Chapter 90 Polling Office

Qi Jingrong followed an emperor's attendant through several palaces and gardens to the Yuji Hall located on the north side of Taichu Palace, and then waited outside the hall for an audience with His Majesty.

Qi Jinrong is the ninth chief officer of the Polling Office since its establishment and has been in office for eight years.Although this position is not high-level, it has great power.Because the main responsibility of this department is to prevent and combat all criminal activities that may endanger the security of the royal family and the government, it can monitor and deal with any potential or ongoing harmful behavior without the approval of Dali Temple and the Supervisory Yuan, even if it involves officials. , scholars, and even the children of the royal family, the polling office also has great freedom of action.

At the same time, the Polling Office often shares intelligence with the Black Guards, and cooperates with the Black Guards in the country to secretly collect and analyze information about foreign governments, trading companies (companies), violent organizations, individuals, politics, culture, technology, etc. Intelligence, coordinating the activities of other domestic intelligence agencies and submitting such intelligence information to the Emperor and the Chancellery of the Cabinet.

The Investigation Office has the highest priority for particularly major domestic violent activities, criminal organizations, foreign espionage activities, civil crimes, etc., and can intervene in the case investigation process of local police systems.When necessary, with the emperor's authorization, local military police and rotating rural soldiers can also be mobilized to deal with major violent emergencies.

Although the Polling Office is under the cabinet, and departmental funds are uniformly allocated by the Cabinet Department of Accounts, the agency's main personnel management power lies in the hands of the emperor, allowing it to enjoy a relatively aloof status and not be subject to any constraints from the government.

Therefore, anyone who serves as the chief official of the polling department is a person who is trusted by the emperor.Qi Jingrong is a descendant of Duke Cheng Guo (Qi Yuanshan), the first chief officer of the Public Opinion Bureau at that time. Although his blood relationship has been estranged from the royal family for several generations, he is still a member of the royal family.Therefore, eight years ago, he was transferred from the Imperial Guard system to the Public Opinion Investigation Department, becoming the head of the most important intelligence agency in Qi State.

This morning, while he was still sleeping and sobering up in the mansion, a close subordinate suddenly rushed to report that his Majesty had sent someone to summon him and asked him to go to Taichu Palace to see his Majesty.

Last night, I had a banquet with several officials and businessmen until late at night. I had a splitting headache. When I heard His Majesty's summons, I didn't wake up for a long time.

With the support of his servants, he hurriedly took a cold shower and didn't even bother to eat breakfast. He endured all the discomfort and rushed to the palace in a carriage to meet His Majesty.

"Didn't Jingrong have a good rest last night?" Emperor Taiping sat behind the imperial court, put aside the paperwork and reports in his hands, and glanced at Qi Jingrong, who was struggling to regain his composure.

"Your Majesty, I and my staff were reviewing and studying several cases last night, and accidentally stayed up until midnight." Qi Jingrong bowed and responded.

"Are you drinking and studying the case?"

"Uh..." Qi Jingrong panicked and hurriedly defended: "I was tossing and turning late last night and couldn't sleep, so I drank a few glasses of wine..."

"What case did you study last night?"

"...A few days ago, our spies from the Polling Department received news from the British Embassy that the British frequently visited the embassies of France, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries, and seemed to be conspiring to collude. The minister and many of his staff will conduct recent surveillance and investigation The intelligence is analyzed and summarized in order to find some clues.”

"Is there any conclusion?"

"... There is no conclusion yet. However, I have deployed more manpower to strengthen surveillance and spying on the British. In a few days, something will definitely be gained."

"I heard that there are large trading companies in China that are infringing on the rights of local people. Have you done any relevant investigation?"

"..." Emperor Taiping suddenly changed the topic, making Qi Jinrong unable to react for a moment. He was stunned for a while and quickly responded: "I... have heard something."

"Just hearing it?"

"Your Majesty..." Qi Jingrong glanced at Emperor Taiping secretly. He didn't quite understand the meaning of this question, and then carefully replied: "Some large trading companies such as real estate, transportation, and even railways are indeed operating in the country. In the process, they violated the rights of local people. However, I considered that these trading companies were the backbone of the country. They not only played a driving and guiding role in the construction and development of the empire, but also provided a large number of jobs for the local area and contributed a lot of finance. Taxation can be regarded as benefiting one party. Therefore, I obey the authority and do not...have any dealings with it."

"Jingrong, who has our Daqi Dynasty relied on since its establishment?"

"...comply with the people's wishes, benefit the people, and enable millions of people to live and work in peace and contentment."

"Yes, we rely on the people's support." Emperor Taiping said, stood up, looked at Qi Jinrong, and said earnestly: "The development of the economy and people's livelihood is important, but it must be done at the expense of the people's vital interests, or at the expense of people's lives and If you don't care about your property, what's the point? Xunzi said, 'Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.' Although this statement has been made for thousands of years, we and future generations can still learn from it."

"I have neglected my duties and owe you the kindness of Your Majesty." Qi Jinrong bowed to apologize.

"Change it if it exists, and don't let down the people's wishes." Emperor Taiping walked a few steps in the palace and asked seemingly casually: "Two days ago, there was a fire in Daxing. Did your polling office intervene in the investigation? "

"Daxing local police reported that the fire may have been caused by residents' improper use of fire. ... Our polling office has not yet intervened in this case."

"Really?" Emperor Taiping stopped and looked at Qi Jinrong.

"If Your Majesty feels something is wrong, after I leave, I will immediately order my subordinates to thoroughly investigate the cause of the fire."

"Jingrong, the polling department has a lot of power and matters are tight, so don't take it lightly!"

"I'm ashamed..." Although Emperor Taiping's tone was gentle, Qi Jingrong felt a trace of invisible pressure.

Your Majesty is already dissatisfied with my official duties!

"It's been a long time of leisure and leisure, but it has taken care of people." Emperor Taiping couldn't help but sigh when he saw Qi Jingrong's panicked back disappearing at the entrance of the palace.

"Your Majesty, do you think the fire that killed the daughter of the eldest princess of Le'an was caused by man-made causes?" Attendant Wang Bingsen gently handed a cup of warm tea to Emperor Taiping.

"No matter what the reason is, it must be investigated." Emperor Taiping smiled bitterly, "Poor orphans and widowed mothers, who have suffered such misfortune after only a few days of happy life."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"Bingsen, how long have you been with me?"

"Your Majesty, I became your Majesty's attendant in the 1714th year of Taiping ([-]). It has been ten years now."

"Do you have any thoughts of taking up a foreign post?"

"My lord, I will be sent by your majesty."

"Go to the polling office." Emperor Taiping said calmly: "After you take office, you should straighten it out so that it won't be the useless thing it is now!"

"Your Majesty?" Wang Bingsen was surprised.

"Since some people are not interested in doing anything and want to live a mediocre life, it would be better to help them and stay in a beautiful house in Washington to drink and have fun." Emperor Taiping said coldly: "Humph, last year, that incident In the tragic case of the British and foreigners abducting and killing the Royal Academy of Sciences scholars, the polling office did nothing and did not play any role. Such inaction is really disappointing!"

"Your Majesty, I have never been involved in counter-espionage or detective work, so I may not be able to take on a big job." "You are in charge of the public investigation office, and there is no need for you to personally handle specific general affairs." Emperor Taiping said: "Bingsen, you are a daughter of a famous family. A group of books, covering the past and present, and has always been quick-thinking. Moreover, for the past ten years, I have been with you to handle various important tasks. I have worked hard every day and made no mistakes. I am in charge of the polling department. I believe you will be able to handle it with ease. It’s been overhauled.”

"I accept your order!" Wang Bingsen took a deep breath and bowed in response.

"Have a good time doing it!" Emperor Taiping said with a smile: "Given time, your Wang family may have another prime minister after Pingyuan Gong (the fourth cabinet prime minister Wang Zhongyi)."

"Your Majesty is so complimentary that I cannot bear it!" Wang Bingsen looked calm, but his heart was already full of passion.
July 7, Daxing.

It is said among the people that people have three souls and seven souls. After death, one soul will be lost one year, one soul will be lost every seven days, and the soul will be exhausted in three years, and the seven full souls will be exhausted.

Seven days have passed since the fire that occurred in Wangjiang Lane, Mingli Street. White paper lanterns are hung everywhere in the ruins of the ruins. In the charred courtyard, many spiritual tablets are placed, incense and candles are burned, and wine and food are offered to commemorate those who died. Relatives lost in fire.

Cries, groans, and chattering were mixed with the noise of monks and Taoist priests performing rituals.From time to time bursts of smoke would drift in the hazy sky.

In front of the spiritual tablet, or where the coffin is placed, offerings such as coins, incense, paper, gold and silver buckets sent by acquaintances, relatives and friends are scattered around.

"Brother Yanliang..."

Li Yanliang was wearing heavy mourning and kneeling in front of his mother's spiritual tablet. His face was slumped and his expression was in a trance, as if everything around him no longer existed. Perhaps, this was just a dream.After waking up from the dream, everything will disappear, and my mother will still sit back on the chair with a slight smile, watching her lovingly as she recounts her many experiences overseas.

Oh, by the way, my mother said she wanted to arrange a marriage for herself and find herself the most beautiful bride in the world.In a few years, several quirky children will surround their mother, clamoring for stories and greedy candies.With children and grandchildren around the knees, enjoying the family relationship, it is a warm and happy picture.

"Brother Yanliang..." Chen Genmin became a little anxious when he saw Li Yanliang sitting there kneeling without any reaction, and couldn't help but raise his voice a bit.

"Huh?...What's wrong?" Li Yanliang raised his head.

"Many police officers and spies from the Public Opinion Bureau came to the courtyard..."

"..." Li Yanliang looked at Chen Genmin blankly. For a moment, he didn't understand what the presence of the police and spies from the Public Opinion Bureau in the alley had to do with people like them who were immersed in grief.

"They asked... to open the coffin for an autopsy!" Chen Genmin's tone was full of sorrow and anger, but also a little panic.


"The public servants want to find out the cause of everyone's death."

"It's not all caused by the fire..." Li Yanliang stood up and grabbed Chen Genmin's collar, "They suspect that the fire was..."

"Brother Yanliang, they are going to open my Wu Yazi's coffin!..." Chen Genmin's words were filled with tears.

"..." Li Yanliang looked back at his mother's coffin, and then looked outside the yard. Some policemen in blue uniforms and detectives from the polling office in civilian clothes were exploring the ruins burned by the fire, but there was no sign of them. No one enters here.They must have learned the identity of Li Yanliang's mother and did not dare to come over to disturb her.

"It's been seven days, can anything be found out through the autopsy?" Li Yanliang came outside the yard and saw an official from the polling office who was dispatching the scene, so he stepped forward and asked.

"Li Xiaowei, if this person was burned to death, there would naturally be a large amount of coke particles accumulated deep in his mouth and nose. If not, he must have been harmed and died." Liang Zhengquan, head of the Operations Department of the Daxing Branch of the Polling Office, said softly said.

"If everyone is burned to death by the fire, then what do you want to do next?"

"Then we need to conduct a detailed exploration of the scene after the fire burned and search for relevant evidence to determine whether the fire was an accident or a man-made arson?"

"How to judge?"

"From the remains of objects at the fire scene, we can find the point of ignition, which is usually the most severely burned place. Then, we can determine the approximate order of burning." Liang Zhengquan said, looking at the traces of victims who had rummaged through the ruins everywhere, He couldn't help but frown, and then continued: "In short, there is a mission on the mountain. We and the local police department are ordered to search all places carefully, and we must give an explanation to all the victims of the fire."

"If it was an arson attack, who should have done it?" Song Wenpu, Li Yanliang's third uncle, came over and asked in a deep voice.

"We have not yet got any clues to identify the perpetrator. ... However, in the past few days, we will conduct detailed investigations and interrogations of all surrounding residents, and we may be able to get some clues."

"The residents here are all kind-hearted and loyal people. How could some bad guy come to kill them?" Li Yanliang looked sad as he watched dozens of police officers and spies from the polling office block the worshipers outside and conduct autopsies. The official forced open a pair of coffins, endured the strong and pungent corpse smell, and opened the mouth of the deceased to check the residue in the throat.

The entire courtyard was filled with cries, and some excited family members continued to rush into the queue blocked by the police, trying to stop them from desecrating the deceased.

"Song Jiaoyu, Lieutenant Li, this matter was ordered by the superiors. The cause of this fire must be found out. If there is any offense, please bear with me." Liang Zhengquan sighed slightly. , cupped his hands towards Li Yanliang's uncle and nephew, and said with a wry smile: "My new chief executive of the Public Opinion Investigation Office came from Chang'an yesterday to take charge of the case specifically to supervise the case. We have no choice but to obey the authority in a hurry and offend anyone. The neighbors here are old."

"Well, you go and check carefully." Song Wenpu nodded, and then led Li Yanliang back to the mourning shed built to continue guarding the deceased sister for the last seven days.

Just when Wangjiang Lane was in an uproar because the polling office and the police suddenly began to thoroughly investigate the cause of the fire, a carriage quietly drove away from a distant street intersection and quickly headed towards the nearby Jewish village. Go to the business store.

"Leidona, when you get back, go to the station immediately to buy some train tickets for tonight or tomorrow morning." Victor Sassoon had a look of panic on his face, "We must leave here right away."

"Mr. Sassoon, the people of Qi may not be able to find any useful clues." Redona Bevin whispered: "Nizam and Omar were very covert that night and did not alert anyone. We will not As for fleeing in such a hurry, leaving behind so many investment projects. Oh, that’s a lot of money!”

"No, we have to leave here." Victor Sassoon said firmly: "You have to know that any shady action will inevitably leave clues. As long as someone with care goes to investigate, they will definitely find clues. We can't Surrender your precious lives to the carelessness and neglect of others, otherwise we will all be in dire straits.”

"Do we need to inform others to leave Daxing too?"

"No, there is no need to inform them." Victor Sassoon shook his head and said: "If just a few of us leave, it won't attract too many people's attention. But if we inform everyone to escape together, it will be clear. Tell the people of Qi that there must be something wrong with us."

"Understood, Mr. Sassoon." Redona Bevan nodded.

The dozen or so people left behind will become abandoned sons. Once something happens, they will inevitably be severely punished by the people of Qi.Perhaps, this incident will also affect the Jews who immigrated in the early days.

Who would have thought that an "accidental" fire would burn to death a close relative of the royal family, thus attracting the attention of the government and military police!

(End of this chapter)

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