half-baked life

Chapter 139 Gu Xia, let’s break up.

When Zhang Jiefang heard this, she immediately stood up straight. She looked at Jiang He with a humble posture and pleading eyes. She obviously wanted to beg for a few more words, but Jiang He just waved his hand at her with a tired look.

"Aunt Jiefang, don't worry, I won't call the police. But what to do next... To be honest, I don't know. You go to the training first, and we'll talk about it after the training is over, okay?"

After Jiang He finished speaking, he even smiled apologetically at Zhang Jiefang, then picked up his bag and walked straight out of the office.

Zhang Jiefang never expected Jiang He's reaction to be so calm and calm.

She has long been accustomed to the feedback mode of being pointed at, ridiculed, insulted, and ridiculed after "getting into trouble" or "embarrassing".

Being blamed, humiliated, and reviled are all part of the price you have to pay after making a mistake.

Many times, being scolded severely would make Zhang Jiefang feel much better.

"A natural-born bitch," Tang Yaocan had noticed it a long time ago and commented.

Zhang Jiefang watched Jiang He leave eagerly, but in her heart she wished she would turn around immediately and "reward" herself with two slaps. She figured that this would make them both feel a little happier.

Gu Xia's private studio is located on the top floor of SUM, and entry is strictly prohibited in most cases.

The moment there was a knock on the studio door, Gu Xia was wearing goggles and welding a steel frame. Of course he heard it, but he had no intention of paying attention.

He was not in a good mood these days, and everyone in the company knew it, but everyone thought he was worried about Jiang He's situation. Few people knew that Gu Xia was unilaterally having a temper with Jiang He.

The reason why it was said to be "unilateral" was because Jiang He didn't notice that he was angry at all, and Gu Xia had no intention of breaking the window paper. After all, Jiang He was very busy now.

"You're really a bit like 'washing your underwear with a cold face'!"

Li Mingchu's complaints were as sharp and precise as usual, "Who is Jiang He? An independent woman over 30 years old with outstanding work ability. When things happen to her, people must be 'begging for others rather than asking for yourself'. If you like that kind of person, you can count on everything." Yours, why are you looking for her?"

"I didn't intend for her to count on me. I know how much I weigh. But she should at least tell me, right? How can something go wrong, just hiding it from her boyfriend!" Gu Xia retorted. He was still filing the armrest with his hand hummingly!

"Actually, I think you can look at it from another angle. Look, Jiang He doesn't hide it from anyone, she just hides it from you. Doesn't this also mean that your status in her heart is different from others!"

"Well...what you said seems to make sense."

Gu Xia had been waiting for someone to step down the steps for him. It was a rare opportunity for Li Mingchu to help him in times of need. However, as soon as Gu Xia stepped on it, Li Mingchu moved the steps away in a cowardly manner.

"But I heard from Lin Xiaoya that Jiang He and Yan Su were not like this when they were together. That desire to share... tsk tsk tsk!"

"Get out of here!" Gu Xia took off his gloves and threw them at Li Mingchu. He was really angry.

He was not stupid, he could feel Jiang He's absent-mindedness when he was with him. To say it was just a joke would be to underestimate Jiang He. It would be more accurate to describe it as "gag".

Gu Xia felt that to Jiang He, he was like a snack or dessert after dinner to fill up the boring time.

At the beginning, Gu Xia felt that this was okay, just take your time. It was just a matter of time before the dessert was upgraded to the main course.

But Gu Xia soon discovered that the progress bar of his and Jiang He's relationship was stuck and they would not move forward at all.

Jiang He's whole body seemed to be covered with a film that was impervious to water and fire. No matter how strong or hot Gu Xia's feelings were, she would always look that cool and self-possessed.

But if anyone said that Jiang He was not qualified as a girlfriend, Gu Xia would be the first to refuse.

If there was a KPI assessment for his girlfriend, Jiang He would definitely be the one who exceeded the target.

The fact is actually right in front of him, but Gu Xia doesn't want to admit it, that is, Jiang He doesn't like him, at least not that much.

This also led to Gu Xia not daring to question Jiang He at all, because he knew that once the matter was discussed, the only thing waiting for him would be "Gu Xia, let's break up."

"Who let you in? Didn't you see the sign on the door saying 'Don't be idle...Jiang He? Why are you here!"

Gu Xia, who was holding the welding gun, turned around and saw Jiang He standing by the door. His mood immediately changed from anger to joy.

But when he saw the A4 paper Jiang He was holding in his hand, he felt a huge sense of shame. Gu Xia was so panicked that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

The A4 piece of paper he had posted on the door before had only two lines of first-size fonts in bold and bold, "Do not disturb anyone else, please do not enter unless you are not!"

After Li Mingchu saw it, he clumsily added a note at the bottom, "Idle people refer to people other than Li Mingchu."

When Gu Xia found out, he immediately blacked out the three characters "Li Mingchu". Then he changed his mind and added the two characters "Jiang He" below. He also specially drew a long-legged little boy flapping his wings and getting ready to take off. bird.

"The painting is good, quite a bit... like Picasso." Jiang He tilted his head and glanced at the simple bird, and joked with a smile.

Gu Xia also laughed subconsciously along with Jiang He.

"Did something happen? Is there any new trick on Qian Zihan's side that needs my...and SUM's attention?"

Gu Xia asked. His smile dropped quickly and his tone was obviously low. Jiang He frowned in confusion.

"No, you...why would you ask that?"

"Because every time you come to me, you always have something to tell me... Could it be that this time is an exception? Did you come to see me because you missed me?"

As Gu Xia spoke, he turned off the switch of the welding gun and pushed the goggles to his head. He lowered his head slightly and smiled to himself.

"...Are you still angry?" Jiang He reacted belatedly, "I'm sorry, I was too self-righteous and didn't take your feelings into consideration."

Jiang He's apology was clean and tidy, but it seemed that Gu Xia, who had been depressed for many days, was no bigger than a needle nose.

"You don't have to say 'sorry' to me, I...I..."

Gu Xia took off his gloves and threw them aside. He grabbed a towel and wiped his hands and cheeks randomly. He "I"ed for a long time, but he didn't show any signs of "I". On the contrary, he was completely discouraged.

"Jiang He, am I a bad boyfriend? Don't you feel very insecure when you are with me?" Jiang He didn't expect that Gu Xia would start to doubt himself because of her, and he suddenly felt a little "Play" off.

"...If you think so, how can I complain to you next?"

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang He said these words, Gu Xia immediately stopped "self-pitying" and looked at her with concern.

In fact, when Jiang He knocked on the door, he was still hesitating whether to tell Gu Xia that Zhang Jiefang had lied to her.

Regarding what Zhang Jiefang did, Jiang He was far from as calm as she showed.

The reason why she didn't have an attack on the spot was just because the image of Zhang Jiefang trying to climb over the railing of the Second Bridge that night kept spinning in her mind, making Jiang He not want or even dare not say a harsh word to Zhang Jiefang.

The anger was suppressed in Jiang He's heart, like red magma that was constantly boiling and surging under the fragile earth's crust, and could erupt at any time.

Of course, the explosion cannot happen in the company, let alone at home. Jiang Xiaoping's mood is unstable during menopause, and her grandma is so old... Jiang He thought about it, and Gu Xia turned out to be the only channel for her to express her true thoughts and emotions.

However, Gu Xia's "complaint" just now completely dispelled Jiang He's hesitation and hesitation.

"Zhang Jiefang has been lying to us. Her "Elderly Care Medical Care Certificate" is fake. She bought it online for 40 yuan! It's so ridiculous. What does she think of me? What does she think of my mother? ? What do you think of my grandma again? My mother treats her as a member of the family, and my grandma even more so. When she moved out some time ago, my grandma even cried!"

Jiang He found that it was better not to say anything, but the more she said it, the more angry she became.

"But what about her? She has been lying to us from the very beginning. Just for a small amount of money, she has lied to us for such a long time. She has obviously been..."

Jiang He suddenly remembered his promise to Jiang Xiaoping to keep Zhang Jiefang's secret, and the words he was about to say stopped abruptly. She clenched her fists tightly, and her body couldn't stop shaking with patience and anger.

"Want to find a solid arm to lean on?" Gu Xia threw away the towel in his hand and opened his arms towards Jiang He.

Jiang He took a deep breath and bumped into her. Gu Xia's muscular arms immediately wrapped around her and tightened them just right. The strength was perfect. Jiang He held Gu Xia's waist tightly and waited quietly for the angry magma. Let cool.

"...How angry am I? Are you actually quite happy? What's going on!"

Jiang He was lying in Gu Xia's arms, just like a little ginger cat, being stroked by his fur. When he looked up, he found that the corners of Gu Xia's mouth were raised.

"I'm really glad you could tell me this."

Gu Xia's face was stained with some dust and engine oil. It looked a little dirty, but it made his eyes even brighter. The lingering love in them was shaking brightly and might overflow at any time. Jiang He Looking at it, I was frightened, but also throbbing.

"Would you like to find a place to vent?"

Just when Jiang He didn't know how to deal with the sudden surge of emotions, Gu Xia suggested.

Jiang He didn't expect that Gu Xia's so-called way of venting his anger was actually boxing.

It was a free fighting club hidden in an old residential building. Jiang He estimated that this club had been open for at least ten or twenty years. The interior decoration was very old, including boxing gloves, sandbags, and a boxing ring. It's a wooden floor, polished from years of use.

There are many people training in the club, both men and women, all of them are masters. Even a layman like Jiang He can see the skill and sophistication in every move.

Gu Xia was obviously a regular visitor to this club. As soon as he walked in, people kept greeting him familiarly and calling him Xiaoxia affectionately. Even Jiang He was given very friendly looks.

"...Should I hit it, or should it hit me?"

Gu Xia brought Jiang He into a small independent training room. When Jiang He saw the large red and black sandbag hanging in the middle of the training room, he immediately asked this question.

She couldn't help but push the sandbag, but it didn't move at all.

Gu Xia laughed out loud when he saw this. He handed Jiang He a brand new training uniform, "It's okay, I'll help you change into something lighter. I'll definitely give you a good beating."

Jiang He quickly changed into training clothes. Gu Xia helped her wrap her hand bandage and put on her boxing gloves. She demonstrated her skills carefully and repeatedly reminded Jiang He to pay attention to the key points of the movements.

"Keep your wrists steady and use the strength of your shoulders to drive your arms... Yes, that's it, just use a little more force!"

Jiang He repeated the punching and kicking movements one after another. The originally full sandbag dented bit by bit under her blows, and the magma in her body followed her punches again and again. Kick your legs, and little by little it begins to cool and solidify.

The anger slowly faded away, and Jiang He found depressingly that she could actually understand Zhang Jiefang's deception. Zhang Jiefang didn't want anyone's sympathy or pity. She just wanted to make money by her own ability. For this reason, she would rather provide false evidence, deceive, Let them all down.

The moment Gu Xia announced a break, Jiang He immediately collapsed to the ground as if all his bones had been ripped out.

Like a big worm, she struggled to turn over, lying on her back on the ground. Her chest was rising and falling violently, and the sound of her heartbeat fell in Jiang He's ears, as loud as thunder.

A fluffy towel fell on Jiang He's face like a cloud falling from the sky. Jiang He wanted to raise her hand to pull it away, but found that her arm was shaking so much that she couldn't lift it up. She simply closed her eyes, and her vision suddenly darkened. When I came down, I felt calmer than ever before.

"...Are you feeling better?" Gu Xia knelt down beside Jiang He, picked up the towel, and gently wiped the hot sweat on Jiang He's face.

Jiang He smiled and nodded. She stretched out her hand lazily towards Gu Xia. Just as Gu Xia was about to hold her right hand, Jiang He's cell phone dropped aside suddenly rang twice, which was a unique reminder of important matters.

Jiang He hurriedly grabbed the phone. The moment she saw the screen clearly, she sat up suddenly. As a result, her vision went dark. Before she could sit firmly, she immediately fell backwards, right into Gu Xia's arms. .

"Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, and I haven't prepared the gift yet!" Jiang He looked at Gu Xia who didn't know what was going on, and shouted desperately at the top of his voice.

Fortunately, Jiang He ordered a bag for Jiang Xiaoping three months ago.

Jiang He quickly contacted Sa from Chanel to confirm that the bag was still there, and immediately drove over to kill him.

When swiping the card, Jiang He hissed in pain. After all, she was the one who could carry a canvas bag worth 19 yuan for a year.

"Every time you bring the flowers, where do they come from..."

While waiting for packing, Jiang He asked Gu Xia.

Before she finished speaking, Gu Xia had already shown several pictures of bouquets recommended by the florist to Jiang He, "Which bouquet do you think is better? How about purple? It matches Aunt Xiaoping's recent hair color quite well. "

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