Chapter 130 Super Vision
Allen looked unbelieving. He had a pet himself.

He once caught a small tit with a yellowish beak and kept it in a cage for three months.

They thought they were already familiar with each other, but when he released the chickadee, the bird flew into the sky, circled above his head for a few times, then flew away and never came back, which made him sad for a long time.

Croun gently clamped the horse's belly with his legs, pulled the reins and directed the horse to run forward slowly.

Perhaps it was the extra bonus brought by the animal training skill, but now he felt more comfortable riding a horse, commanding the horse as easily as his arms.

While hunting and practicing archery in the wild these past few days, Croun found that most of the animals were dull and rarely made any noise. Birds jumped around a lot and heard their sounds before they could see their form.

With crows providing intelligence in the sky, Crown was very efficient.As long as the birds and beasts caught his eye, they rarely escape.

Allen acts as a qualified retinue, stepping forward to pick up prey and recover arrows, but always comes back disappointed.

When the horizon turned orange and the sunset dyed the distant sky red, they only harvested one edible hare.

"Hey, how can this be enough to eat? Let's get some more prey," Allen wailed.

"quack, quack"

The crow flew back and landed on its master's shoulder. After being a scout for several hours, the bird was very tired.

"Hurry up and go back. It's a long way from the camp." Croun pulled the reins and turned the horse's head.

He also wanted to hunt a few more prey, not to eat game, but because his archery skills would soon be advanced.

Now he can no longer improve his proficiency by shooting fixed targets, otherwise he would have to practice archery all night long when he returns to the camp.

Being able to advance to a higher level with just a little proficiency is really torturous to watch.

Several loud eagle calls tore through the sky, the sound was high-pitched and had a hint of sharpness.

The crow flew away from its owner's shoulder, landed under a tree not far away, and burrowed into the bushes.

"Neighing", the horse under Crown's seat was frightened and raised its body uneasily.

He hurriedly tightened the reins, then reached out and stroked the horse's face to soothe the mount's nervousness.

"Haha, your horse is so timid and is afraid of the eagle's cry," Allen laughed at the horse.

Crown didn't answer and turned around to look back at the sky where the hawk's cry came from.

Three black dots rushed towards this side from the horizon, one in front and two behind, and soon approached their current location.

"Cuckoo", another rapid cry sounded.

At this time, Kroun saw clearly that the one flying in front was a gray dove, followed closely by two hawks.

The dove flew up and down, trying to get rid of the goshawk behind, but the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

With the bow in hand and the arrow in the string, he had already aimed at the birds in the sky.

The arrow shines gold, with small golden light symbols painted on it.

The long bow was bent into a full moon, and his body turned in the direction of the three birds.

The bird flew very fast, and Croun had never shot an eagle in full flight before, so he was not completely sure.

He held his breath, feeling the breeze blowing by his ears, calculating the wind direction and speed, and calculating the bird's flight path.

Three birds flew over his head, flying into the distance like lightning.

Kroun felt that the flowing sounds of nature disappeared from his ears, and the scenery in his eyes gradually became less and less, and finally only the three birds flying rapidly in the sky were left.

The pigeon was about to be caught, and once again tried its best to fly sideways and downwards. Maybe it also knew that this was just a futile effort, and that its final fate would eventually come.

But in order to live, you must always have some hope to continue flying.

Crown's rotating body suddenly stopped, and at the same time his string became empty.A golden light shone in the setting sun, and the golden arrow was stained with scarlet.

The two eagles stretched out their sharp claws to catch the little gray dove. This time, the dove was really doomed.

The eagle's body overlapped in Croun's eyes, and the golden red light flew past at this moment.

The two eagles were entangled together, rolling feebly and falling from the sky.

When the pigeon realized that the threat was gone, it flew away into the distance with a cry of "coo", its voice full of joy and joy in the aftermath of the disaster.

"Hit, hit." Allen saw the black shadow falling in the distance, admiration flashing in his eyes.

"Drive!" Allen tightened the reins and spurred his horse forward. He was going to pick up prey. This might be the last hope for a rich dinner.

Crown faced the setting sun and slowly drove his horse to run, his eyes filled with gold.

It was an extraordinary performance just now. This time, killing two birds with one stone from a long distance has advanced the skill.

[Archery: Extreme] (Special Effect 1: Super Vision. As long as you want, you can see farther; Special Effect 2: Accuracy. Improve the hit rate of archery.)
[Shooting: 1568/5000; Level [-]]

The archery skills were upgraded to the limit, and as expected, special effects appeared, and there were two of them.And with the advancement of archery, the proficiency of shooting skills also improves a lot.

Crown feels that the precision special effect mainly increases the hit rate of long-distance attacks. After all, the distance is far enough to give the enemy or prey more reaction time.As for how to use super vision, you can do it just by thinking about it
He raised his head and looked at the treetops in the distance.

A magical scene appeared in his eyes. When he focused his gaze on the treetops, his eyes automatically changed focus like a zoom camera.The outlines of the leaves on the treetops could only be barely discernible at first, but now the veins on the leaves are clearly visible to the eye.

This is perfect for peeping. No, my first reaction was voyeurism. It shouldn’t be reconnaissance!In the future, you no longer need to carry auxiliary tools such as telescopes when performing tasks in the wild.

Crown proudly slapped his horse on the butt, and the somewhat thin horse began to run forward vigorously.

Allen in front raised the prey and shouted in surprise: "I hit it, two of them were shot with one arrow. Haha, the prey is not deformed, so you can have extra food at night."

"Don't be too complacent. Two eagles don't have much meat." Croun, who was approaching, took a look at his results: "I visually judged that you can eat up to fourteen or five pounds, including the bones and meat."

"Very good, add another rabbit and there will be enough oil and water for dinner at night."

Crown nodded and smiled: "Indeed. Let's go, it's getting dark, so hurry up."

The spring breeze made the horses' hooves gallop, and the two of them hurried back to the camp quickly.

. . . .

In the camp, the two of them tied their horses and walked into the church with their prey.

When they were about to return to the camp, they had already skinned and deboned the prey outside the camp before it got dark, chopped it into pieces of meat, and wrapped it in oilcloth.

Nick was looking at a piece of paper with joy, and there was a gray pigeon eating corn on the ground at his feet.

When he saw Allen holding a bulging bag in his hand, he smiled and said, "It looks like you two have gained a lot."

"That's it," the little witcher held up the package as if to show off, "a hare, plus two goshawks, it's enough for a delicious meal."

"Really? The portion is not as big as last night. Doesn't it mean it's enough for you to have a delicious meal by yourself?" A teasing smile appeared on the priest's face.

Allen's face showed embarrassment. He did not answer the question and turned around and said, "Brother, let me clean this meat first."

After saying that, he ran away.

Nick raised the page in his hand and said with a smile: "Good news, Coors Town has sent us a message."

"Really? What did they say?" Crown looked at the pigeon eating food on the ground carefully and asked, "When did this pigeon fly here?"

"Two 10 minutes ago, what happened?"

"It's nothing. When we were hunting, we saw two goshawks chasing a gray dove. I shot the goshawk down and the little dove escaped. If it had been slower, it would have probably become prey and been brought to us. dining table.”

"Haha, two lives were lost in half a day. This pigeon may have been given a lucky halo by the gods."

"It's possible," Crown smiled, "What do the people in Coors Town say?"

"The reinforcements from Rhine City have arrived in Kokuls Town this afternoon, and they asked me to report the current position to determine the next itinerary.

I will write back early tomorrow morning and ask for some carriages to be sent there, otherwise we will have to walk three days to get there. "

"How long do you think it will take to return to Rhine City?"

"If everything goes well, we will be able to attend services at the Holy Fire Cathedral in two or three days."

"Impossible?" A big question mark flashed through Croun's mind. He was familiar with the map of the Rhine City Parish. From the distance calculation, even if they rode wildly on horseback, it would take four or five days to arrive.

"Hey, in the next few days, please keep your eyes open and take a good look at what a big city is like. I told you, you will be shocked."

Nick didn't explain directly, but kept it secret.

How shocking it can be. Although I was a loser in my previous life, I had seen the world.In real life, I looked up at that tower when I was working in the magical city. In the imaginary world, I also watched a lot of interstellar science fiction movies.

Then let me see what the prosperity of this world will be like. Crown whispered softly: "I'm looking forward to it."

Allen ran over and shouted kindly: "Brother, everything is ready, just waiting for you to show off your skills."

"right away."

. . . .

After Croun prepared dinner, he took the time to take a look at a golden wall.

[Cooking: 4527/5000; Level [-]]

During these days of marching in the field, my cooking skills, which had not gained much proficiency for a long time, also improved rapidly.

"If you work harder, I will take off the title of God of Cookery." Croun laughed, thinking about what kind of special effects his cooking skills would bring to him after upgrading.

During the meal, Allen still took on the task of licking the basin. This time, he did it secretly.

"We will say goodbye soon. After arriving in Rhine City, I will stay at the Blood Crow Hotel on Plantagenet Street in the Parliament District. If you need anything, please contact us."

After Geralt slowly wiped his mouth with a napkin, he stood up and bowed slightly and said, "The White Wolf is dedicated to serving everyone."

"You may not be needed to hunt monsters anymore," Nick laughed.

"I know many people in the Warlock Guild, and I can help you get something special. The church and the Warlock Guild don't get along well, and some things may not be sold to the clergy of the church, at least on the surface."

(End of this chapter)

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