Jiang's father realized later that he had another child.

"Well, I never thought I would be able to be a father again in my lifetime."

He is forty-seven this year, which makes him almost fifty. Of course I am happy to have another child at this age. He was happy, but he was worried that his wife was old and would be in danger of giving birth to a child.

Jiang Xianyun: "Dad, haven't you always wanted to have another baby before? Now Mom is pregnant, which is a good thing. Mom's body is still quite good now. As long as you pay attention to it, you will definitely be able to give birth safely."

Father Jiang nodded.

"Don't worry, Yun Niang. Dad will definitely take good care of your mother. I won't let her do anything at home in the future."

The daughter is now married.

It would be good for them to have another child, if this one could give birth to a son. Then it would be worthwhile for him to have both children and a daughter in his life, and he would have no regrets even if he died.

The most important thing is that if this baby can give Yun Niang a younger brother, even if they leave a hundred years later, she will still have a family to look after her. This way they feel more at ease. The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is still hope for the future.

Later, the Jiang family stayed for dinner and then went back. Before leaving, Jun Chengxiao personally sent someone to send them back.

Maybe, too many things happened in one day, and they all felt a little overwhelmed.

After marrying Jun Chengxiao, Jiang Xianyun became the mistress of the Regent's Palace, and she was the one who made the final decision in everything. The servants and maids of the palace also treated her with respect and were doing their own things in an orderly manner.

The palace was very rich. After she got the key to the warehouse, she went to see it in person. Damn, it really blinded her. All kinds of gold, silver and jewelry were piled randomly in boxes one after another. It looks like gold bricks cutting into a wall, which is not too outrageous. This is the joy that comes from traitors.

Under Jun Chengxiao's name, there were dozens of horse farms, weapons farms, and various mines. He owned every street in Beicheng. The life of the rich is so simple and unpretentious.

There is a butler above me, so just leave it to him, big or small. Usually, at the end of the month, Jiang Xianyun just checks the account books.

Any major expenses or income in the house will be reported to her. Even if Jun Chengxiao needed money, and the amount was large, he would still tell her. After all, they are husband and wife. He has the final say in matters outside the home, but when it comes to matters at home and in the palace, it is the princess who has the final say.

When she was two months pregnant, Jiang Xianyun began to have pregnancy symptoms. She just wanted to sleep during this period, as if she couldn't wake up.

Not only was she lethargic, she also felt sour in her stomach and wanted to vomit.

These days, she vomited whatever she ate, and she felt sluggish, uncomfortable, and in a bad mood.

The temperature has dropped sharply in the past few days, and the wind is biting outside. If you don't wear thicker clothes when you go out, you will shiver from the cold and you will not be able to bear it. Jiang Xianyun didn't even want to leave the house, and stayed at home warming himself by the fire.

The charcoal-making technology in this world is still very good. Pure charcoal has no smell when burned and is still very warm. But every once in a while, you need to open the windows for ventilation, otherwise you will still feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, Jiang Xianyun was sitting on a soft couch reading a picture book, with a fluffy blanket covering his legs. Next to her stood a nanny in her thirties, who was arranged by Jun Chengxiao to take care of her. Although she felt it was really unnecessary, but he was worried, so just listen to him.

At this time, Xiaoya was near the charcoal basin, guarding the roasted sweet potatoes. Well, it was Jiang Xianyun who suddenly wanted to eat.

He glanced sideways and saw that the sweet potatoes on the charcoal basin were almost roasted and were smelling fragrant.

Maybe seeing her looking over, Xiaoya wiped her face with a smile. "Mother, please wait, it will be fine soon." It was okay if she didn't wipe it, but as soon as she wiped it, she turned into a cat.

Seeing her face, Jiang Xianyun couldn't help laughing and pointed her finger. "Xiaoya, wipe your face, it's dark."

"Ah, okay."

After hearing this, Xiaoya sheepishly wiped it with a handkerchief, then continued roasting sweet potatoes with a smile.

After roasting the sweet potatoes, Xiaoya picked up the best one, peeled it off and handed it to Jiang Xianyun.

"I'll just eat this one, and you guys can share the rest."

"Slave, thank you, Your Majesty."

The happiest person is Xiaoya. Since she followed Jiang Xianyun, she has all kinds of delicious food every day.

I took a bite of the sweet potato. It was soft, glutinous and sweet, and it tasted quite delicious. "Mommy, these roasted sweet potatoes are very good. Have you eaten one?"

"Okay, I thank you for the reward."

After a while, the maid next to her went to open the window to get some air, and that's when she heard Jin Hua's voice.

"Hey, it's snowing."

"Wow, really."

Xiaoya also stood up and looked outside.

Jiang Xianyun, who was eating sweet potatoes, looked up at the window. I saw snowflakes falling from the sky outside, and it was a sheet of white.

"It's really snowing. This is the first snow this year."

"Yes, my dear, auspicious snow heralds a good harvest and good luck."

At the beginning, the snow was not heavy, just tiny snowflakes. After a while, the snow gradually began to fall, and from fine snowflakes to goose feathers, heavy snow fell from the sky. It didn't take long outside, and it was already completely white.

Jiang Xianyun lifted up the blanket covering his legs, got up, put on his shoes and walked to the window to look at the snow. At this time, there was already a thick layer of snow outside the window, in the yard, on the trees, and on the ground. At first glance, it looks like salt has been sprinkled all over the ground, or a snow-white velvet blanket has been laid out.

"What a nice view."

The view is very nice.

It's just a little cold.

She was about to go back to warm herself by the fire when she saw someone walking in the snow outside. The man was tall and slender, with his hair tied up in a formal manner. He was wearing a navy blue fox fur coat and holding an umbrella in his hand. He looked like he had just come out of an important occasion. At this time, she also saw that he was holding a cage in his other hand.

Seeing him, Jiang Xianyun put his hands on the window, looked from a distance, waved and called him.

"Brother Cheng."

As soon as she made a sound, Jun Chengxiao looked back while walking in the snow, and then raised his hand to signal to her.

Jiang Xianyun smiled at him, turned around and walked towards the door. She was curious about what he was carrying in the cage.

As soon as she walked to the door, he was already there. He was throwing the umbrella to the servant at the door and patted the fallen snow on his body.

Walking forward, Jiang Xianyun reached out and patted the snow off his back and arms.

"Where did you go? I just came back now."

She leaned closer to him and frowned.

"Husband, how much did you drink? Does it smell so strong?"

Jun Chengxiao chuckled.

"Not much, just a little."

Jiang Xianyun glanced at him.

"Liar, it's not much. I can smell it even from here. Drink less in the future. Otherwise, stay outside and don't come back."

Wife, so fierce.

But he loves it so much.

He just likes the way she takes care of him like this.

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