Chapter 120 Interior Scene

After sending away the first customer, new customers came in a steady stream not long after.

In addition to the old members and customers, there are also new customers who have been introduced by others and come from the famous place.

As the number of members increased, Yu Liang raised the threshold symbolically.

The [-] annual card was cancelled. It was a bonus for opening the business, and now it costs [-]!
Premium membership now requires a top-up of [-].

Facts have proved that as long as you have real ability, no one will pay for it!
This made Yu Liang a little distressed. Too much business had slowly affected his study and practice.

He can still decide which is more important, making money or cultivating.

Hang a sign on the door and open the door four hours a day, two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon.

It's time to get off work

Yu Liang immediately closed the door.

As soon as I opened the computer webpage, a small advertisement popped up in the right pop-up window: Memory Palace: A powerful memory technique that can be learned in one step, allowing your children to win at the starting line.

Super memory?
Curious, Yu Liang did not click on the advertisement, but searched for 'memory palace' on the National Book Network.

[The Palace Memory Technique is an ancient memory technique that can help people remember large amounts of information.

This technique is to store information in memory by associating it with a familiar place and placing it in different locations in the place. 】

To be honest, memory skills are not of much use to Yu Liang, but he has the ability of 'one certificate lasts forever'.

But the 'memory palace' method made him think of something else: Taoist interior!

The memory principle of the Memory Palace: it uses human inner visual memory.

A person's external vision is the real world that can be seen with the naked eye, while internal vision is the illusory picture seen in the mind through imagination.

Intravisual memory is the process of converting abstract information into images with logical relationships.

Aren’t things like Tai Chi, Yin and Yang, Five Elements and Bagua the images used by the ancients to describe the information characteristics of the movement of heaven and earth?
If these images are stored in the mind, wouldn't it form an 'inner world'?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. When Yu Liang saw the family's classics, he was fascinated by the 'inner scene' described. Yu Liang always thought they were nonsense and fanciful.

It contains the machinery of heaven and earth and accommodates the wonders of the universe.

Now it seems that it is just wild imagination!
Transform abstract information into logical patterns!
The sky and the earth are just like the palace in the 'Palace Memory Method'.

Tai Chi diagram!Heavenly stems and earthly branches!Nine Palaces and Bagua Chart!

The laws of celestial phenomena and their influence on the development of things are all displayed in the mind with logical images!
Yu Liang sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, cleared his mind, and began to meditate.

Use your imagination to outline the world.

Three walls, four elephants, nine stars and 28 constellations, many stars fall into them according to their coordinates.

Celestial phenomena rotate, yin and yang merge, the four seasons change, and day and night are distinct.

In this interior world, a lake appeared.

This lake is where Yu Liang and his master Ma Wu learned martial arts.

A small boat appeared in the middle of the lake, with Yu Liang's figure sitting cross-legged on the bow, pointing to a bamboo pole, fishing quietly.

In the lake, a huge carp jumped up, shook its body, quickly fell into the water, and started swimming happily in the lake.


A bright moon shines in the sky, creating a bright reflection in the lake.

A whirlpool of water formed in the lake, and the reflection of the bright moon continued to twist in the whirlpool.

Suddenly, a big carp rushed out of the whirlpool, and the reflection of the bright moon was reflected in each of the water droplets thrown out by the fish's tail.


Under the bottom of the lake, a huge shadow appeared.

After circling for several times, it suddenly burst out of the water. It looked exactly like the giant python that Yu Liang had first seen!

He straightened his body, opened his big mouth, looked up at the bright moon and roared.

At this moment, seven more giant pythons emerged from the water one after another. They were the giant pythons after they shed their skin.Eight giant pythons formed a circle, roaring in unison, circling and dancing in the water, causing ripples on the lake surface.


Yu Liang suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from his fantasy.


Take a deep breath.

He succeeded, he really created the 'inner scene' based on his imagination!
First, we outline the latitude and longitude of the world as the foundation.

Add celestial stems and earthly branches, celestial stars, nine palaces and eight trigrams, Tai Chi yin and yang and many other information into it!

After that, it’s about memorizing martial arts information.

The beginning of martial arts started with a lake, so Yu Liang imagined this lake.

The carp in the water was the first 'fish swimming technique' he learned.

The whirlpool in the water and the reflection of the bright moon are the 'Water Moon Spear Technique'.

The eight giant pythons are the eighth level snake king magical power.

In addition to memory, the biggest role of interior scenes is deduction!

In the interior, Yu Liang can deduce problems based on all the knowledge he has learned.

This kind of deduction ability is more powerful than the calculation ability of 'Daizong Hao'.

Use your own knowledge as a logic to deduce, and directly transform the originally abstract information problems into concrete entity problems.

Yu Liang has only cultivated the Snake King Divine Art to the seventh level.

But in the interior scene, he directly demonstrated the eighth level.

The energy field formed by the eighth level Snake King Divine Art can indeed sense and receive electromagnetic information.

Moreover, Yu Liang also deduced the "Anti-Liangyi Sword Technique" corresponding to the "Positive Liangyi Sword Technique".

Tai Chi generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, and four images generate Bagua.Qiannan, Kunbei, Lidong, Kanxi, Zhendongbei, Duidian, Xunxinxi and Genxi.

From Zhen to Qian it is smooth, from Xun to Kun it is reverse

The 'positive two-dimensional sword technique' and the 'anti-liangyi sword technique' both have eighty-eight sixty-four variations, and the combination of sword technique and sword technique has four thousand and ninety-six variations.

Deducing the techniques is only the smallest use of the 'inner scene'.

Its biggest function is to deduce the 'timing' and find the 'qi machine'!
In the interior, we predict the changes in timing through deduction, and then adjust the body to respond to them, thereby finding the 'qi movement'!
The appearance of the inner scene doubled Yu Liang's confidence in practicing 'Qi Refining Technique'.

Just when he is happy

There was a sudden knock on the closed store door.

Originally, Yu Liang was not going to pay attention and let the person who knocked on the door leave on his own.

But I didn't want the other party to call directly: "Xiao Yu, open the door, I am Aunt Feng, I know you are inside!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang stepped forward and opened the door.

I saw two people standing at the door. In addition to Aunt Feng, there was also a woman about her age who was well-dressed and elegant.

"Xiao Yu, it's only been a while, and you've already closed the door."

"Also, I saw the notice posted on your door. It's only open four hours a day. What? You won't make any money!"

Hearing Aunt Feng's inquiry, Yu Liang said with a smile: "There is nothing we can do about it. After all, I also have to study."

"If you don't study, how can you be so good at opening a store? Do you think I'm right?"

After hearing his explanation, not only Aunt Feng, but also the woman who came with her next to her nodded slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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