strategic fantasy

Chapter 153 I just want to admire Mr. Ji’s style

Chapter 153 I just want to admire Mr. Ji’s style

Unknowingly, everyone once again acquiesced that Ji Tianqi only had one sword. He reminded everyone by holding the sword in the void.

He has two swords.

One handle is invisible to everyone, and one handle is visible to everyone, and there is no change from before.

But the research center staff on site could clearly see Ji Tianqi's delighted eyes.

"Has there really been a change?"

Not only did the staff dare to look closer, their eyes almost popped out, but they could not see any changes.

It was exactly the same as before, the sword body was completely black, the surface was extremely smooth, and the blade had no sharp edge.

"Don't get so close. Mr. Ji must be trying his sword."

This reminder made the bold researcher run away quickly, while constantly looking at the instrument data in his hand - about the real sword in Ji Tianqi's hand.

Still no change.

However, Ji Tianqi began to test the sword as they expected.

This is normal. Anyone who gets an upgraded weapon will give it a try. However, what is unusual is that the person who got the new weapon was Ji Tianqi.

He swung the dark sword a few times, seemingly just feeling the change in weight of the sword, and then inserted the sword into the fountain.

The blue mosaic tiles and the fountain wall made of reinforced concrete were stabbed directly into it like tofu with a dark sword.

The sword, which seems to have no blade, is extremely sharp and has the potential to cut iron like clay.

"Is this a change?"

"It's sharper than before."

"No, Mr. Ji was able to do it before. He has very high skills and strong physical fitness."

"One force can defeat ten levels, and the force is so great that bricks can fly. Let alone this sword, even Mr. Ji can do it with an ordinary wooden sword, right?"

"So has it been upgraded or has it remained unchanged?"

No one can answer this question. Ji Tianqi didn't hear this question, and maybe he wouldn't answer it directly if he heard it - he has long passed the period of youth and frivolity, and he had to argue with researchers/doctors for everything.

If we have different cognitions, no matter how much we argue, there will be no result.

Just like arguments on the Internet, it is almost impossible to convince other people, and arguments often end up degenerating into a shouting match.

Ji Tianqi, who inserted the dark sword into the fountain, had his hands empty, but made a gesture of holding the sword with both hands.

"Isn't it? Is that the sword that Mr. Ji wants to try?"

"This is a bit difficult to deal with. We can't see it or detect it."

The main question today is whether Ji Tianqi's two swords have been successfully upgraded. To be more rigorous, there is actually only one sword.

But now, Ji Tianqi has no intention of trying the dark sword.

He made a gesture of holding a sword with both hands, and practiced a seemingly ordinary swordsmanship in the void.

Stab forward, tilt upward, slash downward, cross the sword in front of you, reverse and slash...

Then he held the sword with one hand, completely repeating the simple 'sword move' just now, and then changed from holding the sword with one hand in his right hand to holding the sword with one hand in his left hand.

Back and forth, the sword moves are so simple that even the staff present can learn them.

There is no scene where swords are everywhere, golden light is flowing, and the concrete floor is cracked with ravines.

It's just like……

Ji Tianqi didn't have a sword in his hand, and he didn't know martial arts. He was just an ordinary person.

Although this was very apocalyptic, everyone was still very unaccustomed to it, mainly because it was far from the sword test scene that everyone expected.

"Has it been upgraded?"

At the new headquarters of the research center located underground in the Film and Television City, someone couldn't help shouting, but of course the sound did not reach Ji Tianqi.

Cong Wen wanted to criticize, but this was also his inner doubt, so forget it.

Someone sighed regretfully: "Probably not. Looking at it like this, even if it is really upgraded, it is only an upgrade in Mr. Ji's perception, not a real upgrade."

Someone echoed in disappointment: "Yes, it's similar to Mr. Ji holding a ball of air and seeing the secret book of Jiuyang Gong and the secret book of Beiming Gong. Only he can see it, we can't see it or touch it." "

Someone asked in confusion: "If that's the case, does it count as an upgrade?"

This is an unsolvable problem.

If it doesn't count, Ji Tianqi seems to have really practiced Jiuyang Kung Fu and Beiming Kung Fu. Even if he regards these two martial arts as superpowers, they still exist and can be used.

If it counts, only Ji Tianqi can see and feel it, and the sword is not like martial arts, it is a real material. Even though the power may be improved a little, the real improvement is Ji Tianqi.

It's not that the great sword has been upgraded, it's that of Ji Tianqi.

"Mr. Ji sheathed his sword."

Someone warned, and everyone saw Ji Tianqi with his empty hands, making a gesture of inserting the sword into his back.

Thinking that he would continue to carry this sword that did not exist and was not needed for fighting, someone lamented: "It feels weird."

"What's weird?"

"Mr. Weiji's."


"Hey, Mr. Ji drew his sword again."

Everyone was extremely surprised to see Ji Tianqi return to the fountain and pull out the dark sword.

He stood there thinking, and after about six seconds, he suddenly laughed.

At the moment when the smile on his face bloomed, a crimson flame suddenly rose from the dark alloy sword in his hand.

"My grass!"

Still the most straightforward words, explaining the purest shock.

People looked at the flames on the big sword in Ji Tianqi's hand, and tried their best to say something to prove that these flames were completely different from the internal power of Jiuyang Gong used by Ji Tianqi before, and the golden sword light lingering around the sword body.

Different means new superpowers.

From Ji Tianqi's cognitive perspective, it means that the use of fire unicorn to strengthen the sword was successful.

Whichever way you look at it, this is a good thing.

The worries that people had before about interfering with reality and subtly using invisible power to change their perceptions were all forgotten at this moment.

Let’s talk about the future in the future.

People focused on what was in front of them and began to use detailed and real data to prove that the red flames on the sword were really different from before. “The temperature is very high!”

"The temperature was higher than the flame that Mr. Ji used to burn Niu Chunqiu's body."

"It's two thousand degrees, it's over two thousand degrees."

"Look at Mr. Ji's expression! He is very relaxed! Very relaxed!"

"I remember that time when we were roasting beef in spring and autumn, Mr. Ji's expression was very serious, as if he was trying his best."

"So, Mr. Ji didn't really exert his strength this time?"

"It's the power of the great sword itself! The upgrade was successful! The great sword has become a truly extraordinary item!"

"It cannot be concluded that Mr. Ji's skill is higher now than it was then."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Ji's three thousand years of skill were almost all given to Jiang Congshu. Now he only has 888 years of skill."

"The time when I beat Niu Chunqiu must have been a thousand years ago."

"But Mr. Ji did not have innate internal strength at that time. He had acquired internal strength and had not learned the innate invisible body-breaking sword energy."


The heated discussion continues.

Although everyone hopes that Ji Tianqi can succeed, someone must raise doubts, and reasonable doubts can make people more convinced of the conclusion.

However, some doubts cannot be resolved.

And this means that no one knows whether Ji Tianqi succeeded or failed.

Of course, failure is relative.


Over a desert in the Dragon Kingdom, a large transport aircraft was cruising in the sky.

The special operations commander of the Security Administration was currently in the plane. His location looked similar to Ji Tianqi's Kunlong 888 headquarters, except that it was larger in area, had more equipment, and had more personnel.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, he suspended the command of the operation and came to a small room in the aircraft.

There were only three people who followed him into it, and one of them was someone Ji Tianqi had seen but never seen before - Teng Yiting.

There is another person who has seen Ji Tianqi, but Ji Tianqi is Wu Yuemei who has never been seen before.

Both of them are strategic-level inspectors of the Security Administration, but because their abilities are not strictly combat-side, but auxiliary-side superpowers, they did not appear on the frontline battlefield.

The other person was Yu Zhilang, an acquaintance of Ji Tianqi, who was specially recruited to protect Fei Qiufei.

Originally, Shen Shili was also Fei Qiufei's protector, but because of the incident at Lingyun Cave, he had already flown away.

This caused dissatisfaction between Teng Yiting and Wu Yuemei, especially the latter. She was already very dissatisfied with Ji Tianqi. She had previously said that the Bureau of Safety Administration's use of Ji Tianqi was a nonsense.

"Eh? Isn't this that person?"

The first time Teng Yiting entered the room, she saw Ji Tianqi standing with a sword in the picture displayed on the screen.

She remembered the name 'Ji Tianqi' very clearly, but because Ji Tianqi mistook her for someone else last time, she did this on purpose.

"It's Ji Tianqi." Fei Qiufei knew Teng Yiting's little thoughts. After taking a look at her, he emphasized: "I suggest you call him Mr. Ji."


Teng Yiting and Wu Yuemei both frowned. This was not their first time working with Fei Qiufei, so they knew very well that Fei Qiufei was not a flatterer.

Yu Zhilang also knew this. What he knew even more clearly was that although the previous Ji Tianqi showed strong combat effectiveness, he was not worthy of Fei Qiufei's title.

You must know that there were many historical level participants in the operations commanded by Fei Qiufei, and they needed to obey his command.

"What happened?" Yu Zhilang asked urgently. He and Shen Shili had been participating in the siege of the monsters in the Savior Alliance for the past two months, and their contact with the research center was cut off.

When Shen Shili left, he only received the task of "playing the role of Fire Qilin" and nothing else was involved.

Thinking about Fei Qiufei's sudden change and his suggestion to others to change his title, his eyes were filled with surprise when he thought of something.

"Did it succeed?"

Fei Qiufei looked at the sword in Ji Tianqi's hand on the screen and the flames on the sword with some surprise in his eyes.

The news he received was that Ji Tianqi's sword had changed, or that Ji Tianqi had awakened a new super power, so he couldn't wait to come over and take a look.

Hearing Yu Zhilang's question at this time, he asked: "What success are you talking about?"

[Can I practice martial arts now? 】

Yu Zhilang wanted to ask this question, but because it involved confidentiality regulations, he held back.

"What did you ask us to come over to see?"

"do not know."

After Fei Qiufei shook his head, he contacted Cong Wen. He needed to determine whether Ji Tianqi had awakened his superpower or whether Ji Tianqi's sword had been successfully upgraded.

If it really succeeds...

Teng Yiting and Wu Yuemei looked at each other, and the latter frowned and asked, "The fact that there is a flame on his sword is not worthy of me calling him Mr. Ji."

Confidential communication connections take time.

Fei Qiufei thought for a while and explained: "Ji Tianqi has awakened a super power called initiation transfer. He can transfer his energy to other people, and the conversion rate is one to one. Well, there are no side effects, at least At present, there is no such thing!”

Yu Zhilang is a superpower whose physical fitness has been improved, and his energy requirements are not great.

But the abilities of Teng Yiting and Wu Yuemei require energy support.

As strategic-level masters of the Security Administration, and with very special abilities, they actually do not lack the relevant medicines from the Academy of Sciences.

It's just that it's drug-resistant, and demon pills with similar abilities are too rare.

So now his eyes brightened.

Wu Yuemei was still struggling with Ji Tianqi's mental illness, but Teng Yiting was already excited and spoke out.

"Please send me to Mr. Ji immediately. It doesn't matter whether you are energetic or not. I just want to see Mr. Ji's grace up close."


When several people were speechless, the communication connection started.

Before Fei Qiufei had time to ask questions, he heard Cong Wen's excited voice.

"Transfer Shen Shili's personnel relations to our side. Well, we also want the Sika Deer Demon."


(End of this chapter)

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