When Qin Yu mentioned Zhu Jin, she expressed her own inference by the way: "There have been two known incidents of disasters in shelters. One was Kong Jun of Fu Ting Hua Residence, and the other was a tragic death in the trial area. Zhu Jin."

"If Kong Jun was just an accident, then the appearance of Zhu Jin is enough to show that the neglected butterfly may be flapping its wings in a corner." She considered, "The accident has happened."

"Kong Jun's and Zhu Jin's accidents do have some overlap..." Nan Jin took a deep breath and moved her lips unconsciously, seeming to be debating whether to discuss this issue more.

Qin Yu saw the other party's hesitation, and in order to make the conversation proceed smoothly, she added a new discovery: "There is another phenomenon that also concerns me very much. In the window of the Dream Cube safe area, There once appeared a man with bone spurs similar to an NPC.

According to the words of the first batch of inviters, it can be inferred that he died in the last dream cube. We all know that people cannot be resurrected. A dead person returns with a new identity..."

She deliberately prolonged her voice in order to get some clues from Nan Jin's expression.

Sure enough, when she mentioned the words "bone spur man", Nan Jin's movements paused for a moment, and then she pursed her lips and tried her best to act natural.

Qin Yu looked away clearly.

From the other party's body movements, she could almost deduce the sudden disaster of the containment, and the task force seemed to have found the general direction.

However, the bone-spurred man's changes were far beyond their understanding.

It is estimated that Nan Jin now has the same doubts about the appearance of the man with bone spurs as he does.

"Judging from the attitude of the people around him towards the Bone Spur Man, he seems to still have some human memories left in him. At least the unique human thinking can be seen in his speech and behavior.

Another point is that the first batch of invitees who entered the Dream Cube had witnessed his strength with their own eyes, so after seeing him slapping an adult to death with his bare hands, there was an uproar around him.

This shows that after returning with a new identity, his upper limit has been greatly improved. "Qin Yu tried her best to describe her feelings for him.

Nan Jin did not interrupt, and only nodded silently at the end.

She had seen the man with bone spurs who was about to go berserk in the Dream Cube, and had the most intuitive impression of his strength and the huge contrast this time.

There was almost no difference between what Qin Yu said and what she saw.

Something unexpected happened again...

The containment disaster incident has just begun to take shape, and accidents have occurred frequently on the Dream Cube side.

Nan Jin suddenly felt as if his head was as big as two.

Usually in the team, Shen Zhenan, as the captain of the task force, often sees the beginning but not the end.

It's almost impossible to talk to him about your inner frustration.

As for He Qiao.

He is the kind of person who just does things and never thinks about the causes and consequences.

Many of her speculations reached the ears of the other party, and at most they could only get a few words of unoriginal agreement.

Playing the harp to a cow is just the two of them.

Therefore, communicating with him is a waste of time.

Now she finally met Qin Yu who was just as confused as she was back then. However, due to the special nature of her work, she could not share the information she had without reservation.

Even though some of Qin Yu's guesses were very close to the truth after their investigation.

But she still couldn't speak.

It would be nice if I were not a member of the task force. At least I wouldn't be constrained by the messy and extremely complicated regulations.

But then I thought, if she was not Nan Jin from the task force, but just an ordinary person like Qin Yu, she would not know so many truths because of her work.

Her hypothesis also made no sense at all. But one thing is certain, if she were just an ordinary person, she would never be able to reach Qin Yu's level.

She knew what Qin Yu meant, and she also knew that the constraints of being under the Federation prevented her from facing the other party's confusion.

It's really annoying...

Nan Jin rubbed his face irritably, then couldn't suppress the depression in his heart and sighed repeatedly.

The news of her troubles reached Shen Zhenan's ears through the group microphone.

He was silent for two seconds and said helplessly: "You can reveal a few things appropriately and be careful with yourself."

After hearing this, Nan Jin immediately became energetic and even his eyes lit up: "I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answer now about the bone spur man. But we can have a good chat about the Kong Jun disaster case. chat.

You once said that the cause of disasters is that disasters take advantage of human desires and reach a symbiotic deal. At that time, we conducted some interviews and investigations into Kong Jun’s experiences during his lifetime, and we found that he had indeed suffered unfair treatment before.

Because it was the first case of a disaster in a shelter, we did not arbitrarily make an absolute connection between the two. However, your description of Zhu Jin’s disaster verified that our investigation direction at that time was correct. The injustice Kong Jun suffered was probably the main reason for his disaster. "

Nan Jin pretended to hand Qin Yu an investigation report: "I think as a witness to the disaster of the shelter, you should be interested in Kong Jun's past... Let's take a look, it can be considered a beginning and an end."

She took it and read it carefully.

The content was not long, and the report, which was only three pages long, made her more and more depressed as she read silently.

Kong Jun's family conditions are not good. His parents live in the outer city of Y City.

The outer city is the periphery of the garbage mountain in every city. It is the buffer zone between the garbage mountain and the city center. It has been designated by the federal government as a hazardous area long ago and is not suitable for human habitation.

Except for the overrun pests who will regard it as their nest, anyone with some ability will move away from the outer city.

In that smelly environment, only cockroaches with extremely strong vitality can survive.

Therefore, for those who stick to the outer cities, people often like to call them cockroaches.

Kong Jun managed to go to school and graduate with the money his parents earned from collecting garbage.

He once thought that he would have a bright life after graduation, or at least that through his own efforts, his parents could move from the outer city to the center of the city.

But the adult world is cruel, and his enthusiasm repeatedly hit the wall in reality. In the end, he had no choice but to give up his unrealistic reverie and do some jobs with only a meager salary.

Later, saving money to buy a house became his belief.

When he rented his first house, he happily brought his parents from another city.

Perhaps because they have lived in the outer city all year round, their bodies are stained with the smell of garbage that cannot be washed away, and they even bring heavy traces of garbage.

The cockroaches jumped out of them, almost causing the landlord to call the police on the spot.

Later, under the dual pressure of neighbors and landlord, he had no choice but to send his parents back to the outer city again and paid a lot of money for cleaning up.

This is a turning point.

Soon after, the landlord took the house back on the grounds that something had happened.

Kong Jun once again lost his place to stay.

But he knew that it was just an excuse. The main reason was that the landlord could not accept renting his house to a "cockroach" from the outer city.

Fill in the pits with copies at home, home, home

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