Chapter 68 Goodbye, old friends (please collect and read)

"Director Long, this. Around three o'clock this afternoon, Director Zhong from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital asked me to go over and do a meniscus suture. The patient has already arrived in the department. Director Zhong said that he had made an appointment with Director Chen."

Thursday, November [-]th.

After the ward inspection in the morning, Fang Yun reported to Long Quan like this.

It was Fan Youhua who was on duty today. According to the previous rules, it was Fang Yun who had to take charge of the emergency shift during Fan Youhua's regular shift in the ward.

Under normal circumstances, like the People's Hospital and the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in a county, there is a competitive relationship between fraternal departments. Where is there any precedent for me to let doctors from your hospital come to my place to perform surgery?

Unless you are powerful enough, such as Director Chen Shengwu, an extremely powerful person who can carry out dimensionality reduction strikes, I can do surgeries that you can't do. If you want to keep the patient in the department for treatment , if you are not sure, then you can only ask for foreign aid.

But now that Fang Yun is a small doctor, he has become quite special.

Even if they had made peace with Long Quan and Peng Nanbo before, Fang Yun still had to make a good handover if he wanted to leave temporarily.

At this time, Long Quan chuckled: "Go, go, go in a big way."

The directors of different hospitals in the same place and the same department must know each other.

Whether it was Qian Qiansheng, director of the Orthopedics Department of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Zhong Lihan, the director who was newly transferred from the town hospital, Longquan had dealt with each other.

The sports medicine direction of orthopedics has been developed for many years, but this is the first time that a flower girl is getting married in Long County.

During the secret competition, they all purchased it, but in the past, the superior doctors who provided support and assistance had done it occasionally. Most of the time, they were left in the dust, and the sports medicine surgery had not been carried out routinely.

Nowadays, seeing that except for Director Chen Shengwu in our hospital, the hospital's official articles on minimally invasive orthopedics treatment are published one after another, the orthopedics department of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital is also a little restless, which is only human nature.

In addition, Director Zhong Lihan had known Fang Yun well before and knew that Fang Yun was the chief surgeon, so he shamelessly invited Fang Yun over in private.

After all, we had worked together for many years before, so we didn’t pay much attention to face-saving projects.

As far as Longquan is concerned, the fact that the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has started to invite consultations and surgeries means that the People's Hospital is moving a bit faster than the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.If we put aside the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, this is what Longquan really wants to see.

"Director Long, if Fan Youhua encounters an emergency when he is on duty, I will ask him to call you or Brother Chaowen."

"But there's only one operation. I'll come over and take over after it's done." Fang Yun felt that a clear explanation would make him more at ease.

Long Quan turned to look at Qin Chaowen: "Chaowen, what do you think?"

Qin Chaowen nodded: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Fang, you can go without worry, I will stay in the ward for you today."

Fang Yun went out this time to do cultural export on behalf of the undergraduates of our college. How could he not give him backing support?
When it comes to teaching, when Fang Yun occasionally performs arthroscopy alone, he often lets Director Long and Qin Chaowen play with it. Sports medicine is a novelty.

The master is the teacher.


There are rumors in Long County that the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital will be transferred to the old campus of the County People's Hospital, but no formal action has been taken yet.

Naturally, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is not willing to pick up the leakage. Why did the People's Hospital build a new campus on its own, so we have to eat what they left, still in the corner.

But it has to be said that the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine still has a lot of patient flow.

The county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is not large in scale, but it still has some reservations about the development of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics. Now it focuses on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment.

The county town is not big, so Fang Yun took a taxi and went to the alley in front of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. He walked about 100 meters in and arrived at the entrance of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Only then did he call Director Zhong Lihan.

A few minutes later, Zhong Lihan came downstairs to greet him enthusiastically, with a younger-looking man behind him, about the same age as Fang Yun.

"Xiao Fang, long time no see!" Zhong Lihan was quite sad when they met. "Director Zhong, it's only been two months actually." Fang Yun smiled.Then he nodded slightly to a young man next to Zhong Lihan.

"Du Yong, this is Dr. Fang Yun, whom I have mentioned to you many times before. He used to work at the Second People's Hospital of Long County. How about he? He is a very strong young man."

"Fang Yun, this is Doctor Du Yong. He is older than you. You can call him Doctor Du or Brother Yong." Zhong Lihan introduced each other.

Du Yong is not tall, about 1.7 meters tall, slightly shorter than Fang Yun.

But the whole person is quite strong and has an mature face. He looks to be in his mid-45s and [-]s.

"Hello Dr. Fang, Director Zhong did mention Dr. Fang many times, but I didn't expect that Dr. Fang would become our teacher so quickly." Du Yong's voice was not rough, but very fair, but he was well versed in the world of people when he spoke.

"Brother Yong was so impressed. He just happened to take a shortcut."

"We are just getting started, so we are learning and discussing with each other."

"Director Zhong, let's go see the patient first?" Fang Yun suggested.

"Okay, let's see the patient first, and we can talk about it later during dinner."

After Zhong Hanli replied, he asked Du Yong to introduce the patient's condition.

In fact, it is simple. When playing ball, the knee joint touches the ground, and then ice is applied. After the swelling disappears, the knee joint pain continues. After a visit to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, it was found that the meniscus was damaged during the MRI, and it should be ruptured.

The Department of Orthopedics is on the fourth floor of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The area is not big or small, but it has twenty or thirty beds and is almost full.

The number of patients is even greater than that of People's Hospital.

After Fang Yun came to the bed and did a physical examination, he nodded and said: "McFarland's sign is positive. The tenderness point on the anteromedial side of the left knee joint is obvious. It should be an injury to the anterior corner of the medial meniscus of the left knee. The drawer test is negative..."

After Fang Yun finished replying, Du Yong replied in surprise: "Dr. Fang, your physical examination is just like an MRI. If I hadn't known in advance that you had not seen an MRI, I would have thought that Director Zhong had missed it for you in advance. The sound of the wind.”

Physical examinations in sports medicine are particularly complex in orthopedics.

Some specialist physical examination operations, it is not an exaggeration to say that more than 100 specialist physical examinations are very common.

This is just a specialist physical examination.

"It's better to check the MRI first to avoid other errors and to have a solid foundation when doing surgery." After Fang Yun was not praised by Du Yong, he felt that his level could allow him to skip some procedures.

The patient was then taken into the operating room first, and Fang Yun and the others went to the ward and read the films carefully.

However, after Fang Yun saw the extent of the patient's anterior horn injury, he asked: "This anterior horn injury is severe enough. It is possible that partial meniscus resection is required."

"Brother Yong, have you discussed this direction with the patient?"

"We've talked about it, we've talked about cutting it off completely. After all, we've just received this kind of disease, so we don't dare to be careless." Du Yong nodded.

"Just talk about it, Director Zhong. Look, the injury to his front corner is not a small break, but a loose body. The degree of violence is not simple. If it weren't for his young age, the bone and ligament If it's good, it must be a typical triad..."

Medial tibial plateau fracture, anterior cruciate ligament rupture, and medial meniscus injury are the triad syndrome.

And Fang Yun's mature and sophisticated theory made Zhong Lihan sigh: "Fang Yun, when you were in Li Zhen, you really didn't read those books in vain. I just thought of you before."

Zhong Lihan did not continue talking.

Speaking of which, it was his inaction when he was the director and did not provide Fang Yun with more operational opportunities, otherwise Fang Yun would have grown up long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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