
Chapter 34: Advance to Tier 6

Chapter 34: Advance to Tier Six——

The bones of Li Yuan's body were crackling, how could he bear the terrifying gravity.

But at this time, he forgot everything, his whole body was burning with desire, his mouth was parched, he couldn't help rubbing against her chest, the lower dantian surged like a volcanic eruption, and an unprecedented heat flow flew out.

The little brother was already full of murderous intent, and he was even more comfortable when he touched her legs.All the desires are floating, and the whole body is like a volcano erupting.


The brain area is under the impact of a lot of desire, advanced, entered the sixth level of cultivation, the body is burning with desire, the cells are evolving, and following the promotion, bursts of comfort emerge, but it can't be compared with the body's bones bursting, Cover comfort.

The broken bones in the whole body are constantly being repaired and strengthened under the fire of desire.

The pain in the whole body has forgotten that the body wants to move, wants to take off her clothes, but he can't move, the armor weighs a thousand catties, and he can bear the momentum.

Calculated by gravity, a warrior of the first rank can hold one hundred catties, two hundred for the second rank, several hundred catties for the ninth rank, and a thousand catties, which have already surpassed the limit of cultivation in the world, not to mention that he is only five rank monk.

Hua Feixia was thrown to the ground by Li Yuan, showing a look of astonishment. The sudden disaster had not yet come to her senses. She felt that the mysterious place below was being pressed against something hard, and her body reacted suddenly, trying to escape, but in the It's too heavy, I can't move, I can't even catch my breath.His chest rubbed against him, and he exclaimed, "If Li Yuan doesn't leave, I'll castrate you as an eunuch."

Li Yuan was startled, extremely panicked, and stood up abruptly without even thinking about it!

The bad old man had already left the table, trying to help separate them, when he saw Li Yuan standing up suddenly, he watched in astonishment.

After Hua Feixia finished speaking, she felt that she was really stupid, how could the other party stand up under the weight of a thousand catties, suddenly her chest lightened, and her breathing became comfortable.


Hua Feixia spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Li Yuan in horror, and suffered internal injuries when she was pinned down, she didn't know what happened to him, but seeing him standing still, his face no longer had that disgusting wretched look, and became Yushu faced the handsome and handsome young man, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the brows on the tiger's eyes were tightly knit, revealing a look of pain, which aroused people's pity.

"Little girl, you are not self-inflicted, heal your wounds quickly, and it will be fine if you leave hidden dangers." The bad old man sighed authentically.

"En!" Hua Feixia's body was glowing with azure blue light, which flowed on her delicate body for a long time before disappearing, and her pale face appeared rosy again. Water magic healing is very slow, but it is also tens of thousands of times faster than automatic recovery. Light magic healing is much slower, and light magic can recover instantly.

Thinking of the scene just now, Huarong couldn't help showing a shy look, making her look even more beautiful and captivating.

Li Yuan was terrified before, but now he has finally come to his senses. Seeing the shy and beautiful face, it is even more attractive, and he can't help being addicted, and a wretched look reappears.

Hua Feixia thought it was too much at first, but when she saw his appearance changed again, she couldn't help feeling in her heart, thinking of something hard touching her lower body, she couldn't help but look at his lower body, and saw that thing was also about to move under the weight of a thousand catties , but unable to withstand the majestic and terrifying gravity, it trembled under the force, and was crushed to death.

Feeling even more angry like this, he said angrily: "Li Yuan looked at my footprints and immediately followed me."

Li Yuan's whole body was burning with desire, and he felt no pain at all. His heart was full of desire, and his body was burning with desire.

"It's true that if you are not charming, you will be so lustful. You are so lustful at such a young age, and it will be even worse in the future." Unless the old man is blind, how can he not see Li Yuan's expression and thoughts.

"Hmm!" Li Yuan looked at Hua Feixia obsessively and said, without thinking about it at all.

"Attention, I only go once, if you can't remember, see how I deal with you." Hua Feixia said coquettishly.

The delicate and beautiful body began to walk, walking briskly, with a very graceful figure, as if dancing lightly.

Li Yuan was fascinated by the sight, and couldn't help but follow her to start like that.

"Little baby, don't walk, that's lotus flower step, not suitable for boys to practice, stop quickly, or your muscles and bones will be completely destroyed." The bad old man exclaimed authentically.The results shocked him even more.

Li Yuan could only hear Hua Feixia's voice now, and couldn't hear anything else. He followed and walked, his body swaying here and there, but he reluctantly followed Hua Feixia's pace.

Hua Feixia stopped, turned her head and saw that Li Yuan was able to follow her, her steps were right, but her body was twisted in this way and that, which made her look disgusting. People want to throw up.

The bad old man felt extremely shocked when he saw it. The lotus gait is specially practiced by girls. It is a miracle that he can learn it. When he saw the funny posture again, he couldn't help laughing. That posture is really not flattering.

"Continue to practice like this until lunch, don't stop, go quickly, go to the playground." Hua Feixia said angrily.

"En!" Li Yuan immediately walked towards the playground, his body walking in an ugly way.

"Little girl, you are the most gentle beauty in Moyun Empire, why are you so irritable today." The bad old man said looking at Li Yuan's back.

"Uncle, I'm also surprised. When I see him, I get angry. It's really inexplicable." When Hua Feixia saw Li Yuan running towards the playground, she was also extremely surprised. What happened to herself?

"Hehe!" The bad old man looked at Hua Feixia with ambiguous eyes, and said nothing.

Li Yuan's performance made them forget that he was still wearing a heavy training armor.

"It's really a monster, weighing a thousand catties, and walking with lotus footwork. How is this possible?" Hua Feixia suddenly remembered!Completely stunned!If he was calm, he would never torture Li Yuan like this, but he got angry for no reason and almost killed Li Yuan.It turned out that he actually endured such torture, which is really surprising and shocking!

Li Yuan looked away from Hua Feixia, and immediately felt that his body was in more pain. Every bone was breaking and repairing constantly. The pain made his soul tremble and collapse.

Looking at the body, there is a mysterious recovery, that is, the exhausted desire is constantly repairing the bones.I saw that the air mass in the brain area had changed and became extremely dense.I was shocked!Then I was overjoyed, I was promoted, but I didn't know it, and I recalled the situation of the promotion.The contact between the body and her, the feeling that I have never had before, even when I am facing Princess Xinrong, I don't have that kind of pleasure, I can't help thinking about it obsessively.

Stimulate the body to absorb the excited essence and blood of many people's desires. The body is constantly being destroyed and repaired. , the resistance to gravity has also increased rapidly, but it is still difficult to meet the requirements of bearing a thousand kilograms of gravity.

Li Yuan showed a wretched look, and walked slowly towards the playground, staggered and almost fell down, but the speed was extremely astonishing, it seemed very slow, and he was a hundred meters away in an instant.

After walking around, Li Yuan felt that his legs were very heavy, and he couldn't get up anymore. He wanted to stop and rest, and looked around. He saw Hua Feixia looking at him in the center of the playground. Her beautiful star eyes were like stars in the sky. It contains many stories, which reveal a kind of laughter and contempt, which makes my heart extremely uncomfortable.

"Absolutely don't let her look down on you!" Li Yuan roared in his heart, his blood boiled, and he persisted with his tenacious will, and took another step.


Li Yuan roared, roaring like a beast!Enduring the severe pain in his thigh, he took another step.He has reached the limit of his physical strength, the armor is under heavy pressure, and his legs are already at the limit of what he can bear. Just now, the desire in his heart is tempering his body, and he has persisted unexpectedly until now. ring!

Bursting, bones popping!

The bone burst also relied on my tenacious and unyielding will, clenching my teeth, and standing staggeringly. How much perseverance is it to persist?The will tempered in the soul purification space is extremely against the sky, or Li Yuan would have already been stung by the pain and passed out.

Li Yuan felt that he was going to faint immediately, his eyelids were so heavy, he was about to close his eyes and passed out, before he passed out, he didn't forget to look at Hua Feixia in the playground, seeing her look of contempt.

The masculinity is aroused, and the heart is roaring. How can a woman look down on me if I want to cultivate immortality and become a peerless powerhouse in another world.

His body was about to fall, but he took two steps again under the tenacious and unconscious will.


The body was moved like an explosion, and the air mass in the brain produced a terrifying energy, rushing out from between the eyebrows, rushing down the dantian along the meridians, splitting into two strands at the perineal point and rushing straight to the soles of the feet.

The tiny meridians were torn apart, forming a channel between the soles of the feet and the brain. The soles of the feet produced a terrifying counterforce, tearing the meridians on the back of the feet, and rushed straight up to the back, directly to the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head, and gathered between the eyebrows. into the brain.

The air mass spews out majestic energy, flows continuously in the meridians, and provides a steady stream of gas to the soles of the feet. There is a mysterious gas in the air mass, which constantly repairs the meridians that have been torn by the air flow.

The meridian has changed from smaller than a vellus hair to a channel like a water pipe, which is constantly being torn and expanded, and it is also constantly being repaired.

Li Yuan almost fainted from the repeated severe pain, but he persevered with his tenacious will, his hands became stronger, his steps moved quickly, and the air flow circulated in his meridians.

The body is light and floating, but it is suppressed by the heavy armor, otherwise it will feel like I will fly, and the bones are recovering rapidly. These rapid energies are just absorbing the blood essence of others' extreme excitement, and there is no need for panacea to be inferior. Has a mysterious repairing special effect.

The meridian is being repaired, and the comfort is far inferior to the pain of tearing. Li Yuan endured it with his tenacious will, and walked quickly and refined his footwork, becoming more and more smooth, like dancing.

"Pfft!" Hua Feixia couldn't help laughing. Seeing Li Yuan as a monster, her lotus footwork was very funny. If a girl danced gracefully, a man's walking would be so weird.

There were many students practicing on the playground, and they all laughed out loud at Li Yuan's weird and awkward posture, like a woman dancing coquettishly.

More and more people came to watch, and people on the playground pointed.

"He is Li Yuan, Princess Xinyue's son-in-law, look at that coquettish energy, he is more powerful than the girls in the brothel."

"I heard that he even dared to kiss Princess Xinyue's face, is it true?"

"it is true."

"Is there something wrong with his eyes and brain?"


Li Yuan smiled wryly in his heart. It was miserable enough for him to be scratched by Hua Feixia, but there was nothing he could do. There was still some time before lunch, so it shouldn’t be a problem to stick to it now. I feel that this footwork is very useful to me, so what’s wrong with it? , Instead, he began to practice very seriously. After all, footwork is a life-saving trick for fighting with samurai and qi practitioners. Regarding life, he is not willing to practice hard.

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