard to search for our enemies in the depths of the ocean. None of us know where the Qi people’s fleet is. The brave soldiers and I will try our best to catch them and tear them apart. ... Oh, I wish God bless us!"

Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, England's first finance minister (prime minister) and leader of the House of Commons, sighed softly after reading a letter from Admiral Nicholas Haddock, commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy Task Force. One breath.

Admiral Haddock led a task force of more than ninety warships to track the Qi expedition fleet. It has been more than a month and no results have been achieved.The special list about the fleet situation attached to the letter contains a lot of frightening information:

"The Fairfax's bow was broken, split eight feet below where the bow broke.

"The Plymouth's gunpowder was all wet, and water was leaking from the end of the ship.

The "Wuster" complained of poor living conditions and spoiled bread and other food.

"The Phoenix' lost its mainmast ring and the sail was badly damaged at several seams.

The Hampshire lost its foremast, gaffsail and all rigging.

"The Newcastle' is leaking and requires constant pumping.


"The vast majority of ships have been complaining about their masts since they set sail, and these complaints are increasing day by day."

"Of course the Royal Navy will have many troubles, so how did the Qi expedition fleet come from afar to overcome these problems?" Walpole put Admiral Haddock's letter on the desk and lightly touched it with a few fingers. Beating gently.

"After discussion by our Naval Committee, we believe that the Qi expedition fleet must have obtained a temporary rest and supply place on an island or a coastal port in the Atlantic Ocean." Earl Edward Barlow, Commissioner of the Naval Committee said: "Otherwise, they will not be able to continue. Traveling in the North Atlantic and North Sea areas, we frequently intercept and attack our merchant ships. As of September 9, at least eight merchant ships have been delayed and failed to arrive in London as agreed. There must be many other ports in England as well. According to the reports of missing ships, excluding shipwrecks, they should have all been attacked by Qi warships."

"Yes, under this situation, many members of Congress strongly suggested that the Royal Navy provide escort services for the merchant fleet to avoid being attacked by Qi warships." Walpole put his hand on his forehead, and there was an unspeakable trace of fatigue on his face. state.

"Lord Walpole, we cannot split up the fleet." Edward Barlow heard this and immediately became anxious. "If we split up the fleet and escort the merchant fleet, we are likely to be attacked by the Qi fleet. Attack. The Battle of Algeciras and the Battle of Cape Verde have fully proved that the Qi warships equipped with steam engines are far superior in speed and maneuverability to the warships of the Royal Navy. Without an absolute numerical advantage, it would be difficult to defeat them. ."

"It is because some of Qi's warships are equipped with steam engines, which are much faster and more maneuverable than ordinary sailing ships. This means that once our English merchant ships are targeted by Qi's warships, they cannot even run away and can only be captured. Let me ask, in In this case, in order to avoid the loss of ships and cargo, which merchant ship would dare to sail into the Atlantic Ocean easily?"

"The sea is vast. After all, only a few merchant ships can be intercepted by Qi warships after entering the Atlantic Ocean."

"Lord Barlow, if even a small number of merchant ships are intercepted, it will mean a huge disaster for the company and ship owners."

"Does Lord Walpole mean to change the current strategic direction of the Royal Navy?"

"Our Royal Navy has gathered so many warships, but it can only search in vain for the Qi fleet in the depths of the ocean. I think this strategy is too passive. We must change to another tactic, an active and effective offensive tactic. , in order to change our current unfavorable situation." Walpole looked at Edward Barlow solemnly, "So, we need your Naval Committee to come up with a new combat plan. I think you will not let the cabinet government down. Bar?"

"..." Edward Barlow hesitated for a long time, and finally seemed to make up his mind. He took a deep breath and said softly: "Our naval committee once designed a combat plan, but the risk was relatively high. The commissioners in the committee debated for a long time. No conclusion has been reached yet.”

"..." Walpole nodded and looked at the other person encouragingly.

"This combat plan was not actually something we thought up out of thin air." Edward Barlow said: "Decades ago, when our English navy attacked the Spanish treasure fleet in the Caribbean, we encountered a strong opponent who used several warships disguised as merchant ships. The counterattack resulted in the loss of many ships and personnel. Therefore, the commissioners of our Naval Committee suggested that the Royal Navy could disguise a large number of warships as merchant ships and sail to North America or the Caribbean to lure the Qi Navy fleet. Attack. At that time, the escorting fleet and the ships disguised as merchant ships will echo each other, and they will defeat Qi's incoming fleet in one fell swoop."

"Lord Barlow, I think this combat plan is extremely bold and creative." Walpole's eyes lit up. "We can even ambush a large number of army soldiers on warships disguised as merchant ships. When the Qi people thought they had captured When our merchant ships are sent to receive them, they will definitely be surprised. As long as our warships disguised as merchant ships are entangled with Qi's sail warships, the Royal Navy ships on the periphery can give them a fatal blow. ...Oh, of course, I don’t know much about the specific maritime tactics. But I think this combat plan is worth a try, and maybe it will bring us unexpected surprises.”

"However, this combat plan also has various drawbacks." Edward Barlow's face showed a bit of embarrassment. "Suppose we disguise a large number of warships as caravans, mobilize corresponding fleets to escort them, and then sail into the Atlantic to lure Qi. The fleet is coming to attack. But the ocean is vast. If the Qi fleet hidden in the depths of the ocean does not discover them, it will be in vain and a lot of manpower and material resources are wasted. Even if the disguised fleet attracts Qi warships, if they are allowed to If we see a clue, the Qi people are likely to use the high speed and maneuverability of their ships to get rid of our entanglement and escape."

"Dear Barlow, although I have never been on the battlefield, I know that no combat plan is perfect. But we cannot be hesitant and lose a fleeting advantageous opportunity because of this." Wobo. Er said in a deep voice: "For several months after the war started, our Royal Navy has not yet achieved any commendable results, which has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the people in the country. And more than a month ago, Liverpool was destroyed by Qi artillery fire, causing extremely heavy casualties in personnel and The loss of materials has made public opinion even more fierce. Now, our entire cabinet government is under increasing pressure." "I understand." Edward Barlow nodded, "Our Navy Committee will fully discuss this. , and after consulting the Royal Navy generals, initially formulate a practical and feasible plan to lure the enemy."

"Very good." Walpole said: "Our cabinet government, and even the entire Kingdom of Great Britain, will look forward to the exciting news from your navy!"
September 9, Vog Island, Faroe Islands.

The Faroe Islands, located deep in the North Atlantic, are composed of more than a dozen scattered islands. The terrain is mountainous, roughly rugged and rocky low mountains. The terrain is towering and abrupt, with steep cliffs and separated by deep narrow valleys. of flat mountain tops.Each island has a typical ice age erosion landform, with fully developed fjords and huge pyramid-shaped mountains.The coastline of each island is very winding, and strong currents stir up the narrow waterways between the islands.Because it is the path of low pressure moving northeast, the entire Faroe Islands experiences strong winds and heavy rain all year round, and sunny weather is very rare.

Since the collapse of the Kalmar Union in 1523, the islands have been under the jurisdiction of the Danish-Norwegian Kingdom.However, the Danish mainland is too far away from the Faroe Islands and is difficult to manage. Only less than a hundred colonial officials and soldiers were stationed here to declare their sovereignty.Due to the poor geology and soil of each island and the low temperatures in summer, potatoes, sweet potatoes and some vegetables can only be used as the main crops.

This is neither a major trade route nor a place with much output. The Danish-Norwegian government actually does not attach much importance to this archipelago, and it is only used as a supply point for offshore fishing.

Every summer, many whaling ships hunt whales in the nearby waters.They usually consist of dozens of small fishing boats. They form an arc in the sea area where giant whales are found, and then stir up waves and bubbles to drive the whales to the established bay shoals, and then hand them over to the shore with harpoons and fishermen. The fishermen with the fish knife slaughter the stranded whales on the spot. During the slaughtering process, the whale blood will stain the entire bay red.

In the northwest headland of Vog Island, because there are towering rock peaks on both sides that block the strong sea wind, the bay is calm and calm. It has always been the most ideal anchorage for whaling ships. They can avoid sudden sea storms and take advantage of the flat ground. The shoals process whale carcasses and boil whale oil.

But now, the once secluded and desolate island has suddenly become noisy and lively.

The calm harbor in the bay has become a temporary anchorage for the Qi Expedition Fleet. Six or seven warships with various problems are docked at the seaside. The accompanying craftsmen are conducting extensive overhaul and maintenance of the steam engines at the bottom of the cabins.On the deck, many sailors were also replacing damaged ship boards, canvas, and cables under the command of the officers.Several small boats shuttled back and forth between the shore and the anchorage of the battleship, transporting the wet gunpowder and grain on board to the shore for drying and drying.

On the shore, hundreds of tents were erected densely next to the original whaling camp. Streams of smoke floated over the camp, and at the same time, the aroma of the food was spread into the prisoner camp.

Hannes Merton smelled the alluring fragrance and swallowed subconsciously, causing his throat to roll and his empty stomach to grumble unsatisfactorily.

"Damn the Qi people!" He cursed in a low voice, poked his head out of the hole, and looked towards the gate of the prisoner camp, hoping that the Qi people would quickly bring them food.

"Ahem..." Huddled in the weeds, Pat Hawk coughed violently. He subconsciously tightened the coat around him, breathing heavily, and occasionally heard a few low moans. .

Oh, poor Pat, he's been sick for days and had a high fever last night and was talking all kinds of nonsense.Several of their companions had tried their best to wrap their clothes around him, trying to keep him warm and alleviate his condition, but at this time, it seemed that his situation was still very pessimistic.

There is a temporary medical center in the camp of the Qi people, with more than 30 doctors inside, who should be able to provide targeted treatment for Pat's disease.But as captured merchant sailors, they did not enjoy this treatment at all.

Because, in that medical center, there were hundreds of sick and injured Qi officers and soldiers, who were receiving careful treatment and care from those doctors.

As for them captives, I am afraid they can only resign themselves to their fate and be blessed by God.

There were more than [-] people detained in the entire prison camp, including sailors from English merchant ships intercepted and captured by Qi, English fishermen fishing in the North Sea fishing area, and whalers from various countries hunting whales in the nearby Faroe Islands.All of them, without exception, were declared wartime prisoners by the Qi people and were all taken to this remote island.

As for when they would be released, the people of Qi did not say.But everyone guessed that perhaps only after the war was over could they return to their hometowns and see their relatives.

But those whalers told them sadly that if the Qi people planned to use this island as their temporary anchorage, then in winter, the temperature here would drop to 3-4 degrees, coupled with the biting westerly wind and The wet and cold rain will definitely freeze everyone to death.

Yes, the facilities in the entire captive camp are very crude, because there are no trees on the island, only moss, wild grass and mountain swamp plants, and it is impossible to collect enough materials to build the necessary houses.Moreover, in order to save food, the people of Qi only provided them with one meal a day, half a piece of Hanzhou bread and a bowl of cold fish soup.

Maybe we will all die here.

Hannes Merton leaned on the half-covered den, looking at the gray sky, feeling as if his life was passing endlessly.

This dirty and terrible war!

(End of this chapter)

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