strategic fantasy

Chapter 10 He needs our help

Chapter 10 He needs our help
Ji Tianqi did not obtain Luo Xiancheng's superpowers, but only improved his own energy value based on absorbing Luo Xiancheng's superpowers.

After confirming this, some people breathed a sigh of relief, while others felt regretful.

The current focus has become the otherworldly magic mentioned by Ji Tianqi, or the 'new fantasy'.

The people in the research team had indeed never heard of this martial art, but they didn't find it strange.

Because in their opinion, these things are just imagined by Ji Tianqi.

But after Ji Tianqi's explanation and their inquiries, they found a similar martial arts. The similarities are the same as Jiuyang Gong and Beiming Gong, both of which are based on martial arts novels.

"The level of Zhaoshen Gong is the same as Jiuyang Gong and Beiming Gong. But in some aspects, Zhaoshengong is more powerful."

"Can turn bones into flesh, even bring the dead back to life!"

After confirming that the efficacy of this martial arts might have two specific manifestations, everyone became excited.

The reason why it is possible is because this is just Ji Tianqi's fantasy, and because Ji Tianqi did obtain corresponding and similar superpowers based on the fantasy of "Beiming Gong" and "Nine Yang Gong".

"In martial arts novels, someone was pierced through the bones of the lute and severed the tendons of the hands and feet, but in the end, using the martial arts of Zhaoshen Kung, he returned to normal."

"Someone hanged himself. He was already dead, but was saved by the martial arts of Zhao Shen Gong. It can be said that he was brought back to life."

"The former is equivalent to the body's self-healing superpower, similar to Wolverine and Deadpool in comic movies. Of course, the self-healing speed is not that fast."

"The latter is equivalent to the priest in the game, which can resurrect others. Although it cannot be dead for too long, and the body must remain intact, it is still considered resurrected."


Although there is currently no definite result regarding Ji Tianqi's Beiming Gong and Luo Xiancheng's related experiments.

But everyone is already extremely eager to start a new experimental project.

"If it can succeed, this is really a new super power, right? And there are two kinds."

"Success means that Ji Tianqi can obtain and practice the Shining Skill in a different world?"


"Then how many superpowers does he have? No, how many superpowers can he awaken?"

"At least swallowing and absorbing other people's energy is considered a kind of thing."

"That's not reasonable."

"Is it possible? I mean it's possible."

Finally, someone formally raised a conjecture, which silenced all those involved in the meeting.

"Ji Tianqi is actually a person with psychic superpowers. His superpower is that self-confidence is the peak. In other words, he can do whatever he wants, the power of my thoughts, and the realization of fantasies.

Well, the fantasy comes true!I think this is the best description. "


"Then why doesn't he just imagine that he is God? Sanqing?"

"He can't bear it. It's like Luo Xiancheng's super power, which is beyond his own control, so he can't control himself."

"What you mean is that Ji Tianqi's 'Fantasy Manifestation' super power is too strong, so in order to protect himself and have better control, he set up a way for himself to obtain adventures in another world to improve his strength. condition?"

"Yes. It can also be said that his super power is too strong, so he is crazy."

"There are many examples of people who go crazy because their superpowers are too strong, especially those with psychic superpowers."

"We have a patient here who is crazy because he can hear the voices of flowers, plants, trees, and even tables, chairs and benches."

"You have to be more careful when speaking. We are not yet sure whether he can really hear the sounds of these...non-vocal things, or whether he is just imagining it."


"Back to the topic, what needs to be determined now is whether we want to help Ji Tianqi become stronger. That is, provide corresponding props and help so that he can obtain the divine power in the different world he imagined!"

"It's just the superpower of self-healing and the superpower of bringing the dead back to life and saving people. I think it's okay and very useful."

"But he is mentally ill. What if he becomes more seriously ill because he is stronger?"

"It's also possible that because he became stronger, the superpower was too strong and he couldn't bear it, so the symptoms of the madman weakened or even healed."

During the chattering discussion, Bai Xiuchu, the guardian of Ji Tianqi, couldn't help but speak out.

"Actually, there is a rule in the Security Administration - don't completely trust any hero, because they may become super criminals."

"what do you mean?"

"Ji Tianqi did not do anything bad, and according to the archives, he found the official immediately after learning that he could travel to another world, and was willing to share the martial arts he gained in the other world with the official."

Bai Xiuchu told the truth that everyone present knew earlier than she did.

Then expressed his stance firmly.

"Ji Tianqi is from the lawful camp, so before he commits a crime, we cannot assume that he will become a bad person just because his superpowers are... strange and powerful."

The person in charge pondered for a moment and asked: "Do you think that if Ji Tianqi is asked to capture the super criminal, he will take the opportunity to escape?"

"No." Bai Xiuchu said with certainty: "He needs our help, for example, he is practicing Lingbo Step."

The practice of Lingbo Bu requires understanding the eight and sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, so after a very professional teacher was in place, Ji Tianqi began to study.

If there was no research center, Ji Tianqi might be able to find relevant experts if he wanted to, but it would never be so fast.

The person in charge frowned and said: "But he actually doesn't need much help from us anymore. His ancient writing skills are already very high now, but he rarely uses knowledge like the Yijing and Bagua, and he won't even need to use it in the future. "I think he needs us more than he did before."

"How to say?"

"He only stayed in Kunlun Mountain for six or seven years before. When he first entered the world, he only met some petty thieves, and then he had the adventure of Linglong Chess Game.

But now, he has become a master and is forced to get involved in the grudges and hatreds of You Yazi, Niu Chunqiu and others in another world.

I think that chasing Niu Chunqiu is not a big problem, but there may be more powerful people behind Niu Chunqiu, or a gangster organization.

Moreover, after he kills Niu Chunqiu, he will become famous.In martial arts novels, the higher your reputation, the more trouble you will have, and the enemies you will encounter will become stronger and stronger.

That world is a world of high martial arts. Even if he has a hundred years of skill, he is not really a strong person. "

The person in charge pondered: "Are you trying to say that he might use modern weapons when he encounters danger?"

"Yes, except for the fact that he fantasizes about traveling to another world, he is no different from a normal person."

Bai Xiuchu nodded and said: "Since you are a normal person, you will believe in the power of guns and cannons more. Moreover, ancient people have never seen guns and cannons, so they are completely defenseless. Even top masters may be hit by them."


Listening and listening, the way everyone looked at Bai Xiuchu was not right - this person couldn't really believe in Ji Tianqi's evil, right?
When the person in charge was silent, someone raised objections.

"Ji Tianqi is mentally ill. He imagines that he can travel through time. In fact, he is still in our world. Therefore, if he is given lethal weapons, he will most likely cause serious damage and even casualties."

Bai Xiuchu argued: "We can put him and the weapons in a safe place, for example, in a wilderness."

"But he can move, and he is very fast now, after learning the Lingbo step. What if he holds a weapon and runs to a place with people?"

"Then find a person with superpowers and set up an energy field or a barrier for him. Or, it can be an abandoned offshore drilling platform. I think we can be very useful in this regard."

"What if he becomes so strong that we can't control him?"

"Please don't change the subject. The issue we just discussed is that Ji Tianqi needs us."


"So, he will choose to cooperate with us instead of running away, let alone becoming a super criminal directly."

"What if he can't restrain his desires in the future and becomes a criminal?"

"If what you said is the reason why we must strictly control Ji Tianqi, then should all superpowers be strictly controlled?"


When the opposition was silent, Bai Xiuchu's tone increased.

"In movies and comics, even Iron Man builds anti-Thor and anti-Hulk armors, but if Thor and Hulk don't do bad things, such armors will not be used.

Even if Batman collects kryptonite and builds weapons, before Superman chooses to commit a crime, these kryptonite and weapons will be hidden by Batman.

Our laws also adhere to the bottom line of pleading guilty, and do not allow torture to extract confessions or torture.

You and Ji Tianqi have known each other for seven years at the longest.

Let me ask you, would you rather see him become a hero, or would you like to use strict control that he is destined to be unwilling to accept and turn him into a criminal? "

Xiao Wu raised his hand cautiously and echoed in a low voice: "I also think that Ji Tianqi can become a hero."

Except for him and Bai Xiuchu, no one expressed their stance, and no one directly opposed it.

The person in charge frowned and asked: "As you said, we have known him for a long time, but you have only known him for less than a month. Tell me, why are you willing to believe him?"

Bai Xiuchu was silent for a moment, and then spoke.

"Because you said that he has the dream of becoming a hero. Moreover, he is willing to help Luo Xiancheng."

"Well? Are you willing to help Luo Xiancheng?"

"If his superpower is really a manifestation of fantasy, then I have reason to believe that he can absorb Luo Xiancheng's energy because he wants to do so.

It was because...he wanted to help Luo Xiancheng that he let Beiming Gong come into play.

This kind of choice and expectation based more on subconsciousness is enough to prove that he is willing to help others and is willing to help more people. "

After the conference room was quiet for a moment, the person in charge made a decision softly.

"We need a test, well, a drill, a drill that Ji Tianqi doesn't know is a drill, to see if he can become a hero."


Thinking of those Internet celebrity heroes in the Hero Association, Xiao Wang couldn't help but speak.

"Ji Tianqi is very strong and may become even stronger in the future. He should be allowed to join the Security Administration and accept stricter control. The superheroes in the Hero Association are too free. For a mentally ill patient like him..."

"A hero, not a superhero."

The person in charge interrupted Xiao Wang and said in a stern tone: "Hero is a title that our Dragon Kingdom has had since ancient times, but superhero is not. Therefore, we are the Hero Association, not the Super Hero Association."

Xiao Wang apologized awkwardly: "Oh my, my, I'm a little too quick to talk, so let him join the Security Bureau..."

"No, at least not for the time being." The person in charge pondered for a moment and explained: "Because the heroes of the Hero Association do not have law enforcement rights. This is a restriction."

Everyone understood.

It would be too psychotic for a mentally ill person to join the Security Administration and gain law enforcement powers.

(End of this chapter)

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