When they arrived at the company, Xu Ying and Yan Yingnan led four dogs in.

"Boss, you're here. You need to sign this."


Xu Ying casually pointed to an assistant and asked her to take Yan Yingnan to the place where cats and dogs play.

"She is a distinguished guest. If you have any questions, come to me!"


Xu Ying processed all the paper work that had been left behind during this period. She turned on the surveillance camera and saw Yan Yingnan playing happily among the furry children.

"Let's go, let's go have dinner together."

Xu Ying went there and asked Yan Yingnan to go to the cafeteria. The four dogs took the initiative to run up and rub Xu Ying, and then went back to find their own bowls when the whistle sounded.

“The canteen here is so good!”

She still remembered that there were restrictions on how she could swipe her credit card when eating in Bo's cafeteria. Girls can only get a fixed share of food. If you take too much food, you will be charged. For such a big company, the cafeteria is full of diners. But it is well said to the outside world that it cannot be wasted. If there is leftover food, you will be charged.

There is no limit here, but she sees that everyone will finish their food.

"It's very good and tastes good. What kind of food do you like?"

Xu Ying recently likes Chuan Chuan from Sichuan and soup noodles from Chaoshan. One is spicy and the other is mild, just enough to combine.

"I want the same one as you."

Yan Yingnan could only eat vegetables at home before, but after following Bo Xuan, she could only eat bloody steak.

Xu Ying took two identical ones and handed one to Yan Yingnan. Xu Ying is always paying attention to Yan Yingnan's condition. Seeing that she was suffering from the heat, he immediately handed her milk to relieve the heat.

"How's it going? Can I still eat it?"

Yan Yingnan nodded.

Xu Ying saw that she was really smiling and really liked eating, so she got her another bottle of milk.

The two of them finished their lunch happily. In the afternoon, Yan Yingnan continued to play with the dogs. She also posted some happy moments of the four dogs on the account given by Xu Ying.

Office of the Chairman

"Chairman, go check on that girl, something's not right with her."

At noon, everyone was gossiping in the group. This time, the girl Xu Ying brought here is also very good-looking! The sound is also soft! She is simply a goddess-level figure!

They were all guessing which family's daughter this girl would be, or what position she would take in their company.

But just now, the girl looked at her phone and her face suddenly turned pale, which shocked those of them who were trying to peek at her.

They thought of what Xu Ying said this morning and hurriedly came to report the news.

When Xu Ying passed by, the four dogs still surrounded Yan Yingnan in a sensible manner. Xu Ying took her mobile phone and took her and the dog back to the office.

"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Or did you see something?"

Yan Yingnan handed over the phone with trembling hands.

Xu Ying saw an invitation letter signed by Bo Shi Group.

"Crap, the ghost is still here, isn't it?"

Xu Ying cursed, which made Yan Yingnan relax a little.

"Why would they send messages to my account? Any normal person knows that this account is mine!"

Xu Ying clicked on the invitation and read it. To sum up, Yan Yingnan’s photography skills are very good. Bo recently intended to enter the pet industry and asked Yan Yingnan if she had any intention to join them.

Xu Ying touched Yan Yingnan's head and said, "It's okay, I've blocked you. Don't worry, my company is pretty safe."

Xu Ying just made a promise to Yan Yingnan in the afternoon and was slapped in the face before leaving get off work.

Lu Lichang came over and invited Xu Ying to discuss business cooperation.

"You have always been in charge, why do you need me to step in?"

Lu Lichang basically took care of all business cooperation. Xu Ying usually doesn't need to worry at all. For business cooperation matters, other partners also approached Lu Lichang directly with a tacit understanding.

"The president of the Bo Group is here to find you. He thinks your account shooting technique is very clever and there are many pets in the company. He wants to discuss pet cooperation with you."

Yi Huan is the only company that allows employees to bring pets to work and hires dedicated staff to take care of them. If Bo wanted to enter the pet industry, it would be normal for him to choose Yi Huan.

"Bo Xuan came in person?"

Lu Lichang nodded, "Yes, that's him. If someone else comes, I can talk to them directly."

It was because the president of another large company was here that Lu Lichang came to Xu Ying and asked her to come forward. His current status is not enough to receive Bo Xuan.

After Xu Ying confirmed again, she only felt that her face hurt.

"Xiaoying, I'm going out. Don't open the door for others. If someone knocks on the door, don't bother."

Yan Yingnan nodded and watched Xu Ying lock her into the lounge. Xu Ying locked her office again and followed Lu Lichang to see Bo Xuan.

The two of them went to the reception room, but found nothing.

"What about people?"

Xu Ying looked at Lu Lichang, who was also very innocent.

"They were here just now. I asked them to wait here."

Lu Lichang took the person in charge of the reception room and asked Bo Xuan where he and his party were going.

"Didn't you meet him? Mr. Bo went directly to Mr. Xu's office."

Xu Ying and Lu Lichang: ...They walked all the way without meeting Bo Xuan.

Xu Ying and Lu Lichang returned to the office and saw Bo Xuan waiting for them at the door.

"Mr. Bo, I'm sorry for waiting for so long. Please come to the reception room!"

Bo Xuan frowned, "Can't we just talk in the office?"

He has been waiting for a long time. He always felt like he should go in.

"Sorry, there are four dogs in the office. It's their activity time and they are not very well-behaved."

Bo Xuan chose to enter the pet industry, but he didn't like pets that much. He wanted to follow Xu Ying to the reception room, but his instinct told him that he should go in. The two ideas pushed back and forth, and in the end the latter prevailed.

"It's okay, I can accept it."

Xu Ying:......

"But I may not be able to accept it." Bo Xuan was stunned. When he went to other companies to discuss business, everyone respected him. What's more, he sent money to Xu Ying this time. Are you so arrogant because you have a country behind you?

Bo Xuan didn't want to cooperate with Xu Ying anymore.

"I don't know who is running Mr. Xu's account. We, the Bo family, can give her top-notch treatment in the industry and invite her to our company to mentor her juniors."

Bo Xuan didn't directly say poaching people. He first wants people to leave with generous treatment, and then slowly moves them to his own territory.

"No matter who it is, they will not agree to go to the Bo family. Please ask Mr. Bo to hire another Gao Ming."

Yihuan employees are not allowed to work part-time, this is something written in the work contract. Xu Ying thought the salary was high enough. If employees are still allowed to work part-time, then she may be the biggest victim, raising a group of people for nothing.

"Send off the guests!"

After Xu Ying finished speaking, she turned around and went to the canteen. She had to bring some delicious food in to appease Yan Yingnan. Maybe she was already shivering in the corner.

Xu Ying went into the canteen to order food. Both Bo Xuan and Lu Lichang looked bad. When Lu Lichang saw Xu Ying going to the canteen to order food, he realized that it was already time to get off work. If Bo Xuan doesn't leave, he is wasting his rest time. There was definitely no overtime pay for this overtime work, so his face was particularly dark.

Bo Xuan felt a little embarrassed when he saw Xu Ying not giving him face. How has he ever been so angry! He felt that he was really lost. He came here specially, but was rejected by Yi Huan.

His inner instinct still told him to go into this room and find someone, but Bo Xuan didn't want to stay here and make people laugh, so he turned around and left.

"If Yi Huan is so disrespectful, there will be no need to cooperate with Bo in the future."


Lu Lichang was not afraid at all. Yi Huan has many partners, and he doesn't care about just one or two.

Bo Xuan regretted it after saying it. Why was he so impulsive all of a sudden? Bo Xuan took her special assistant back to the car downstairs, looking tired.

"Wait a minute."

Bo Xuan really wants to know, who is the person his intuition wants him to find? Each time, his intuition takes his life to the next level. So he doesn't mind doing stupid things because of his intuition. As long as his intuition comes true and he finds the right person, the money will soon be back in his pocket.

Bo Xuan waited and waited until late at night, only to see Liang Wanwan and Yan Yao.

"Are they here to see Xu Ying?"

It has to be said that Bo Xuan is a little jealous of Xu Ying's connections. If Liang uses it well, it will be a big help! The Yan family and Wang family behind Yan Yao are also good. If it weren't for the fact that his current fiancée's family was not bad, Bo Xuan would have wanted to kick her out and marry Yan Yao.

Bo Xuan watched Yan Yao and Liang Wanwan go upstairs and quickly brought down the four dogs. They took the four dogs and left, leaving Bo Xuan a little confused.

"Xu Ying, why don't you come down and go home?"

"President, according to the information we found, Xu Ying sometimes lives in the company. As long as she walks her dog, there is a high probability that she will stay in the company."

Bo Xuan's face turned dark, "So we're waiting in vain?"

He waited here all night and it was all in vain?

"Probably yes."

The special assistant looked at the time and saw that it was already ten o'clock. They can live in the company. If it were them, they wouldn't go back to the villa far away.

Bo Xuan closed her eyes, "Let's drive!"

By now, Bo Xuan could guess that Xu Ying was avoiding him on purpose. The more he hid, the more curious he became, what kind of person could make Xu Ying avoid him? Still holding his heart?

After Bo Xuan left, Xu Ying did stay in the company.

"What a bad fate!"

Yan Yingnan smiled shyly, "Indeed. I didn't expect that when I worked under Bo Xuan Company before, they didn't care. But after leaving my job, they came to me instead. It's really weird!"

"Normally, you are the one who can work. The rest are all the ones who don't work and occupy their positions in vain."

"That's not the case. The Bo family is still very busy."

It’s really tiring to be busy with all kinds of work every day, but still have intrigues!

"You go to sleep first!"

Yan Yingnan shook her head, "I'll wait until they come back from walking the dog before sleeping!"

Yan Yingnan insisted, and Xu Ying let her. After the dog came back, Yan Yingnan went to sleep as she said.

The next day, the reborn version of Yan Yingnan woke up.

"Where is this place?"

Yan Yingnan rushed out and opened the door, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the familiar Xu Ying and four dogs. She quickly asked Xu Ying.

"This is my company. The time for her to appear is getting shorter and shorter."

Both Xu Ying and Yan Yingnan knew who "she" was referring to.

"Maybe it will disappear in the future..."

Yan Yingnan clenched her fists. The girl who has not experienced all kinds of torture from Bo Xuan is really beautiful. She has a gentle personality and is kind and generous. The reborn version of Yan Yingnan doesn't want her to disappear. She felt that there was nothing wrong with having multiple personalities. She could exchange some future news for daily necessities. Xu Ying is so powerful, maybe he can support her for a lifetime. She didn't want that girl to disappear.

Xu Ying briefly talked about what happened yesterday. Yan Yingnan was not surprised.

"You may not know that he seems to have installed something special in me. Every time I hide it, he can easily find it. He told me it was intuition. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

Being able to sense her location easily and still insisting on coming in meant that the other party might be semi-decided on the candidate. He didn't force his way in, probably because this was Xu Ying's territory and he couldn't break in!

Yan Yingnan was happy when she thought that she didn't see Bo Xuan last night. That delicate and frail personality shows that Bo Xuan is very bad, and he might go crazy once he sees her.

"Sooner or later he will find you, what do you want to do?"

The other two personalities are both opinionated. The one with a good personality has no temper, and the one with a bad personality has a hard temper and is prone to going crazy. Let alone being assertive, his sanity is probably gone.

"I don't know. The strategies I customized before were all hidden so that he can't find them."

This turtle approach inexplicably fits Xu Ying's wishes. However, the specific implementation is also a bit difficult. Xu Ying is even more afraid of Bo Xuan cooperating with Jun Yan and the others. Those guys may be disgusting, but they may also be disgusting.

"You may need to solve, first, to establish a new company yourself, one that is not afraid of Bo's."

Yan Yingnan shook her head. Firstly, she had no connections and secondly, no funds. How could she create a company and recruit people? Even if Xu Ying can invest, she has no particular direction she wants to pursue. It was just a waste of money for her to invest.

"The second option is to directly destroy the Bo family!"

The second one is more cruel, but Xu Ying believes that this is the fastest and best way to solve it. If you can't solve the problem, just solve the people who created the problem!

Xu Ying looked at Yan Yingnan, who was very excited.

"But how to destroy it? All we saw were some basics, and they were of no use to him!"

Bo's is huge! If they want to bring down the Bo family, they can't do it in a day or two.

Just relying on their company is not reliable. If you want to bring down a company, it is best to cooperate with another company that has the same business. Both parties work together to deal with the target company. This speed is fast and can achieve more benefits. But Yan Yingnan searched and couldn't find a company suitable for them to cooperate.

"Yi Huan's manpower is too small and it is impossible to take on Bo's business volume."

Today’s update~

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