My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 122 Sun Flame Technique

Chapter 122 Sun Flame Technique

"Heavy hit, causing superimposed damage beyond the theoretical value." Crown clicked the meaning of this sentence.

One point of strength, two points of power?

This should be the meaning. In game terms, this is called critical damage, but it will never reach double superposition. I don’t know what percentage bonus it can provide.

Crown smiled with joy and continued to look down.

[Cross Sword: 176/8000; Level [-]] (Special effect: Shocking power. Master the exquisite force-generating technique and thrust out the power of cross slashing.)
The Cross Sword is a swordsmanship that focuses on stabbing, using unique techniques to deliver high-speed, vibrating blows.He had tested it himself, and the armor made of ordinary fine iron was cut open by a sword. At that time, he was holding a fine iron weapon made of the same material.

The basic swordsmanship in the extreme realm provided an armor-piercing effect, and coupled with the vibration power of the cross sword, when he built a Valyrian steel sword in the future, he felt that he could challenge the front of cutting through the chest plate of advanced armor.

In the past few months, he has been practicing swordsmanship with Geralt's master and apprentice every day. Of course, he is not paying for them, but it is mutually beneficial.

Because with his current ability, Geralt has also benefited a lot, and the swordsmanship of the two demon hunters has become more rounded and sharp.

Some time ago, Geralt claimed that he had entered the ranks of swordsman masters. Croun estimated that it was true. He himself had been able to suppress the opponent, and now the two were tied again.

[Fire Cross: 3872/5000; Level [-]]

He has not practiced this skill deliberately. It all relies on the passive improvement automatically brought about by the improvement of cross sword proficiency. After the flame breath is improved in the future, it should naturally advance to the third level.

[Golden Light Spell: 40027/50000; Level 30] (Sun Flame Technique: activate the power of the sun in the golden light charm to burn the enemy, attack distance [-] meters, stimulate skills.)

As expected, the Golden Light Spell advanced again during the battle, but I couldn't find any relevant introduction about the warm current and gained a new skill.

These three months have been the most comfortable period that Croun has ever had. As long as he dances well with the hoe, he has the spirit to dig out any corner, the liver proficiency of An Xin, and his main focus is on the golden light of the liver. curse.

When the Golden Light Curse reached [-] proficiency levels, he acquired two new skills, to be precise, two ways of using the talisman.

One is called the Moon Spirit Shield, which can stimulate the power of the Pure Heart Talisman and superimpose the buff of a Pure Heart Talisman on characters within a one-meter radius. It is considered a group skill, and its effect is weaker than the Pure Heart Charm.

The advantage is that you no longer need to drink Talisman Water, it can be released directly during the battle, and the duration is only a quarter of an hour.

The other one is called the Golden Armor Technique, which stimulates the power of the golden light talisman and superimposes a buff similar to the golden light body protection on the characters within a one-meter radius to increase the defense. The effect is only half of the golden light body protection and lasts for a quarter of an hour.

Crown understood that this was to add a layer of short-term defensive enchantment to his teammates' equipment.

After these two new skills came out, he immediately hired two ordinary people to specialize in making talisman paper.

Now the golden light spell has been upgraded to [-] proficiency levels, and there is another way to use the golden light spell.

He took out a golden light talisman, used a special technique to activate it, and then threw it out like a card.

The thin talisman paper became extremely hard after being stimulated, and flew out like a stream of light and immediately hit the wall.

"Boom", after the golden light flashed, Kroun found that the front became charred black, as if it had been calcined for a long time, but there was no smell of fire.

He took a closer look and found that the center of the charred area had been carbonized.He found a dagger and scraped it, scraping off two finger-thick layers of black ash.

Some are similar to fire elemental damage, but not exactly the same. It should be sunlight-type elemental damage.

"Haha, I have a long-range attack method," Crown shouted in a low voice, clenching his hands into fists.

He has been practicing the Golden Light Curse for more than half a year, and has gained [-] points of proficiency. Now he finally sees the attack method, which is a long-range damage skill. The unpleasant part is that it requires the cooperation of the Golden Light Talisman.

In the future, if the battle becomes tense, his talismans will definitely not be enough, and he still needs to accumulate more.

Soon, Crown regained his composure and summoned the golden wall again.

[Spirit Control: 2046/3000; Level [-]]

Since this skill requires the support of the Sands of Time, he cannot have extra spiritual coins on hand to absorb the spiritual essence. He only relies on the recovery of the hourglass of time itself. It takes more than half a month to fill the quicksand in the hourglass, so the increase in proficiency is small. What a pity, he is still wandering in the first level.

The good news is that now that the Sands of Time are sufficient, the duration of bullet time can reach twelve minutes, which is 2 minutes longer than at the beginning.

After checking all the skills, he could not find the reason for the warm current at the last moment of the battle.

After thinking for a long time, he still believed that it was the change brought about by the Golden Light Curse, because only this technique had this possibility, and maybe this warm current had specific triggering conditions.

. . . .

Crown didn't dwell on the warm current. He believed that if the time came, he would be able to feel it again.

Leaving the room, he went to the priest to get something.

"Boom", as soon as he knocked on the door, the door opened automatically.He walked in and found the priest rummaging through the cabinets for something. A dozen one-handed swords were placed on the table, and the enchanted armor was lying on the floor under the table.

Feeling someone entering the room, Nick glanced sideways: "You feel better so quickly? Have you found the feeling of fighting? What happened in your room just now? Why does it feel like an explosion to me?"

"I didn't find that feeling." Croun shook his head. "As for the explosion, I figured out a new way to use the golden light talisman. What are you looking for?"

"Looking for gems," Nick pointed to the box in his hand, "Enchanting is the ability to use magic circles to incorporate various gem powders into weapons or armor to increase the strength of the equipment. Isn't your one-handed sword gone? Wait. I’ll enchant you with one, so you can make do with it first.”

"So you have officially become an extraordinary blacksmith, and you can actually produce extraordinary weapons stably."

Nick's tone couldn't conceal his joy: "In about half a month, the snow on the road will melt away. We expect to set off for Rhine City in a month. The time for us to make big money is coming.

I will first help you buy a high-grade material formula. The formula of star pattern steel is good. Most first-level melee extraordinary people use this weapon. It will first give you some reputation, and finally introduce high-grade equipment to ensure a big hit. "

"Okay, no problem," Crown said with a smile: "Why do I feel like you are more like a businessman than a priest now."

"It's all about making money, don't make excuses," Nick replied without raising his head. "If you want to make faster progress, you must have enough financial support, and you also need to carry out various exchanges of interests."

"Then I'm leaving. I'll take your armor to the blacksmith shop to dismantle it." Crown picked up the armor and was about to leave.Unexpectedly, this armor seems to be thick, but it is light in weight.

"Why is your armor so light? Is it made of the scales of an iron-eating beast?"

"It is said to contain some scales shed by iron-eating beasts that eat special ores." Nick was suddenly worried. For a senior blacksmith, the appearance of the armor is easy to imitate, but if you want to know the internal structure, the best way is to buy it. Forge drawings, otherwise many subtleties may be overlooked.

"What are you going to do? How are you going to check the patterns inside the armor?"

"Use the stupidest method to grind the armor into powder bit by bit. In this way, all the details will be recorded." Thinking of the 3D printing technology in his previous life, Crown prepared to do the opposite and finally restore it through continuous modeling. Publish the forging drawings and technical parameters of the entire set of armor.

"Are you sure?"

Nick immediately put down the box in his hand, raised his hands and changed his words: "Okay, do it your way. If it doesn't work, I will think of another way. Be careful, this set of armor is quite expensive to buy, as long as you have enough spirit coins. , you also need to wait in line.”

Crown bared his teeth: "Goodbye."

The door was opened and slammed shut.

Nick trembled and whispered to himself: "If this armor is destroyed, will Fanny ignore me again?"

. . . .

At ten o'clock in the morning, a rapid and monotonous sound of metal friction came from the blacksmith shop.

Crown didn't trust the skills and abilities of others, so he polished the armor himself with a steel file.

Next to him is a stack of paper at arm height, which contains very, very precise cross-section diagrams. The upper right corner of the page is meticulously marked.

Under his feet was a pile of metal powder with golden and silver shiny spots inside.

The priest's armor is light in weight but has good hardness and toughness. He has worn out 22 files.

These days, except for the visualization time at Mao Shi and You Shi, he worked here day and night. When he was tired, he would practice visualization to recover from muscle fatigue.

"It's been eight days, and the merits are finally complete." Kroun threw away the half-bald file and the last nail plate in his hand, shivering and stretching, "If it were someone else, I would have to do this job for 38 days."

He lowered his body and quickly drew the last cross-section, then stood up and stretched for a while.

"Now, it's time to verify my copycat ability." Kroun let out a meaningful laugh, sat down again, picked up the first page, and began to outline the special patterns inside the armor.
. . . .

Del leaned against the door frame of the blacksmith shop, looking blankly at the man eating paper inside. He wanted to give a warning, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Why are you blocking the door?" Nick came over and asked:
"Crown, why haven't you been forging iron in the past few days? I have to take time to study the structure of armor and make a few weapons. I have a few enchantments that I haven't mastered yet."

"Holy shit, what's going on? What happened?"

Croun was lying on the small table with a disheveled look, with a basket containing bread and bacon at his feet.

His hair was messy, there were black fingerprints on his face, and he was chewing a piece of white paper full of writing in his mouth, turning a deaf ear to the sounds outside.

The priest quietly pulled Del out and asked with concern: "What's wrong with him? When did it start?"

"It seems like he is drawing something. He has been like this since noon. He ignores me when I ask him to eat, and he won't eat even if I put him next to him."

 Ghost Shield, Holy War Armor, Soul Fire Talisman, and three Taoist skills. Those who have not experienced Legend may not know it.
(End of this chapter)

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