Mrs. Qiao laughed happily and generously lent her fat grandson to everyone to take turns hugging.

As soon as Qiao Sanhu's hands were empty, he immediately wanted to lift the curtain to see how his wife was doing.

"Uncle San, don't come in! Don't bring bacteria in!"

Qiao Sanhu slapped his feet: "Okay, okay! I won't go in. Ranran, how is your third aunt?"

"Third uncle, don't worry. Third aunt is just too tired and fell asleep. She is fine!"

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay!"

When Qiao Sanhu heard the exact words of his eldest niece, he let go of his worries.

Qiao Ran sewed up Third Aunt's incision, disinfected it, then cleaned her hands, broke off a ginseng root from the wild ginseng picked on the cliff, and asked Third Uncle to boil water for Third Aunt.

This kind of wild ginseng that grows on cliffs is generally not available for harvesting, so it stays in season for a long time.

According to Qiao Ran, these two wild ginsengs are both over 500 years old. Just one thin ginseng tendon can be many times more effective than a whole wild ginseng that has been grown for several years or decades. .

When taking the wild ginseng, Qiao Ran took a closer look and found that the Ganoderma lucidum was indeed purple Ganoderma lucidum.

And those two wild ginsengs were indeed the red ginseng that I was looking for.

Qiao Ran couldn't help but sigh, isn't Mr. Mo very lucky?

He just happened to meet himself who could help him detoxify, and he happened to have most of the medicinal materials needed for detoxification.

Even a Ganoderma lucidum plant and two wild ginseng plants that I picked on the cliff when I first came through happened to be two of the four most important herbs.

Now, there are only the last two medicines left. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to meet him?

After finishing her work with the third aunt and asking her mother to take good care of her, Qiao Ran had time to take a closer look at her little cousin.

Seeing her come out, Mrs. Qiao carefully put the swaddling clothes into her hands and warned the little baby in the swaddling clothes:

"Come, let your eldest sister hug you! Don't forget in the future that it was your eldest sister who delivered you. If it had been anyone else, your mother would have had a difficult delivery, and both you and your mother would be in great danger! Don't forget it when you grow up. Your eldest sister’s life-saving grace.”

The women on the side also echoed: "Yeah, I really didn't expect Ran Yatou to deliver babies! This situation is dangerous! I heard that there is a new daughter-in-law in Chenjia Village next door to us who has a small pelvis and a big fetus. She labored for a day and a night without giving birth. In the end, the mother hemorrhaged and died, and the fetus also suffocated in her belly. Oh, what a sin!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't say such unlucky words! Old Qiao's family is lucky. You see, ever since Ran Yatou stopped being stupid, the Qiao family has had a series of good things, including carriages, money, and leading us to travel. After going through so many difficulties, finding so much food, and now the danger has been saved, the third daughter-in-law, who had originally had difficulty in giving birth, gave birth to a big fat boy safely. Let me tell you, the feng shui of Lao Qiao's family has changed, and things are about to turn around. "

"Yes, yes, thanks to Lao Qiao's family, our village can get so much food, money and two carriages for pulling heavy objects, which saves us a lot of trouble! We are all tainted by Lao Qiao's family. The light of the Qiao family!"

Just as everyone was talking animatedly, a quick-tongued young daughter-in-law suddenly silenced the whole place.

"But how can Ran Yatou, a girl from a family, know how to deliver babies?"


Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the little wife in shock.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she noticed the slip of her tongue, and her little wife quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Delivery of babies is generally done by Wen women.

Wenpo is also called midwife, midwife, midwife, old woman, etc. She belongs to the list of "three aunts and six women" commonly known as the folk, and her social status is very low.

Because delivering a baby involves touching a woman's lower body, and her hands are stained with blood, vernix and other filth, and sometimes a stillborn baby is delivered. Or due to family fights or personal enmities, some people will bribe a woman to manipulate the mother or newborn during delivery. Killing your son makes people think that people in this profession are very unlucky, so usually no one wants to deal with Wen Po.

In this era, when a woman gives birth, the men in the family will not even enter the delivery room for fear of being contaminated with "filthy smells." Therefore, whether it is the profession of a mother-in-law or the act of delivering a baby, people are both awe-inspiring and fearful.

And Qiao Ran, an unmarried young girl, can actually deliver babies. If word spreads, I wonder if anyone will be willing to marry her.

Everyone complained about the fast-talking little daughter-in-law. No one mentioned what everyone knew well. As long as it didn't spread to other villages, it wouldn't affect Qiao Ran's reputation.

But there are people who speak quickly and speak without thinking.

Mrs. Qiao, who was happily holding her grandson in her arms, immediately fell down after hearing this, and was about to defend her eldest granddaughter.

Qiao Ran said nonchalantly:

"Oh, I learned this from reading medical books. Delivering a baby is not difficult. In fact, it is dangerous for us women to give birth, but men still find it unlucky. This is abnormal."

"Pregnancy and childbirth are great things. It is because of the dedication of us women that new life is born. If men don't understand and cherish it, then what is the meaning of our efforts? If we women If we look down on ourselves, how can we make men look down on us?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with delivering a baby. A new life comes to this world safely through my hands. This is a very wonderful thing and something to be proud of."

"Mothers are great, and the profession of mother-in-law should also be respected by everyone. I hope everyone will not view the industry of mother-in-law with prejudice. Mother-in-law with rich experience and good heart can sometimes be the life-saver of pregnant women. "

"Don't underestimate the matter of delivering a baby. After all, when women give birth, they all hope to find a trustworthy and stable woman to deliver the baby. So why should there be prejudice against people and things?"

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, the women around him fell silent for a while.

Yes, as a woman, why should I look down on the steady women who deliver babies and help them give birth safely?

When needed, I hope to have an experienced stable woman by my side.

When they are not needed, they discriminate against women and midwives just like those ignorant men. Isn't this discriminating against women themselves?

Suddenly, everyone seemed to be enlightened and their minds were greatly impacted.

Only now do they know how ridiculous they were before!

From now on, I can't be so stupid anymore!

Qiao Ran ignored the women who had been successfully brainwashed by her. She stretched out her hand and carefully took the swaddle from her grandma's arms.

Holding the little soft little person in my arms and looking at his pink and wrinkled face, my heart was touched.

This is the inheritance of life! Only by passing it on from generation to generation can human society prosper and develop infinitely!

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