"I think you can guess my purpose." Lu Xiuli has been following Qin Yu for a long time. "Minister Zhao cannot show up in person for some reasons. I am only here to talk to you about cooperation on his behalf."

"Let me talk about your concerns first. This cave bar is not an entertainment venue in the traditional sense. You must have seen some incomprehensible scenes just now. Strictly speaking, this place was divided with the tacit approval of the federation. It doesn’t care about geographical boundaries, and the main groups it serves are political and business gangsters.”

"If it weren't for the current complex internal situation of the Federation, we wouldn't have to discuss things in such a smoky place. The Federation is safe enough, but at a certain level, it is not free.

This is the only place where you are safe, free and convenient. Don't worry, no one dares to put their eyes in here. We can take advantage of today's opportunity to speak freely. "

"Of course, due to limited funds, many issues may have to be discussed in short," he said.

Qin Yu couldn't help but take a breath.

What Lu Xiuli said was very different from her previous guess, but it was also more cruel.

"But, the woman on the bar and the cage hanging from the ceiling..." She didn't want to delve into the issue of drug addicts, but these people didn't look like they were willing.

She had no right to interfere with what those people wanted to do. But if it was an indiscriminate killing of innocent people, then the nature of the matter would be different.

She couldn't explain the specific feelings that the cave bar brought to her. From the moment she stepped into the bar, everything she saw seemed to be an absurd and bizarre drama.

The door of the bar can keep out all human ethics, morality and law.

In the past, it was okay if she didn't know, but now that she knows, she feels that she can't turn a blind eye to the buds growing in the soil of sin like those bystanders who have nothing to do with themselves.

There is a feeling that the World Cup has overturned it.

She believed that it was no accident that Lu Xiuli allowed her to see this.

Is it to allow her to better see the true face of those in power?

Then his purpose was achieved.

As a human being, it is difficult for her to empathize and understand the outrageous actions of those in power.

She could even clearly feel an unknown fire burning stronger and stronger in her heart.

"As I just said, this is a place of unbridled indulgence. The laws and morals we are familiar with have completely lost their effect here." Lu Xiuli said, "When people ignore ethics and morals and act solely on desire if.

Then this place becomes a paradise. Of course, when I say paradise, I refer to people who are above everything and regard themselves as gods. "

"They dominated and created this paradise that belongs entirely to them. As for outsiders, for them, this is a real hell on earth."

"Without any restraint, it is only a matter of time that a breeding ground for evil gradually forms."

"Moreover, I made it very clear before. The Federation knew all this, but still acquiesced. This is what I mentioned before, the reason why this place is safe and free. As for convenience, it is easier to understand." He continued road.

“If people who have lived under the rules all their lives are once unable to be protected by the rules, this situation will be extremely bad and disadvantageous for them.

Conversely, when the audience changes, the disadvantage becomes an advantage. At the same time, some of their behaviors will become very convenient. "

"Let's take the simplest example. Do you know why they set up the cave bar near the garbage dump?" Lu Xiuli couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes when he talked about all this.

His hint was obvious enough.

Convenience and dump.

Combined with the direction in which the man in black dragged the female corpse.

For a time, all the unclear clues had clear directions at this moment.

"The geographical location is remote, far away from the bustling city center. Even if you do something too outrageous, it won't attract anyone's attention." Qin Yu thought of the gunshot without any silencer. How special was it? Arrogant, "Also... the proximity to the garbage dump is convenient for processing the 'evidence' that is not conducive to them."    "You guessed it right, the outer city became a recognized restricted area at the beginning of this year, not to mention the garbage dump deep in the outer city. Even if they knew that the missing people were thrown inside, no one would go to check." He briefly pointed out the operational steps of the garbage dump, "Crushing, dumping, accumulation and decomposition. In this environment, even if No matter how perfect the evidence is, it cannot be perfectly preserved.”

Qin Yu stopped talking.

The people who created this place are so thoughtful...

Lu Xiuli knew that she was feeling sorry for those people who were in trouble, so he explained: "If you want to save them, there is nothing you can do. It's just that the price you have to pay and the series of chain reactions that will follow are , it may not be something you can afford at all.”

"The formation of a chain of interests is the result of accumulation over time. Saving people is the goal, not the means." He said, "Only by completely destroying this chain can we save everyone."

"This is what Minister Zhao has been fighting for and working hard for. From you, I can find that there are many similarities between us. This is why we want to cooperate with you."

They do have similarities when it comes to saving people.

However, Qin Yu's stance in doing things only represents an individual, and is not mixed with complex camp factors.

Zhao Changzhong and Lu Xiuli are different. Their positions dictate that they must be extremely careful and cautious in every move they make.

In the same way, the conditions for attracting new people into the game not only depend on the other party's character and firm stance, but also must be used as a test standard from all aspects.

The software conditions and hardware conditions cannot be too bad, and they must even be one in a million.

Tonight, it seems like a simple appointment, but in fact there is a mystery hidden behind it.

Lu Xiuli hoped that Qin Yu would be wary of everyone, especially not to let down her guard just because the person inviting her was him.

Therefore, her approach of coming to the cave bar in advance to observe the situation was one of the plus points.

Not telling her about the Day of the Dead theme in advance was also one of the points of investigation.

He wanted to see how Qin Yu could handle emergencies.

Although the poor guy's reasons were ridiculous, judging from the fact that he successfully entered the bar, her judgment and handling were quite feasible.

As for stance and empathy, Lu Xiuli knew that the goals of both parties were very close as early as the issue of Yiyuan creatures.

After all, Gao Shanyi's family is not an unrelated stranger to Qin Yu, so he took advantage of the bizarre scene in the bar and her subsequent reaction.

It’s a good way to see the other person’s empathy.

Being too indifferent or too kind was a situation he didn't want to see. Fortunately, after Qin Yu understood her situation, she didn't act out of emotion.

At this point, he was still very pleased.

As for the three options she saw in the dark.

1. Mirror.

2. The sun.

3. Truth.

It’s a metaphor for the area you visit.

At the same time, he also told her directly about the price of obtaining the truth:

You want all the truth, even though it eats away at your brain.

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