
Chapter 4: Secrets of the Spring Palace

Li Yuan's heart was moved, but when he thought that the princess is a girl, her reputation is very important, and her family is the largest library in the whole country.In this way, there are also some secret books on the cultivation of forbidden exercises from the previous dynasty. If this opportunity is lost, it will be difficult to find such a complete collection of books in the future.

It is impossible to survive in this world without strength. Even if you have business acumen, if you do not have strength, you will have no one to deal with, and it is even more impossible to have business contacts.

Besides, the battle with Li Jiang can't be delayed for too long. Now I urgently need to find the secrets of cultivation. I hesitate again and again. I am a useless person. Don't hurt the beautiful and kind little girl again.

"Thank you Princess for your concern, I'll find another way!" Li Yuan refused.

Princess Xinyue felt a little regretful when she said the words. Seeing Li Yuan like this, she was extremely surprised. That magician entered the highest secret library in the royal family. Li Yuan was able to resist such a temptation. Having made up his mind, he took Li Yuan's hand with a smile and said, "If you don't go, you're just looking down on me, let's go!"

Li Yuan still couldn't bear the temptation, and followed Princess Xinyue into the carriage.

The princess mansion is to the east of the town, where there is the royal cemetery, Princess Xinyue was sent here by her father to guard the imperial tomb, so as not to be ashamed in the capital.

Arriving outside the palace of the princess, Li Yuan got out of the car and immediately felt that the place was very dark. Now he knew why the princess immediately showed sadness when he mentioned his family. It turned out that she was thrown here by the family to guard the imperial tomb. The princess felt sad and understood that all this was because of her appearance.

Entering the princess' mansion, there is an old house inside, surrounded by outdated things, although it is often renovated, it can't change the old and outdated appearance.

Where there are flowers and plants in the flower garden, there are all weeds. It can be seen that the life here is extremely poor. There are not many servants. A majestic princess is treated much worse than himself. At least the flowers and plants in his small courtyard are cleaned. reason.

"The dilapidated house makes Mr. Li laugh." Seeing Li Yuan's expression, Princess Xinyue was extremely sad in her heart, and worried that Li Yuan would look down on her because of this.

"The Princess is just joking. It's really admirable for you to live such a poor life as the Princess." Li Yuan said with a smile.

Princess Xinyue saw that Li Yuan didn't look down on her because of this, she smiled and said: "The library is in front, let's hurry up!"

In front of it was a rockery, without houses, Li Yuan was shocked, it was an underground library, so secret, there must be a lot of valuable books inside.

On a rock on the rockery, Princess Xinyue turned around, the rockery cracked, and a dark passage appeared, leading directly to the ground.

Princess Xinyue pulled Li Yuan in, walked down a hundred meters, and came to a basement. There was a night pearl on the top of the stone room, illuminating the stone room. There were eight guards inside, stationed outside a gate.There is a magic teleportation array in the center, which is used by the nobles of the palace, and it was set up for teleportation to read books.

"This county mainly reads books, generals, please open the door." Princess Xinyue took out a token.

"Yes!" The guard opened the stone door.

Li Yuan and Princess Xinyue were not blocked from entering.

Entering the gate, I saw bookshelves filled with books, including some ancient magic books, which were recorded in sheepskin.

"Young Master Li, check to see if there is a suitable magic book for you." Princess Xinyue's voice was very gentle, showing a kind and gentle temperament at all times.

"En!" Li Yuan was attracted by the magic book, walked to the bookshelf, closed his eyes, and checked with his spiritual sense, he could directly see the content without flipping through it.

They are all some basic knowledge of magic introductory. There are no advanced magic books, not even intermediate ones. There are also some elementary battle qi and inner skills.

Li Yuan still read it with gusto. After all, he didn't understand common sense such as magic, battle qi, and internal strength. The novels he saw on the Internet before on Earth were some nonsense writing, but they were somewhat similar.

Spiritual consciousness reads books very quickly, but it seems that after three days, after reading the books after the stone room, they are all beginners' methods, so that Li Yuan has a certain understanding of magic, fighting spirit, and internal strength in this world.

Within three days, Princess Xinyue took care of Li Yuan personally. Li Yuan's mind sank in the sea of ​​books. When eating, Princess Xinyue fed him, and when he was tired, he meditated to recover. Using the cyclone in the brain area to run it once, the spirit recovered. Li Yuan was overjoyed by this situation.

"I've finished reading the elementary introductory books. Let's go to the intermediate ones to have a look, hoping to find suitable training books for you." Seeing that Li Yuan did not find a suitable book, Princess Xinyue was also extremely worried and anxious.

"En!" Li Yuan responded, and there was a closed door at the end of the stone room, inside which was a collection of intermediate-level cheat books.

For a month in a row, Li Yuan read intermediate and advanced books, but he didn't see any exercises suitable for his own cultivation. He was also extremely disappointed. There were three kinds of books, and he didn't see any books on self-cultivation after the legend.

Seeing the wall inside the stone room, and there is no longer a door, Li Yuan was extremely depressed, he sat down on the ground listlessly, closed his eyes, tried his best to control his mood, and did not want Princess Xinyue to see his dejected look, this little girl At such a young age, she can read words and deeds, so it's hard to hide anything from her.

Although I read a lot of books on magic, battle qi, and internal strength, I didn't find anything suitable for me. I knew a lot, but it was no different from not knowing. I wasted more than a month in vain.

Princess Xinyue was in a dark stone room, and there was an old man with disheveled white hair sitting cross-legged in front of him. The white hair covered his face, so he couldn't see clearly.

"Grandpa, Xinyue begs you, let him enter the secret room of cultivation books to see if there are books suitable for him to practice?" Princess Xinyue knelt in front of the old man and begged.

"Xinyue, he is not a nobleman in the palace, so he cannot enter. You are embarrassing Grandpa like this."

"It's because the new moon is not good. It disturbed his cultivation and caused the magic power to backfire. As long as he gets the mentality to adapt, he will be promoted to the fourth-level magician. Although the 13-year-old fourth-level magician is not a peerless genius, the Sanctuary Continent is also A rare genius. Please be merciful to Grandpa and let him in! This is good enough for Xinyue to feel at ease, otherwise Xinyue will feel guilty for life." Princess Xinyue still begged authentically.

"Xinyue, this is not allowed, you go! Don't disturb Grandpa's cultivation." The old man responded unceremoniously.Not at all human.

"Xinyue is willing to exchange the gold medal for avoiding death, please grandpa." Princess Xinyue took out a gold medal for avoiding death and handed it over with both hands.

"Xinyue, you actually use the death-prevention gold medal for an outsider? Do you know that this death-prevention gold medal is the only gold medal in my Moyun Empire. It is your blessing to get it. How can you use it like this?" The old man was horrified. typical.

"Grandpa, please fulfill it." Princess Xinyue didn't show any signs of taking back the token.

"Okay! Once the death-prevention gold medal comes out, it can be exchanged for any conditions. The token is my subordinate, and you take him into the Buddhist scripture pavilion!" With a move by the old man, the gold medal flew into his hand.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Princess Xinyue didn't feel sad because of losing the gold medal. Instead, she smiled and said to herself, "Brother Yuan, I hope you can find a method suitable for cultivation, and don't waste my life-saving talisman in vain. I want to call You call Yuan brother, but Xinyue is not worthy, so I can only call you like this secretly."

Li Yuan collected his mood, opened his eyes and looked around to see if he didn't see Princess Xinyue.

"Master Li, come out! Let's go and read the books on cultivation." Princess Xinyue's voice came from outside.

Li Yuan was overjoyed, he hurriedly stood up and went out, his heart was extremely excited, he finally saw the legendary secret book of cultivation, it was an extremely precious book, hard to come by.

After passing through several underground dark passages, before coming to the front gate, there are more than a dozen guards guarding them, all of them have extraordinary demeanor, and they give the feeling of masters at a glance.

"Stop those who come, or shoot and kill."

"This is the token of the Great Elder. We need to enter to check the books." Princess Xinyue held a simple black token.

"Take it to verify."

Princess Xinyue walked up and handed the token to a guard.

After verification, the guard immediately said, "Open the door."

The door opened, and Li Yuan and Princess Xinyue walked in, and saw that there were only some animal skin scrolls inside, and the rest were all jade slips.

"We don't have spiritual knowledge, so we can only read some books like animal skins." Princess Xinyue also entered for the first time, seeing pieces of jade slips placed in small grids inside, animal skin books are extremely rare.

"Hmm!" Li Yuan's mind was completely attracted by these jade slips, and his heart sank when he heard Princess Xinyue's words, his soul could see things, so he wondered if he could see these jade slips?

Walked over, picked it up to check, and saw that a large amount of data surged into the brain, and the exercises for cultivation emerged. These are the methods of cultivating the heart, the method of Aoki's heart, the method of nourishing qi, etc. There are a lot of methods, and there is no one suitable for my cultivation. Gongfa.

Picking up a piece of jade slip, it contained Zilei mentality, thinking that Princess Xinyue has both purple and fire attributes, Zilei mentality alone is not suitable for use.

Touching one by one, the data on the jade slips is huge, but the reading speed is really fast. When I saw a piece of jade slips, the purple thunder and fire mentality emerged, and I was overjoyed. The princess of Xinyue has dual attributes of purple and fire. It happened to be suitable for her to practice, so I silently memorized it several times, and put the jade slip back after confirming that there was nothing neglected, and wrote it down for her to practice when I was free.

After reading all the cultivation methods in it for a long time, Li Yuan couldn't help but be extremely disappointed. None of the methods was suitable for his cultivation, not even Li Hu and Li Bao's cultivation methods, so he couldn't help but be disappointed.

Princess Xinyue didn't pay attention to Li Yuan, and she was looking through the animal skins herself, very carefully, hoping to help Li Yuan find a mental method suitable for cultivation, and she also wanted to find a mental method suitable for cultivation. Yuan, she was reluctant to exchange the gold medal for avoiding death. After all, the method of cultivating the true heart is not something that anyone can practice casually. It requires spiritual roots to practice. Most people do not have spiritual roots. Not bad, where would one expect to have spiritual roots.

Li Yuan saw Princess Xinyue so focused on inspecting the animal skin, so he could only sigh, and sat on the ground, leaning his head heavily against the wall, with a thud.

I felt extremely strange, my head was definitely not an iron head, and there was absolutely no sound when I touched it, how could there be a sound, I looked curiously at the wall against which my head was leaning against, it was an extremely smooth stone wall, and my eyes could not see any traces. Check it with your spiritual sense and find a fist-sized square mark.

Feeling strange, with a few light taps, the stone brick was scratched out. A small stone brick is hollow in the center, and there is a jade slip.

"Secrets of Erotic Palace." Four big characters came to mind, a very special cultivation method, Li Yuan was overjoyed.

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