Chapter 82 Monthly Salary: Eighteen Thousand (Please collect and read)

"I'm sorry, Doctor Fang. According to the calculation model of the Medical Association, your current ability is too low. You may need to find another job..."

Fang Yun was in the Human Resources Department, waiting for the staff to print information for her. At another work station, there was also a doctor named Fang. He was called from the clinic to talk to the staff of the Human Resources Department with a stern face.

The implication is, Brother, please go. This is not a breach of contract by our hospital, but a forced intervention by the Medical Association. Therefore, we feel that you are not suitable for our hospital. The State Health Commission and the State Personnel Records Management Office contacted us and informed us.

It's just that this guy also has the same surname as Fang, which makes the atmosphere a little awkward.

Although Fang Yun was not used to such an atmosphere, Director Chi Chanyuan of the Human Resources Department personally received Fang Yun and said enthusiastically: "Dr. Fang Yun, you are very welcome to choose to work in our hospital."

"But according to the relevant academic regulations of the state committee on talent introduction, only graduate students can enjoy the corresponding treatment for talent introduction, so there is nothing our hospital can do in this regard."

"The funds for talent introduction are all allocated from the state's financial resources, so the biggest benefit we can get for you is to allocate it to you according to the top performance allocation coefficient of the attending physician. This is also the director of your department, Director Hu Jun. Opinion."


"This is not written into the contract, but the guarantee in the contract is that Dr. Fang's basic salary will not be less than 1 yuan after joining the job." In order to distinguish his identity, Chi Chanyuan called Fang Yun by his full name.

When Chi Zhuyuan said this, another doctor, who was a bit taller and stronger than Fang Yun, turned around and glanced at Fang Yun's report card.

"Wo Ri..." That's all, and then he was speechless.

Understand what is said here, and the Medical Association will not cheat. Fang Yun's ability is relatively outstanding both in clinical practice and in the assessment of the Medical Association.

Especially after seeing Fang Yun's extremely high theory, he also sighed slightly and did not make any more trouble.

Not only myself, but also the relative of the dean and the daughter of the director of the Health Commission, they all obediently went from the prefecture people's hospital to the county to join the job, so I couldn't be more excited.


"Director Chi, you just said that our provident fund is only [-] yuan a month? Why is it so little?" This is slightly less than what Fang Yun had in the town hospital before.

Chi Changyuan said: "Dr. Fang, the provident fund level of our hospital is generally not high. There is pressure on financial allocation, so the salary of medical staff is the difference, not the full amount."

"Don't worry about this. It's definitely not targeted at you. When you buy a house in the future, you definitely won't rely on provident funds or anything like that, right?"

Chi Yuyuan straightened up his back, feeling very confident.

"Then you go to the physical examination center and tell them it's a physical examination for employees of our hospital. They will give you a package. You don't have to pay. Just go back to work after you finish it."

"In terms of specific treatment, our Human Resources Department can only give you a bottom line." Chi Shiyuan pointed out.

Fang Yun stopped fighting and struggling. Looking at the standard contract, there was no such thing as a contract of betrayal. He only had to submit his resignation one month in advance before he could leave.

Or, if Fang Yun is admitted to the national civil service and enters a normal university in China, he needs to inform him in advance and go through the resignation procedures.

The hospital is a public institution, not a place to sell oneself. In this regard, it has done a good job.The country's laws stipulate that as long as you are willing to study and pursue your future, we will never let you get stuck in this aspect, and you will also need liquidated damages and so on.

Of course, Fang Yun's special plan for rural doctors was an exception before, but now, after the Medical Association intervened, Fang Yun had a chance.

The physical examination package is just that, physical examination, color ultrasound, blood drawing, electrocardiogram...

When he came to the department again, Hu Jun was not there, but Hu Jun had arranged the supervisor's bed for Fang Yun in advance.

They are no longer in charge of beds.

After asking Chai Junye, I found out that Fang Yun already had an intermediate professional title as the attending physician, so Fang Yun would be the outpatient clinic on Saturdays.

Then if there are suitable diseases that can be treated by oneself, they will be directly transferred to their own beds, and the beds can be borrowed. For example, if Fang Yun’s beds are all occupied, then whether it is Director Hu Jun’s bed or Wei Zhaoliang’s, , Chai Junye's bed, or the bed in charge of Guo Jinxi can be placed.At present, the department is not full of patients and there is no need for extra beds. Fang Yun can do whatever he wants.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaojun." Fang Yun smiled, feeling that for the first time, he had finally integrated into the normal hospital atmosphere.

Clinics, surgeries, majors, and articles, these are the things and pressures that a normal doctor needs to consider. What does it mean if you can't see the end of the day like in a town hospital?
After such an allocation, Fang Yun got three beds.

Speaking of which, the Department of Orthopedics actually has a lot of beds. There are 48 beds in total, which is enough for three groups. If extra beds are added, the number of beds will be over [-], which is not an exaggeration.

But the current number of patients is not large, there are only about twenty inpatients, divided into two groups.

Beds 1-24 belong to Director Hu Jun.

25-48 belongs to Director Chen Xuanqi.

There are many beds and many empty beds.

There are no patients in the beds that Fang Yun is currently in charge of. The rest of the inpatients have been divided up by several other people. It is not easy for Fang Yun to intervene at the moment.

The next day.

After the ward rounds in the morning, Director Hu Jun called Fang Yun into the office alone and truly.

"Dr. Fang, this is the arrangement. Director Chen and I have talked about it for a long time. Whoever performs the surgery will get the bulk of the operation fee. The assistant will get the platform fee, and part of it will be given to the circulating and instrument nurses in the operating room."

"There are also some public performances that are distributed according to the comprehensive performance coefficient of the entire department."

"Your performance coefficient will be higher than Wei Zhaoliang, but lower than Lai Yuan and Chai Junye. I'll tell you this up front."

"Dr. Fang, what you have to do is to be good, do your work down-to-earth, and write more articles by the way." Hu Jun spoke to Fang Yun in private, and his words were relatively straightforward.

"Director Hu, how much does our performance usually get in a month?" Fang Yun also asked with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry. Generally speaking, there is no problem if you add a w at the end of your performance." Hu Jun said straightforwardly.

Fang Yun calculated silently.

The basic financial salary is 3000+. If you add 1.4 for performance, wouldn't it be a solid 1.7 to 1.8?

That's right. It's at least three to four thousand more per month than staying in the county hospital.

Fang Yun was overjoyed and said seriously: "Director Hu, I may ask you some basic questions about writing an article later. I hope Director Hu can give you more advice. I am just starting to learn."

Hu Jun is a master's tutor, so he can definitely give him a lot of advice. Now, Fang Yun can not only regard himself as an attending, but also as a student of Hu Jun, asking for advice with articles.

What face do you want?

"It's all easy to say. As long as you put my name on it, it doesn't matter if you contact me for one or two works or whatever. Just put your name on it." Hu Jun also thought openly and patted Fang Yun on the shoulder.

Pass a cigarette.

"I can't! Director Hu." Fang Yun waved his hand.

"Let's learn..." Hu Jun was like a devil.

Fang Yun still left decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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