strategic fantasy

Chapter 2 I’m not mentally ill

Chapter 2 I’m not mentally ill
The first real meeting between the guardian Bai Xiuchu and Ji Tianqi, the abnormal human being she was supposed to protect but actually guarded, was not in the ward.

Instead, it was in a place similar to a warehouse - the No. 9 training ground of the Abnormal Human Research Center.

The iron door was closed tightly, and the interior was very empty. There was a specially-made super-large physical treadmill placed in the middle.

It covers an area of ​​more than 200 square meters and can adjust the moving direction of the running belt according to the user's body movements.

"Tianqi, this is Bai Xiuchu." Sister Chen introduced enthusiastically: "Your new guardian, she will be responsible for connecting with you from now on."

"Hello, I'm Bai Xiuchu."

Judging from Bai Xiuchu's expression, he didn't look at a mentally ill person at all.

But Ji Tianqi, who took the initiative to reach out to her, stunned her as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hello, Alfred Bai Xiuchu, I am Batman Apocalypse, and I am also your patient."

Although the relationship between superpowers and 'Guardians' is indeed very similar to that between Batman and his butler Alfred, Ji Tianqi has no problem saying so. actually know that you are a psychopath?
Thinking that Sister Chen had just explained that most mental patients were almost indistinguishable from normal people when they were normal, she calmly reached out and held Ji Tianqi's hand.

There was a warmth, and the hands were dry, giving people a sense of comfort.

Bai Xiuchu wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. She was a little worried that her words would irritate Ji Tianqi.

Ji Tianqi smiled like a normal person and let go of his hand, looking at him seriously.

"One day, I will prove that I am not mentally ill. My super power is really to travel to a different world with high martial arts."

Hearing this, Bai Xiuchu didn't know what to say.

However, she had a very good impression of Ji Tianqi, because the way Ji Tianqi looked at her was different from that of most men and very few women.

Very clean and clear.

After the two hands separated, Bai Xiuchu didn't need to say anything because the medical team and security team were quickly in place.

There was nothing to explain. It was obviously not the first time such a thing had been done. The security personnel came directly and removed the gene lock from Ji Tianqi's neck.

Ji Tianqi didn't wear it when he was in the room, he only wore it when he went out.

From this point of view, the threat of individual superpower Ji Tianqi is indeed very low.

The Gene Lock is a device similar to a Runtu collar. It looks ordinary, but it can lock most superpowers based on genetic mutations.

The moment the gene lock was lifted, Ji Tianqi's eyes showed obvious changes.

Sister Chen's tone became more relaxed as she led Bai Xiuchu and the others away.

"He has become ill. Of course, in his mind, he has traveled to another world."

At this time, the distance between the two parties was not far, so Bai Xiuchu asked in surprise: "Can't he hear us?"

"Yes, you can't see either."

A young male doctor and researcher from the medical team introduced Bai Xiuchu enthusiastically.

"Hearing hallucinations, visual hallucinations, tactile hallucinations, etc., he is already in a fantasy world constructed by his consciousness."

"What are the symptoms? I mean, how do you know for sure that he's sick?"

"Eye. Pay attention. His eyes are blank and not focused at all. This is because he no longer needs to use his eyes to see, just like us normal people do when we are in a daze and fantasize."

Bai Xiuchu stopped and observed carefully.

Ji Tianqi's eyes at this time were indeed in a dazed state, but his body movements were not dazed.

Regardless of his eyes, it looked like he was observing the surrounding environment, looking left and right and then looking up at the sky, reaching out to cover his sight, as if to block the fierce sunlight.

"He's getting his bearings."

The young doctor from the medical team came to Bai Xiuchu's side and introduced him like a voiceover in a movie.

"He is in the Kunlun Mountains in another world, and what he is going to is Wuliang Mountain, which is to the southeast of him."

"The Nine-Yang Kung Fu comes from the belly of a cow's corpse in a valley in the Kunlun Mountains. Although it is a unique martial art rarely seen in the world, the requirements for this martial art are too high for talent and foundation."

"The 33-year-old Ji Tianqi has long passed the best age for practicing martial arts. He also has only a partial understanding of the obscure contents in the scriptures."

"Meridians, acupuncture points, etc. were all things he had never known in detail before he obtained this super power. The acupuncture points he knew most about were on the face, which came from eye exercises.

"However, these acupuncture points are not helpful for practicing Nine Yang Gong."

"It is difficult to get started and difficult to practice, so he longs for a peerless martial arts that can be achieved without any effort."

"He is going to Wuliang Mountain just to obtain Beiming Gong. But he forgot one very important thing."

"In other words, he only wants to see what he wants to see, and only wants to believe what he wants to believe."

"It's like he doesn't want to admit that he is mentally ill." "The important thing is that whether it is Lingbo Bu or Beiming Gong, it is no less difficult to learn than Jiuyang Gong."

"This is a journey destined to achieve nothing, a fate that cannot be changed."

"But we will continue to pay attention because he is our patient."

"Of course, we also hope that he can recover soon and recognize his normal superpowers."

"Although he is only the lowest-level individual-level superpower, he can still become a registered hero of the Heroes Association and perform the duties of a capable person for the peace and beauty of the world."


Bai Xiuchu was stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but look at Sister Chen aside after the other party stopped.

"Isn't he really a patient in the hospital wearing doctor's clothes?"


Everyone laughed, but suddenly stopped.

Ji Tianqi finally stepped onto the special large-scale body-sensing treadmill with a blank look in his eyes, and then started running.

His speed is not fast.

It's not fast, because this kind of equipment is specially designed to cooperate with somatosensory games. The running speed of the running belt is completely sufficient, allowing him to always stay in place and run.

It looks normal, but in the eyes of everyone, it feels inexplicably funny.

Bai Xiuchu actually didn't find it funny. After all, it was the first time she saw Ji Tianqi. She was analyzing Ji Tianqi's speed.

Even for the lowest individual superpower user, Ji Tianqi's speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

[-] meters in nine seconds.

Before the infectious disease that swept the world and the awakening of superpowers caused by the genetic mutations it caused, this was a speed that was unmatched by humans.

At this time, Ji Tianqi was not in a sprinting posture, but in a normal running posture, which showed that his ultimate speed could be even faster.

"I'm just on my way, there's no need to sprint for [-] meters." The chatty and enthusiastic young doctor continued to explain and introduce.

"Ji Tianqi's ultimate speed is [-] meters in [-] seconds. At [-] meters in [-] seconds, he can run continuously for an hour."

“Being able to have such speed and endurance is partly due to his physical fitness, which has been enhanced by his superpowers.

On the one hand, it is because when he is running, he can use the energy in his body to maintain his own explosion and consumption. "

Bai Xiuchu couldn't help but ask: "Even with this speed, it will take a long, long time for him to run thousands of miles."

"Yeah, that's why we didn't let him go to Wuliang Mountain before, but he's been very busy lately. You're new here, so I can't give you a task that's too difficult. Just watching him run is just right."


Bai Xiuchu began to calculate in her mind what the speed of [-] meters and nine seconds was, and how many days she would have to watch Ji Tianqi run like this.

But it’s not clear yet.

Ji Tianqi suddenly jumped up, and when he landed on the ground, he stood up and stretched his hands forward as if he had grabbed something.

Then, it stopped moving.

"what's going on?"

When Bai Xiuchu asked in surprise, everyone else had the usual expressions.

The doctor, who still had no chance to introduce himself, suddenly sighed.

"As expected, there was no relief for his condition."

"What do you mean?"

"He's riding a horse."


Bai Xiuchu said in shock: "Then why doesn't he move? If he were riding a horse, he should have some undulating movements. And where did he get the horse?"

"So, he is mentally ill! Although he is more handsome and charming than me, he is indeed mentally ill."

The young doctor emphasized as if he was trying to prevent something.

Bai Xiuchu took it for granted and sighed helplessly.

Going from being a guardian of a combat-level superpower to becoming a guardian of an individual-level superpower is already an unacceptable change.

What's more, is he a psychopath?

(End of this chapter)

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