Gu Immortal Returns

Chapter 9 Building the Gu Immortal Temple

Chapter 9 Building the Gu Immortal Temple
The witch stood in front of the stone statue, took out her colorful whisk, and danced while reciting incantations.

The women immediately stepped aside, then knelt down piously and whispered:
"Welcome the Gu Immortal to return..."

When the miko finished dancing, she immediately shook the whisk in her hand at me. Countless powders flew out of the whisk and wrapped the stone statue in it.

I suddenly felt the tiny needles piercing my skin begin to absorb the blood in my body.

The blood flows into the stone statue, forming a dense network of blood around the stone statue.

My consciousness began to become blurry, and finally I lost consciousness completely.

When I woke up, the only sounds around me were the chirping of various insects. I couldn't hear what the chirping sounds were, but I was sure that I could hear the words they wanted to express from their chirping.

The side of my eyes was blood red. When the witch left, she covered my body with a red cloth.

The red cloth blocked my gaze. I couldn't see what was going on in the room, and I didn't know if the witch and those women had left.

In the ancestral hall, Zhuzi and Linghua were kneeling on the ground.

Linghua's mother-in-law and Shi Gang stood aside without daring to say a word.

The clan leader walked up to Linghua and asked, "Do you know that you almost killed everyone in the village?"

Linghua shook her head hard, "I'm sorry, patriarch, I don't know, I really don't know..."

The witch walked in from outside, "The Gu Immortal is back, let's sacrifice their lives to the Gu Immortal!"

After the witch spoke, she asked someone to cover their eyes.

Linghua is no longer begging for mercy at this time, she has already wanted to die, and now she has offended the Gu Immortal and the people in the village, and even her man divorced her.

Zhuzhu was so frightened that his lips trembled and he couldn't say anything. He just knelt down blankly.

The sun shines through the small gaps and shines on my cheeks.

I heard many people entering the room, and then I felt my body shaking.

The clan leader had someone lift the stone statue up. While it was swaying, I was carried out of the witch's house by the villagers.

I should have been carried outside the ancestral hall, surrounded by chirping sounds. At this time, I should be standing in the crowd.

The miko stood in front of me and shouted

"Welcome Gu Immortal——"

"Welcome Gu Immortal..."

The villagers shouted and knelt down.

After the villagers stood up, the patriarch said to the people around him: "Bring these two people here."

Linghua and Zhuzi were brought in front of me.

"Now use your two lives to sacrifice Gu Immortal."

The pig butcher in the village walked up to the clan leader, holding a butcher's knife in his hand.

"Chief, I'm ready."

The witch shouted while jumping, and the surrounding villagers also shouted.

"Kill them, kill them to sacrifice to Gu Immortal..."

A stream of warm blood splashed onto the red cloth in front of me, and the smell of blood spread. I actually felt that my body felt relaxed like never before.

I even saw two people lying down in a pool of blood.

The clan leader shouted: "Sink them into the well and let them accompany Gu Immortal forever to atone for their sins!"

I looked through the red cloth and watched the villagers carrying the bodies of the two people and throwing them into the well next to the entrance of the ancestral hall.

The witch walked to the wellhead and asked someone to cover it with a stone slab. Then she took out a brush dipped in cinnabar and chicken blood and drew a spell on the wellhead.

Finally, the clan leader asked people to completely bury the well with soil.A gust of cold wind blew by, and the red cloth in front of me fluttered with the wind.

"Gu Immortal——"

I heard the voices of a man and a woman coming from behind me. My head was fixed with wax. I couldn't turn around. I couldn't see who was calling me, but I knew that this man and woman were definitely not standing around. of villagers.

When the two floated next to me, I clearly saw Zhu Zhu and Linghua, who had just been thrown into the well, standing in front of me.

The two people looked pale and had no expression on their faces. When I looked at them, they flew directly to my side and stopped on both sides of my body, one on the left and one on the right.

The witch walked to my side and said to the villagers: "Carry the Gu Immortal into the ancestral hall."

I entered the ancestral hall again. This time the ancestral hall had obviously been repaired and the room was much cleaner. On one side of the room were placed the ancestors of Poqiao Village.

The villagers placed me in the center of the ancestral hall and sent two villagers to guard my safety.

I also learned from these people that a Gu Immortal Temple will be built for me in the village, and I will only temporarily park it in the ancestral hall.

At night, every household in the village turned off the lights, and the two villagers guarding it also leaned against the wall, sitting on chairs and falling asleep.

Lan Xiang came to the ancestral hall quietly. She had already heard about what happened during the day. Although she did not come to see it in person, she still heard what happened from Aunt Wang's mouth.

Naturally, she also knew about the murdered Zhu Zhu and Linghua. Now she did not dare to enter the ancestral hall easily and approach me. She could only look at the ancestral hall from a distance.

She still held the cooked porridge in her hand, ready to feed Niandi.

Niandi seemed to feel Lanxiang's breath, and she actually appeared in front of me again.

"You have to escape, you must escape..."

I tried my best to open my mouth, but still no sound came out. Then Linghua beside me suddenly spoke.

"She is a Gu Immortal now and cannot leave the village at will. She has to protect us."

After hearing Linghua's words, Niandi suddenly felt murderous intent in her eyes. She opened her mouth, rushed toward Linghua, grabbed Linghua's neck, and bit down on Linghua.

I felt a pain in my neck, and when I looked at Linghua, she had been absorbed by Niandi and disappeared completely.

The pillar on the side felt the danger and turned around to fly outside. Niandi chased after him directly.

Zhuzi's soul flew towards Lanxiang, and when Niandi looked at Lanxiang in the distance, she stopped.

She also hated why her mother didn't come out to protect her and watched her grandma sell her.

Seeing the tears hanging on Lan Xiang's cheeks, she still couldn't help it, let go of the pillar, turned around and flew back to the ancestral hall.

After absorbing Linghua, her resentment increased, and she actually flew in front of me, trying to enter her original body.

Niandi bumped towards her body, but after touching the stone statue, she was bounced away by an inexplicable gas. Her eyes were full of hatred.

"This is my body, I will definitely take my body back!" Niandi disappeared into the ancestral hall.

Lan Xiang never had the courage to enter the ancestral hall. After looking at it for a long time, she poured the porridge in her hand on the ground and turned to leave.

Nian's impact awakened the miko from her sleep, and she immediately sat up.

She looked at the straw man on the table. After she was still standing on the table intact, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After dawn, the clan leader led his people to build the Gu Immortal Temple in the center of the village.

The witch has seen that the center of the village is the place with the strongest yang energy around. The Gu Immortal Temple is built here to better suppress the Gu Immortal.

The Gu Immortal Temple itself is not very big. There is only one hall, a small courtyard, and a courtyard wall more than one meter high, which surrounds the entire Gu Immortal Temple.

It took only two days for the Gu Immortal Temple to be capped. The villagers made a lot of firecrackers and set off the firecrackers when the temple was capped.

"Crackling..." It was time for a cup of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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