My Ming Dynasty, I have the final say

Chapter 77 Current Situation in Liaodong

Chapter 77 Current Situation in Liaodong
In Liaoyang City, Luo Sigong was drinking a bowl of chicken soup.

"My lord, we have found out clearly that it is not the so-called Zhang family."

"The person who is collecting grain is from a poor family in Fushun. I don't know how to make a fortune. He brings some Haixi Jurchens and Mongolians to buy grain and grass everywhere."

"Haixi Jurchen, Mongolian."

Luo Sigong, who was drinking chicken soup, heard this and snorted coldly.

"I'm afraid they are all slaves."

"This hasn't been clarified yet."

"Then check it quickly."

After spitting out the last chicken bone in his mouth, Luo Sigong ordered his people to find out who was buying grain and grass.

And he put on his python robe, holding an embroidered spring knife in his hand, and headed towards the governor's Yamen.

"Mr. Sun."

"Mr. Luo."

Luo Sigong and Sun Chengzong were old acquaintances. After the ceremony, the two entered the back hall.

Luo Sigong was also unambiguous and informed Sun Chengzong of his recent discoveries in Liaodong.

"You mean, there are slave-building spies purchasing grain and grass supplies in Liaodong?"

Stroking his beard, Sun Chengzong pondered Luo Sigong's words.

"Yes, these days, Jinyiwei has basically figured out the tricks of these people. They move every five days, and each time they move at night. They pass by Taizi River, pass Weining Camp, exit Songshukou, and arrive at Weizi Valley. It’s an area controlled by slaves.”

"After ten days of tracking, Jinyiwei's spies have been able to determine that there is a rebel party in Weining Camp who colludes with Jiannu. The most likely candidate is the Weining Camp guard general, Zhao Kailai."

"Can't move for now"

After listening to Luo Sigong's words, Sun Chengzong thought for a long time and then shook his head. .

"Today's Liaodong is not easy to move lightly."

Sun Chengzong said after pulling out a ledger and opening it in front of Luo Sigong.

"I checked the Liaoyang treasury and inspected the armies. Now I am short of money and food. Both the guest army and the Liao army are in a tense state at this time. If I arrest people at this time, if one fails, a mutiny will occur. Right in front of you.”

"Now, the reward has not yet arrived, and the money and food are insufficient. Xiong Tingbi holds the Shanxi, Yulin Emirate Yang towns, and the chieftain's guest army in his hands, so he is relatively less constrained. But now I only have three thousand white pole soldiers in my hands, but it is very difficult."

"What does Sun Gong mean?"

"You first send people to keep an eye on it secretly to see who, especially the big names in Liaodong, are involved."

Sun Chengzong said, took out a map and pointed to the location of Guangning to Luo Sigong.

"The emperor has given me permission to organize refugees to farm in Liaodong, and will also send people from the capital to Guangning to farm. When the time comes, the imperial court will send rewards to Liaodong, and I will ask Xiongdu Division to distribute the rewards and adjust the deployment of troops in Liaodong."

"When the time comes, we'll take a step back."

"it is good."

After thinking for a while, Luo Sigong nodded in agreement.

After traveling around Liaodong for so many days, he also discovered it.

The current atmosphere in Liaodong is, how should I put it, very strange.

At the same time, in Sarhu outside the Liaoyang border wall, this is the location of Nurhachi's current command post.

After the Battle of Sarhu, in order to strengthen his determination to fight with the Ming Dynasty, Nurhachi led his troops to move to Jiefan outside Sarhu City.

Ever since Saerhu defeated the Ming army, the Jiannu army had been here for more than a year.

He now regrets not taking advantage of last year to attack Shenyang City in one go.

He originally thought that after Li Chengliang, Yang Hao, Liu Wei and others left, the Ming army would be unable to fight. To him, Liaoshen was a peach he could pick.

But who would have thought that the old man from Wanli fished a bear manzi from somewhere and put it in Liaodong.Last year, after the Battle of Sarhu, Yang Hao himself did not go to the battlefield. After the conquest army was wiped out, he deployed all his manpower and planned to hold on. In addition, he wanted to annex the Ye He tribe with all his strength, so after taking Tieling and leaving people to defend the city, So he chose to retreat and attack Ye He's tribe.

Nurhachi's attitude at that time was, I don't know what the situation is in Liaodong. Let me, Tianming Khan, see what results you, Xiong Tingbi, can achieve.

Then, Nurhaci paid the price for his choice.

Liaochen cannot be captured.

Xiong Tingbi had served as an official in Liaodong, and he was armed with Shangfang's sword, dared to kill people, and had a good relationship with Zhou Yongchun. When the two of them worked together, the effect was that one plus one was greater than two.

This year, after annexing Ye He's tribe, when he turned around and tried to capture Liaochen, he found that he couldn't win it.

Xiong Tingbi built a defensive front along the lines of Puhe Suo, Fushun Suo, Dongzhou Fort, Magendan Fort, Sanyangyu Fort, and Qinghe Fort.

Then, the strong wall clears the field.

In June, he sent troops from the south of Tieling to attack Shenyang. However, Shenyang failed to reach it and had He Shixian push back in Puhe.

In August, unconvinced, he personally led his troops to break through Magendan Fort, and then divided his troops into two groups, one to attack Shenyang and the other to attack Fengji.

Then, Xiong Tingbi personally supervised the troops to rescue the emergency, and the two sides fought hard on the Hun River near Shenyang. In the end, Nurhaci was first surrounded in Huishan, and then pushed out from Fushun Pass.

Originally, Nurhaci planned to conduct another exploratory attack in September, but news came from his allies.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty was embarrassed again, and there was a quarrel in the court over there.

After receiving this news, combined with the news brought by Fan Wencheng and other traitors that Ming people were good at fighting among themselves, they discussed a strategy internally.

Dajin stepped back in a show of weakness, seeing that the situation on the other side was not tense and that he had defeated Jiannu twice. When Ping Jiannu's achievements were obtained, would anyone want to take advantage of Xiong Tingbi's achievements? Get rid of Xiong Tingbi.

Then, Nurhachi received a piece of news that was considered heavyweight in Liaodong, but for him, it was as bad as possible.

The new little emperor is Xiong Tingbi's backstage.

He directly gave Xiong Tingbi the king's order flag, which meant that the entire Liaodong became Xiong Tingbi's voice.

It's better to go all out to attack Shenyang in September.

At this time, in the main hall, the four great Baylors and the five ministers of Houjin were all present.

The four great beiles are: the great beile Daishan, the second beile Amin, the third beile Manggurtai, and the fourth beile Huang Taiji.

The five ministers are Batulu, who is in charge of military affairs: Eyidu and Anfeyangu.

Zarguqi in charge of criminal proceedings: Fei Yingdong.

Hu Erhan, who is in charge of the attendants.

He Heli is in charge of civil affairs.

Then, as the first item of this meeting, He Heli reported bad news to Nurhaci - there was not enough food and grass.

Today's Eight Banners soldiers have no military pay, and they have to bring their own dry food, armor, and horses to send troops. Weapons and marching rations are only distributed when they go out on an expedition.

Moreover, the Eight Banners soldiers had to pay a head tax to Nurhachi every year and perform labor service for the people above them.

The income of these people mainly consists of hunting when they are not fighting, farming by slaves, and plundering during wars.

Ye Hebu took it down, but that group of people were just like the Jianzhou Jurchens, they were all poor people. There were many people, but not much food.

And attack Liaoshen. Xiong Tingbi's defense this year was so good. Not to mention how much he grabbed, the military rations he spent just made Nurha's flesh ache.

In addition, after he won the Battle of Saarhu, many Liaodong Han people crossed the border wall and defected to him.

The above conditions made Hou Jin's already weak family even worse.

"Khan, I'm afraid our food and grass can only last until April next year."

ps: I can’t code anymore, I owe two chapters, I’ll make up for it later.

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(End of this chapter)

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