After Gu Yang returned to the main island of Canglong Island, he did not choose to go to the Deacon Pavilion immediately, but went directly back to his small island in the center of the river.

Qin Wujiu and Gu Yang had said that those things would be discussed after he comes back. Now Gu Yang only needs to practice the Five Elements Open Heaven Record well.

Of course, Gu Yang followed this suggestion.

After all, although he has now broken through to the realm of immortality, in terms of magic power alone, regardless of the physical body, he should be among the weakest practitioners of the realm of immortality.

After all, he had just made a breakthrough and had not practiced any killing skills related to the realm of immortality.

After taking a boat back to his small island in the middle of the river, Gu Yang took a short rest for half a day and then immersed himself in practice again.

Sitting at the stone table on the small island in the middle of the river, surrounded by clear lake water and gentle breeze, everything seemed so peaceful.

Gu Yang closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, adjusted his state, and then immersed himself in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record in his mind.

The killing methods in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record are divided into five parts, corresponding to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Each line has its own unique power and exquisite application methods. Gu Yang knew that he needed to start from the basics and understand and practice step by step.

He first focused on Jin Xing's killing methods.

The element of gold is characterized by sharpness and tenacity, and its killing methods are like sharp swords that can penetrate all obstacles.

Gu Yang's mind wandered slowly in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record. Every time he passed a symbol or a chapter, he would carefully understand the fluctuations and operation rules of mana contained in it.

Beads of sweat gradually formed on Gu Yang's forehead. These symbols and passages were not pure words, they were the condensation of mana. Each symbol was like a small magic circle, which required a high degree of mental concentration to comprehend.

Time passed little by little, and Gu Yang seemed to be isolated from the outside world, and his whole person was immersed in the comprehension of Jin Xing's killing methods.

His body trembled slightly, as if he could feel the sharpness and tenacity of Jin Xing's power, and his thoughts were like sharpening on a sharp sword, becoming sharper.

Finally, after Gu Yang's soul completely adapted to the power of Jin Xing, finally, on a blank page in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record, the names of the three techniques quietly appeared.

According to the Five Elements Open Heaven Record, there are three types of gold techniques that can be practiced in the realm of mana.

The Golden Sharpness Technique uses the magic power of gold to attach to the weapon, which can greatly enhance the sharpness of the weapon.

Armor of Steel, a defensive skill with the element of metal, condenses the power of the element of metal to cover the whole body, and can function like a defensive armor.

Similarly, this steel armor is also a prerequisite skill that must be practiced when practicing the Five Elements Skills in the later stage and the Small Five Elements Formation.

Finally, the name of the third Jinxing spell is Feng Xing Wanli.

As the name suggests, this technique is transformed from the power of the golden element into the power of wind through a special method, blessing oneself and walking in the wind.

Gu Yang had already known before that in addition to its own metal properties, the power of metal also had the power of wind, so it was not surprising to see this technique at this time.

After reading the three techniques, Gu Yang did not directly and impulsively choose one or more techniques to practice, but began to continue to understand other techniques of the power of the five elements.

After Jin Xing, the next thing Gu Yang learned about was Mu Xing's killing methods.

The wood element is characterized by vitality and endless growth, and its killing methods are like vines, able to entangle and bind the enemy without even realizing it.

Reflected in the sharpening of his soul, Gu Yang can also clearly feel the entanglement, the endless feeling of vitality.

Gu Yang's thoughts slowly circulated in Mu Xing's chapter, trying to feel the power of growth and how to use this power skillfully in battle.

After a while, the soul adapted, and the names of the same three techniques appeared in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record.

The first technique is called Ten Thousand Trees Returning to the Origin, which is a technique based on the magic power of wood and can stimulate the growth of surrounding plants.

After activating the plant, it can also control its rapid growth and entangle the opponent, making it unable to move. At the same time, it can also suck the enemy's life force from the vines.

Not only that, in Gu Yang's mind, the Return of Ten Thousand Trees is not only a means of attack, but also a way to communicate with nature, able to create a forest of his own in battle.

The name of the second skill is Vinewood Armor. Its properties are similar to the steel armor with metal attributes. They are both defensive skills. They are also branch prerequisite skills of the Small Five Elements Barrier.

The last skill is Breath of Life, which is a defensive and restorative technique.

Through this technique, Gu Yang can use the power of wood to accelerate the healing of his own wounds, and even provide vitality support to his companions when necessary.

Gu Yang pondered for a moment. He knew that each skill had its own unique features and required a lot of time to practice.

But he also understands that as a practitioner, choosing what suits you is the most important.

The return of ten thousand trees to the source stimulates the control of the entangled green vines, the dominance of the battlefield, the defensive power of the vine armor, and the restorative power of the breath of life. Each of these three has its own merits. Among these three, which one should be given priority to practice? Gu Yang Still need to think carefully.

Then, there are the other three lines.

The water element, fire element, and earth element techniques are also three kinds of techniques, one for defense, one for offense, and one for the affinity of the water element. Each one has its own unique charm and power.

Gu Yang realized the flow and tolerance of the water element, the passion and destruction of the fire element, and the thickness and stability of the earth element.

After understanding the practice techniques in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record, Gu Yang did not make a decision directly, but began to immerse himself in practice again.

Gu Yang knew very well that no matter what skill it was, it required enough mana to activate it.

Magical power is the foundation of this stage of practice.

With Gu Yang's in-depth study of the Five Elements Open Heaven Record, his magic power is also constantly improving. He can feel that every breath he takes resonates with the surrounding natural elements, and every heartbeat is synchronized with the power of the Five Elements. .

At the same time, during the process of practice, Gu Yang also devoted some energy to thinking about how he should choose the techniques in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record.

Cultivation is lonely, but Gu Yang doesn't feel lonely.

He knew that every realization and practice was to make himself stronger and to be able to better protect his family and loved ones.

As the sun slowly sets in the west, Gu Yang's practice has come to an end.

He slowly opened his eyes, the five elements of light flashed in his eyes, and his aura became deeper and more powerful.

At this time, he also determined which techniques he would practice first.

It is not an offensive killing method, but a defensive method.

After Gu Yang had an in-depth understanding of the power of the small Five Elements Barrier, Gu Yang made up his mind to practice the five defensive techniques of the Five Elements first.

Before hitting someone, he must first learn to take a beating. With the five defensive techniques stacked together, he can easily be in an undefeated position among practitioners of the same realm.

Not to mention the small five-element barrier formed after all five defensive skills are successfully practiced.

Of course, these are only part of the reasons. More importantly, with his current combat power, the killings currently shown in the Five Elements Kaitian Record can only be the icing on the cake for him.

After all, in terms of combat prowess, even though he had just broken through to immortality, ordinary practitioners in the object-controlling stage may not be his opponents.

Even if you don't consider that a strong man in the air can go up to the sky and into the earth, fight when he wants, and leave when he wants, he can't get close at all. Even if he is a strong man in the air, he has the confidence to give it a try.

In the following time, Gu Yang did not choose to rest at all, but directly began to practice five defensive techniques including steel armor and vine armor.

The first skill to practice first is the armor of steel.

He knew that the practice of this technique not only required profound golden power as a foundation, but also required unswerving willpower. After all, the characteristic of the power of metal is sharpness.

Even for him now, the power of the golden element is a pain that needs to be endured.

Therefore, he chose the quietest corner of the small island in the center of the river. There was a flat boulder there, which could be used as a place for him to practice.

He sat cross-legged on the boulder, with his hands in a mudra, his eyes firm and unfocused.

Gu Yang began to slowly mobilize the golden magic power in his body, trying to condense the magic power on the body surface to form layers of golden light according to the description in the Five Elements Open Heaven Record.

At first, the golden mana flowed on his body, making it difficult to form a stable defense.

At the same time, the flowing power of gold will break from time to time and pierce into the flesh, causing obvious pain.

But even so, Gu Yang remained calm.

He knew that this was a necessary pain on the road to cultivation, so he suppressed the pain with great perseverance and kept trying again and again, adjusting the flow frequency and intensity of the mana again and again until the golden light began to condense into a layer on his body. Thin metallic armor.

At this time, a full seven days had passed since he started practicing the Steel Armor technique.

Of course, neither time nor energy is wasted.

Gu Yang could clearly sense that the defensive power of this layer of armor was astonishing.

At this time, his body seemed to be wrapped in an indestructible layer of metal that even a sharp sword blade could not penetrate.

This kind of defensive power is already comparable to ordinary treasure armor.

And you must know that Gu Yang has just started practicing this skill.

In the future, as he practices, the steel armor will inevitably become thicker and thicker, and at the same time, the defensive power will continue to improve, and then improve.

When the time comes, it may not be impossible to be promoted to the level of a spiritual weapon or even a magic weapon.

After seven consecutive days of practice, even a tough guy like Gu Yang had to rest.

However, after only a short rest for a week, Gu Yang cheered up again and started a new round of training.

Next, Gu Yang chose to practice Vinewood Armor.

The magic power of the wood element is completely different from that of the metal element. What it needs is a feeling of vitality and a steady stream of growth power.

Gu Yang adjusted his breathing and immersed his mind in Mu Xing's magic, trying to feel the mystery of infinite growth.

He seeps his magic into his surroundings, feeling the island's plants and trying to resonate with them.

He then transformed this resonance into defensive power, slowly forming layers of green halos around his body. Each layer of the halo seemed to be woven from countless tiny vines, making it airtight.

Green lines began to appear on the surface of Gu Yang's body. They were like the growth rings of trees, representing strong vitality.

This layer of vine armor can not only effectively resist attacks from the outside, but can also use the magic power of wood to speed up recovery when struck.

As time goes by, Gu Yang gradually masters the essence of Vinewood Armor.

His defensive power is getting stronger and stronger, and he can almost turn his body into an impenetrable fortress without making a move.

Another seven days passed, and then Gu Yang began to practice the water defense technique - Water Shield Technique.

The characteristics of water magic power are flow and tolerance. Gu Yang must learn how to let the magic power flow like water to form water shields that can neutralize the impact when attacks come.

This time, he chose to sit by the quietly flowing river, close his eyes, feel the rhythm of the water, and try to synchronize with it.

As time passed, Gu Yang slowly guided the water magic power out of his body. They flowed around him, gradually forming a transparent water curtain.

This water curtain is like a mirror, reflecting Gu Yang's figure in it, with ripples rippling gently.

He continued to increase the output of mana, and the water curtain gradually condensed into a stronger shield that could withstand attacks from the outside world.

Gu Yang's mana flowed on the aqua shield, and each flow seemed to carve deep marks on the shield, making the shield more stable.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face. The practice of this water defense technique went more smoothly than he expected.

After all, among the five elements, the water element is the softest.

Next, Gu Yang began to practice the fire defense technique - Flame Barrier.

The characteristics of fire magic are passion and destruction. Gu Yang needs to learn how to transform this destructive power into an ability to protect himself.

This time, he specifically ordered his servants on the island to raise a huge fire as his training place.

The jumping and scorching heat of the flames became the medium for him to comprehend the power of fire. Gu Yang began to guide the fire power from his body. They burned around him, forming circles of flames.

These flames rotated continuously, forming a flame vortex that completely enveloped Gu Yang's body.


From time to time, scorching sparks would splash on Gu Yang's body, leaving a black mark, but he didn't even frown.

Although the flames were very hot, Gu Yang's will was extremely firm.

Long before he practiced the fire technique, he knew the dangers involved, but he still did it without hesitation.

Enduring the pain, Gu Yang kept adjusting the distribution of fire mana in the flame barrier, constantly enhancing the stability of the flame barrier so that the flames could be defended without losing control. .

Finally, ten days later, the fire defense technique Flame Barrier was finally completed.

Finally, Gu Yang began to practice the earth element defense technique - Shi Yi.

The characteristic of earth magic power is its thickness and stability. Gu Yang needs to learn how to condense the magic power into a rock-solid defense.

To practice earth walking skills, he no longer needs an ordinary and special place, he only needs to sit quietly on the earth.

Sitting cross-legged and meditating, Gu Yang began to channel the earth magic power in his body. They gathered around him, gradually forming layers of rock barriers.

This rock barrier seems to be a part of the earth and is indestructible.

Then, Gu Yang began to put pressure on the barrier, trying to find the most suitable structure and density to provide the greatest defense when facing attacks.

At the same time, it is necessary to continuously shrink this layer of defense, and finally turn it into a thin layer of stone skin clothes covering one's body.

When the stone skin is compressed to the limit and turned into a piece of clothing, the stone clothing has truly begun.

This time, Gu Yang practiced for a full half a month.

Finally, Shi Yi was completely introduced to the last defensive technique.

At the same time, the five defensive skills were superimposed, and his body became more and more like an insurmountable fortress.

At this moment, a new line of prompts finally appeared in front of his eyes... (End of Chapter)

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