Gu Immortal Returns

Chapter 47 The vicious Qi Jia

The witch walked to Qi Jia and asked

"Are you willing to follow me in the future?"

Qi Jia ignored the witch and turned towards the dark alley.

The witch suddenly felt that this man could definitely be taken back and he would definitely be of use to her in the future.

But Qi Jia had seen through human nature and ignored her at all.

The witch felt that the time was not yet up, and she was also eyeing Qi Jia, but now was not the time.

The witch turned and left, wandering around the city for a long time. When she arrived at midnight, everyone in the city had turned off their lights and fell asleep.

The witch left Qing'an City and returned to the Taoist temple on the mountain.

I still stood at the door and looked at the pine trees in the courtyard.

I stayed in that body for a long time, and now it has begun to rot into mud. Thinking about Lan Xiang's death, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

The witch walked up to me
"What's wrong? I know it hurts. As long as you are obedient, I will let you use this body for a longer time."

I didn't say anything, and walked directly to the altar table. I sat back and closed my eyes, not wanting to look at the witch again.

"I met a man today, and I think I'll feel more at ease with him taking care of things here from now on."

I didn't answer the miko's words

Before dawn, I heard the witch quietly leaving the Taoist temple.

I heard what she said last night. I wonder what kind of man she likes? Now that she has left the Taoist temple, does she have anything to do with this man?
I don't know at this time how vicious this man will be in the future.

The witch came to Qing'an City again.

She hid in the dark and watched Qi Jia
Qi Jia, dressed in tattered clothes, was sitting on the street begging.

Because everyone looked down on Qi Jia, they would spit on Qi Jia every time they came to him.

The witch stepped forward and stood beside Qi Jia

"You come with me! In the future, I will ensure that you will no longer be looked down upon by others, live on top of everyone's heads, and let them all kneel in front of you."

Qi Jia looked up at the witch
Unexpectedly, the witch came to him again.

He looked at the witch. He saw obvious evil in this woman last night. He had never seen this kind of evil in anyone.
After traveling all over the country, he still felt his heart tremble when he saw a witch.

"Would you like to come with me?"

The witch asked again, but Qi Jia just looked at the witch without speaking.

A few beggars in the distance walked up to Qi Jia and said, "This is our territory. Get out of here right now, or don't blame us for being rude to you."

After speaking, he glared at Qi Jia angrily.
The witch turned to look at a few people. When they saw the look in the witch's eyes, they were obviously frightened.

Not daring to say anything more, he turned and left.

"How about it? Do you want to come with me? Will you obey me completely from now on?"

Qi Jia thought for a moment and decided to fight for the future.

"I'll go with you!"

When the miko came back in the evening, she had a man with her.

Looking at this rickety man, I felt an inexplicable fear in my heart for some reason.

From the moment he entered the hall, his eyes fell on me.

It seems that he is not hungry, why would a living girl sit on the altar table.

The miko took the man into the next room, and I clearly heard the conversation between the two people.

During the conversation, the witch talked about my origin and identity, and told Qi Jia that he must take good care of me in the future and don't let me escape secretly.

When Qi Jia first arrived here, he naturally did not take the witch seriously. At this time, he could only be regarded as a servant beside the witch.

He just wants to be a good servant now, and he doesn't consider other things now.

Regarding the witch, he still hides his feelings. After all, the witch is ruthless, and he must be on guard against her.

After listening to the miko's explanation of my identity, he realized how ruthless the woman in front of him was.

Qi Jia doesn't have any pity for me. Everything in the world has already softened his hot heart. When Qi Jia came to the hall again, the way he looked at me changed completely. Maybe now he finally understood my value. After listening to the witch's plan, he finally found a way to take revenge on those enemies.

Now that the Taoist temple has the help of Qi Jia, the life of the witch is obviously easier. Although the food is still those weeds, it has more flavor besides the bitterness.

The witch wanted to spread the news about me giving birth to my son, so Qi Jia's help was naturally indispensable.

Although Qi Jia was physically disabled, he was very smart. He thought of using beggars' rumors to spread the news that living gods in Taoist temples could give birth to children.

Within a few days, word spread in the city that the living gods in Qingsong Taoist Temple on the mountain could give birth to children.

In just a few days, there were several more believers in the Taoist temple who came to offer incense.

At first they didn't ask for anything, they just came to take a look. Unexpectedly, when they saw the young girl sitting in the hall, they began to doubt that Taoist temples or gods could give children.

Seeing that things were not progressing, the witch placed all the blame on me.

Qi Jia also began to bear a grudge against me because the temple had no believers.

In the evening, Qi Jia brought the bitter wild vegetable soup. He knew that my body was immobilized by the witch and I couldn't move.

He walked directly in front of me, grabbed my mouth, and poured the bowl of hot vegetable soup into my mouth.

The hot vegetable soup made my throat painful.

Tears instantly filled my pupils, and I wanted to cry, but there was no way I could make a sound.

My mouthful of wild vegetable soup flowed down my mouth and onto my body.

Qi Jia angrily walked off the altar with the bowl in his hand.
"If those who come to ask for a child tomorrow are not pregnant again, you can wait for a more cruel punishment than this!"

I looked at Qi Jia's ugly face and could only swallow the pain in my stomach.

The witch heard Qi Jia's angry voice and entered the hall. When she saw my mouth full of vegetable soup, the witch asked
"Qi Jia, what are you doing?"

"Let her try her best. Now that there are no believers in the Taoist temple, how can we maintain the Taoist temple?"

The witch sneered, "You are indeed ruthless, which is good. I will feel relieved to have you in this Taoist temple from now on."

After the witch finished speaking, she walked out and Qi Jia also left the hall.

The cold wind blew in from outside, and the vegetable soup on my chin began to dry up and became extremely uncomfortable.

Ever since I got this body, I have had no sleep and have been looking at the pine trees outside all day long.

The same is true today. I don't know what I am like now. I hate myself for why I don't have the ability to escape.

I looked outside, and suddenly a poisonous insect flew in from the outside and landed on me.

I felt the poisonous insects on my shoulders and crawling up my cheeks.

When the poisonous insect crawled to my mouth, I even felt the poisonous insect wiping my chin.

I don't know if my perception is true. It's cold and windy outside.

My body couldn't help but shiver. This is also the worst part of having a new body. Whenever it's cold and I don't have any covering clothes, I will shiver because of the cold.

A lot of bugs emerged from nowhere. The bugs seemed to have become conscious. They came to the door of the hall together and worked together to close the door.

I looked shocked, thinking that if the bugs could dig out the magic weapon buried by the witch outside the hall, I might be able to escape from here.

The witch seemed to have heard the door closing in the main hall, and was worried that something might happen to me, so she came outside the main hall anxiously.

"Qi Jia——"

The witch shouted, and Qi Jia heard the sound and ran out of the room on the side.

"What happened?"

"Did you close the hall door?"

"No, the hall door was open when I left before."

The witch hurriedly entered the hall, and then she saw the insects that had not yet arrived and dispersed.

The witch seemed to understand something and walked over to me angrily.

"You actually have the ability to command insects? You are becoming more and more confusing to me."

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