I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 109 108 I want it, I really want it

Chapter 109 108. Want it, really want it
Generally speaking, it is very rare for Lloyd to encounter out-of-control people. In the two months he has been here, he has only encountered two of them.

After all, Holy Grace Court is not someone to be trifled with...

But today, three heads came all of a sudden, which made him wonder if there was something ruthless going on at the Holy Court?
So he quickly came to the -3 floor and asked the three out-of-control people to contribute to the anti-monster cause.

[Ding~Insanity value +300]

[Ding~ Several memory fragments have been obtained and the cognitive level is being evaluated...]

[Ding~ Evaluation successful, memory fragments can be interpreted]

[Ding~Insanity value +300]

[Ding~ Evaluation successful, memory fragments can be interpreted]


The three out-of-control individuals all contributed some memory fragments. Lloyd was not in a hurry to look at them. He decided to deal with the other two monsters first and recover their organs before returning to the office to check these memory fragments.

Because there was a night apart, there were not many memory fragments left, basically only the last moments of their lives.

These three people all belong to an illegal association called the 'Morning Hermits Association', and are middle-level cadres in it. They are currently being attacked by the Holy Court of Grace. They have already suffered a very heavy blow. The entire association is basically in danger——

At present, there is only one culprit left, that is, the leader of the association is on the run. The others who should be arrested and killed will be completely wiped out at any time.

And these three out-of-control people were subjected to a strong attack by the Holy Court yesterday. Seeing that there was no way to escape, they wanted to fight to the death and began to whisper in their mouths:
"Falling... into the abyss..."


They kept chanting like this, their voices getting louder and louder, their emotions getting higher and higher, as if they were singing carols.

Then they suddenly fell into madness, and the memory that Lloyd could see stopped abruptly.

But it doesn't matter. You can roughly guess what happens next without looking at it. There are strong people present at the Holy Court of Grace, and the three out-of-control people can't make any waves.

It's just that their loss of control was too sudden, and they were caught off guard. The established tactics of the Holy Court were not able to be used. After that, they could only follow the established procedures and throw the three-headed loser who completely turned into a monster into eighteen district.

After Lloyd browsed through the memory fragments, he still found the same doubt as before——

Why are these people so bad?Why can I only contribute 300 points of madness?Have you worked hard?
The out-of-control person starts at level -3. Even an executor who has not completed [Enlightenment] has so many insanity points after losing control. And these three guys are still extraordinary people with a certain degree of strength, and they can still count on the number of people. At a disadvantage, he fought with the Holy Court for several rounds, but after falling, he turned out to be so good?
Lloyd always feels like something is wrong?
But no matter what, Sheng Enting still did a great job this time. Everyone can punish these lawless elements!
Lloyd praised the Holy Court in his heart, and then carefully looked at the memories of these three people to see if he could find any clues about the leader of the association, so that this group of evil forces could be destroyed as soon as possible.

As a result, after watching it for a while, he actually captured a few frames of a lot of flashbacks before rationality dissipated.

"Does this inexplicable symbol look familiar? It seems to be... the Free Fashion Association? It seems that these two groups of evil forces have some collusion. The fleeing leader may have gone to seek asylum from another group of evil forces. ?”

"Write this down and write it into an anonymous letter later..."

"Huh? Wait! What is this notebook-like thing?"

Among the many chaotic and broken pictures, Lloyd saw something that interested him very much.

It was a tattered leather book that seemed to have a lot of history. It was yellow and brittle and could only be placed in a glass box, like a protected cultural relic.

The cover of the book is very, very blurry, and the title and pattern are completely invisible.

Lloyd wanted this book very much and wanted to open it and see what was written in it.

There is no reason, I just want it, I want it instinctively, as if I saw the card pool of my new wife in a gold mobile game.

But apart from this fragmented picture, there was no information, and he had no idea how to find the book.

Fortunately, extraordinary people don't need too many clues to do things, especially if they have level 4 [Divination] skills.

Lloyd currently has three divination methods: 'simple divination', 'medium divination', and 'reverse divination'. All he needs to use is simple divination.

Although the technique is still called 'simple divination', the specific effects are actually gradually upgraded as the [divination] skill improves.

If he now relies on this simple divination to take the exam, as long as there is no time limit and all the multiple-choice questions are answered by divination, it will not be a big problem to score 70-80 points, and he may get a higher score than others who do the questions themselves.

However, is there any exam in this world that has no time limit?According to the frequency of divination once every 10 minutes, 100 questions can last him a week. If he really wants to take the exam, he still has to rely on his own ability.

"I don't know if simple divination can help me find this book. Let's try it first."

As Lloyd said, he first followed the 'Three Steps to Safe Divination' taught by the butler and made advance preparations. Then he took the saint's statue out of the filing cabinet and arranged it neatly. Then he took out his pocket watch and tied his hair. Article, while asking in a low voice:
"Where should I go? Where should I go? Where should I go?"

For safety reasons, he chose a very vague and unclear question as the first step to test.

After all, this matter involves cruel and vicious evil forces. According to the butler's description, they are very good at anti-divination and even use other people's divination to set up traps, so be careful.

After rereading it, Lloyd opened his pocket watch and was stunned.The original three pointers actually grew into several more out of thin air, and then, in a way that went against the original structural design, they were pieced together into a stick figure with no head, only a body and limbs, and it was dancing a weird and twisted dance at him.

This was obviously an omen, and it was a very special omen.

Lloyd rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and tried to interpret this wave of omens:
"Dancing represents joy and cheerfulness, which also indicates that the results tend to be optimistic... Well, that's definitely the case!"

"At the same time, dancing itself is also a direction indication, indicating that I should go to a place that is lively, noisy, cheerful, with people dancing, or where people can't help but want to dance..."

"There are too many places like this. Next, I have to narrow the scope of the question. Since the first question shows an optimistic trend, it will be okay for me to continue divination."

Lloyd waited patiently for 10 minutes and started the second round of divination.

"Which direction should I go? Which direction should I go? Which direction should I go?"

Then he opened his pocket watch.

There is still a stick figure made out of pointers, still without a head, and still dancing, just in a different way.

It twisted around for a while, and then suddenly twisted itself apart. Its limbs and body were scattered on the ground, vaguely forming an arrow shape, pointing to the northwest.

Lloyd quickly took out a map from his desk, looked at it, and drew a directional arrow on it with a pencil.

Then he waited another 10 minutes before continuing to ask:

"Is there what I'm looking for? Is there what I'm looking for?"

For safety and accuracy reasons, he changed the angle of questioning, hoping to get a more effective final answer through various divination results.

This is also a great way to improve the accuracy of divination.

Lloyd really wanted to get that book, really wanted it, so he showed enough patience.

When he opened the pocket watch again, he found that the stickman's limbs were twisting like tentacles, like the tentacles of an octopus.

"Well...this result...the tentacles are not twisting violently, and are very leisurely, so the results tend to be optimistic!"

With two optimistic tendencies, Lloyd became more courageous, and the questions he asked became more and more in-depth. He drew several arrows and circles on the map, narrowing the scope step by step.

Finally, he raised the most critical question:
"Is the book I'm looking for here?"

While repeating the question, he pointed with his pencil to a point in the center of the many arrows and circles on the map, and then opened his pocket watch.

The originally white bottom of the watch has turned into a blood-red patch, still rippling slightly, like a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Several tentacles turned into pointers were twisting and twitching in it, looking extremely evil.

"Hmm...is this also a sign? Does it look a little evil? The watch must be broken again!"

Lloyd interpreted the sentence, put away his pocket watch and map, and prepared to set off.

There is already enough information and the range is small enough, so there is no need for this pocket watch that can malfunction at every turn.

Go back out and buy a box of matches, which should be enough to find the final target.

He then ran to say hello to Wei Ya, saying that he was going out to look for transcendent materials.

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

Wei Ya lowered her head and asked softly.

"No, no, I can handle it myself."

Lloyd said confidently and waved to the little milk cat.

The little cat didn't know what he was going out for, but it obediently got into his pocket.

"Remember to bring your earrings."

Wei Ya finally reminded.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it with me at all times."

Lloyd said carelessly and left Wei Ya's office.

Wei Ya still lowered her head, looking at the documents on the table, her eyes and corners of her mouth drooped, and she suddenly became a little unhappy.

But suddenly he laughed to himself again and became happy. I don't know what he was thinking about?
(End of this chapter)

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