Chapter 229 228. Long-term planning

"......So, to sum up, although the experimental results related to 0-266 have been unexpected and have entered a completely uncontrollable state, judging from the current status of 0-226, the overall situation is still Tends to be optimistic."

"Second! After all, she did not abandon her mission and chose to return to the City of Joy, which makes me quite gratified."

"But... even compared to our saints, she is currently too weak to fully assume the functions of a saint, let alone compare with other saints."

"Yes, and because of the failure of the experiment, we have completely lost control of her. We can only wait patiently for her to continue to grow."

"Be optimistic. There is actually nothing wrong with this. Why not treat her as a talented girl with good talents? Her future achievements may exceed your imagination?"

"I think so too. In fact, I was opposed to those experiments from the beginning. They were too eager for quick success and quick success. Letting her grow naturally is a more prudent choice."

"Having said that, our city, our saints, and our [sanctuary] are still too weak... Even with the awakening and return of 0-266, I still don't think we can succeed in this great development. occupy a dominant position.”

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with being weak. You have to think on the optimistic side. If something really big happens, it will be the superior people in Brilliant City who will charge into battle, not us. Many times, the weak There is also the comfort of being weak.”

"I partially agree with your view. However, we had high hopes for 0-266 at the beginning. We even believed that she could point out a new path and future for all mankind, so that mankind can truly control the power of the saint. This Only then did we take those urgent measures, but now..."

"This is indeed regrettable, but no matter what, her return is always better than completely out of control... We might as well be more patient with her, guide and train her carefully, maybe she will show an astonishing growth rate? Like It's like the 'bright star' the upper class people call it."

"Uh... You mean the young man named... Rodel in the Brilliant Order? Or Royode? I have indeed heard his name a few times recently."

"My name is Lloyd... Anyway, maybe our 0-266 can be as good and talented as him. After all, she is not a naturally occurring human being, but a precious legacy from the previous generation."

"Yes, I am more optimistic about 0-266's talent. That Lloyd you are talking about is still a human being after all, but our Elolo can surpass humans!"

"Well said! You may as well wait and see. I believe that in a few years, our Elolo will be able to eclipse that 'bright star'!"

"'s not that I want to be pessimistic, but as far as I know, the young man named Lloyd, and even the old scholar over in the Quiet City, Elfredi, are full of praise for him and think that he He has the potential to be a saint."

"Doesn't that just mean that our 0-266 is better? She can be a saint now, but our system and resources cannot compare with those bright superiors, and we cannot give her the same growth environment. , but the efficiency of 0-266 in receiving knowledge is far better than that of humans, and it is also very safe."

"Yes, I have seen a lot of human geniuses over the years, but there are a few that can persist in the end. After all, the more outstanding a person is, the easier it is to attract some weird things. Our 0-266 doesn’t have such troubles.”

"This statement made some sense in the past, but don't forget how 0-266 escaped."

"Ah this..."

"Speaking of which... the current preliminary investigation results indicate that she should have received help from a mysterious existence, and then went to the Brilliant City through the channel of 'Dream Theater', but the investigation has not been carried out for the time being, and we don't know what it was like yet. The mysterious existence helped her, but she refused to reveal it. Should we go deeper?"

"Okay, you can go. Anyway, I won't go. I live happily every day, my family is harmonious and happy, and there is nothing I can't think about."

"Why do you talk like that?"

"Isn't it true? If you have to get to the bottom of everything, why don't you go to the Brilliant City and become a high-ranking person?"

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise. Considering our weakness, it's better not to rush into follow-up investigations. If we provoke any big guys, I don't think those superior people will come to save us."

"That's right. If it weren't for the help of the Veto Saint this time, we wouldn't even be able to recover 0-266, so don't consider more dangerous moves. Don't forget the purpose of our religious order."

"Don't think too much, don't ask too many questions, enjoy the moment and be happy in the moment."

With everyone present chanting in unison, the formal discussion part of the meeting came to an end, bringing the event to a satisfactory conclusion.

The topics at the scene also turned into romantic topics such as 'Where to go drinking at night', 'A certain play that is popular nowadays', 'The newly opened restaurant tastes great'.

This may be the overall atmosphere of the City of Joy.

Because we are weak, we choose to live in the present.

After encountering this accident, it is likely that for a long time, he will not consider the previous experiments and explorations that may change the future of mankind.

As for the spiked shield hanging on the wall, even if the lines on the surface look like a human face, it will not make any sound. It still lowers its head quietly like this, silently watching the conference table getting better and better. Create a happy and relaxing atmosphere.


On Lloyd's side, he was admiring Elolo's beauty while sleeping, helping her share the mental pollution, and thinking about all kinds of things in his mind. It wasn't until half an hour passed that his consciousness returned to his bedroom, and then passed out. He fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, the first thing I did when I got up was to add some.

5 points of [Spiritual Power], add it.

[Ding~Add points to complete]    【User: Royd】

【Status: Normal】

[Insanity value: 53/8500, upper limit: 17500]

【Rationality: 175】

[Spiritual power: 175]

【Inspiration: 100】

[Cognition: 170]

[System: Distort LV3, reject LV2]

With the end of the 'double experience' event, he only leveled up one level last night...

But thinking in an optimistic direction, it would be great to be able to level up every night in the future.

Lloyd jumped out of bed, started morning exercises with the little cat, then went to comb his sister's hair, hug her, say goodbye, and then rushed to District 18 to make a small contribution to the anti-monster cause.

He returned to his peaceful, step-by-step life.

Next, it’s time to borrow a bell from the Métis…

While Lloyd was changing out of his white coat, he was thinking about the next improvement.

I had all thought about it last night. My primary goal right now is to complete the third or fourth [Transcendence] and meet the conditions for going to Mizkatok University as soon as possible.

In the process, I had to find a way to get some money and prepare the materials for [Transcendence].

[Rejected] The third level of the system requires two core materials, called ‘surging spiritual power’ and ‘witness stone’

The first item is used to prepare potions and spiritual ink; the latter item is the core of the ritual.

Lloyd hasn't checked the market price of these two materials yet, but it must be in the millions, so even if he just received a bounty of several million, he would have to spend it instantly, which might not be enough.

If you go to the ‘Dream Theater’ to redeem it, it only costs 280 points, and it may go up a bit in the past two days, right? But with Lloyd's current ability to earn points, it's not difficult.

However, he planned to spend his points on more important things, in exchange for things that were not available outside, such as 'forbidden knowledge' and [distorted] system materials.

Especially in terms of forbidden knowledge, although he gained a lot from the previous 'double experience' activity, Lloyd still vaguely felt that he was still some distance away from the fourth [Transcendence] of the [Distortion] system, and the forbidden knowledge was still a little bit lacking. insufficient.

For such hot stuff, it's better to go through the 'Dream Theater' channel. Things that are needed by the formal system are best solved with money on the surface.

Although with the current rate at which Lloyd was earning points, he could stay in the 'Dream Theater' and rack up points to redeem all he needed, but he was always worried and fearful about it and did not dare to indulge deeply.

For this seemingly free shortcut, it’s better to be more cautious.

As for the fourth [Detachment] method, of course it is better to use a more conservative and safe method to distort the [Detachment] effect of the [Veto] system.

By the way, I can also use the bottle of 'madness-inducing wine' that I saved last time, otherwise I'm afraid it will expire soon.

If you don't choose this method, but take the orthodox path, you need to find a living karma demon, then soak it in its active brain for three days, use your body to absorb various substances in it, and finally use [distortion] force to expel it from the body.

Not to mention the risk and difficulty, the process alone is disgusting enough and is not prepared for humans at all.

As for the fifth [Transcendence] process, let alone the following. It requires using all kinds of messy stuff to prepare a bottle of elixir with unknown ingredients and unknown functions. After taking it, use [Distortion] In this way, he fused the organs of more than ten high-risk monsters into his body.

And the danger level of these monsters cannot be lower than 7.

If you can still survive like this, you don’t know what kind of monster you will become. Anyway, it will definitely have little to do with humans...

So no matter how you look at it, this so-called ‘orthodox path’ is not arranged for humans.

(End of this chapter)

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