Chapter 268 Preaching


The storm takes several days to ferment.

But Yu Liang discovered that a 'storm' had blown up in his home.

Clubhouse front desk.

Yu Liang's eyes were firmly fixed on his mother's abdomen.

She was concentrating on watching the drama when she noticed Yu Liang's gaze, raised her head and asked doubtfully: "What's the matter?"

Yu Liang smiled, shook his head, and said softly: "It's okay."

"I just want to remind you to pay attention to your health recently."

The mother responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I feel very good recently and I am full of energy every day."

Hearing this, Yu Liang nodded, but thought to himself: That's right. If they weren't so energetic, how could the old couple be pregnant again?

In his eyes, his mother was giving birth to a new life in her belly.

In fact, what is in this club is just his clone, Yu Liang's true body, which is currently in retreat on the moon.

"I just had nothing to do and went for a run to exercise. Unexpectedly, I ran five kilometers in one breath without blushing or out of breath!" Dad said with high spirits.

After hearing this, Yu Liang naturally understood the reason, and thought to himself: Where is this? After a while, let alone five kilometers, I can even run fifty kilometers without gasping for breath.

The earth is about to face huge changes, and Yu Liang decided to create a cultivation method suitable for the earth to guide mankind to the right path.

After all, one person's wisdom is limited, but the power of everyone is endless.

Of course, there is also a little selfishness hidden in this.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

Go back upstairs.

Yu Liang knows very well that one person is poor in wisdom, but two people are short-sighted.

"Guess what just happened?" Dad said mysteriously.

Then, while moving his body, he said: "Oh, I didn't expect my physical fitness to be so strong. No wonder I always feel like I have nowhere to go."

Just when Yu Liang was about to go upstairs, he saw his father running in from the door excitedly.

Yu Liang continued to lie leisurely.

In the process of studying the universe and the human body, Yu Liang discovered that there are surprising similarities between the two.

Yu Liang is creating a unique "Grand Unification" method, integrating all the hours he has learned into one, and building a new cultivation system.

Therefore, he decided to spread his ideas and thoughts through sermons, gathering human wisdom on the earth to jointly inject inspiration and power into this exercise.

However, creating a technique is not easy. It requires in-depth calculations, careful reasoning, and even more, a flash of inspiration.

Whether it is form, structure or movement, the universe and the human body show a wonderful unity.

"What are you so happy about?" Mom raised her head and asked.

This similarity not only reveals the biological basis of the universe and the human body, but also provides valuable clues to explore their mysteries.

Yu Liang deeply explored the similarities between the universe and the human body, and found that from a macro perspective, both the universe and the human body have a layered organizational structure and symmetry.

This organizational structure makes the stars, galaxies and star clusters in the universe show a striking similarity to the cells, tissues and organs in the human body. At the same time, he also discovered that there are unknown substances and functions in the universe and the human body, such as dark matter and unknown matter, as well as the similarities between the nervous system and interstellar matter.

These similarities are not coincidental, but rather a unity of form and structure exhibited by the universe and the human body at the level of the entire system.

In terms of organizational structure, stars, galaxies and star clusters in the universe exhibit a layered structure, which is surprisingly similar to the layered structure of cells, tissues and organs in the human body.

This similarity is not only reflected in form, but also in function and mode of movement. Yu Liang believes that this unity reveals deeper mysteries of the universe and the human body.

In the process of studying unknown substances and gene functions, Yu Liang discovered that this also provided important clues to reveal the deeper mysteries of the universe and the human body.

Dark matter and unknown matter occupy a large proportion in the universe. The existence of these unknown substances makes the universe full of mystery and unknown.

By studying these unknown substances, Yu Liang gained a deep understanding of the nature and structure of the universe. Similarities discovered between nervous system and interstellar matter.

There are similarities between the nervous system and interstellar matter in terms of their constituent elements, modes of movement, and functions.

However, despite the many similarities between the universe and the human body, Yu Liang also found that their differences cannot be ignored.

But he believes that it is these differences that make the universe and the human body unique, each showing its unique charm and mystery.

Therefore, in the process of studying the universe and the human body, he paid attention to both their similarities and their differences, so as to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the nature and structure of the universe and the human body.


Of course, the technique Yu Liang created for the earth was not so profound. He simply created the first stage and named it: planetary stage!

The principle of this stage depends on the birth process of planets in the universe.

In the universe, various elements gradually gather together under the influence of gravity to form nebulae.

The material inside these nebulae gradually becomes denser, forming regions of high density.

As the density of matter inside the nebula increases, the gravitational force inside the nebula becomes stronger and stronger, causing the nebula to begin to collapse.

During this process, the material inside the nebula gradually gathers together to form a denser region.

Over time, these dense areas formed the core of the planet.

Eventually the prototype of the planet was formed.

He combines the birth process of planets in the universe with human cultivation, providing a new cultivation path for humans on earth.

According to the process of planet birth, Yu Liang subdivided the "planetary stage" into three stages: "nebula", "star core" and "planet".

The first step in spiritual practice is to achieve the state of unity between heaven and man, which is to allow the body to resonate with the universe. Of course, Yu Liang has already helped people on earth complete this step through the virus. So you can start practicing directly.

In the "nebula" stage, practitioners must learn how to gather and refine their own energy. This is like the process of nebulae gradually gathering matter in the universe. Practitioners need to gradually gather and purify the energy in the body to make it more pure and powerful.

After entering the "star core" stage, practitioners need to compress and condense these energies into core strength. This is like the process of increasing the density of material inside a nebula to form the core of a planet. Practitioners need to compress the purified energy to the extreme to form a strong core force and lay a solid foundation for subsequent practice.

Finally, in the "planet" stage, practitioners will realize the self-circulation and endless generation of energy, just like a newly born planet. This means that practitioners have mastered how to use and control their own energy, achieving self-sufficiency and infinite circulation of energy.

Yu Liang's "planetary level" cultivation method allows cultivators to gradually master and use the power in the universe during the cultivation process to achieve their own transformation and sublimation.

As for the road ahead, they need to perfect it themselves.

Thus, it also provides inspiration for the great unified technique that Yu Liang wants to create!


(End of this chapter)

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