Those years when I hung up and upgraded in the hospital

Chapter 187 Make an appointment in advance

Chapter 187 Make an appointment in advance
Xiao Qinglan now feels familiar to Fang Yun.

Regardless of personality, temperament, knowledge, cognition, etc., he is very generous and generous.

The advantage of this is that Fang Yun is not as tired as when he was in love, and he will feel tolerant, understanding and comfortable.

The disadvantage of this is that Fang Yun will feel like he is dealing with it, after all, he has experienced love.In Fang Yun's memory, Xiao Qinglan was still the young, a little arrogant girl who liked romance.

I don’t know what she thinks of tsundere and romance now.

During the return trip, Fang Yun actually received a call from a director of the Trauma Surgery Department of the Provincial People's Hospital just after seven o'clock.

On the phone, what the director meant was that if Fang Yun was still in Han City, could it be convenient to meet in advance.

This was the only call Fang Yun received. The others only expressed their appreciation to Fang Yun and then hoped to have a chat with Fang Yun.

Fang Yun didn't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. After taking a look at Xiao Qinglan, he politely said that he could go to the department to find the teacher tomorrow.

The director was also a little happy. He made a detailed appointment with Fang Yun at around [-] o'clock at noon, saying that it was just right for them to have a meal together and have an in-depth chat.

After Fang Yun and Xiao Qinglan returned home, while chatting with Xiao Qinglan's parents, Fang Yun also sent a message back to his parents at home, wishing them a happy holiday and waiting until May [-]th, the Dragon Boat Festival. Five, he will spend the holidays with them.

However, it seems that my father and mother went to grandma's house and were playing mahjong. There was a clicking sound in their voice.

It's a local accent, so maybe Xiao Qinglan and others didn't hear the specific meaning. The general meaning is that they are very busy now and will talk about it later.

Xiao Qinglan's father did not ask what he meant specifically, but asked Xiao Qinglan: "Qinglan, what are your follow-up arrangements and plans for your work? Will you go directly to the general hospital starting next month?"

"Well, this is what the boss of the department means. I want the resident doctors to be merged into the general hospital for three years." Xiao Qinglan was a little helpless.

It’s so hard to get an academic Ph.D., haha.

"Three years is a long time, and the hospital stay is not easy." Father Xiao felt a little distressed.

"But it's very training. And as long as I can apply for a project during this period, I can take care of the students. After I get out of the hospital, I can apply for attending treatment. It's actually not bad."

"I'm a little busy, but maybe if someone new comes here, I'll just be the hospital manager."

"The Department of Gastroenterology happens to be divided into specialties. I am just the chief resident of the ward. There is a shortage of manpower. It may only take half a year." Xiao Qinglan looked at his father and explained.

"Okay, there are more rules in the teaching hospital." Father Xiao said nothing more.

Xiao Qinglan's mother cut up a few more fruit plates and brought them over, and warmly greeted Fang Yun to eat.

The three people in the family were all medical workers, but she didn't particularly understand what the three of them were talking about. However, after Xiao Qinglan left, she asked her husband and found out that Fang Yun's current ability was quite excellent.

No less than the attending doctors in Xian City People's Hospital, oh no, some deputy chief doctors may be in trouble in front of Fang Yun.

If her daughter really likes him, then she can only be the mother-in-law looking after her son-in-law.


After a night of silence, Fang Yun slept in the guest room.

Xiao Qinglan's house has four bedrooms and one living room, and the rooms that Xiao Qinglan's parents and Xiao Qinglan live in are almost the same size.In fact, there are many options to choose from for Fang Yun's resting place.

However, Xiao Qinglan and Fang Yun had to set off early the next morning.Xiao Qinglan is still a follow-up resident general. He took leave yesterday, but he has to go back to the department for ward rounds today. Fang Yun also made an appointment in the afternoon.

The four of them went out to spend the afternoon, and Xiao Qinglan's parents sent them off.He also told Fang Yun to drive slower.

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles.Even though Xian City is not far from Han City.

On the road.

Xiao Qinglan said: "My parents still have a very good impression of you. Although they said that your academic qualifications are a bit lacking, they only expressed regret."

"It's okay. This is a shortcoming that has been exposed. There is no need to admit it." Fang Yun got on the highway. There were no car restrictions or toll lanes at the highway intersection, and then turned right and took the road in the direction of Han City. ramp.

"When you meet Director An later, you can express your intention to stay in the hospital in a subtle way and see if he has any advice."

"Logically speaking, the Provincial People's Hospital is currently a designated teaching hospital of the Medical Association, so there are ways to do this." Xiao Qinglan pointed out.

"I'll give it a try. I think they should give me some scientific research requirements." Fang Yun replied.

The two of them just chatted along the way.

Fang Yun just drove the car downstairs of the community and asked Xiao Qinglan to rush to the department by herself. There was no need for her rounds to be delivered to the door.

Because at the entrance of the People's Hospital, it is too difficult to turn around or turn in another direction. It is faster than crossing the road.

Fang Yun returned to Xiao Qinglan's rented house. After sorting out the data for this new meta-analysis, she sent Xiao Qinglan a message about eating by herself. At [-]:[-] About ten minutes later, we set off early.

It's not that Director An is asking for anything from him now. He asked him to meet him just to appreciate it. Fang Yun can't be pretentious.

It is a sign of respect to leave 10 minutes early and arrive half an hour early.

When Xiao Qinglan gave her reply, she had to approve the medical records in the department. After not reading them for a day, she couldn't read them at all.

Xiao Qinglan also took a photo of Fang Yun.

In fact, Fang Yun thinks that this medical record is well written, but maybe the internal medicine department pays [-] times more attention to medical records than the surgical department, or it may be that the medical record room has too high requirements for internal medicine medical records——

The medical record room can drive a physician crazy, but it will never drive a surgeon even a little bit.

Belonging to the absolute food chain.

After Fang Yun arrived at the trauma surgical ward of the Provincial People's Hospital, the security guard at the door stopped him.

"Are you looking for Director An? Then why don't you call Director An? We don't allow people other than patients and family members to enter here." He looked at Fang Yun as cautiously as if he were looking at a medicine label, and he was even looking for Does Fang Yun have a camera or voice recorder?

When Fang Yun heard this, he could only call Director An and explain the situation.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yun saw a tall man with a rather burly figure and powerful muscles appearing in the corridor of the ward. He waved from a distance: "Brother Cao, this is Dr. Xiao Fang. The friend I made an appointment with. Can you let him in?"

The security guard named Brother Cao immediately smiled, nodded and extended his hand to invite Fang Yun in, as if he had special respect for Director An.

Director An, on the other hand, just came out for a face-to-face meeting and then walked into the office again, with Fang Yun following behind.

(End of this chapter)

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