half-baked life

Chapter 54: Lao Zhao can’t even take a shower, I won’t!

Chapter 54: Lao Zhao can’t even take a shower, I won’t!
"Uncle Sun, haven't I told you several times? If you want to pick up the cardboard boxes in the community, no problem. If you pick them up, just put them in the garbage station. The people from the waste station will come to collect them once a week... Don't worry, no one will Take it, it’s all under surveillance.”

Pan Ke was very patient in front of Sun Qi'an, and he mainly spoke sincerely.

"I...I took it home and felt at ease."

Sun Qian carefully smiled apologetically and put the dirty rag doll on the bed with awkward movements. He also specially let the doll rest on his pillow and patted it twice, which made Jiang He feel inexplicably sad.

"I'll...I'll move over in a while, okay?"

"What else are you moving? I'll ask the people from the scrap station to come over now and take it away and sell it for you."

Panko took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call, but the signal was not good. She held up the mobile phone and walked to the doorway before making the call.

Several neighbors obviously didn't enjoy their talk in front of Pan Ke, so Jiang He, as a new face, became their second best choice.

"Are you new to our community?"

This group of people didn't give Jiang He any time to deny, and instead poured out their complaints and complaints towards her.

"You just came here, but you don't know, this is all good! It was even more outrageous before. His room was piled up to the ceiling. It was all full of garbage, even on the bed. He would dig a hole every day when he came back. , sleeping directly in the garbage!"

"Ouch, that smell is impossible to smell at all. It's a little stronger when it's cold, but when it comes to summer... Gee, people in our building usually don't dare to open the windows or doors! "

"I can bear the smell, but the main reason is that there are too many cockroaches and rats. Last summer, the rats bit my eldest grandson's toes and made them bleed. He had to take injections and medicine, which made him seriously ill. My eldest grandson had a fever and was hospitalized for two weeks. I felt really sorry for him... During that time, I wanted to set his place on fire!"

"Everyone who has a house elsewhere has already moved away, leaving us who have no money to suffer!"

The more they talked, the more energetic they became, and their volume was completely out of control. Jiang He understood that they were telling Sun Qian on purpose, but Sun Qian was just minding his own business and boiling water.

"Hey, look at this person, his skin is thicker than that city wall. Even the cannonballs can't penetrate it. The saliva we talked about here has dried up, and his face doesn't even turn red!"

"Relying on the old and selling the old, what the hell!"

The uncle who had been silent all this time was so angry that he kicked over the large woven bag containing plastic bottles at Sun Qian's door. The zipper of the bag was broken, and the plastic bottles spilled all over the floor.

The water just happened to boil, and boiling water came out along the spout and the lid that was pushed open by the steam, making the gas stove hiss.

In such a noisy situation, Sun Qian was still burying himself in sorting the garbage he had picked up beside the bed. Several neighbors winked at each other, pretended not to notice, and walked away laughing.

Jiang He had no choice but to go in and turn off the fire.

Sun Qian turned his head belatedly. As soon as he saw Jiang He, he immediately laughed.

Jiang He noticed that Sun Qian's front teeth were all gone, and the gap between his shriveled lips was dark. Coupled with the sagging wrinkles and dense age spots on his face, the supposedly loving smile became indescribably weird.

"Are you here to see me? Thank you, little girl, do you want some water? I'll boil some water for you!"

Sun Qian held the edge of the bed with his hands, stood up with difficulty, and circled around the room to find a kettle. "Uncle Sun, the water has been boiled." Seeing this, Jiang He quickly took the kettle off the stove, "Where do you think I'm going to pour it for you?"

"Ah? It's cooked...Oh, then...then pour it here, thank you!"

Sun Qian dug out a brand new green thermos bottle from the corner. He didn't take it, but just put it in front of him. Jiang He had no choice but to carry the kettle and walk inside.

She had just taken two steps and already regretted it. She wanted to throw away the kettle in her hand and run away screaming all the way.

In fact, the smell didn't matter anymore. Jiang He truly experienced "like entering an abalone shop and not smelling the smell for a long time." Just walking was extremely difficult. Jiang He felt in his heart that the hardships and twists and turns were not as difficult as the others. The long sky plank road in Huashan is inferior.

She was carrying a scalding hot water bottle in one hand and tightly grasping the front of her light-colored coat with the other. She had to be careful not to rub against the cardboard boxes or rusty electrical appliances that suddenly protruded from the side, and she also had to be careful not to touch them. The soles of her shoes were stuck to the cement floor beneath her feet, which looked like a sticky board.

There were only about ten steps in total, and Jiang He was sweating profusely.

As soon as she filled the thermos bottle, Sun Qi'an took out a box of tea leaves from the cabinet that was obviously a treasure. He grabbed a large handful and put it into the enamel jar on the table that was full of tea stains. Then, tremblingly, he picked up the kettle and poured water into it, saying that he wanted to invite Jiang He to tea.

"Thank you, Uncle Sun, I...I don't drink tea. I can't sleep after drinking it."

Jiang He quickly refused. She was really worried that if she drank this sip of tea, her fragile intestines and stomach would collapse instantly.

"Oh, Uncle Sun, you are really in a different mood when you see a beautiful girl!"

Pan Ke came back from the phone call and teased Sun Qian with a smile, "We have known each other for such a long time, and you didn't ask me to have tea."

"You drink too!" Sun Qian proudly pushed the enamel jar in Pan Ke's direction.

"Director Pan, I'm afraid Uncle Sun won't be able to take a bath here. Firstly, there's not enough space for a bathtub. Secondly, there's no heating here, and the room temperature is really too low."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it all. The people at the scrap station will collect all the garbage in a while. Tomorrow, the dedicated cleaning staff and people from our community will clean out the inside and outside of the house. Then the walls, the roof, It will also be repainted. As for heating, it is really difficult to solve. We have prepared some heaters, just like small suns, and raising the room temperature to 20 degrees, it should not be a big problem."

Panko was obviously worried that Jiang He would back down, so he first stated the facts, and then began to move people with emotion.

"I know this situation is very difficult for you, but you have also seen the attitude of the neighbors. If you don't clean up this situation, sooner or later, someone will have to kick it out."

"I understand." Jiang He's pleasure surprised her. Pan Ke did not dare to delay any longer and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Uncle Sun, there is such a thing. We have found a team of bathing aids for the elderly to help you take a bath in a few days, okay?"

"Take a bath? I don't want to take a bath!" Sun Qian shook his head nervously, "Old Zhao can't even take a bath, I won't! I... I'm quite clean, I won't wash!"

"Old Zhao used to collect paper shells with Uncle Sun, and he was also from this community. A few years ago, he accidentally fell while taking a shower, and he died on the spot."

Pan Ke explained to Jiang He in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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