Infinite war begins with Cao thief.

Chapter 66 Six-Nation Alliance

Chapter 66 Six-Nation Alliance (Please subscribe)

Cars rattled, horses rustled, and pedestrians bent at the waist.

Hundreds of thousands of troops walked through the street pavilion with high morale, but did not encounter any enemies along the way.

Street Pavilion, logically speaking, should be a battleground for military strategists. Han Sui and Ma Teng certainly understand these principles, but at this time, Han Sui and Ma Teng are somewhat beyond their reach.

Han Sui's base is in Jincheng, while Ma Teng's base is in Wuwei and other counties. Although many counties in Longyou had corresponding measures when the Ma-Han coalition attacked Chencang twice before, it cannot be so simple. It is said that Ma Teng and Han Sui occupied Longyou.

In fact, the situation in Longyou at this time was extremely special. There were not only foreign races and warlords, but also many forces loyal to the Han Dynasty. In big cities like Ji County and Shanggui, many officials were still appointed by the imperial court. Under the rule, big families such as the Yang family, Jiang family, and Yin family all admired the Han Dynasty.

But there are also many rebels and careerists.

Hundreds of years of Qiang rebellion have completely alienated the Qiang people. The Qiang people are also the most enthusiastic people about rebellion. Whether it is Ma Teng, Han Sui or other rebellions, they will participate! As soon as there is a rebellion, people and things will come out, and you will be happy when you hear the battle!
  Some small cities, barren lands and even the entire Hexi Corridor are basically under the actual control of some small warlords, Longyou wealthy families, etc. Those who are more powerful will defect to whomever they have.

Generally speaking, Ma and Han have limited control over Longyou.

The tribes of Xiliang are more of an anti-thief alliance united by interests.

In addition, the Liangzhou warlord did not expect that Dong Huang would suddenly send troops, so Dong Huang's other forward Zhang He also had flags lowered wherever he went!
  This made Dong Huang's journey very easy. When he came to the street pavilion, he even leisurely traveled around and paid homage to Zhuge Wuhou in another world.

It was a pity that the talent in Dong Huang's heart seemed to have been exhausted a long time ago. After holding it for a long time, he could not come up with a poem. He could only give up the idea angrily, returned to the queue, and followed the army towards Ji County.

Now Anding has been quickly pacified due to Yang Qiu's surrender. Zhang Liao and Yang Qiu's troops have occupied the strategically important Xiaoguan to ensure the safety of the northwest direction of the army, allowing Dong Huang to cross the street pavilion and head south to Jixian County with peace of mind.

What made Dong Huang feel comfortable was that after passing the street pavilion, he still didn't encounter much resistance. Although there were no rushes to greet people and serve them wine and meat along the way, there was no too fierce resistance. Longxian, Lueyang and the like Dong Huang easily captured the city with only partial generals. The important town of Gui Gengzhi, under the leadership of the county magistrate Yan Wen, welcomed the king's army with great joy.

Along the way, the only ones who resisted Dong Huang were a few Qiang and Di tribes who couldn't clearly see the situation, such as the Pu Di people near Lueyang. And they didn't need Dong Huang to take action at all, so they were cleaned up by Zhang He, and by the way, they added a lot of meat and cattle and horse power to the army!

Sometimes Dong Huang even suspected that Zhang He deliberately wiped out those tribes and robbed their livestock.

There are many tribes who cannot see the situation clearly, and naturally there are also tribes who are interested in Dong Huang.

Dong Zhuo started his career by quelling the Qiang rebellion, and his prestige or notoriety among the Qiang people was extremely high. Dong Zhuo's arrogance led Dong Huang to gain cheap loyalty from more than a dozen tribes and more than ten thousand Qiang soldiers.

In this way, the main force of Dong Huang's army arrived in Ji County in a calm way. Here, what greeted Dong Huang's army was a massive... welcome!
  As the seat of Hanyang County at this time and later the seat of Tianshui County, Ji County is definitely one of the most fortified cities in Longxi. Although it is not as majestic as Luoyang, the city defense facilities are also complete. With sufficient food and grass, it only needs [-] to [-] people. If the elite guards the city, they can hold on for a long time.

However, this city generally loves the Han Dynasty, whether it is the Liangzhou governor stationed here or most of the wealthy families in the city.

At this time, the highest official in Ji County was Wei Kang, the governor of Liangzhou who had just arrived, and his official was Ma Chao's nemesis Yang Fu. They were both officials of the Han Dynasty, and they were not so hostile to the Dong family from Liangzhou, so When Dong Huang came under the banner of Dahan, they all chose to cooperate.

For security reasons, Dong Huang's army took over Ji County. Dong Huang has always had the idea of ​​holding on to Ji County, an important place in Liangzhou.

Dong Huang wanted to enter Yizhou to avoid the possible power conflict with Dong Zhuo, to digest his strength, stabilize his basic base, and conquer famous ministers and generals such as Jia Xu. However, there is no doubt that when he farmed until the end of the mission time limit, In the next year, he will definitely go out to fight in Shu.

At that time, if you need to leave Qishan, Ji County and Xiagui will be the top priority.

The city entry ceremony was brilliant and grand.

It can be seen that Wei Kang and others have put a lot of thought into it. The entire road entering the city has been brand new. There are also some welcoming crowds around. Although they are not beating gongs and drums, they still create a scene of welcoming Master Wang.

The following banquet was also of high standard, with delicious food, fine wine, and beauties.

At the end of the banquet, Wei Kang even gave Dong Huang six beauties to serve him.

Of course, there is a certain element of flattery in what Wei Kang did, but in this era, it was a basic operation to receive distinguished guests and offer beauties. Which wealthy aristocrat's family didn't have hundreds and eighty singing girls, dancing girls, and waitresses?

Dong Huang was quite satisfied with the six beauties carefully selected by Wei Kang. Although they were not as good as Diao Chan and others, the exotic sentiments among them whetted Dong Huang's appetite.

The six women were divided into six ethnic groups.

There are Lu Shuihu, Xiongnu, Qiang, Di, barbarians, and of course Han.

They were each wearing their own national "color" clothes, and they were dancing to themselves, accompanied by several singers and musicians. Although it was not in time, it was very pleasing to the eye.

The dance steps are not very graceful. Compared with Liu Yu, who grew up in the palace, compared with Diao Chan, who is naturally beautiful and good at singing and dancing, and compared with Mrs. Bian, who was born as a singer, their dancing postures are really much worse.

However, this is also understandable. Language communication between different ethnic groups is always an obstacle, and they have not been able to get along well before. Of course, it is impossible to dance such a cheerful dance.

However, dancing does not necessarily mean that you are eye-catching. Sometimes, the more humble you are, the more attractive you are!
  The most attractive part of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe is not during serious performances!
  The worst-looking of the six women were the women from the Huns and Barbarians, but they were still above average and deserved at least a fifth-level rating.

The reason why they appear relatively ordinary in Dong Huang's eyes is firstly due to aesthetics, and secondly because Wei Kang, a woman from these two ethnic groups, is not easy to find, not to mention she is a virgin, so Xiongnu women are somewhat inferior. Her bandy legs undoubtedly cost her a lot of points, but although the barbarian girl wasn't particularly good-looking, her wheat-colored skin and wild attire added a lot to her beauty.

The Hun women wear a short dress made of white fox fur that covers their chest and thighs, and a fox-eared hat. The most attractive thing is that there is a fox tail under the fox fur, which emphasizes the cuteness of an animal.

Manniu from Yizhou wears a short short skirt, barefoot, with silver bells hanging on her neck, wrists, and ankles, and plays a music with her own accompaniment.

The two people twisted their waists, making Dong Huang couldn't help but think of his wife Yan, who was full of wild beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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