My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 148 The choice of controlling the spirit

Chapter 148 The choice of controlling the spirit
Parliament Quarter, Plantagenet Street, Bloodraven Inn.

It's almost noon, and warm sunlight shines into the room through the gaps in the beige curtains.

On the large bed, a white werewolf and a woman slept quietly.

There was an obvious scar near the werewolf's left eye socket. His muscular chest was exposed, and the quilt only covered his lower body.

The woman was lying in the werewolf's arms. She had jet black hair, long eyelashes rolled up, and a beauty mark as big as sesame seeds on the corner of her lips.

Half of the quilt fell from the bed to the ground, revealing the woman's two slender wheat-colored legs.

The werewolf's eyelids moved and he opened his hazy eyes.

He gently raised his hand, grabbed a slightly worn brass pocket watch from the reddish-brown bedside table and brought it to his eyes.

The silver chain of the pocket watch was slightly blackened, obviously it had not been maintained for a long time.

"It's eleven o'clock," the werewolf muttered.

He patted the cheek of the person beside him and said softly: "Yennefer, wake up, it's time to get up. Damn it, living with you is so decadent. My sword is about to get rusty."

The woman was awakened by his noise, but did not open her eyes.

She stretched out her little hand and groped under the quilt for a while, then held the long object and said, "No, it's not rusty at all."

"Oh, damn, stop teasing me."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Geralt was half lying on the bedside, watching the beauty in front of him put on a white shirt and a black blouse, and asked doubtfully:

"So many people are afraid of dark creatures, why do you always like to let me transform."

Yennefer smiled slightly: "Fear is just the feeling of ordinary people. I am a warlock, and dark creatures should be more afraid of becoming the research object on my dissecting table.

If you unfortunately leave this sad world one day, I will definitely study the reasons for your mutation.

The reason why you transform is because you become more wild when you become a werewolf, and I like this feeling. "

The sorceress put on her soft deerskin boots and continued:
"The potion you brought called Talisman Water is very special. I haven't researched the specific ingredients. It gives me the feeling that it is a naturally formed and pure natural substance without any artificial refining methods. Do you have any left?"

This is a special kind of paper made of burned ashes. Geralt shook his head and said:

"You have already taken a lot of talisman water for research. I only have a few bottles left for emergency use. You have to wait until I find the seller to buy some more."

"When can I buy it, or can you directly introduce me to the seller? This thing has successfully aroused my desire for research."

The demon hunter shook his head: "The seller is very busy recently. I will introduce you to you when I have the opportunity. This thing is not cheap. I am short of money right now and need to make some money before I can buy it."

Yennefer pouted her lips and blinked her violet eyes.She took out a small sachet from her pocket and threw it to Geralt: "You have worked hard these days. Replenish your body. Buy more of that talisman water for the rest."

After saying that, the sorceress opened the door and left.

Geralt seemed to have suffered some kind of humiliation and said angrily: "I still need to replenish my body. How could I not beg for mercy from you?"

. . . .

"Blood Crow Inn", Crown stood in front of the tavern and read out the name of the tavern.

He was about to step in when a woman with black hair and a star-shaped obsidian amulet around her neck walked out.

The woman's speed was very fast, like a gust of wind passing by him. He reflexively prepared for battle, turned his body slightly sideways, and already grasped the hilt of the sword.

The woman stopped and raised her eyebrows slightly: "What a quick response."

Crown nodded slightly: "Get used to it."

The woman said "Yeah" and strode away.

Crown twitched his nose and caught a scent of cloves and currants.

He walked into the tavern, came to the bar and threw a silver coin on the table: "Boss, I'm looking for Geralt."

The boss, like a nimble fox, immediately grabbed the silver coin in his hand. He leaned over and smiled and said, "Geralt, he is in room 203 on the second floor."

He was missing a front tooth and his speech was somewhat leaky.

"Thank you." Crown walked upstairs to the door of room 203, stretched out his hand and knocked gently.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"The door is unlocked," a lazy voice came from inside the room.

Opening the door, Crown walked into the house and smelled a familiar scent of cloves and currants.

He looked at Geralt sitting on the bed with his bare breasts exposed: "You are living so comfortably."

The demon hunter was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"Looking for some help from you."

"Hey, no problem." Geralt quickly put on his clothes and washed up.

"Do you know that one of the potions I sell is called pink potion?" Crown asked.

The witcher who was washing his face asked with some confusion: "Pink potion? What is it for?"

“Solving all kinds of non-lasting problems.”


"Haha", Crown laughed, "Where has Allen been recently?"

Judging from Geralt's living conditions, his students would definitely not live here.

At this time, the witcher had finished washing his face and wiped his hands with a white towel: "Alan was recently hired by the city hall. He needs more training to survive better in this world."

"Let's go downstairs and have something to eat first," Geralt greeted. "Father Nick said he would treat us to a big meal. When will he honor it?"

"Let's wait until this period of work is over. He just came back to this city and he has a lot of things to deal with."

The two went downstairs, ordered a slightly hearty lunch, and chatted while eating.

"The craftsmanship here is much worse than yours. When you are free, be sure to invite Alan and I to your residence." Geralt put a piece of beef in his mouth and chewed it a few times before swallowing it. " Tell me, how can I help you?"

"I want to buy some evil spirits, is there any channel?"

"Do you want to improve the ability of the spirit master? What are your specific requirements?"

"Prioritize evil spirits that improve melee attack power or self-defense ability, and then buy some cheap ordinary evil spirits. I also need knowledge on how to improve the ability of the spirit master. The more detailed the better."

"What a coincidence. I heard that the Warlock Brotherhood is about to train a new batch of spirit masters. I will take you there tomorrow afternoon to see if there are any suitable for you to use."

"Okay," Croun agreed. He didn't expect that the other party had so much energy that he could take him to pick at will.

"Hehe, bring enough spirit coins, or bring more pure heart talisman," Geralt reminded. "The warlock who controls the distribution of spirit control is very interested in the effect of your talisman."

"Understood. I will go back and prepare now and come to you tomorrow at noon." The demon hunter added: "If the deal is concluded, I will get an introduction fee of [-]% of the transaction amount."

"I can't do without you."

. . . .

The next afternoon, even though it was sunny, there was still thick smoke blocking the sky over the Rhine City.

The steam engine brought efficient productivity, but also brought lingering smog.

Crown and Geralt rode in a carriage with a black carriage, heading towards the Warlock Brotherhood.

The demon hunter asked: "Have you brought enough spiritual coins and talisman water?"

Croun patted the wallet on his waist, and a pleasant jingling sound came from inside: "I have brought most of my belongings. As long as the goods are suitable, I will take them. I also brought twenty bottles of Fu Shui."

Yesterday, he exchanged the spirit essence he got from Bran Castle for 62 gray spirit coins, soaked in the golden light talisman water for a night, and got a pile of gold spirit coins.

Plus some left in his hand, he brought eighty gold spirit coins.

He doesn't plan to use too much of the Pure Heart Talisman Water, as he may use it heavily in future battles.

The two came to the Warlock Brotherhood. Geralt led the way and greeted many people familiarly.

The two walked into a large room on the third floor, where a woman with black hair was doing experiments on the experimental table.

Geralt moved two chairs familiarly and motioned to sit down and wait.

Crown looked around and saw specimens of various beasts and monsters hanging on the walls of this room, all of them hideous and terrifying.

"It failed again, we ran out of materials," the woman let out a sigh.

"Don't worry, this time I brought the seller of Talisman Water." Geralt stood up and smiled: "Let me introduce this beautiful lady to Her Excellency Yennefer Gale, the head of the Brotherhood. one."

"This is Mr. Crown Moya."

"We have met, Mr. Moya," Yennefer raised her arms forward.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Crown stepped forward, bent down and gently held the sorceress's hand, kissing the back of her hand symbolically.

He glanced at Geralt, who was standing calmly aside, and couldn't help but secretly sigh at the other's fierceness, actually having sex with a gentleman.

"Follow me," Yennefer guided the two of them to the partition of the room.

This is a small living room with a set of brown sofas and a round glass coffee table.

There is also a set of log-colored cabinets and a small table near the window.

On the sofa are square cushions sewn from off-white fabric, with a set of abstract symbolic patterns on them.

"Please take a seat." Yennefer sat down and sank into the sofa: "Would you like some coffee?"

"Okay," Geralt agreed. He turned around and explained, "The coffee here tastes great. You can't miss it."

Crown nodded: "Thank you."

The sorceress stretched out her arms and cast a spell, making complex gestures quickly with her fingers.

Finally, she snapped her fingers and said, "Three cups of coffee."


The cabinet door was opened, and the three cups seemed to be picked up by a transparent person and placed on the small table in the corner.

Another teapot and a sky-blue glazed ceramic jar flew out of the cabinet.

The sound of boiling water came from the teapot, the lid of the jar was opened, and a handful of dark brown powder flew out and was added to the cup.

In Croun's spiritual sense, a spiritual body appeared in the corner of the room.

"This is an invisible servant, a little trick." Yennefer smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Moya, Geralt has already told me your needs. I can provide you with the knowledge and spirit control you want. You plan to sell How many talismans?"

"Twenty," Crown replied.

"Too few." The sorceress shook her head: "I need a lot for my experiments, and twenty can't meet my needs at all."

"Things have been so busy recently that it's difficult for me to find time to make more talismans, but we can maintain a long-term cooperative relationship. I will be able to provide you with [-] talismans every month in the future."

Crown explained that if he could establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the other party, he would be able to strike up a conversation with a Tier [-] boss, which might develop into a personal network in the future.

At this time, the coffee had been brewed, and the three coffee cups flew smoothly in the air and landed on the coffee table among the people.

Yennefer picked up the cup in front of her and played with it in her hand: "We can maintain a long-term cooperative relationship, but I require that we provide at least forty talismanic waters every month starting from next month."

Crown thought about it and nodded slightly: "No problem. Did Geralt tell you the price of Talisman Water?"

"Ten gold shields each, I know." The sorceress raised her lips slightly: "It's very cheap."

As expected, I am not suitable to be a profiteer. Crown smiled politely.

"Now let's talk about the knowledge of the Spirit Controller. The relevant books cost five gold spirit coins." Yennefer took a sip of coffee and continued: "The books include all kinds of non-top-secret knowledge that the Brotherhood has researched over the years, and they are priced at no extra cost. "

Crown spread his hands helplessly and said, "You have the final say."

It's a seller's market now, and the other party is a third-level boss, so he has no way to refute.

"There are two ways to buy and sell the spirit. One is to buy the unidentified spirit. You only need fifty gold shields to buy one. If you want to use the spirit devouring method, you can choose this purchase method;

The other is to purchase a spirit master whose specific ability parameters have been identified. The price varies according to the ability. It is suitable for training to increase the number of spirit masters.Which one do you choose? "

Crown already had a goal in mind and asked directly: "I want to buy a spirit harness that can increase melee damage, or a spirit harness that increases defense. Is there any available here?"

After the battle in the past few days, Crown realized another shortcoming of his: the lack of a powerful offensive skill.

He has learned a lot now, but so far there is no skill that can have a decisive effect on the battle situation.Therefore, he wanted to get a spirit control that would improve his combat effectiveness.

Defense is also very important. If he can stack more defenses for himself, he can be more confident and bold in pursuing the ultimate output.

"The best choice for spirit masters to increase defense power is ice elemental spirit masters. They naturally have the innate ability of ice armor. The price of elemental spirit masters has been rising recently. You can only buy them with at least two gold spirit coins. The top-level ones The price of the elemental ability to control the spirit will reach more than ten gold spirit coins."

Crown shook his head: "I won't choose the elemental spirit master for the time being."

The reason why elemental spirit masters are expensive is that the spirit masters have elemental attack capabilities, which can better deal with spirits, but they do not lack the means to deal with spirits.

Buying an elemental spirit master for defensive capabilities is simply too much money and there is no place to spend it. This proposal was of course rejected.

"Then let me think about it carefully and see if we currently have any spirit masters that can meet your requirements."

Yennefer drank her coffee while reminiscing.

After a moment, she smiled and said: "There really is a spirit master who can meet your requirements and satisfy both of your conditions at the same time."

(End of this chapter)

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