Gu Immortal Returns

Chapter 2 I was refined into a Gu Immortal by a witch

Chapter 2 I was refined into a Gu Immortal by a witch

Every day, Grandma Wang came to the broken house with tributes and put the bamboo basket filled with poisonous insects on the altar. After she worshiped me, she came to me with the bamboo basket.

She poured all the poison she had managed to catch in the bamboo basket into the big tank under my head.

My already numb body felt severe pain again after being bitten by poisonous insects.

My already hoarse voice, coupled with the pained sounds I made, were like the screams of a ghost at night.

The sounds that make people hear fear sounded like sounds of nature to Aunt Wang. My screams became more pitiful and painful, and the smile on her face became brighter.

I don't know if it was due to the poisonous insect bites or because of my rotting body, but my vision began to become blurry.

Aunt Wang took out the awl she usually used to sew shoe soles, pointed it at my cranium nail, and stared hard at it.

My pupils immediately became congested with blood, and the tremendous pain woke me up from my coma.

Aunt Wang chuckled.

"My eldest grandson, come quickly! Grandma can't wait any longer, eldest grandson..." Aunt Wang shouted in her mouth.

That night, Lanxiang felt pain in her abdomen and amniotic fluid flowed out of her lower body.

Lan Xiang shouted loudly outside. Aunt Wang heard the shout and immediately came to Lan Xiang's house.

Lan Xiang clutched her stomach and rolled over on the old wooden bed. The sweat from her body soaked the quilt under her, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Seeing that Lanxiang was about to give birth and thinking about meeting her future grandson, Aunt Wang cried with joy.

Aunt Wang asked her son to guard the orchid fragrance. Instead of calling the midwife, she came to the broken house again with poisonous insects prepared in advance.

The newly pregnant women and clan leaders in the village heard that Lan Xiang was about to give birth, and came to Aunt Wang's house one after another to wait for the result.

They couldn't wait to know whether Lan Xiang's baby was a boy or a girl.

The ancestral hall was surrounded by darkness at night, and from the dark mountains in the distance, the sounds of wild beasts could be heard from time to time.

In the trees outside the ancestral hall, the bushes were shaking, as if some wild beast was about to rush out.

Grandma Wang was walking towards the ancestral hall with a bamboo basket in her hand and a black cloth covering her head.The sky covered with dark clouds suddenly seemed to be torn open by something, and two red lights shone down from the crack.

One fell on Mrs. Wang's body, and the other passed through the dilapidated roof of the ancestral hall and shone on my cheek.

The maggots under me seemed to have received some kind of summons, and they struggled violently on my rotting body, biting my flesh one after another.

Mrs. Wang entered the ancestral hall carrying a white lantern. She lit the candle on the altar table in front of me. The dim candlelight illuminated my darkened face.

Under the bite of maggots, tears of blood began to flow from my pupils.

When Mrs. Wang raised her head and saw my face, she was still shocked. She quickly calmed down. She completely hypnotized herself in her heart. When I shed tears of blood, it meant that the wish she made on her behalf was about to come true.

Grandma Wang lit the incense candle, knelt in front of me and still prayed plausibly.

I suddenly opened my mouth, and a sentence suddenly came out of my mouth
"A life for a life..."

When Mrs. Wang heard my voice, she suddenly raised her head. She quickly took out a pair of scissors from the bamboo basket and walked to me in two quick steps.

There was murderous intent in her eyes, and she pinched my chin hard, "If I want to exchange my life, I will also use your life!"

She pinched my chin hard and pulled out my tongue. My tongue was cut off by Wang Po in a burst of pain.There was no blood flowing out as she expected. As my tongue fell to the ground, black worms crawled out of the wounds in my mouth.

Looking at the insects crawling all over her hands, Mrs. Wang was so frightened that she let go of my cheek, quickly took two steps back, and shook her hands vigorously.

Wang Po was so frightened that she didn't see it. When my tongue hit the ground, it turned into countless small black moths and flew towards her.

At the same time, a dark beast-like shadow suddenly rushed out of the bushes in the distance, rushed towards Wang Po quickly, and then hugged Wang Po tightly.

When the beast disappeared, Wang Po stood there sluggishly, her body motionless.

I just saw clearly that the beast took the soul of Wang Po with it when it left.

It was like there were countless bugs trying to come out of my body, squirming constantly in my body.

The insects crawled out of the wounds in my mouth and got into the big tank under me one after another.

A golden light from the sun broke through the sky and shone into the ancestral hall.

When my body came into contact with the sun, a puff of black smoke came out. When the black smoke dissipated, the bugs that had been squirming all night stopped struggling and entered a dormant state.

After struggling all night, Lan Xiang gave birth to the child when the sun shone into the room.

The child's cry woke up the drowsy people sitting in the courtyard.

"Boy, it's a boy, our village finally gave birth to a boy..."

People heard the shouts of the patriarch's wife in the room, and their excited faces burst into laughter.

The news that Lan Xiang gave birth to a son soon spread throughout the village.

When Po Zhang knew that Mrs. Wang had gone to the ancestral hall to offer incense, she immediately ran over to the ancestral hall and said, "Old Mrs. Wang, please go home quickly! Lan Xiang has given birth. You have a grandson..."

When Po Zhang entered the ancestral hall, she saw Po Wang standing blankly in the ancestral hall. She pulled her hard, but Po Wang did not move at all.

"Old Mrs. Wang, what's wrong with you? You're so happy that you have a grandson, Lan Xiang gave birth to a son..."

Mrs. Wang raised her head and looked at Mrs. Zhang, laughing like a madman, "I have a grandson, I have a grandson..."

Po Zhang quickly followed, but word spread in the village that Po Wang was crazy. Everyone thought she was too happy to have a grandson, which led to her madness.

Lan Xiang gave birth to a son, and my incense became even more prosperous. People in the village came to wait outside the ancestral hall to pay their respects. That day, I was so fragrant with the grass that I never opened my eyes.

Lan Xiang's son has been crying since he was born. He cries during the day and at night. Mrs. Wang is crazy. She stands in the yard every day and giggles in the dark.

As soon as night falls, the cry of Lan Xiang's son will resound throughout the village. In the quiet night, the baby's cry is particularly loud.

The baby's cry did not offend the villagers. They even believed that the baby boy's cry was a calling sound. Soon the pregnant women in the village would give birth to baby boys.

After Lanxiang gave birth, women in the village began to show signs of pregnancy one after another, and even the old woman in the village began to bulge in her belly.

These pregnant women did not carry their babies for ten months like ordinary people. In just two months, their bellies were as big as a drum, and they showed signs of labor one after another.

In the ancestral hall, those who knelt down were even more pious and evil. They prayed to me devoutly, and poured poisonous insects into the vat under me with evil ferocity.

The big tank was now like a bottomless pit.

(End of this chapter)

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