I show off in the gradient game

Chapter 117 Abandoned Building No. 7 47

"Boss, are we really going this time?"

The short, chubby man next to the scarred man was dirty and wiped his face, with a ferocious light in his eyes.

"The people above said that the girl is in this game. I've searched here and there, but I haven't even seen a girl. She must be working as a maid in the castle."

The bald man next to the scarred man touched his forehead: "Grandma, it's been a long time since I killed a woman. I wonder if it's okay..." As he spoke, he showed an extremely obscene smile.

Scarface glanced at him coldly: "Do you think that woman who can almost kill the Holy Father is easy? If you really want to die, I won't stop you."

The bald man subconsciously touched his arm.

I heard that the woman not only cut off the Holy Father's arms, but also took out a rocket launcher from nowhere and blasted the Holy Father into pieces.

He couldn't help but feel his teeth ache.

The disgusting thoughts just now disappeared immediately.

"When you see her, kill her immediately without delay. Remember, villains die from talking too much."

Scarface warned them.

He always felt uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Does anyone want to participate in this internal interview? This is a rare opportunity. You don't know how long you will have to wait next time."

The fat captain just finished speaking.

The three people who were talking immediately raised their hands.

"I come!"

"Me too!"

"I'm with them."

Their excited words also attracted many excited miners, who raised their hands and wanted to participate.

"I'm coming too." Xu Nuo mingled in the crowd, lowering his sense of presence, with a simple and honest smile on his face, and his eyes were full of expectations for a good life and a good job.

"Okay, okay! Seeing that you are so positive, I feel relieved. Come out with everything you have thought about. I will take you to the interview now."

The captain was extremely satisfied and wiped his fat, greasy face with his sleeve.

Xu Nuo glanced at those who didn't raise their hands. Their faces were numb and tired, and they didn't want to spend extra energy thinking about other things.

Some people noticed this and looked at them with a bit of schadenfreude, as if they were looking at a group of idiots who were going to die.

Promise to watch their reactions.

They walked through winding and rugged mountain roads and passed by clear and dreamy lakes. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally saw a golden spire in the scorching sun.

The journey here was further than he thought.

When all the faces of the castle were revealed in front of them, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh my god, is this a big castle made of gold?"

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful and luxurious!"

"I have never seen such a beautiful castle in my life."

“If I could live here, I can’t imagine how happy I would be!”

Xu Nuo couldn't help but be blinded by the sight in front of him.

The Angel Fountain built of white marble sprays clear water and makes a gurgling sound.

The towering, unbelievable golden castle appeared in front of them, as if they had entered a fairy tale world.

Large red flower bushes bloom enthusiastically and openly in the garden, and the flowers are as delicate as if they were nourished by red blood.

He smelled a faint fishy smell in the air. "This is where you will work in the future."

The fat captain pointed to this glorious and magnificent castle with a proud look on his face.

"I would like to ask, if we can't become a chef, what position do we have?"

One of the more timid people was pushed out by his partner next to him and asked timidly.

The obese captain cast his turbid eyes on the timid and thin young man. His face had become sallow and thin due to long-term gravity labor, and he was severely malnourished. His hair was withered and yellow, and the bags under his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

Xu Nuo keenly caught a flash of disgust and disgust in the captain's eyes.

The captain still had the amiable and condescending feeling: "There are also garden staff, leaf sweepers, toilet maintenance masters, door patrols and other professions. Don't worry, everyone is here actively. We will not let you down. We will We need you good employees who work hard and make progress!”

"Thank you, captain." The young man's cheeks were red and he said his thanks very embarrassedly.

The captain saw that no one in the team had any questions, so he walked to the guard booth guarding the door and knocked on the glass window: "Master guard, I have brought new people here to interview for a new job."

The window that had been closed tightly just now was opened, and Xu Nuo caught a glimpse of the guard the captain mentioned.

The guard's face was as white as snow, and the whites of his eyes took up two-thirds of his eyes. His small pupils were dull and dull, and he was as thin as his bones. He slowly pointed at the door, meaning to let them in.

"Oh my God, he's so skinny."

"It looks so scary."

I don't know who whispered loudly, and the sound immediately reached the ears of the doorman.

The guard's dull gaze slowly fell on the man who said he looked scary. The miner who had been outspoken just now felt his whole body go numb when he stared at him, and his back felt cold. He felt as if he was being targeted by something. My legs were weak from fear.

The miners who originally thought the guard looked scary now really didn't dare to look any further.

Curiosity killed the cat.

They didn't think it would be a good thing to offend the guard when they arrived.

The captain severely scolded the two men who had just discussed the guard: "Shut your mouth and don't say anything offensive to me. Be careful that you don't know how you died."

How did you die?

Someone noticed something was wrong with his choice of words.

"Captain, will people die if you work here?"

The captain looked at the miner who looked pale and frightened, and just sneered, the meaning conveyed is self-evident.

"I wouldn't have come if I had known it. Rather than risking my life working here, it would be better to be stuck in a mine digging for gold every day. At least it would be safer."

"I don't want to cover myself with those smelly quilts and eat those unpalatable food every day. Besides, the mine is also very dangerous, okay? If it collapses, you will die in it."

"Okay, don't say these ugly words and listen to the captain's arrangements."

There was a lot of chatter around, Xu Nuo also joined them with a scared look on his face, and everyone was present.

"Huh? Really?"

"It's so scary, I don't dare to do it anymore."

"Eh, so scary."

Like a living cross talk, he cheers others up throughout the whole process, disguising himself as a loser with no independent opinions.

The big iron door that had just been closed opened automatically with a creak.

A gust of cold wind blew by, making people shiver.

(End of this chapter)

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