Chapter 79 The Marketplace ([-])

When Li Yanliang woke up leisurely from his sleep, the house was already empty. His mother took a carriage to school early, but she heated up a rich breakfast for him on the stove, including several kinds of meat buns with thin skin and rich fillings, and rich sauce. Beef and soft eggs are placed in the steamer, and half a pot of fragrant and glutinous rice porridge is placed on the other side.

A row of washed clothes hangs on the clothesline outside the house, including crisp military uniforms, comfortable undershirts, and even military caps and leather boots that have been cleaned by my mother.

He put on the regular clothes his mother prepared for him, walked to the small courtyard, and stretched out comfortably.

This is the life of a normal person!

"Brother Yanliang."

After leaving the courtyard, before walking a few steps, he met the half-grown boy from his next door neighbor who greeted him warmly.

"Dagen?" Li Yanliang hesitated for a moment and called out tentatively.

"Brother Yanliang,...I am Sangen." Chen Genmin's mouth twitched.

"You are Sangen!" Li Yanliang did not show any embarrassment at calling him the wrong name. Instead, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead affectionately, "You have grown so tall! I remember that I just left Hanzhou. When you go to serve overseas, you are no bigger than a little pudding."

"Brother Yanliang, I'm already sixteen." Chen Genmin said with a naive smile: "When you went to serve overseas, I was still in school."

"What, you didn't go to school today? Did you skip class again? Be careful when your father comes back and beats you half to death!"

"I'm not in school anymore. Hehe... I didn't get into a senior high school. ...I've been working for two years!"

"Oh." Li Yanliang nodded and said with a smile, "Then why didn't you go to the factory today?"

"Alas, I was fired by my employer more than ten days ago." Chen Genmin sighed.

"What's going on? Is your employer's factory collapsing, or are you causing trouble there and being kicked out?"

"None of them." Chen Genmin said depressedly: "Our boss bought a batch of new textile machines a month ago, and the factory can't use that many people. So..."

"In other words, your job has been replaced by a new machine?"

"Isn't that right?" Chen Genmin looked bitter, with a hint of anger on his face, "Those new machines are not only more efficient and can produce more cotton yarn, but also require less labor. These black-hearted factories Lord, the abacus is very accurate. They are constantly introducing newer and more advanced machines. If they have to kick out all of us workers one by one, they can save a lot of costs!"

During this period, almost more than 100 million people in Qi were directly and indirectly engaged in related jobs in the cotton textile industry, covering a wide range of areas.Qi's cotton spinning industry, in order to obtain more favorable competitive conditions in foreign markets, continues to improve and enhance industry production efficiency.In the nearly 1642 years from the first year of Qianwu (1710) to the sixth year of Taiping (70), the mechanization of Qi's spinning industry has increased individual productivity by two hundred to three hundred times.

The development of the spinning industry has also promoted the corresponding improvement and upgrading of weaving technology; doffing machines, cotton cleaning machines, carding machines, bleaching machines, and finishing and dyeing machines that match cotton spinning machines have also come out one after another. It forms a complete series of complex machines.It can be said that the cotton textile industry became the first industry in Qi to achieve mechanization, and the scale of textile output also experienced a blowout growth.

Jianye, Weihai and Daxing are the three most important cotton textile centers in Qi, accounting for [-]% of the total output value of the entire industry.In addition to a large amount of cotton raw materials in the above three places coming from India, Bangladesh and other regions, a large part comes mainly from the cotton-producing areas in the eastern and central parts of Handong Province, as well as sporadic cotton plantations in Southeast Asia.

With the improvement and widespread application of steam engines, the relationship between production efficiency and workers gradually changed.In the past, a worker could only manage one spindle machine. Now, a worker can manage a hundred or more spindle machines.In this case, the products of manual labor are not only incomparable with the quantity of large-scale machine products, but also completely defeated by machines in terms of quality.

Now, the price of a piece of tulle produced in Daxingdu on the market is one-tenth of what it was 50 years ago.In the past, a worker could lock five meshes in one minute, but now the mesh machine can lock more than 1 meshes at the same time.

If this trend continues, workers, especially textile workers in Qi, will gradually become redundant.In recent years, the growth of consumption tax has been weak, wage levels have remained unchanged all year round, and the number of people in need of assistance has increased. This seems to indicate that large-scale unemployment of industrial workers may occur in Qi, which may then lead to some kind of unpredictable society. change.

However, after so many years, Qi's society is still stable, its economy is still growing rapidly, and its market is expanding.The reason is probably that compared with Qin, North Korea, Japan, and even India, Persia, Europe and other countries and regions, the living standards of workers in Qi are in an absolutely leading position.Coupled with the increasing domestic labor legislation and the protection of workers' rights and interests, as well as the impartiality of Dali Temple courts in various places to mediate disputes between workers and employers, all of this has greatly alleviated social conflicts.

What's more important is that Qi is still in an extremely prosperous economy, which is enough for these diligent and smart workers to get reasonable results. Even if they lose their jobs, they will quickly get new job opportunities in the labor market.

In the city of Daxing, there are more than 20 textile machines and more than 170 million spindles, operated by tens of thousands of male and female workers from morning to night.The chimneys above the city are constantly emitting thick smoke, the hammers in the workshops are constantly beating, the gears are making squeaking sounds, the spindles are constantly rotating, and yarns and cotton cloth are piled high in the warehouses.Countless merchant ships at the port transported bales of cotton thread, undyed cotton fabrics, or various colored plain cloths and striped muslins to the country and around the world.

Daxing, as the second largest industrial town in Qi, has developed in addition to the cotton textile industry, machinery and equipment manufacturing, metal processing, hardware, sugar refining, precision instruments, shipbuilding, coal, chemicals and other related industries.

Daxing has the largest factory in the world - Hanzhou Machinery Equipment Factory, with more than 200 workers. The entire factory covers an area of ​​more than 25 acres, with a factory area of ​​more than [-] square meters. It mainly produces warships and merchant ships. Auxiliary related driving equipment, industrial steam engines, as well as railway components, steam locomotive equipment, steel cannons, steam hammers and various other large machinery.

Along the Daxing River, there are more than a thousand large and small factories densely distributed, involving industries such as cables, iron pipes, needles, springs, agricultural machinery, optical and medical equipment, glass lamps, and carriage manufacturing.

Today, Daxing's gold-plated spoons are used in the Ottoman palace when eating mutton and rice. Daxing's crystal chandeliers are used for lighting in the Indian princely palaces.The South American Qing Kingdom used Daxing muskets for hunting or fighting, and the indulgent European aristocrats placed gold-plated tableware and beautiful lamps from Daxing on their dining tables.Herdsmen from Persia, Afghanistan and other places run in the endless wilderness, and the spurs on their boots and buttons on their coats also come from Daxing.Sewing needles, buttons and buckles, locks and various small ornaments widely used in markets such as Qin, Korea and Japan also come from Daxing.Various gold, silver, copper and other metal products, glass and cardboard products, pins and sabers, musical instruments and industrial machines, vehicles and equipment, etc., Daxing can all occupy an important position in world trade.In this city with a population of 60, there are countless businessmen from all over the world standing in commercial buildings or wandering on the bustling streets, looking for possible business opportunities.

Young people from the countryside, immigrants from foreign countries, and many students who have just entered society, all looked at this city full of countless wealth with expressions of confusion and excitement, imagining how to flourish here. With fists and feet, he accomplished something earth-shattering.

Li Yanliang walked on the bustling streets, looking here and there, as if it was his first time in Daxing City. He was curious about everything. He stopped at a certain street corner or market from time to time, and even Enter the store or stall with interest, buy some odds and ends, and eat some snacks.

"That high-rise building was only built last year." Chen Genmin introduced it enthusiastically when he saw Li Yanliang eating and looking up at the building in front of him, "Except for the Wenchang Tower in the north of the city, this building is the largest building in Daxing City. It’s the tallest building in the city. If you count, it has eighteen floors!...Brother Yanliang, how do you think the people in the building got to the top floor?”

"In such a tall building, everyone can't climb the stairs, right?" Li Yanliang said with a smile: "I guess there must be a lifting machine in the building that can take people on higher floors up."

"Hey, Brother Yanliang is really well-informed!" Chen Genmin finished the meat skewers in his hand in two mouthfuls, wiped his mouth, nodded and said: "Yes, there are two steam elevators in the building. Those who need to go up People who went to higher floors stood in a box. As soon as the machine started, it went up quickly. Gee..., it’s really amazing when you think about it!”

"Have you ever sat in there?"

"How can I, a poor and hard-working person, be qualified to enter a place like this! Hehe... I don't know exactly what it is like inside. I just heard what others said. There are many wealthy trading companies in Daxing City. People and institutions have all moved here. Look at the people coming in and out. They are all rich or noble, and they are all well-known!"

"Are you envious?"

"Who wouldn't be envious!... If I get rich, I will wear my best clothes and walk in grandly. Then, I will find a luxury room on the top floor of a high-end hotel in the building and stay comfortably for one night. Think about it, standing at such a high place, holding a glass of wine and overlooking the entire Daxing City, I would probably be too excited to sleep!"

"If you want to get rich, why do you have to stay there for one night?" Li Yanliang couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "You should build a taller building yourself and sleep on the top every day. That's called enjoying life!"

"Ah?" Chen Genmin blinked and said in astonishment: "How much does it cost to build a building by yourself?"

"You have become rich, so you must have as much money as you want!"

"Ten thousand?...Twenty thousand?"

"Sangen, I think your imagination about wealth can be a little bolder!"

"One hundred thousand? One million..., my God, this is such a huge fortune!...Brother Yanliang, are you kidding me?"

"Haha..." Li Yanliang couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Genmin's cute and confused look.

Although the people of Qi during this period ranked first in the world in terms of per capita income, they also spent a lot of money. Not to mention daily firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, they also spent a lot of money on daily clothing and travel, leisure and entertainment, housing and medical care. Less fees.If there are more children in the family, life will actually be tight.

Chen Genmin's family has five brothers and sisters. He, one brother and sister also work out, but it is quite difficult to maintain the life of a family of seven.There are so many people in the family, but they still live in an old two-bedroom apartment that was bought more than ten years ago. In the cramped space, there is no place to turn around.

The staple food I eat on weekdays is also the cheapest aged rice sold in the market.I occasionally improve my life, but the fish, shrimp, and seafood I buy are wilted and half-dead. Most of the meats such as pork, beef, and eggs are bad parts.As for the oil used for cooking, it is basically palm oil from Southeast Asia - compared to other vegetable oils, palm oil is much cheaper.

In this way, the family cannot save much money in a year.If the following younger siblings are admitted to a senior high school or a vocational school, it means that the family's expenses will skyrocket.

Therefore, in Chen Genmin's eyes, 1 yuan is already a very large amount of money, let alone 100 million, which he can't even imagine.

"Are there any fun places nearby?"

"Yes!" When Chen Genmin heard Li Yanliang's question, his eyes immediately shone and he was eager to try, "The racetrack and dog fighting ring at Qushui Bay have a lot of people gathering every day, and it's very lively. ...There is a football stadium on Maoping Street. There are many teams playing games on weekdays. You can go and take a look. Oh, and after passing the first few streets, there is a fighting gym, which is good for fighting. It’s called exciting, the punches hit the flesh, and after one scene, either the face is covered with blood, or the legs and tendons are broken, it’s very exciting!”

"Any more?"

"Oh, Brother Yanliang doesn't like these intense scenes?... Then why not go to a teahouse and have something to eat while listening to books? It's also a good choice. "Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", "Water Margin" "The Legend of the Heroes of the Ming Dynasty", "The Romance of the Gods"...the lectures are so wonderful! On holidays or during festivals, the teahouse is even more crowded."

"Okay, let's go to the teahouse!" Li Yanliang was also excited after hearing this, "I haven't heard storytellers for many years, and I don't know if anything new has come out."

"Yes, yes! A few years ago, someone compiled several wars that have occurred since the founding of our country of Qi into story-telling novels. Many storytellers in teahouses also copied these contents. Hehe , not to mention, it sounds really exciting!"

(End of this chapter)

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