My ability is to modify the text description

Chapter 233 The Monkey in the Palm of the Buddha

Chapter 233 The Monkey in the Palm of the Buddha

This inexplicable scene suddenly confused Kyubey.

what happened? Why are they acting so strangely? Shouldn't we feel extremely hopeless?

It was clear that he had just lost everything and was burdened with a huge debt that could crush a person. Why? Why are you so calm?

Just when Kyubey showed his disbelief for the first time, Bai Xiaoli stretched down and said with a smile:

"I see. Is this the last trump card? It scared me, but that's all."

"You can't say that." Du Shiyue hugged Xiao Lizi's shoulders and said with a wry smile:

"If this development continues, each of us will have to bear tens of billions of debts. This is no joke."

"There are tens of billions of debts, but this amount is so beyond common sense that it makes people have no real sense of it, hahahahaha."

"That's right. After all, such a large amount of money can be considered a national budget. I'm quite interested in how they will collect it, pfft."

Qiubi became even more confused when he saw Bai Xiaoli and Du Shiyue talking and laughing easily.

What are you doing? Weren't they still attacking each other just now, in a tense state? Why did they reconcile all of a sudden?

Wait, are they really attacking each other? Don't you think so?

Kyubey is also a devil after all, so he is naturally very good at deception and acting.

So much so that it immediately frowned and looked at Jiang Zheng, gritted its teeth and said:

"You brat, what did you do?"

Among all the people here, if there is anyone who can do things without anyone noticing, it is Jiang Zheng.

After all, Jiang Zheng was the man who killed the "Gambling Demon" Black Jack. He was an extremely rare human being who could hunt the demon in turn.

But because of this, Kyubey had actually been paying attention to Jiang Zheng throughout the game, staring at his every move.

Because of this, Kyubey can say with certainty that Jiang Zheng should have no chance to communicate with them.

But why? Why is this the case?

Why does it feel like they are acting? When did they collude?

That's not right. This is the first time for these five people to enter this game. It is impossible for them to collude outside in advance.

Moreover, during the game, their every move was under Kyubey's watchful eye. How could there be any chance for them to consult together?

Just when Kyubey showed a puzzled expression, Jiang Zhengze stretched out his hands and combed his hair and said with a smile:

"Then I also want to ask, what tricks did you do?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Nearly half of the backstabbing notes in this game were written by you yourself and inserted into them to fish in troubled waters, right?"

".People don't know what you're talking about."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. You don't need to admit it anyway."

Jiang Zheng glanced at Kyubey floating in the air, his tone full of disdain and contempt.

"Your trick is actually very simple. Insert some self-written backstabbing content into the white paper we handed over to trigger internal strife among us."

"Then by adjusting the content of the event grids that will be stepped on when advancing with different grid numbers, the person who backstabs his companions will benefit, while the person who falls behind will continue to suffer."

"When there is only one golden event grid left at the end, let the person who stepped on the golden event grid trigger the overall event, emptying the assets of the person who stabbed his companion in the back, and by the way, the debt of the person who is in debt will be multiplied tenfold."

After casually explaining what Kyubey did in this game, Jiang Zheng sighed, shook his head and said:

"If I were to rate your performance, what do you think I would rate it?"

".What's the score?"

"Zero points."

"Huh? Zero-zero points!"

"As a devil, what you do is not only despicable but also unoriginal. People can see through what you want to do at a glance."

"You! You little bastard! You did this."

"And the most important thing is that from the beginning to the end you had no intention of stopping us from winning the game. You just wanted to make us desperate and increase our debt. This method is too petty."

As Jiang Zheng said, from the beginning, this "Friendship Crush Monopoly" has been a game where the challenger must win.

Under Kyubey's setting, no matter how much debt the five people will owe in the end, as long as someone can reach the end, they can win the final victory.

In other words, this "Between Wind and Flowers" has no difficulty from the beginning, and it is a must-win level for free.

The only question is whether everyone will be divided after clearing the level, and how much debt they will bear.

But this seems too lax in Jiang Zheng's opinion. The concentration and intensity of the malice are not enough, not at all.

"If I were to design it, not only would the player's team be torn apart, everyone would be in huge debt, but they would also lose the game before the last square."

"For example, in the golden grid before the end, design a special event about 'how many assets need to be accumulated to complete the game', so that everyone can lose everything and crawl out crying."

"But what are you doing? You just want the players to fall into despair, but you don't want to prevent the players from winning? I feel ashamed of you just looking at such a half-baked game."

As Jiang Zheng launched a well-founded verbal humiliation at Kyubey, the latter's face gradually turned red and even turned black without even realizing it.

Seeing the "Demon of Love" being lectured speechless by Jiang Zheng, Su Mei couldn't help but whisper to Shen Yunyi:

"I don't know why, but it feels like Jiang Zheng is more suitable for the title of 'Devil', what do you think?"

"Yes." Shen Yunyi also nodded and sighed:

"If this guy really wants to torture someone, he will usually torture them directly to death. Really, I was a little scared after hearing this."

While Shen Yunyi was complaining to Su Mei in a low voice, Jiang Zheng's mouth over there was still hurting the other person all the time.

"You just said that Black Jack is just a scrap from the devil."

"If it's offal, then a guy like you is worse than offal."

"Black Jack was able to deceive me once, and I tried my best to win. As for you,"

Before Jiang Zheng could finish his words, Kyubey, who was floating high above, finally couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a loud scream!

"That's enough! That's enough! You bastard. How dare you insult me ​​to this extent! How audacious!"

Kyubey was a demon after all, and he always maintained a superior attitude in front of humans. When had he ever been humiliated like this?

At this moment, it couldn't help but look at Jiang Zheng with vicious eyes, gritted its teeth and said:

"Although I don't know when you communicated with them and asked them to cooperate with your drama, but so what? Can it change the result? You still have to bear tens of billions of huge debts!"

Yes, although Kyubey felt very unhappy that there was no internal strife on the other side, the result seemed to be no different.

Su Mei is still one step away from returning to the finish line, which means that they will end the game no matter what in the next round.

When this game ends, the debts of over 10 billion on Jiang Zheng, Du Shiyue and Bai Xiaoli will be transformed into entities.

"Such a huge debt is enough to drain all your flesh, blood and bones! I will eat you dry and wipe you clean, so that you can see what hell is! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

As a demon, Kyubey naturally knows how terrible money is to humans.

Not to mention owing tens of billions of huge sums of money, even if the debt is tens of thousands of yuan, some people will die because of it. The debts borne by everyone at this time amounted to tens of billions, and even killing them a thousand times would not be enough to repay them. It was such a terrible situation.

However, when Jiang Zheng heard this, he looked at each other and smiled like a clown performing.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!"

"No way, this guy didn't notice it until now?"

"He also said he was a devil. It's so sad that he was fooled by such a little trick."

What? What hasn't been discovered yet? What does it mean to be fooled by a little trick?

Just when Kyubey felt confused, Jiang Zheng pointed at the asset tag hanging on his chest and said with a smile:

"By the way, didn't you find that the numbers above are not right? Or are there too many zeros on them, and you won't be able to count them clearly for a while?"

Too many zeros? Can’t count clearly for a while?

The moment he heard this, Kyubey immediately took a closer look, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the asset card on Jiang Zheng's chest.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion. 1450000000?

Yes, the assets currently displayed on Jiang Zheng's chest are "-1450000000", which means a liability of billion yuan.

But there is obviously something wrong with his assets, because in the last incident, his negative assets should have doubled tenfold, becoming 1.4 billion.

Why? Why didn't his assets change? The function of the event grid just now should have taken effect, right?

Just when Kyubey was confused about this inexplicable situation, his eyes looking at the asset card were suddenly shocked.

Wrong color, wrong color! The background color of the numbers displayed on this asset card is wrong!

Originally, this special asset card was something like a pendant or pocket watch, but with a digital screen in the middle.

Logically speaking, the background of this digital screen should be translucent, but at some point it turned into a pale color.

And the color looks extremely rigid, it feels like it was pasted on with white paper!

The moment he reacted, Kyubey couldn't help but point to the asset card on Jiang Zheng's chest, gritted his teeth and said:

"You, get out of here, don't you think so!"

"Yeah, I haven't noticed it after such a long time. You should get a pair of glasses."

Jiang Zheng smiled slightly at this moment, stretched out his hand to touch the asset card, and actually tore off a piece of white paper from it!

It's handwritten. The number "-1450000000" on the asset plate is actually handwritten!

Someone wrote this line of numbers on white paper, cut it to the same size as the screen, and pasted it directly on it.

Because the screen on the asset card itself is not large, it is difficult to tell that the numbers on it are hand-applied stickers unless you look carefully.

In addition to Jiang Zheng, the other two people, Du Shiyue and Bai Xiaoli, who were also in debt, also tore off their own handmade number stickers.

I see! These three guys who are in debt actually use digital stickers to hide the true value of their assets?

But what's the point? They have deducted at least more than 3 billion in funds along the way. No matter how you calculate it, it is definitely a loss?

Just as Kyubey was thinking this, it took another look at the real asset figures of Jiang Zheng and the others after taking off the camouflage stickers.

Unexpectedly, at a glance, all three screens actually displayed a number. Zero!

zero! All of them were zero, not to mention the huge debts of more than one billion or tens of billions. At this time, the three of them didn't even have a dime of debt!

How. How is it possible? How on earth is this done?

The moment he saw this number, Kyubey's whole body couldn't help but tremble.

It's obvious that the three of them have been losing money since the beginning of the game, at least three to four billion.

With just the initial net assets of 2 billion, how did it happen that there were still assets left after losing money, and then they were cleared in the end?

It doesn't make sense. Even a three-year-old child can find it very clearly with a little calculation. This is completely unreasonable mathematically.

So after being stunned for a few seconds, Kyubey glanced at Jiang Zheng suddenly, gritted his teeth and said:

"You bastard, you used some special method to cheat and change the asset figures, right?"

"Please don't say nonsense without proof or evidence, otherwise I will ask you for reputation compensation."

Although Jiang Zheng said that, he knew that Kyubey was right and that he had indeed been cheating from beginning to end.

In fact, in the first round of the game, Jiang Zheng had already started designing a cheating plan for the game.

First of all, what is certain is that all event grids in this Monopoly game are controlled by Kyubey.

Whoever the other party wants to make money is allowed to make money, and whoever it wants to lose money is allowed to lose money.

And if Jiang Zheng guessed correctly, the other party should have been planning to burden everyone with huge debts from the beginning.

In this case, just try to modify the range of changes in the numbers. This is easy for Jiang Zheng.

Just when everyone encountered the second money-losing situation in the second round, Jiang Zheng tried to do something quietly.

[Event grid 2: Because I came home too late at night and did not have time to take care of my two younger brothers, I was scolded by my parents and my pocket money was reduced by million. 】

[Assets decreased by RMB 20000000, and total assets changed to RMB 1970000000]

Text conversion ability. Activate!

[Assets decreased by RMB 20000000, and total assets changed to RMB 1790000000]

While making these modifications, Jiang Zheng quietly lowered his head and looked at the asset tag hanging on his chest. As expected, the numbers on it had changed.

The main reason why "1970000000 yuan" was changed to "1790000000 yuan" is that the change in this number is not easy to attract attention.

And while Jiang Zheng was talking, he deliberately turned his body sideways to prevent Kyubey from seeing the numbers in front of him, and at the same time, he was observing the expression of the demon of love.

If Kyubey could feel the numerical changes of the real assets on the asset cards, then he would definitely have a puzzled expression.

But in fact it didn't. Chubby obviously had no sense of the real changes in the asset numbers on the asset cards.

All in all, it can only observe the numerical changes on the asset cards through the eyes, and it may not be able to see them in time.

In this case, it couldn't be easier to hide it.

Jiang Zheng only needs to pretend to think about who to write bad things about when he enters the "backstab".

In fact, he used a pen to write down many figures on asset changes on white paper, tore it into pieces that matched the size of the asset cards, and pasted them on.

Then use the traditional method that deceived the devil last time, just send the plan to five people through the Bluetooth mode of the mobile phone.

The devil is obviously extremely insensitive to the products of modern technology such as "cell phones" and "Bluetooth", which also leaves loopholes for silent communication.

After that, as the game progressed step by step, when the three debtors, Jiang Zheng, Du Shiyue and Bai Xiaoli, ran out of money.

Jiang Zheng used his text conversion ability to convert the three people's funds into positive numbers, and then covered them up with handwritten notes.

This will create a false situation where the five people on the field have no debts, but in Kyubey's view, they owe a lot of debts.

But even so, there is a high possibility that this kind of manipulation done under the eyes of others will be discovered.

Therefore, Jiang Zheng and others still need to stage a wonderful scene of internal strife to divert the other party's attention.

Kyubey obviously likes to watch all kinds of ugliness that human beings show up because of love. In this case, let him watch it.

So as the situation progressed, the conflicts among the five people became more and more intense, and Kyubey watched with increasing enjoyment.

When the devil's eyes are too focused on the quarrels and joys and sorrows of the people, he will no longer pay attention to the changes in the asset cards hanging on their chests.

At this point, a big play was completed just as it was about to reach the end, and everyone in turn teased Kyubey into applause.

Looking at Kyubey, whose face had turned livid, Jiang Zheng couldn't help but smile:

"What? What are you doing standing there? You haven't announced the start of the last round of the game?"

"You Jiang Zheng you!"

"You have to admit it if you lose. You don't need me to teach you such a simple truth, right? Mr. Qiubi."

When Jiang Zheng looked at him with sharp eyes, Kyubey couldn't help but trembled, and his whole body relaxed like a deflated rubber ball.

(End of this chapter)

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