half-baked life

Chapter 107 It’s not that you want to cry, you just have incontinence of tears, right?

Chapter 107 It’s not that you want to cry, you just have incontinence of tears, right?
When the four of them left Qin Liuyan's house, no one said anything. They all seemed to have lost their souls. They even almost forgot to take the bathing equipment, but Zhang Enmin reminded them.

Jiang Xiaoping started sighing from the moment she walked out. She wanted to sigh three times after taking a breath. She was so distracted that she stood in front of the elevator, forgetting to press the down button.

When Zhang Jiefang walked down the steps, she missed a step. If Jiang He hadn't helped her up, she would probably have sprained her feet.

And Jiang He herself wasn't much better. Her heart was beating wildly. Qin Liuyan's clammy skin that couldn't even be warmed by hot water felt like it was still firmly attached to her palm, even though it was already. Standing under the bright sun, the goosebumps on her body were still rising one after another, and they couldn't go away no matter what.

This was the first time Jiang He was so close to the boundary between life and death. She witnessed and felt the passing of life with her own eyes. Powerlessness, grief, sadness and fear were complicatedly intertwined, forcing Jiang He's eyes to become sore and abnormally swollen. He raised his head slightly and tried to take a deep breath, and then he managed to hold back the tears that kept spinning in his eyes.

She pinched her nose and raised her eyes to look at Gu Xia, who was standing facing the lake. Among the four people, Gu Xia, the youngest, was the most calm and calm one from beginning to end.

Grandma Qin was so weak that she could no longer tell the rise and fall of her chest. She was sleeping deeply, as if she had fallen into a coma. Her whole body was as fragile as a completely dehydrated dead leaf, as if it would completely break if touched. .

Jiang He and Zhang Jiefang didn't dare to carry her into the bathtub together as they did before. In the end, Gu Xia carried Grandma Qin in alone.

Thinking of this, Jiang He couldn't help but admire Gu Xia. Just as he stepped forward and was about to praise him, he watched helplessly as a line of tears flowed out from under Gu Xia's sunglasses, followed by another line. Gu Xia later knew After realizing it, he quickly raised his hand to wipe it away, but it was obvious that Ke Ren couldn't hold it any longer. He bit the inside of his lip hard, but the corners of his mouth were still trembling.

"Wipe it, your nose is about to flow across the river." Jiang He thoughtfully took out a tissue and handed it over. Gu Xia thanked her in a low voice, then turned her back and wiped her tears and blew her nose. After struggling for a long time, Don't look back either.

"...Can...can you give me another one?" He asked pitifully, hunched over slightly.

Jiang He's originally worried mood was interrupted by Gu Xia, and she instantly felt relieved. She directly stuffed most of the remaining pack of tissues into Gu Xia's hands.

"Are you scared?" Jiang He raised his hand and patted Gu Xia's back twice as a comfort.

Gu Xia shook his head vigorously. He took a deep breath to calm down, and then turned back to look at Jiang He. The sunglasses were still firmly placed on the bridge of his nose, barely supporting his cold-faced handsome guy's demeanor, but the premise was to ignore The nose that had been rubbed was red.

"No, I just...just thought of my grandma, she...she..."

It was okay that Gu Xia didn't explain. Once he explained, his already unstable emotions became even more unbearable. The tears that he had finally stopped burst out of control again, even more violently than before. Gu Xia desperately breathed in to endure, and shed a little more tears. He couldn't hold it back, but he suppressed it until his face turned red and the flesh on his cheeks trembled.

"I, I'm not...I..." Gu Xia wiped the tears on her cheeks indiscriminately, trying hard to cover up her long-lost masculinity in front of the person she liked, but in the end, she couldn't even finish her sentence. Unable to speak.

"Cry if you want, it's okay." Jiang He took out a tissue from Gu Xia's hand and wiped his nose that was about to drip to his lips.

"Jiang He, help me wipe my nose?!"

This thought was like a rumbling derailed locomotive, crashing into Gu Xia's chaotic brain.

He was completely stunned, and even his chest, which was rising and falling violently due to emotions, stopped for a few seconds, and then quickly deflated like a deflated ball. At this level, there was no sense of courage and dignity at all. It was wiped clean together with the snot.Gu Xia resigned herself to holding a wet tissue to wipe her tears. After wiping her tears twice, she decided that the sunglasses on her nose were in the way, so she took them off.

His pair of droopy dog ​​eyes, which usually carry a hint of frivolity and pride, are now as red as rabbits, and his thick eyelashes are soaked with tears. They are clustered in clusters, covering up the brightness with darkness. His pupils were bright and most of the tears were washed away from the oily self-satisfaction in his body, and his whole body was obviously much more pleasing to the eye.

An inappropriate thought flashed through Jiang He's mind uncontrollably, that is, Gu Xia looks pretty good when she cries, which makes me pity her.

"It's not that you want to cry, you just... have incontinence of tears, right?" Jiang He immediately decided to take pity on him.

Gu Xiayi nodded vigorously, tears almost falling onto Jiang He's face.

He himself was quite surprised. After all, he didn't cry when his grandma passed away. During the memorial service, he just followed Gu Jianhui blankly during the whole process, doing things as he was told, and pointing at the relatives and friends who came to express their condolences over and over again. He bowed in thanks, and then looked blankly at the sad faces in front of him that were covered with tears and even snot.

"...Tsk, have you seen it? This is the precious grandson that I talk about every day. I have been staring at it. Until now, I haven't shed a single tear. I heard that Grandma Qi had to endure a lot of time to wait for him. For several days... Ouch, I have suffered all this in vain, look at this kid, he is totally useless and has no conscience at all!"

When Gu Xia heard someone complaining about him, he wasn't angry at all, because even he was thinking, yes, why am I so heartless? Why don't I want to cry at all?

From the moment he received a call from his dad and found out that his grandma was dying, Gu Xia realized that something was not right with him. He was neither sad nor in a hurry. He asked for leave and booked tickets step by step. When he left the dormitory, he didn't I forgot to carry the three packed bags of garbage.

Regarding the last meeting with grandma, in Gu Xia's memory, it was like a mirror that had been smashed and then swept into a pile. Some details were so clear and sharp that they wanted to pierce his flesh, but the whole thing was a mess. Bad, twisted and chaotic.

The smell in the hospital is the sharpest fragment in my memory.

Gu Xia shuddered the moment he smelled the strange, cold smell. For a moment, he wanted to scream and run away, but his hand was held tightly by his mother and he couldn't run away.

Grandma's ward was deep in the corridor. Gu Xia remembered that she had turned many corners before finally seeing her grandma surrounded by people. The grandma on the hospital bed looked so thin and unfamiliar. Gu Xia even wanted to ask Ask his mother if she went to the wrong ward.

The subsequent memory was completely messed up. Gu Xia only remembered that grandma's hands were cold, and when he held them in his palms, they didn't feel warm at all.

Grandma's mouth kept opening and closing, but she couldn't say a word. Someone took the notebook and pen.

Grandma held the pen with difficulty and wrote hard on the paper. The strokes were chaotically tangled together, like soft balls of wool dropped to the ground.

Gu Xia held the book and tried to identify it. While he was still deciding whether the first word was "hot" or "cooked", the ECG monitor in the ward suddenly made a frightening and sharp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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