Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown.

Chapter 140 The 4 knights gather together, Apocalypse sacrifices the entire United States!

Chapter 140 The Four Horsemen gather together and Apocalypse sacrifices the entire United States!

The Viper's eyes, which were originally full of charm, now contained only cold murderous intent.

Seeing Xakas getting closer and closer to the Temple of Life, she felt anxious in her heart.

This time she underestimated the enemy. Although Xakas was not as strong as her, he was very slippery.

So much so that even though she chased him all the way, she still couldn't get it done.

Viper was more than just afraid of Bai Xing. As someone who had been in contact with Bai Xing as early as the island nation, he knew the horror of this man!

No one can tell what his attitude is towards these guys who have planted the seeds of life.

What if Shakas really arrived at the temple and told him about hunting the Life Warrior?

This angered Shirahoshi.

Then I definitely can’t eat it and walk around!

It has to be before he enters. No! Kill him before approaching the Temple of Life!

But these American troops around are really annoying.

It was almost like an annoying fly that couldn't do any harm to her, but it kept buzzing.


The viper's five fingers turned into claws and suddenly scratched the air.

The powerful force directly exceeded the speed of sound, and the air resistance became sticky, and as it was broken, a 'woo-woo' sound sounded.

Then it stirred out and formed something like an air blade.

When the power reaches a certain level, it can easily produce effects like the legendary 'Air Splitting Palm'.

The power of a snap of his fingers is greater than that of a bullet. The wind created by a punch can shatter a building, and a wave of his hand creates a wind blade that can cut through metal and metal.

It's all a breeze!


Several air blades passed by, and the surrounding American soldiers were instantly cut into pieces, including their defenses and armored vehicles.

Wherever the air blade passed, everything was cut into two pieces!

And this is just a normal attack.

But just because of this distraction, Shakas successfully distanced himself from her.

"Fuck! Damn it!!"

Viper was furious and unleashed all his strength.

It shattered the ground, broke through the sound barrier, and shot straight at Xakas like an arrow from a string.

Soon after, Shakas had already passed through the US army's position.

Entering the range where Bai Xing and Apocalypse fought before.

And saw Tianqi and others standing there.

He obviously didn't expect that there would be anyone here, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, his legs were seen being wrapped in a ball of sand, which then solidified and hardened.

Trapped him in place.

This kind of solidified sand that is as strong as steel may be useful to ordinary people.

But as a life warrior, Shakas was only trapped for a moment.


The next second, the sand immediately disintegrated.

But that's enough!


The viper caught up from behind, and its face even showed patterns like snake scales due to its excitement.

He opened his mouth, swallowing his tongue like a snake's letter, and pressed Shakas hard under him.

Shakas was panicked and wanted to struggle.

But what greeted him was a mouthful of '[-]-year-old phlegm'.


The viper sprays venom directly.

When her strength reaches her level, her venom has already been strengthened several times.

The toxicity is far more violent than when it was in the island country.

It directly melted Shakas' skin that was tougher than steel.


Just when Shakas was in pain, Viper had skillfully removed his leg joints.

Then with an overwhelming advantage, Shakas was killed on the spot.

After finishing all this, Viper couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Feeling the life energy pouring into my body, I just feel extremely satisfied.

At the same time, I was a little scared because this time it was really too dangerous!

It almost made Shakas run to the Temple of Life.

Looking up, Viper wanted to see who had helped him.

But he was shocked to find that the person standing next to Tianqi was none other than Professor X!

As for the White Queen, she also looks a bit familiar.

Iceman Poppy was ignored by her.

Following closely was the one with the strongest momentum, standing at the front, and the one who really helped her.


But she didn't know him, but she could feel the strength of this person intuitively.

"Thank you for your help. This man has some grudge against me, so I have to kill him."

Tianqi said: "Are you a mutant?"

Viper nodded matter-of-factly and said, "That's right."

"Very good, my name is Tianqi, and you are qualified to be my fourth knight."

Viper's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at Professor X with surprise.

Of course she knew the establishment of Genosha, and she also knew how powerful Magneto was.

But now Professor

It's incredible!

Is the man named Apocalypse in front of me more powerful than Magneto?

After weighing it, Viper decided to agree first.

Apocalypse first imposed a 'spiritual lock' on it, and then developed its potential as usual.

I saw a layer of snake scale-like lines appearing all over the viper's body, becoming more and more solid.

Eventually it started to fall off.

It's like a snake shedding its skin.

After all the skin on his body was shed, the viper felt more powerful than ever before!

Not only that, her toxins have also been greatly enhanced.

Viper now has the confidence to say that he is the strongest among all those who have received the seed of life!

Originally, Apocalypse reserved the last spot in the Four Horsemen for Magneto.

But during the battle with Shirahoshi, Shirahoshi once revealed that his strength was not even as good as Magneto.

In addition, Magneto has left the earth now, and he doesn't know if he can come back again.

So Apocalypse directly gave the last spot of the Four Horsemen to Viper.

He can see Viper's ambition, and he can also see Viper's potential. Leading the Four Horsemen, Apocalypse opens the portal.

Back to Kenosha again.

However, he didn't plan to stay in Kenosha for too long.

"Charles, you stay here and use the brainwave enhancement device to control everyone in the United States to go to Washington."


After leaving Professor X behind, Apocalypse immediately opened the portal again.

He took the remaining three people to Washington.

Not far away is the newly built White House.

Since the last time Magneto destroyed the White House, it has been undergoing months of repairs.

Later, with the joint efforts of many star designers, a new White House was built.

and became the residence of the newly elected president.

It's a pity that this president really shouldn't live here.

Because it is about to fall again!

I saw Tianqi slowly rising into the sky.

Molecular manipulation and quicksand manipulation are performed.

Countless buildings in Washington have turned into pieces of fine sand visible to the naked eye, floating in the sky.

Like hundreds of rivers flowing into the ocean, they are converging in the direction of the White House.

The original White House disappeared, and the people inside were directly buried alive.

After a large amount of fine sand gathers together, it begins to become solid.

Finally, a majestic pyramid appears!

The White Queen looked at all this and felt very incredible.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but think of the Temple of Life next door.

I thought to myself, maybe Apocalypse was beaten stupid, and he still came to Washington to do a big job like this.

However, what she didn't know was that the pyramid built by Tianqi was not used for living.

But an altar!

An ancient stone slab floated out from his hand.

Go all the way to the top of the pyramid.

Countless lines form complex and profound runes.

Spreading on the surface of the pyramid, all the way up.

When all the lines converge to the top, they are all connected to the stone slab.

This stone slab was found in a desert ruins when Apocalypse took control of Egypt.

According to the prompt, it can connect to a mysterious existence.

With enough human souls, the tablet can be activated.

Get a chance to evolve.

However, evolution has its limits.

Can only be selected as one ability.

Although Apocalypse has mastered hundreds of mutant abilities by virtue of his body-seizing and reincarnation.

But none of them belong to the Omega level.

At best, it's only Alpha level.

To a certain extent, this is due to the times.

At the time when Apocalypse was active, the world's population was still small and there were very few mutants.

Correspondingly, there are even fewer mutants with powerful abilities!

Omega-level mutants almost don't exist.

Later, with the development of the times, after World War II, the number of mutants began to expand.

The probability of high-level mutants appearing is also getting higher and higher.

There were even several Omega-level ones.

So at the beginning, Apocalypse retained this slate and did not waste it on those whose strongest abilities were only Alpha level.

And now, he still hasn't acquired the omega-level mutant ability.

But the goal of evolution has been chosen.

That is the power of magnetic field!

Tianqi has also pursued the origin of this stone slab.

But after a sandstorm, the ruins were never found again.

Tianqi only found a few clues from the clues.

Pointing to the fact that this stone tablet may have something to do with the demon from another dimension.

Perhaps Apocalypse has always treasured this stone slab and never chosen to use it, which has something to do with it.

He doesn't believe in demons, and he knows the unspoken rule that getting benefits requires paying a price.

But now, he has no more options.

Bai Xing's power makes him flinch, and the insult given to him requires powerful force to avenge him!

So Tianqi plans to use this thing that has always been used as a trump card.

Although there is a lot of movement at the White House, people are still coming here using various means of transportation.

They were all influenced by Professor X.

Apocalypse looked around, and then ordered the remaining three people: "Emma and Bobby are on guard. Anything that dares to come and cause trouble will be captured with all my strength!"

Then he looked at Viper: "As for you, you should have planted the seeds of life, right?

Then the killing job will be left to you, let these guys die within five kilometers around the pyramid.

Don't worry about the corpses. If there are too many, just clean them up. "

Viper's eyes lit up, secretly agreeing to follow Apocalypse was indeed the right thing to do!

This is a huge gain!

Bobby's expression changed.

But he remembered that Apocalypse asked Professor X to control everyone in the United States to come to Washington.

How many people will this kill?

This is just crazy!

Even if you plan to stop it.

But as soon as the idea of ​​disobeying Tianqi's order arose, it seemed to disappear with the wind.

Immediately afterwards, the thought of obedience emerged to replace it.

(End of this chapter)

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