half-baked life

Chapter 41 Wearing a cheongsam to look pretty is so ugly that you have your own outfit!

Chapter 41 Wearing a cheongsam to look pretty is ugly in its own way!
The reason why Zhang Jiefang saw Jiang He as guilty was because of this.

She didn't dare to mention this to Jiang He and Jiang Xiaoping at all. Firstly, she thought it was ridiculous, and secondly, she was really embarrassed.

"Let's be more practical and stop dreaming, okay?" Zhang Jiefang's head almost exploded when she heard what her second brother said.

"What are you dreaming about? Your boss's daughter is over 30 years old. She's had cancer and she doesn't have a job anymore. She's just sitting at home and eating her old age, right? She's not bad looking, but Jiayuan has a son, and he's still working in the water industry. Isn't it more than enough for her to go to work? She's a high achiever!"

The second brother was on the other end of the phone as if he had had too much to drink, talking all the time, "And the most important thing is that her horoscope can help our Jiayuan overcome this disaster!"

"...How come you have Jiang He's horoscope?"

Zhang Jiefang only found it incredible, but the second brother didn't answer her question at all. Instead, he talked about him from left to right, talking about fate destined by God at one moment, and talking about the unavoidable love disaster in life at the same time. Zhang Jiefang couldn't listen at all, and directly Hang up the phone on him.

It was only later that her younger sister told her that Zhang Jiefang found out that it was Jiayuan who saw the photo of the four of them with their hair dyed that she posted on her friends circle, and immediately became interested in Jiang He.

What's even more outrageous is that he found Jiang He's birth date from the Internet. By coincidence, it happened to match the birth date requested by the great fairy. He immediately said that he would not marry Jiang He, and his second brother had no brains. As I continued to tie the knot, I really felt that these two unrelated people were a "good match"!
"Isn't this just insane? Jiang He doesn't even know there is someone like him!"

"Who says it's not the case!" The younger sister also felt that the whole family was in a daze, "Fourth sister, I think the second brother means that he won't give up even if he sees the Yellow River, so be careful."

The younger sister's words came true. When the second brother saw that he couldn't talk to her, he actually moved her mother out. The old lady was old and was a little confused. She was fooled by the second brother and actually thought that Zhang Jiefang was there to beat her. mandarin duck.

"...Mom, I really have something to do right now. Can I tell you in person when I get home in two days?"

Zhang Jiefang was particularly afraid that Jiang He and Jiang Xiaoping outside the kitchen would find out about it, and that her mother would get angry. She tried her best to suppress her voice and temper, thinking of fooling her mother first.

Her mother agreed, but the second brother was still instigating, "What's OK? You really don't think about your grandson at all. What's bigger than this now? Let her give it to you now." Get it right, otherwise she won’t need to come back to this family anymore!”

"Mom, give your second brother the phone and let me talk to him." Zhang Jiefang herself was a little surprised at the calmness of her tone.

"Oh, are you finally willing to talk to me?" When the second brother took the call, Zhang Jiefang could imagine his self-concealed face at this moment without closing her eyes.

"Second brother, if you want an 'accurate word', then I will give you an 'accurate word'. Don't put on rouge in your dreams every day and just think about the good things. Our boss's daughter is the CEO of the company, and those who pursue her can eliminate Two miles of land. How about Jiayuan? I earn three melons and two dates in a month. I don’t hold the oil bottle at home when it falls. I can’t beat it with three sticks... Bah, take a pee and take a look at yourself. You look like Like a toad, he really misses the swan meat!"

Zhang Jiefang scolded her very happily. She estimated that her second brother would ignore her for at least five or six years this time. When Zhang Jiefang thought of this, she couldn't help laughing.

But the laughter was obviously unusually abrupt in the empty living room. Zhang Jiefang laughed twice and stopped quickly.

She was sitting on the sofa, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. In previous years during the Chinese New Year, she was as busy as a spinning top, serving this, that, this house, that house. Now that she was suddenly free, she didn't know what to do. .

"Bang!" Several crackling sounds of cannons were heard from outside the window. Zhang Jiefang, who had been sitting for a long time, suddenly remembered that the red envelope Liang Xiujing gave her had not yet been opened. When she accepted it, she found a thick stack and thought it was a deliberate act. I opened the small denomination banknotes and found that 2000 yuan was stuffed inside!Zhang Jiefang knew that Liang Xiujing had been trying to repay her the 2000 yuan that Jiang Xiaoping had deducted. She was too embarrassed to ask for it. The money should have been deducted. Jiang Xiaoping had already given her some slack. If she had had her past temper, she would have packed up and left. .

But Zhang Jiefang was really reluctant to pay her back. She was so short of money now that she wished she could break a penny into two pieces, but Tang Jiwen didn't spend enough money, and even her hard-earned money wasn't enough for him to spend slowly.

But it's better now. It seems that there is some work to do to help the elderly bathe. One time is 399. Even if it is divided equally among three people, it is still more than 100. After a while, I can get more customers and earn several thousand yuan a month. It shouldn’t be a difficult thing to make extra money.

The more Zhang Jiefang thought about it, the more beautiful she became. She hummed a song and put the red envelope in her pocket. She reached out and took out the taro purple down jacket. After putting it on, she looked at the full-length mirror behind the door again and again, and found that what was inside was The red velvet coat was so ugly that she immediately ran into her room and opened the drawer at the bottom of the closet that was rarely opened.

There were several pink or white sweaters and T-shirts, as well as a light apricot short-sleeved cheongsam with dark patterns.

That cheongsam was made by Li Yuanyuan when she was getting married at an old custom-made cheongsam shop on Rouge Road.

"What kind of cheongsam should I wear when you get married?" Zhang Jiefang is actually quite envious of Li Yuanyuan. The man doesn't think she is a second marriage, and is willing to have wine and lively. She is beautiful and takes advantage of her.

"You are my sister and my mother-in-law. You have to dress nicely to support me!" Li Yuanyuan said at the time.

Zhang Jiefang waited ten days to get this cheongsam. When she tried it on in the store, both Li Yuanyuan and the store owner praised her for how good it looked.

"This cheongsam needs to be worn by someone with flesh to look good. It's too dry for me to wear, and it almost doesn't have any charm!" Li Yuanyuan said while helping her tie the buttons.

Zhang Jiefang also liked this cheongsam. The day before attending Li Yuanyuan's wedding, she couldn't help but try it on again. However, Tang Yaocan secretly filmed a video and posted it to his WeChat Moments and Douyin with the text: " _______ wears a cheongsam to look pretty, and is so ugly in her own way!”

Zhang Jiefang was quickly noticed. In the video, she looked funny and ridiculous while posing in front of the mirror. Tang Yaocan also deliberately added the BGM of Zhu Bajie carrying his wife.

Seeing that the video had more than [-] likes and the comments were getting more and more unpleasant, Zhang Jiefang immediately went to grab Tang Yaocan's phone in anger.

"You deleted it for me, who asked you to post it!"

"You also know Choujun? I thought you didn't know! Do you think it's too shabby? Don't wear it if you think it's too shabby. It's like standing up like a fucking old sow. It's disgusting!"

The two of them fought for a long time. Zhang Jiefang finally deleted the video and cracked the screen of Tang Yaocan's phone. Tang Yaocan tore off a strand of her hair and scratched several bloody marks on her neck. Cheongsam. It was also torn apart.

After all, Zhang Jiefang's mother's family did not support Li Yuanyuan.

Later, she secretly took the cheongsam to the store and asked if it could be mended. It was mended, and there was no sign that it had been damaged before. However, Zhang Jiefang never wore it again and kept it in the deepest part of the drawer, only occasionally sleeping at night. Before, take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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